Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 503 This is Inhumane!

The newly registered [Free Players League] received a lot of attention for itself as soon as the announcement was made, and——

Fierce quarrel!

Compared with the [World Peace Declaration] of the [Vortex Forum Players League], this [World War Declaration] that threatened to "burn the world into ashes with war" is obviously more powerful and more brutal.

The intensity of the controversy aroused was even much higher than that of the [World Peace Declaration].

The war madmen cheered and rushed to [World No. 22], rushing towards a fiery holy war.

Players who love peace angrily denounce this violent act.

But at the same time, there are also many casual players who strongly support this: "It's a good way, players who like melee go to [World 22], then other worlds, aren't they safe?"

Below this comment, many people were opened up by this answer:

"That's right, the players in [World 22] are going to suffer a bit."

"What's the matter with suffering? There's no charge for crossing the world. It's better to leave early."

"But [World 22], can't hold so many violent madmen?"

"Looking at the [World 57] battle report, those who caused destruction were surrounded and suppressed by people far beyond them. So I guess peaceful players should far exceed those who like to fight, and violent madness may be much less than we thought , it’s just that the damage is serious.”

"Then give them a few more worlds, so that they can create each other! I have no objections!"


In addition to these fierce debates, there have also emerged a large number of personal world players who watched from the other side—

"Wow, cowhide!"

"Fight and fight!"

"This game is 200 yuan for you to play, it's a big loss!"

"Wouldn't it be nice to go to the personal world and play with a few friends?"


They chose [Personal World] from the very beginning, playing alone or with a small number of three or two friends. At the beginning, they didn't even realize that this game could still be played.

It wasn't until two announcements in succession on the Internet that there was a big commotion that they realized that this game can still be played in war mode!

While feeling eye-opening, they also began to eat melons enthusiastically.

Those who choose to play by themselves or with a few friends from the beginning, few of them will feel that the big melee is so exciting, and they will rush to fight on impulse.

On the contrary, they are even more unwilling to take risks...

On the contrary, [No. 57 Peaceful World], which is already full of players, makes them more interested.

But now I can't get in, so I can only eat melons on the edge.

There are even some casual players who don't know these things until now. From the beginning of entering the game, they have played the game with peace of mind, indifferent to everything outside.

Princess Zhu Cixia is like this.

After get off work, she was trying to get her sister to play with her.

My sister, like her before, never touched games.

Zhu Cixia felt that she should pull her sister into her camp, and feel how incredible the work she is doing is.

By the way, I can also find something for my sister to do, so that I don't have to advise her every day on how to "take down" Lin You.

Of course, it would be even better to realize how powerful Lin You is by the way!

Sister Zhu Qinglu immediately refused: "I'm very busy and don't have time to play."

But this reason was exposed by Zhu Cixia: "You are obviously very free! When I saw you, I didn't see you doing business."

My sister suddenly became angry from embarrassment: "Isn't it because my mother always urges me to find a boyfriend to marry! Is that what I want to find, and I can find it?!"

It is quite troublesome for the princess to find her husband.

In the final analysis, a man who is good enough is not willing to be restricted by the royal family's rules and regulations, it feels like being married.

My sister doesn't think much of a man who is willing to accept restrictions and receive relevant subsidies and various benefits by the way.

In addition, I didn't bother to look for it in the past few years, and as a result of this delay, I came to the tail of my 20s-29 years old in a blink of an eye.

Now it's not only the parents who are anxious, even she herself is a little anxious.

But the question is: when she was 22 years old, she couldn't find anyone she liked or liked her. Can she find it easily at the age of 29?

After taking the initiative for a while to no avail, Zhu Qinglu quickly slacked off, doing what she should do.

In short: it sucks.

Make do with it, why can't one live alone?

Of course, with this kind of mentality, she definitely wouldn't dare to just tell her mother, otherwise she would definitely lose her ass.

She would not convey this mentality to her younger sister Zhu Cixia.

On the contrary, she has been encouraging her sister to be brave, to take the initiative, and to seize opportunities.

"It's very, very rare to meet someone you really like. Don't think that if you miss this one, there will be another one—probably there will be no next one! So you must grasp this one!"

She didn't worry at all that her younger sister would suffer at the age of 17, and she kept urging her to bravely seize love.

She is the one who is most dissatisfied with Zhu Cixia's slow strategy progress!

Zhu Cixia also felt that her sister was the only one in the family who knew her little secret.

But in fact, she was betrayed by her sister a long time ago, and the whole family knew about it.

Just pretending not to know.

After all, although the daughter looks young, she seems to have graduated from college. In a normal family, marriage will be put on the agenda after college graduation.

Zhu Cixia is still young, it is true that he will be a few years later, but it does not prevent him from falling in love first!

Anyway, Lin You's situation, let alone them, any netizen knows about the same: he was born as an orphan, got a scholarship all the way to a top university, became a classmate with Zhu Cixia, then made a drunken slip of the tongue, and was on a hot search... …

——Everyone knows what happened next.

How about a perfect son-in-law!

If it can be done, it can be regarded as a love that started on campus.

As for marriage, people like Lin You would probably not be willing to accept the restrictions of the royal family.

But it's okay, Zhu Cixia can get rid of the royal family!

In Zhu Cixia's own mind, this is a big deal, but the parents are very open about it: they all see the talent and hard work of the youngest daughter, and the identity of the royal family is more important to the youngest daughter than Instead of helping, perhaps the restriction is even greater.

So they were prepared in their hearts a long time ago.

Anyway, renouncing citizenship is just giving up material guarantees such as subsidies, security, and some diplomatic venues, so you can no longer attend as you should, and it doesn't mean that you have to sever ties with your relatives.

Besides, it is not uncommon for a princess to leave her nationality. There are similar examples every one or two generations.

And with Lin You around, they didn't have to worry about the security issue they were most worried about before—Lin You's security level might be higher than all of them.

After all, no one is willing to attack them - that is equivalent to slapping a big country in the face, and there is no benefit.

But Lin You is different. He has no diplomatic influence, and the income is very considerable. It is hard to guarantee that someone will be spoiled.

Of course, satisfaction is satisfaction. Compared to Zhu Qinglu who wanted to rush forward and lock her sister into Lin You's house, they were much calmer. Rhythm.

So strictly speaking, the whole family is only the elder sister Zhu Qinglu who is most anxious...

In the end, Zhu Cixia used a very beautiful but also very expensive dress to persuade her sister to play with her.

——As a member of Yunmeng's original team second only to Qin Songyun and Xiaochun, and an angel investor in the first Mirage machine, her small treasury has already been very amazing without knowing it, and it is likely that among the current members of the entire royal family, The one with the most money at your disposal.

She was a little bit reluctant to buy an expensive dress for herself, but she was very generous as a gift for her sister.

After her elder sister Zhu Qinglu saw the dress, she immediately "reluctantly" agreed to enter the virtual world with her younger sister.


"How is this world square??"

As a person who has never even watched the trailer, Zhu Qinglu immediately felt a strong "culture shock" as soon as she entered her personal world.

"Let's go!" Zhu Cixia didn't explain, and walked forward with her, and came to a big tree, and then——


Zhu Cixia swung his fist and knocked on the tree, the thick trunk of the tree trembled immediately.

Then the second punch, the third punch...

The elder sister looked at her younger sister's violent operation, and she was a little dazed - she felt that when her younger sister was learning martial arts, she was not so violent...

After a few punches, the tree trunk exploded with a bang, turning into a small wooden cube.

Zhu Cixia put away the wooden blocks, and knocked on another...

After some busy work, he kindly handed his sister a wooden ax and a wooden pick.

Then he said: "Okay, now you have the two most critical props in this game, and you can create anything you want!"

"Ah?" Zhu Qinglu raised the wooden ax in her hand, looked at it again and again, "Just use this? Can you make anything?"

"Yes, yes." The little princess nodded with a firm tone.

Afterwards, she took her sister to pluck trees and dig mines, catch chickens and goats, and had a great time.

My sister was surprised by a sneak attack by a skeleton archer.

Zhu Cixia beat the skeletons to death, made bone meal from the fallen bones, and sprinkled them in the river to "destroy the bones and raise ashes."

The elder sister looked at the walking cow and refused to let go.

Zhu Cixia attracted the creepers who would blow themselves up, and directly blew up the live cows into steaks.

My sister said: "Isn't it too cruel to eat the meat of its friend in front of the live cow?"

Zhu Cixia pulled her sister to squat down and told her: "Then let's squat down to eat, it shouldn't be able to see it."

"Ah? Are you serious?" My sister couldn't understand at all, with a suspicious look on her face.

Zhu Cixia thought for a while and explained: "In this game, there is a standard unit of measurement, [grid]. You should have noticed this, right?"

My sister nodded: "The standard squares are all the same size, and one square is one [square], which is easy to understand."

"That's easy." Zhu Cixia continued to explain: "An adult cow is 1.4 blocks high. When we squat down, it is less than 1 block high, so it should not be seen."

"Ah? Doesn't it look down? Is the cow in the virtual world... so stupid?" The elder sister had a wavering expression on her face.

"No, different game worlds are different." Zhu Cixia explained, "It's just that in this game, I'm stupid. If I'm too smart, it's a bit inhuman."


"Well, not only cows, in "Minecraft", all creatures, even virtual people, are not very intelligent, only have simple behavioral logic." Zhu Cixia explained: "Of course, this is not for virtual animals. and people, but to take care of the player’s feelings.”

Elder sister Zhu Qinglu frowned, not quite understanding.

Zhu Cixia then gave a ready-made example: "Look, there are big bulls and young bulls here, right?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"If a player accidentally eats tender steak in front of the cow mother..." Before he finished speaking, Zhu Cixia shuddered violently and couldn't continue.

My sister even wrinkled her whole face together: "It's okay, I understand, don't say any more!"

This is too inhumane!

And looking at the steak in her hand, she felt that she couldn't eat it at all: "Forget it, I decided to become a vegetarian in the game..."

"Well, I suddenly feel that it's good to be a vegetarian..." Zhu Cixia nodded in agreement.

The example I thought of just now has a lot of stamina!

Thank you book friend ISBN 26755 for the reward!

Thanks to the book friend tail number 42974 for the reward!

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