Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 490 I've decided on this reward!

Throughout the night, the player looked like a ghost in everything.

It's not enough to guess by yourself, but also crazy @Lin You and Yunmeng:

" @Lin You, come and watch! Your game is spoiled!"

" @Lin You, hurry up, 500,000! Don't let him run away!"

“ @Yunmeng Studio, will it make money? There are so many morons lining up to give you money, so grab it and sue.”


But these ghosts are all fake.

Not only those posts that are purely for fun are fake at first glance, but some of the content that looks so similar that many people have begun to believe it is also fake.

Until the next day, Lin You started to work, and there were several insider posts that were believed to be "true" by a large number of players, but none of them were true.

Those players who believed were simply fooled by the poster.

As for blatant spoilers?

not a single one.

Otherwise, Xiaomeng had already reminded Lin You, so would it be necessary for netizens to summon him?


Lin You's first workplace today is neither an office nor a virtual world.

Yue Pengju drove him to a commercial street on the second ring road of Xiajing.

Here, the employees of the [Virtual Urban Construction Department] have started work early, and four surveying and mapping drones took off at the same time, and are surveying and mapping from multiple angles.

Although Yunmeng has received a lot of preferential treatment in various approval processes, all departments have given the green light.

But in Xiajing City, even with special preferential treatment, it is impossible to fly a large number of drones without restriction.

When He Peng asked Lin You about how long it would take, Lin You replied: "Soon! We have a special algorithm, and 10,000 surveying and mapping drones take off at the same time. It takes at most three days to collect the core urban areas. The data."

He Peng almost smashed his head with a slap!

Ten thousand units! ?

Are you bombing in World War II? !

10,000 drones fly over Xia Jing, which is far more outrageous than the airship!

As a result, things have become like this: each mapping area can only take off at most four drones at the same time.

In order to complete the [Virtual Xiajing] project as soon as possible, the employees had to be divided into eight groups, each group consisted of only two to three people, with a grid-based division of labor and a carpet-like scan.

In the morning, Lin You ran around the working places of the 8 teams and said hello to everyone.

At noon, I invite everyone to have a big meal together.

——After accepting the fact that the pre-emptive version of "Battlefield" could not be handled this week, Lin You suddenly found that time has become abundant again.

This is how people are, once they learn how to smash cans and smashes, they will immediately find that the world suddenly becomes brighter!

In the afternoon, after confirming that all the invitations, air tickets, and train tickets had been settled, and that the player's board and lodging had been arranged, Lin You boarded the virtual office to check the progress of [Virtual Xia Jing].

Due to the needs of sky players gathering, [Virtual Xiajing] adopted the method of "appearance first, interior later" during construction.

All buildings at this stage are empty shells with nothing inside.

Anyway, when the players in the sky are gathering, the players are also flying over 500 meters in the sky. Except for a few magnificent landmark buildings, most of them can only see a silhouette.

An empty shell will suffice.

This empty shell landscape will only be used this time.

Once the sky player party is over, many of the buildings and landscapes will be directly removed.

——Xiajing is really too big. The city of Metropolis and Night City is added together and enlarged ten times to catch up with the entire urban area of ​​Xiajing.

As far as these are still two virtual cities, they have been slowly expanding.

So [Virtual Xia Jing] must be much smaller than the real Xia Jing.

The construction of the "interior scene" will not start until the final building and landscape needed by [Virtual Xia Jing] are determined.

Still start with the public space: ancient buildings at the level of cultural relics, various parks, theaters, sports halls, libraries, museums, science and technology museums, art parks and other areas.

After this part is over, it's time to talk about the rest of the brand stores.

The application of the application, the running process of the running process, and the cooperation of the cooperation.

The first two should not be a big problem, but the latter brand owner has some uncertainties-because Yunmeng does not need to pay for the image, but collects money to help with publicity, which obviously will not be an easy task.

But no matter what the result is, it will not delay the construction of Yunmeng [Virtual Xiajing].

If you can talk about it, you can continue to do it. If you can’t talk about it, you can manually fill it in. Find a similar scene from Yunmeng’s database and fill it in.

If it still doesn't work, delete this part of the building directly.

It's all minor issues.

After confirming the progress in time, Lin You finally felt relieved and returned to the development world of "Battlefield" to continue working on this part of the work.

Anyway, I can't make it this week, so I can't delay it next week, right?


at the same time.

In the world of "Hunter: Call of the Wild", a puma walks leisurely in the forest with its tail flicking.

But he didn't know that he had already appeared in the hunter's scope.

70 meters away, Ah Hu was wearing a camouflage jacket, squatting silently behind a tree, holding a [.270 hunter rifle] in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was pointing at this ignorant cougar.


The polymer bullet with strong penetrating power was ejected instantly, piercing through the lion's chest, severely injuring both lungs in an instant.

The cougar struggled to get up again and tried to escape.

But after only running thirty meters, he fell powerlessly to the ground and completely lost his life.

Ah Hu stood up, let out a long sigh of relief, and walked towards his spoils.

He is hunting alone here.

As an introvert, Ahu has never liked socializing very much.

In the wilderness of "Paradise" before, it was really limited by weapons and physical strength, and he couldn't complete the hunt alone, so he organized a hunting group.

But even so, he always kept the hunting group at a very small scale. Although there were many opportunities to expand the size in one fell swoop, he voluntarily gave up all of them.

Now that the game "Hunter" comes out, with weapons and auxiliary tools, he can completely hunt by himself.

What's even better is that the entire hunting process, from the environment, scenery, prey, to finding, shooting, and chasing, all the processes made Ahu intoxicated.

Especially when hunting alone, walking in the wilderness, looking for and chasing prey silently, in the cool and humid air, one can smell the smell of vegetation and soil in the forest, only the sound of wind, birds, and animals running, And the sound of feet on fallen leaves.

The whole process not only brought an excellent hunting experience, but also made Ah Hu feel the long-lost peace and pure joy.

So since the game was released, he has been obsessed with single-player hunting, unable to extricate himself.

Only one thing can interrupt his hunt, and that is—

"Ahu, come to Dinosaur Island! Someone found a big one!"

This friend communication interrupted Ah Hu's tranquility, but he didn't care to think too much, and asked quickly: "Can you confirm the breed? Take a photo for me to see?"

Since he has hunted more and more large dinosaurs, it has become more and more difficult to hunt a dinosaur that he has never seen before and further advance the [Glory of the Ancestors] series of achievements.

"It's definitely something you've never seen!" My friend swore, "I've never seen such a big guy!!"

While talking, a photo was sent.

Even without any digital signs, and only using the huge trees on Dinosaur Island as a reference, Ah Hu could feel it: this dinosaur is unusually big!

So, Ah Hu no longer hesitated: "Here we come!"

Accept the team invitation, quickly exit the game, and log in to Dinosaur Island through the personal login space.

Afterwards, with the help of the teammate cursor in his vision to guide the way, Ah Hu quickly rushed to the location of the "big dinosaur".

Along the way, more and more cars converged, and soon it turned into a mighty traffic flow.

Obviously, the number of players who are always thinking about the achievements of the [Ancestral Glory] series is quite considerable!

Soon, a huge, deafening sound came from the air, and Ah Hu felt his eardrums tremble.

Turning a corner, you can see smoke and dust billowing in the distance, a giant is running wildly in the forest, and the trees hugging each other along the road are easily knocked down, stirring up even more smoke and dust.

The ground, which was obviously fairly flat, also trembled with every footfall of this giant.

"Fuck!" Ah Hu, who always pays attention to his wording and speaks civility and manners everywhere, also refrained from swearing.

Because this guy is really big!

It seems that there is still a certain distance, but almost in the blink of an eye, it becomes close to the eyes.

Everyone hurriedly dodged, and Ah Hu yanked the steering wheel desperately, only to avoid the fatal kick.

The price was that the entire door, including the right tire, was torn apart by the soles of the dinosaur's feet, and the vehicle lost control in an instant.

Ah Hu jumps out of the car decisively.

When he stood still again, the big guy had already walked a distance of more than 40 meters, and the dense traffic flow was only a mess.

A few unlucky ones, together with the cab, were crushed flat by huge feet and embedded in the ground.

"Fuck!" Ah Hu couldn't help cursing again, "How does this thing hunt?!"

Without heavy weapons, how can humans hunt a dinosaur with a body length of more than 50 meters and a weight of more than 200 tons?

Ahu was still in a daze, his teammates had already chased him in a car, so Ahu boarded his teammate's car and continued to chase.

Don't worry about hunting, just catch up!

By the way, Ah Hu also got some information: "Some boss has identified it, saying that this guy should be [Fragile Amphora]."

Ahu looked at the mess outside the car window: broken and scrapped cars, broken trees, and asked in disbelief, "You said, this thing is called [Fragile] Amphora?"

"I know, it's outrageous." The teammate focused on driving, avoiding the obstacles that constantly appeared on the road, and explained to Ahu at the same time, "But that's what the boss said."

"The original words are: This guy is bigger than a fucking blue whale! It can grow up to 50 meters long. It's not a fragile Amphora. I'll eat shit!"

After finishing speaking, he added a sentence: "Although shit tastes like strawberries in that buddy's "Hunter" world, I don't think he will take advantage of this loophole. He should be absolutely sure. Otherwise, sooner or later he will Being stuffed into the mouth."

Ah Hu opened his mouth wide in shock, and he doesn't know what happened to impact his worldview

But soon, he came back to his senses again, staring at the huge dinosaur without blinking.

[Glory of the Ancestors] series achievements, his progress has come (9/10), only the last one can be completed.

Although there have been posts on the Internet for comparison, there are definitely more than 10 achievements of [Beast Slayer].

However, the achievement of [Glory of the Ancestors] does not require hunting all large dinosaurs, but only any 10 of them.

Therefore, this fragile A. coelosaurus, whether it is really [fragile] or not, must be crushed today!

[Glory of the Ancestors] series of achievement rewards, he decided!

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