Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 510 How much do you want to blow up an airship?

No matter what standard Yunmeng uses, it is already a big international company.

Especially now that the number of users in Australia and Europe is growing rapidly, languages ​​other than Chinese have finally reached the point where they are worth using exclusively.

Prior to this, although Yunmeng's games also supported English, Yunmeng's publicity to the outside world has always been in Chinese, and other languages ​​have never been officially used.

Anyway, Southeast Asian countries can basically understand it.

Up to now, we have just started to do some localized publicity in different countries.

Of course, no one cares about this now. The people on the ground who joined in the fun were terrified when they saw the flames suddenly spread and spread tens of meters long.

Especially the members of the security team of Lin You and the princess on the ground, and of course, An Rongyi's personal bodyguards, almost went into cardiac arrest in fright.

——The space on the airship is limited. Of course, it is impossible to take all of them on board. Anyway, there is no danger. The identities of the people boarding the ship are very clear.

Lin You and the princess brought Yue Pengju and Jian Xingde with them. The purpose was not to protect, but to have a good relationship with each other. They brought them to see the scenery and join in the fun.

So when seeing the fire, none of these people on the ground could keep calm.

Fortunately, it was only a false alarm in the end, the flame spread rapidly and then went out quickly, and the airship was still floating steadily in the air.

And when I saw the big word "battlefield", I still didn't understand that it was Lin You who was doing the work.

But in the security team, many people couldn't help but curse:


"Crazy! Playing with fire on the airship! No one stopped him?"

"The person in charge of checking the safety of the airship, what do they do?! Let him set fire to it?! It's a matter of safety, how can he be so indulgent!"

"But..." The person in charge of the security check of the airship felt aggrieved!

This is Lin You's own airship. Isn't it reasonable that he wants to hang a huge painting on it to promote his new game?

They have already calculated the weight of this huge painting, and they are 100% sure that it is far from the airship's load limit, and the flight will not be affected in any way.

At the same time, without affecting the picture, they took leftover materials for material inspection, and confirmed that the materials also fully meet the standards.

That's pretty conscientious, okay?

Lin Youke repeatedly emphasized: "Propaganda posters are very important, and you must be careful when installing them, so as not to damage the screen and affect the visual presentation effect."

In this case, there is no reason to expand the canvas and go directly to the screen to sample and check, right?

They are just the security inspection team, not Lin You's superiors!

Of course, although they were wronged, they did learn a lesson in their hearts and decided to hold a meeting when they went back.

Next time if Lin You makes trouble again, even if it offends him, he must check it out thoroughly!

On the deck of the airship, the passengers didn't know what happened, they could only vaguely hear exclamations from far and near.

I still took out my mobile phone and looked at the moving pictures and videos all over the Internet, and then my face turned pale and I realized what happened just now.

If they didn't see Lin You himself standing calmly on the deck, they would definitely have to say something!

Lin You's calmness is of course not without reason: he has tested the material of this thing several times, and it is absolutely fine.

He was very afraid of death, how could he take his own life as a joke.

As for the players in the virtual world, except for [Xiao Xiaoyuan] who gave up the invitation and didn't board the airship, staring round his eyes and patted his chest in relief, the others didn't take it seriously.

Some people even wanted to look at the huge posters on the airship, and jumped off the deck as if they were going crazy.

In the virtual world, there is also a process of wearing a safety rope, but it is different from the real world: you can also not wear it, and no one will care about you.

And the reality is: almost no one will wear.

That buddy said "Yahhoo", jumped over the guardrail, jumped out from a distance, turned around skillfully in the air, looked at the poster on the airship above, and immediately felt that it was indeed majestic and majestic, much more domineering than the effect of passers-by taking pictures .

It's just that the time was too short, he wasn't close to the buildings on the ground, his body was still in the air, he had already disappeared and appeared on the deck again.

——The surface of the earth is not only a shell, but even the image of the shell, which can only be seen but not touched.

Everyone sees the good guy, won't he fall to death?





One by one, they jumped off the deck and played trapeze.

But after dancing twice, they will get tired of it—only this painting can’t satisfy them!

The thoughts of netizens are obviously the same as theirs, and now they are overwhelmingly posting new news, urging Lin You to "come more! Come more!"

Of course, Lin You didn't just prepare one painting.

In a short time, the airship has already arrived at the sky above the central business district.

This is already the most central airspace that the airship will pass through - the planned flight route does not include the Forbidden City. As for flying over the 600-year-old Chang'an Avenue, such an arrogant thing is not acceptable.

Lin You's face is indeed great, but not to that extent.

Therefore, Xiajing Central Business Circle is already the closest location to the geographical center, and the second round of publicity that Lin You prepared has officially kicked off——

Naturally, the Xiajing central business district will not lack large outdoor LED display screens. In the past, these screens each broadcast some luxury advertisements.

But today, at this moment, all the large screens in the business district, regardless of their size, location, or price, all started playing the same video——the promotional video of "Battlefield" under Yunmeng's money-making ability!

Yunmeng usually doesn't spend money on publicity, but once it does, it must be on a top-level scale.

On the airship, as early as a few minutes ago, all the passengers received a [Bafang] auxiliary headband, and put them on under Lin You's instructions.

There is no way, no matter how big the screen in the business district is, it is for passers-by on the street to see, and they cannot see it.

But with the [Bafang] headband, Xiaomeng can create a big screen in the sky for everyone, so that everyone can get the top audio-visual effect together.

At this moment, the big screen on the street and the sky in the virtual world started broadcasting simultaneously——

At the beginning of the film, there is a short charge, and the camera is so close to the charging soldiers, making the audience feel like they are part of the charge.

But before he had time to get excited, the screen went black, and only the sound of an explosion was heard.

The flames, the crowd being blown away, and the shot of people leaning back under the shock wave.

The camera shakes from side to side, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, like blinking blankly when you first wake up, but no matter which direction you turn your eyes, you will see soldiers who were shot, sparks from bullets, loud noises from shells, and billowing smoke from tanks.

Get up from the ground, in front of you is a comrade lying on the ground, who has lost his voice.

Accompanied by the more tragic, close to hand-to-hand combat scene, the narration sounded——

"If they dare to advance, we will push back."

"Every once in a while, we push, push, push! Until there is a light in the clouds, illuminating the world beyond the war."

The battle in the picture pauses for a short time, and when it comes to the intermission, the soldiers climbing out of the tank, the comrades interacting on the fighter jets, the logistics soldiers who are busy repairing the huge machine room, and the backs of saying goodbye to their families and stepping on the battlefield...

"But every time the trigger is pulled, it's a real human being."

"We are those people."

The music slowly rose again, the intermission ended, and the war resumed.

Shelling, flames, thick smoke, gunfire and charges, in the embers of the fire, warriors fighting hand-to-hand like beasts...

The fighter planes that covered the sky and the sun flew over the battlefield, and the ground was already devastated.

"As long as history remembers one in a thousand of us, the future will be filled with our stories."

"Until that day comes, we will continue to fight."

"We will stare death in the face and fight to the last moment!"

"Fire!" The soldiers shouted at the top of their lungs and pushed down the pressure lever. On the giant ship, the cannons fired in unison!

The cavalry brandished a scimitar and rode across the trenches; from the first perspective, the soldiers charged and shot desperately; the tremor of the tank firing, the flames of the shell explosion were close at hand; Shoot for the sky!

Soldiers charging from the first perspective in the night, tanks whose armor was pierced and burst from the inside out, fighter jets spinning and falling with burning flames...

Behind the melee fighters, the airbags bursting and burning from the airship covered the sky and the sun!

charge! shot! fire!

Machine gun fire, cavalry slashing, tank advancing, fighter jet diving...

The camera switches quickly, but no matter how you switch, there is only war! Non-stop fighting!

At the climax of the battle sound effects, the title of the game finally jumped out - Battlefield!

And, at the end, the classic re-enactment: two nervous faces appeared one after another, each raising their guns.

The foreground is the soldiers who fell to the ground and died, and the middle ground is the ruined wall with only half of the ruins left. In the distance, there is a bare piece of burnt trees and land.

The two soldiers confronted each other with their guns raised in this hell on earth.


——This is the end of the film.

The total length is less than two minutes, but it makes all the players feel excited!

What is a big scene?

This is called a big scene!

In comparison, the scale of the battles in Metropolis and Night City seemed petty.

——No matter how many people there are, the firepower is not enough, and the momentum cannot be raised!

This time "Battlefield" is completely different. Infantry, cavalry, tanks, air force, cannons, giant ships that are visible to the naked can have whatever you want!

The combat intensity is not at the same level at all, and heavy players are already completely excited.

The official account of "Battlefield" has already been registered, but just to prevent leaks, it has not posted news, nor has it been specially certified.

Now I have finally completed the account information and uploaded the promotional video as soon as possible.

And then—the fans skyrocketed!

The playback volume of the promotional video soared even more! Countless players clicked on the video again and again, re-appreciating it over and over again, the more excited they are the more they watch it!

Only the audience on the airship, while excited, also felt a little complicated——

"How much do you want to blow up the airship?"

"If it must be bombed, can we wait for us to go down before bombing?"

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