Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 514 Harvesting the Fruits of Victory

The serious media's apologies and reflections, the blacklisted media's scolding and loss of followers, and even Yunmeng's word-of-mouth reputation has nothing to do with the players of [World No. 6] for the time being.

After watching the video of Super Tomatoes, they clicked a thumbs up, and started to separate a large group of people to find the stalactite mine.

And soon someone found the technique of [mass production of stalactites] on the vortex forum.

The method is also very simple: use the [Dripping Block] to build a pool, and put a water source that continuously gushes out of it, then stalactites will naturally grow under the [Dripping Block].

The speed is not fast, but it is definitely faster than finding thousands of stalactites.

So outside the encirclement of the Obsidian Fortress, [Stalactite Farm] and [Magma Factory] began to appear on a large scale.

Inside the Obsidian Fortress, the Baekje players just couldn't get out of the game, and it wasn't because they were disconnected from the Internet. Look at the [Magma Factory] outside, and then go online to search for information, and soon understand what's going on.

This is a big deal!

Since they entered [World No. 6], they took advantage of their numbers to raid a few waves of indigenous players on this server at the very beginning, which was a bit of a treat.

However, he was quickly beaten up by players from Daxia and Izumo.

In small-scale confrontations, there are still winners and losers, but as long as the number of players exceeds 100, the players on Daxia's side will almost always get a crushing advantage.

A wave of head-on charges, the Baekje players hadn't realized what was going on, and they were already defeated.

The players in Daxia didn't engage in any high-end skills—if there were more than 100 players in a group, they wouldn't be able to do any tricks at all.

The only difference between them and the opponent is that they will subconsciously help their teammates - it's really cool to cut people, but it's also cool to save a teammate's life!

As a result, there was only such a gap, and the stalemate was quickly broken, pushing all the way through.

Later, after being upgraded to the 500-man regiment, a unit using thermal weapons appeared immediately on Daxia's side - [Self-explosive soldiers].

With TNT cubes, rush into the enemy crowd, laugh wildly, and use the move of the world to live together, which can take away a group of people at a time.

The team behind took advantage of the trend to break through, divide the battlefield, interspersed back and forth, and so on, without command, it was completely instinctive.

Izumo players are not so fierce, but their equipment is stronger!

I don't know if it's because the big summer players love to join in the fun, and their equipment has been exploded more. In this battle, they basically still wear iron armor.

With a basic protection enchantment, it is already hard to come by.

But Izumo and his group of players are simply born mining masters and risk-avoiding geniuses.

Armor enchants, quite common among them.

Even multiple component enchantments and advanced enchantments are not uncommon.

The most outrageous thing is: more than forty people with a full set of diamond armor appeared one after another! Highlight one outrageous!

And the diamond armor is a very special watershed - TNT explosives, one blow will not kill you!

Therefore, when forty full-set diamond armor and players with protection enchantments charged with TNT, they were truly invincible! Anyone who sees it will turn around and run!

Baekje players retreated steadily until they had to retreat to the lonely castle, relying on obsidian, which could not be bombed by TNT, to build a defense, and fought a defensive battle against the two forces of Daxia and Izumo.

But as time goes by, this state of being unable to do anything but wait for the opponent to give up makes many Baekje players feel more and more tormented.

Especially after they discovered that the players of Daxia and Izumo had no intention of giving up.

When they saw the video of Super Tomatoes and noticed that the opponent was going to pour lava on their heads, the accumulated emotions of a large number of Baekje players finally reached the critical point, so——

Feeling withdrawn.

They started a heated discussion in the team channel. Some people thought it was time to give up, but some felt that giving up was spineless and scolded others for being cowardly.

The person who wanted to quit was scolded, of course he refused to leave without saying a word, and immediately sprayed back without hesitation, scolding the other party for being a fool, not knowing how to adapt, and he deserved to die.

Some people joined the quarrel, some were excited to watch the excitement, and some took advantage of everyone's attention being diverted and quit the game without saying a word.


After waiting for too long, Daxia and Izumo players were finally ready——

The three attackers held precious diamond pickaxes, and the logistics team, in a group of 12, followed behind with a backpack full of magma on their backs. They rushed towards Obsidian Fortress for Baekje Players!

At the same time, countless teams with similar configurations also launched a charge!

"Dangdang! Dangdang—"

The rapid sound of the diamond pick hitting the obsidian reflected the master's nervousness and excitement.



With a crisp sound, the obsidian cube shattered!

Almost at the same time, there were two crisp sounds of "crash" and "crash"—the other two attackers also completed their tasks.

The obsidian fortress was broken open three skylights at the same time.

"Injecting magma!!!"

The players in the logistics team, who had been ready to go, had already poured a bucket of magma before the sound sounded. When the sound fell, the second and third buckets of magma had been poured down one after another.

In this way, the players in the logistics team did not stop for a moment, pouring buckets of magma until they completely emptied their backpacks.

The enemy did not make any counterattacks, nor did they save themselves. The attacks they expected, or the enemies who broke through the breach, did not appear.

All the psychological preparations were in vain, so that they were even a little disappointed.

"They just died without saying a word??"

Everyone was puzzled.

Looking up and looking not far away, all the teams' attacks were going smoothly, no one was sniped, it was almost as if there were no enemies.


"Damn! These grandsons shouldn't run away?!"

"Can't you be so cowardly? Play a game and still play this way?"

While complaining, they quickly ran to the inner circle, picked a fortress and knocked on the opening, jumped down to have a look, and found that the inside was empty, and even the respawn point (bed) had been removed.

"Damn it! A waste of emotion!" The attacker knocked the floor with a diamond pick angrily, "With this little ambition, how dare you say you want to take over the entire world? Why is [No. 6] so far ahead?"

"I'm still wondering where did they get their confidence? It turned out to be by dreaming!"

After complaining, he hurriedly reminded the members of the big group: Baekje players ran away!

Everyone checked one after another, and finally confirmed: it really slipped away!

With so many fortresses, there was not a single enemy left, and they ran away cleanly.

Big Xia players are very disappointed.

The Izumo players were extremely excited.

Because for the players of Daxia, since Baekje and the gang have escaped, their goal has been achieved.

——Although it is very disappointing, as long as they don't continue to jump and play dirty tactics of returning the carbine, then the team building of the players in Daxia will be over, and they can just disperse later.

But for Izumo players, winning is far from the end!

Going to the Baekje Internet and going back with crazy ridicule is the real victory!

So after the two parties bid farewell friendly, a small number of Daxia players went to Baekje Internet to watch the excitement, and the rest went offline to rest and prepare for dinner.

Izumo players, on the other hand, flooded into Baekje Internet in a large scale excitedly, and began to reap the fruits of their own victory in a real sense!



The anchor [Jin Dongjun] is talking in his live broadcast room, in a serious manner, analyzing the reasons for this failure for fans——

"This failure, the most critical mistake should be that when we made the declaration, we used Chinese characters habitually, so that it was discovered by the players of Daxia and Izumo. If we used our own characters, we would not be discovered so quickly. By the time they realize it, we'll probably have filled up the server! In this way, the number of enemies will be reduced by more than half!"

"Then there is a question of tactics. You should not gather together to engage in legion battles, but you should spread them out and use the team mode to destroy them. You don't want to accomplish all in one battle, but use long-term battles and destruction to wear down the strength of other players in the server." Be patient and force them off this server."

"The final retreat, of course, is not to be afraid. The general situation is over, don't you run away and wait for death? This is called a strategic retreat..."

While he was talking and talking, Jin Dongjun suddenly stopped - a large number of new viewers suddenly began to flood into the live broadcast room!

In the live broadcast room with more than 300,000 viewers, one big jump became 400,000, another jump became 500,000, and then it was still a rapid increase of 350,000, with almost no slowdown.

This sudden increase in speed made Jin Dongjun excited instantly——

‘Am I going to be on fire? '

While excited, he was also a little confused. He didn't understand what was going on, so he stuttered: "What... what's going on? Why are there so many new audiences all of a sudden?"

Facing Jin Dongjun's question, the newcomers immediately enthusiastically revealed the answer for him:

"Fart your mother! Do you really think that no one in Izumo understands your disabled characters?"

"You still have the face to fart here! Squad combat? Squad combat will beat you out of shit!"

"Shameless, and retreat strategically? Strategic ass, a bunch of garbage who can't win and run away, spineless cowards!"

"It's fine if you're timid and afraid to fight, you won't even admit defeat with dignity! Why don't you just leave it here and brag about it? What about your face!"


The massive barrage suppressed the normal discussion of the Baekje audience in an instant.

——The Izumo netizens who set off on the Internet are far more than the tens of thousands who participated in the war.

Jin Dongjun's excited little heart instantly fell to the bottom, and his face became very ugly.

Fortunately, in the live broadcast room, many Baekje viewers immediately started to fight back, cursing back - without even thinking too much.

After all, the netizens of Baekje and Izumo scolded each other, and they almost became muscular reactions.

Immediately, the live broadcast room was overwhelmed with all kinds of swear words, and the barrage was almost impossible to watch.

The housekeepers are so busy that they frantically block Izumo players, but several housekeepers, facing hundreds of thousands of Izumo netizens, can’t block them at all. After working for a long time, the live broadcast room is still constantly cursing and fighting, and the words are getting worse and worse. civilization.

The scope of coverage has also ranged from the anchor himself, to the entire family of the anchor, to all the viewers in the live broadcast room, to all the Internet users in Baekje, and finally, even scolding the national inferiority of all Baekje citizens...

The big summer viewers who were eating melons in the live broadcast room were even a little confused when they saw the Izumo netizens fully firing.

——Many Xia Guo swear words, they have never seen it themselves, but they were skillfully used by Izumo players.

While marveling that it is indeed the quintessence of China, I did not forget to take out a small notebook and write it down.

As the anchor, Jin Dongjun's face has turned green after being sprayed.

He has never hated his education like he does now! Let him understand every word that scolds him without hindrance...

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