Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 495: Annihilation

Xia Yi was full of anger, planning to start pulling people.

The reason why she, an old anchor, can break the defense directly is because her ranch has also been brutally attacked.

Originally, she only invited friends she was familiar with, but there were only six people who came in the end.

Xia Yi thought to herself that it would be easier for everyone to play with close friends, and she would not need to work too hard to coordinate and control the field.

And everyone is familiar with it, and the live broadcast effect will not be bad.

So with peace of mind, he pulled five friends including Xiaomei into the public world to build a house together.

Why the public world?

Of course it was because of how lively the crowd was! Isn't it fun to meet new players and play games together?

That's how she got to know Shuihua in "Journeyman", and everyone became good friends.

But this choice had serious consequences this time——

Under the leadership of Xia Yi, an internal beta player, several friends quickly got started and built the small house before dark.

Because there is a "ranch" as a clear goal, we also deliberately found a water source and built a base along the river.

Then, while building the house, the cattle and sheep pens were first built.

There are also two people who are dedicated to planting, one to reclaim the farmland along the river, and the other to weed and collect wheat seeds.

——Xia Yi, the only one who has participated in the closed beta, is very serious about building houses, but has never studied the game mechanism carefully. She is not a qualified farmer and only farms along the river.

She still doesn't know that one serving of water can open a 9×9 farmland.

The confidentiality requirements during the internal test greatly limited the player's information transmission.

Everyone only knows the little tricks they have figured out, but not others, which is tantamount to scattered puzzles, full of limitations.

Even Super Tomatoes, who are most keen on exploring various mechanisms, have very one-sided skills and are seriously biased.

Seeing her teammates weeding and collecting seeds, Xiaomei asked Xia Yi in confusion, "Why does the grass drop wheat seeds?"

Xia Yi blinked: "Xiao Mei, you have discovered your blind spot."

She found that during the closed beta, she naturally accepted this setting without feeling anything wrong.

Now that Xiaomei asked, she realized: Yes, why are there wheat seeds falling from the grass? Shouldn't it be grass seeds?

But this question did not bother her for long, and soon the night fell.

Although the house has been built and it is perfectly possible to hide inside and not come out, everyone still leaves the house and cooperates to fight the skeleton archer.

In the middle, because they were all novices, 8 people died tragically.

Fortunately, Xia Yi has experience, so she reluctantly killed a sheep, made a bed in advance and placed it in the house, so that everyone could set up a respawn point.

Otherwise, someone will go back to the birth point.

As for why there were only 6 people, but 8 people died tragically...

It was because of an unlucky guy who contributed a total of 5 deaths outrageously.

There are only 4 skeleton archers in total!

This player died an average of 1.25 times, and the whole person was autistic.

After a lot of effort, they quickly dealt with the skeleton archers that appeared one after another. They used the 6 fallen bones to make 18 bone meal, sprinkled it decisively in the wheat field, and harvested the first batch of wheat.

Afterwards, they worked intensively, looking for cattle and sheep overnight, and lured them into the pen with wheat.

——It’s not that they didn’t think about using force before. The problem is that the cow can’t push it at all, and the sheep struggles with great strength. The efficiency is too low, so they have to give up.

Now with wheat, things are much easier.

During the second day, they ran all over the surrounding area, gathered all the cattle and sheep they could see, and lured them into their pens.

The small cattle pen and the sheep pen were crowded to the brim, and the chickens caught on the road were also thrown into the sheep pen.

Before the second night, the first batch of wheat in the farmland matured smoothly.

Everyone only kept a small amount to make bread, and the rest were fed to cattle and sheep.

Then only a few seconds later, one after another, calves and lambs "jumped" out of their parents - this is the way animals produce offspring, which is harmonious, simple and efficient.


"Big success!"

"The miracle of life!"

The six were excited and cheered as their farm took shape.

But at this moment—their happiest moment, the attack, came.

A dozen people took advantage of the darkness to raid their ranch.

This group of people didn't take the initiative to attack them at all, but just waved the iron pickaxe, frantically digging out all the items within the range of vision.

Xia Yi and the others turned pale with fright, and hurriedly made weapons to fight back.

But they were only focused on building, and the weapons they used were still made of wood and stone. Facing a group of terrorists wearing iron armor and holding iron shields, they were completely powerless to resist.

When the wooden sword is chopped up, the opponent will not lose blood, and even the shield will not be taken away!

Totally powerless.

I can only watch helplessly as these people swarm up and destroy their houses, farmland, cattle pens, sheep pens... everything.

But they didn't attack them, and let them watch the home they built with their own hands turn into a piece of white ground.

What made Xia Yi most angry was: the heads of these people were all covered with iron helmets - some of them didn't even have iron pants, but they made iron helmets first, obviously because they didn't want to be recognized by others.

This made it impossible to distinguish their appearances, and they didn't even know who to remember.

As for their names?

[One cake], [Two cakes], [Three cakes]... [One cake], [Two cakes], [Three cakes]...

All the names of mahjong tiles!

You can't put the hatred on the gangsters, can you? !

In the end, this group of people quickly finished the destruction, and before they ran away, they didn't forget to turn around and shout: "Miss Xia Yi! I'm your fan!!"

This voice made Xia Yi completely break her defenses:

"Fan mother! I don't have fans like you!"

"Don't let me know who you are! Or you're dead!"

"Don't leave if you have the ability!!!"

But these people ran fast and disappeared without looking back.

Xia Yi was so angry that her chest was going to explode, she had to find someone with poor mental endurance, she might not be able to retreat on the spot, but she was definitely not in the mood to enjoy the game.

The two girls in the team also flinched a bit: "How about we go back to the personal world to play?"

"No! Doesn't that mean admitting defeat to them?" Xia Yi is not someone who is easily defeated, "I don't accept it!"

She immediately started pulling people in the live broadcast room, and made up her mind that she would never stop until she got a hundred people!

Then, build the house into the sky!

Farms, pastures, and villas are all needed, and there is only one road up and down. Dozens of strong men and women in full armor guard the intersection. She doesn't believe that there are still people who can come to destroy!

And just in case, when pulling people, she still followed the ranking of her fans and pulled people down one by one in order.

Resolutely put an end to bad elements!

Splash, who had already finished school, and Qianzu, who was staring at the disappearing ceiling in a daze, were all pulled over by Xia Yi to make a big splash.

Nan Dong coincided with the meeting and came along with him.

Splash originally wanted to play alone, but seeing Xia Yi's miserable situation in the live broadcast, he couldn't bear it, so he accepted the invitation and came to help.

While pulling people, Xia Yi planned to lay an ambush: "We will only use 10 people to build the ranch, and the rest will hide in the ground to dig mines and build weapons and armor. When these people come again, I will directly Throwing the cup for the number!"

"The army raided out from the ground and captured all these people alive!!"

"After seeing what they look like, kill them all and expose their supplies!"

"Let them know: there is a price for destruction!"

Just immediately, Splash interrupted her daydream: "It may not be possible to ambush."

"Why?" Xia Yi was not reconciled.

"Before I went online, I saw that when you were attacked before, the famous anchors on various live broadcast platforms were basically attacked. Many anchors are like you, and all their efforts have been emptied and returned to zero."

Hearing this, before Xia Yi said anything, Nandong next to her widened her eyes, and immediately apologized to Qianhe in a low voice with a sorry face.

"I'm sorry, it seems that I have troubled you."

"It's okay." Qianhe shook his head, not minding.

In fact, she has long realized that if there is no live broadcast room to guide the way, how can anyone easily find an underground shelter?

"All the anchors?" Xia Yi was shocked.

"It's not all of them." Shuihua added: "There are also some small anchors, whose popularity is relatively low, and no one cares about them..."

"In addition, Super Tomatoes is fine. He assembled a large team of 108 people from the very beginning. He always pushes sideways wherever he goes, and troublemakers have to go around when they see them."

"..." Xia Yi was silent for a moment, but soon cheered up again: "If you can't ambush, then don't ambush, and do our own thing with peace of mind."

Then Xia Yi raised her arms and shouted——

"Friends! Our goal is a large-scale project, which I call—[Sky Garden]!"

"A manor in the sky! All of us can build our own houses on it, and there are inexhaustible, inexhaustible cattle, sheep and food!"

"However, before that, we must dig down first! We need stronger armor and weapons! Only weapons that are powerful enough can keep the fruits of our labor!"

Hundreds of people gathered around here raised their stone picks or iron picks with dignity, and responded to Xia Yi.

These are all loyal fans, of course to save face.

In their own words: When did our anchor get bullied by outsiders?

Thus, the large-scale digging movement began.

People like Xia Yi, Xiaomei, and Qianhe all gathered around Shuihua subconsciously, and they would follow wherever Shuihua was digging...


Among the many anchors, there is a special case.

Ah Yi.

What's special about him is that he didn't build a base at all.

From the moment he landed in the public world, he plucked a few trees, beat up a few cattle and sheep to save some food, and then he began to dig down.

Even the title of the live broadcast room was changed to [Gold Miner].

No matter how you say it, Ah Yi is also an internal beta player, his movements are very quick, and he doesn't have the slightest fear of underground mines.

When the zombies are dug up, you already have an iron sword in your hand, and you can easily kill the zombies by sticking to the terrain, and then continue to dig for gold.

More than half an hour passed, and he had already dug a long way underground.

As a result, when someone wanted to catch him through the live broadcast and send him warmth, they couldn't see where he was at all.

Not to mention the unruly players, the fans who watched the whole process in the live broadcast room, even Ah Yi himself, didn't know where he went...

The second is later.

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