Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 500 Announcing to the Whole Network

Super Tomato successfully packed a big one.

He didn't pretend to be on purpose, the main reason was that there were only about 70 people who came to attack, but there were more than 200 people in his ambush underground, and he couldn't squeeze in even if he wanted to help at this time.

You can only stand on a high place to provide a better perspective for the audience in the live broadcast room.

To a certain extent, it can also be said: he was excluded.

But the audience in the live broadcast room obviously don't think so, everyone just thinks that he's pretending too well:

"Domineering! Invincible!"

"No wonder you had to wear a golden helmet before! Feelings are waiting here!"

"What is a scheme, my friends!"

"When did the person hide? Why didn't I see it? Are you even going to lie to the audience!"


That's right, under the eyes of all the audience, Super Tomato secretly hid an ambush under the foundation of Fengtian Temple.

And it is quite an exaggeration of more than two hundred people! There are more people involved in construction than on the surface!

Originally, this group of people did not exist.

After seeing all the anchors being attacked one after another, and strange players appearing on his side one after another, Super Tomato secretly organized it in his core fan group in advance out of a clear understanding of himself.

Pulling people is also asking your friends to dig holes in the ground, put beds, and pull people.

In the process, the space had to be expanded again and again to accommodate more reinforcements.

In the end, more than 200 people gathered. Everyone waited for someone to attack and waited for a long time. They were so bored that they continued to dig, deeper and deeper, until the foundation of the entire hall was almost completely hollowed out.

This caused many people to stop digging and look up at the top.

They always feel like the ground is going to collapse...

Although empirically, it has been known that buildings and blocks are not affected by gravity, but conceptually, this has not been reversed so quickly.

Fortunately, the "enemy" finally came. When this group of people rushed out of the ground, they were so excited, they were merciless in chopping people up.

Compared to their familiarity with each other, the attackers were pure stragglers, vulnerable to a single blow.

The one who saw the opportunity the fastest was also chased several tens of meters away, catching up and hacking him to death.

In less than ten minutes, all the attackers died suddenly, and none survived.


"Beautiful fight!"

"What are you doing now?"

"Build a house, what else can I do? But underground, is there a bunker or something like that?"


After celebrating for a while, everyone went back to repair the damaged hall, and wondered whether to build some defensive fortresses.

Otherwise, even if you can win, the house will be demolished, and it will be useless to win!


On Xia Yi's side, she also learned from the pain and planned to upgrade everyone's equipment first.

But soon they discovered that iron is really not that easy to find in this place...

There is indeed only a 10-fold difference in the materials needed to arm ten people and a hundred people, just looking at the figures.

However, considering that within a certain range, the amount of iron ore is limited, and when the number exceeds a certain level, it is necessary to dig deeper and farther in order to obtain more iron ore.

So even though the manpower has also increased tenfold, it actually takes longer.

In the end, in desperation, the soldiers could only divide into two groups:

Half of the people continue to mine to upgrade their weapons, and the other half start building directly.

First use dirt blocks to pile up a ladder with a width of three blocks and a height of fifty blocks, and then lay the ground directly in the air to artificially shape the suspended land.

While paving the ground, someone carried water and climbed up with wheat seeds to reclaim the farmland.

——With the opening of the game server, a large number of small skills are being discovered by players, and they are continuously published on the Internet.

New technologies are emerging all the time.

After there are too many people, there is another great thing: a few burly male players will go to "hunt" sheep in groups of four.

The process is simple and rough: find a sheep, surround it, and swoop!

After holding it down, each person grabs a leg of lamb, turns the lamb upside down, and carries them side by side to the sky.

Some people were greatly inspired after seeing it, and immediately formed a team to take action, chickens, pigs, rabbits, everything that can be moved, all moved to the circle in the sky.

As a result, before a crop of wheat in the field was ripe, pig pens, sheep pens, and chicken pens developed first.

Building a house is a bit more complicated. Because it is the first time for many people to build a house, their hands are relatively raw, and the speed is not too fast.

But everyone helped each other, and dozens of small houses were built in half an hour.

It’s not good-looking and gorgeous for the time being, but at least it can put down the bed and the box, bind a resurrection point, and put something.

Every time a house is built, they will insert a sign at the door, saying [XX's home].

With the advancement of the "Home Ownership" program, everyone's sense of belonging to this "sky manor" has increased rapidly.

Of course, after the first day and night passed, the scale of this "air manor" could already be called a floating island.

As everyone's houses were built and their equipment was upgraded one after another, except for a few players who were watching the wind, the rest were scattered all over the floating island, and began to fine-tune their own houses.

Some players suddenly have the desire to create, and they are not satisfied with simply tidying up the house. Even the landscape around the house needs to be adjusted, such as building rockery, building waterfalls, and starting artificial landscaping.

At the same time, one piece of farmland after another ushered in a bumper harvest.

In order to save food, the livestock in the circle should be expanded as soon as possible. Many players would not eat when they were hungry, and stabbed themselves to death without any hesitation.

After waking up from the bed, what to do.

As a result, the cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens in the pen also began to multiply rapidly.

In this way, in a relatively short period of time, Xia Yi's base - Sky Manor, has developed a considerable scale.

And it is expected that this floating island will continue to expand—in the group and in the live broadcast room, there are a large number of fans clamoring to join in, and they will also share a piece of land to build a house.

At the same time of joy, Xia Yi was still a little hesitant, thinking whether to plan the current place first, straighten it out, and then continue to pull people?

But before she could make up her mind, a high-pitched shout interrupted her thoughts——

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!!"

"Enemy attack!!!"

Many players on guard started to shout at the same time, and there was unconcealable panic in their voices.

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

"Copy guy, condescending, with a moat in hand, afraid of a fart!"


Busy players stopped their work and rushed to the edge of the floating island to see where the enemies came from.

Naturally, Xia Yi was no exception. Immediately, she came to the stairs connecting the floating island with the ground.

Looking up, I understood why the players on guard were panicked——

There are too many enemies!

Although the distance is still far away, the ground is already densely packed, like a colony of ants.

Xia Yi didn't have the skills of a general or a scout, so she couldn't guess how many people there were.

But there is one thing she can be sure of: there are definitely more people than them!

Maybe even 10 times more!

The previous joy disappeared in an instant, and my mood fell to the bottom——

If these people rush over, they will definitely not be able to hold on!

This is no longer a gap that can be smoothed out by the advantages of terrain. These people can completely surround the entire floating island, build up slopes at the same time, and launch a siege without dead ends.

"These people, are they crazy?"

"Do I have such a big enmity with you?!"

Xia Yi gritted her teeth in anger!

But she never gave up, gritted her teeth, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "If you are willing to help, just report your ID! There is no limit to the number of people, as many as you come, and as many as you want! After this wave, the house can be built as you want!"

Then he turned his head and said to the team members beside him, "Help pull people! As long as the ID is reported in the live broadcast room, all of them will be pulled over!"

At this time, it doesn't matter whether there is a ghost or someone making trouble!

Soon, everyone jumped into action.

On the floating island, the storm mode is activated!

But even so, Xia Yi was still worried: the new recruits from her side might not all be armed.

If the players approaching quickly are all fully armed, then it is very likely...

Still can't stop it!


When Xia Yi and her team members were flustered, the dense group of players in their field of vision were also looking at the floating island in amazement:

"Awesome! Such a big island in the sky!"

"The key is to have an idea! Before I saw this, I never thought that a house could be built in the sky."

"Is the house the key? Give them some time, can they even create satellites?!"


When everyone was discussing, the group leader [Second Injury] suggested: "Why don't we build a base here?"

"It's also very interesting to be neighbors with them."

"Since they have created such a large-scale thing, it is obvious that they will not be those who specialize in destroying and demolishing buildings."



"The group leader is wise!"

"The group leader is invincible!"


Everyone agreed.

That's right, these people are exactly the players in the [Vortex Forum Players League] group chat.

[Pumpkin Man] Immediately after receiving the group leader's permission, he started to recruit people, and the people who were recruited also immediately followed the registration ID on the cooperation document to quickly recruit people.

With this kind of "fission" efficiency in attracting people, it didn't take long for them to gather more than 1,500 people!

After that, the pumpkin man started to chase the enemy.

Those 14 players who were all in armor and keen to make troubles were instantly dumbfounded when they found themselves surrounded by more than a thousand people.

He didn't make any resistance or struggle, he just stood there obediently and was caught without a fight.

He also sincerely bowed and apologized to the pumpkin man, expressing that he would never dare again.

But the group leader Ershang still didn't give up, and continued to ask them: Do you know any other players who are sabotaging?

Turns out they really knew each other.

The rest of the matter is simple. This thousand-man army is advancing to collect materials and upgrade equipment, while following clues to encircle and suppress these self-proclaimed "destroyers", "return to zero", "environmental protection pacesetters", and "natural guardians" A team.

And invincible!

The enemy either fled in despair, or was captured without a fight, and no one dared to rush forward to be tough.

not a single one.

This is the deterrent power at the legion level!

After killing all the sabotage teams they met and asked, they happened to see the large floating island floating in the air, so they decided to settle here.

The group leader stood on the top of the mountain and pointed to the distance: "From that mountain to that river, including this entire valley and plain, will be our residence!"

"But now, we have more important things to do: we need to initiate another collective vote—"

"【Whether to declare to the whole network: No. 57 public world is a peaceful area, all hostile sabotage is prohibited, otherwise it will be regarded as a challenge to the Legion!】"

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