The sudden explosion of doubts in the live broadcast room made Ivan Ivanov a little confused.

He didn't understand what was going on, didn't he just kill a horse? As for being so excited?

I didn't play hard before, did I?

Staring at the fast-rolling barrage, after a lot of hard work, Ivan finally figured out what was going on——

"You said, this white horse is not an ordinary horse, but a very rare mutant breed?"

"Let it go to get a particularly rare achievement?"

"And just by discovering this horse, you can make money directly? Can you make money..."

"Twenty-six thousand rubles?!" Ivan's voice rose sharply.

He didn't know that there was such a thing!

Looking at the pure white booty that was completely dead on the ground, just waiting for him to recover, and seeing the unanimous regret in the live broadcast room, Ivan felt a little bit emotional.

But it was no one else to blame, only himself to blame.

In the past, the three major strategic alliances in the world were isolated from each other's Internet information, and everyone was used to paying less attention to external information-after all, it was difficult for ordinary people to pay attention.

But after the war stopped and the Internet in the three major regions was all connected, this partition was greatly loosened.

Although there are still certain thresholds for cross-regional networking and obtaining information, it is much easier than the complete isolation in the past.

But even so, netizens in most European countries will go to America's network to browse.


Very few.

After all, in addition to technology, language is also a hurdle that is difficult to overcome.

This situation lasted for more than ten years until——

Yunmeng started to set foot overseas!

In the virtual world, the language barrier was overcome by Yunmeng with epoch-making magical technology.

On Yunmeng's one-acre three-point land, whether it is in Yunmeng's game, or [Yunmeng Live], or [Yunmeng Game Forum], or [Player Discussion Group], the language barrier has been eliminated.

No matter which country you are from or what native language you use, you can communicate without barriers.

Even through the function of jumping to external links on the panel that comes with the game console, even if it is a different country, as long as Yunmeng has business there, most of the information on the open Internet in that country can be easily browsed.

——This is also a part of Yunmeng's cooperation negotiations.

Although the translation of this part of information is not as perfect as Yunmeng's original experience, it will still be sufficient.

In this way, with the virtual world as the carrier, Yunmeng has opened up nearly two-thirds of the world's Internet world in a substantial sense.

Only America's Internet world has not yet been connected.

With such a convenient tool, different countries, especially countries with different strategic alliances and different language regions, have gained great convenience if they want to understand each other.

That is to say, in the current European countries, the number of users of Yunmeng is still too small, and everyone only uses it to play games and search for game information, which has not caused much sensation.

But in the future, Lin You has no doubt that this [Tower of Babel Project] in the virtual age will definitely become a cause of great importance in the world.

Thanks to this, after Super Tomato and Xia Yi successively posted news about albino animals giving rare achievements, the news spread quickly and was verified by many players time and time again.

Overseas countries, players who are willing to pay attention to the dynamics of the game community can easily obtain this information.

But unfortunately, the rough guy Ivan Ivanov has no such concept.

Many of his concepts have not been updated at all, and he has never thought of going to the Internet world of Daxia to have a look.

And so this tragedy happened.

"How rare is this?" He asked the audience unwillingly.

The barrage immediately told him: "Very, very, very rare."

Ivan opened his mouth wide and was silent for a long time, finally said with a heartache: "Okay, let's go!"

But after recovering the loot, he was a little bit unwilling: "How about I try to look for it nearby? What if there is a second one?"

The live broadcast room is no longer crazy, but turned on the mocking mode:

"No more! Your luck quota for this year has been used up!"

"Wait to rub someone else's! How could one person encounter two in a row? What kind of luck would that be?!"

"Wait a minute... among the players in Daxia, there seems to have been such a person!"


Ivan watched the discussion in the live broadcast room, and his eyes lit up a little bit: "In other words, it is true that after someone met an albino animal, he immediately met a second one, right?"

"Then I will definitely look for it!"

"If others can, why can't I?!"

Ivan happily stepped on the all-terrain vehicle, ready to continue searching for albino animals.

Only then did he notice that the system had just undergone an online update.

Sitting in the car, he clicked on the bulletin, wanting to see what was updated.


In Yelang's live broadcast room, the audience who just poured in also enthusiastically informed him of the news:

"Yelang, read the announcement! You don't have to smell four times as much shit anymore, so hurry up and kowtow to Lin You!"

"By the way, burn some incense!"

"Eat his tribute by the way!"


The Yelang people are not in the world of "Hunter", and they still read the announcement through the external link on the panel.

He found that the announcement mainly said four things:

One: Add a [Real Feces Taste] option.

After selecting, no matter what vote you voted before, you can directly roll back to the taste of the game when it was first tested.

2: Add [Picture Book] gameplay.

Players can enrich their picture books and obtain corresponding rewards by finding and photographing specific plants, scenery, fish and other items.

Plants from tiny moss to tall larch, and even the leaves, flowers, and fruits of plants have their own illustrated books.

The same is true for landscapes. There are separate illustrations for special locations, angles, seasons, and weather.

Not to mention fish, you need to catch them yourself.

Insects are just one item. Considering many people's aversion to insects, we didn't add them.

Not only is there no illustrated book, but in fact, in the world of "Hunter", there are no bugs at all.

All in all, the [Illustrated Book] system has a considerable depth of gameplay, and with the update of the map, more gameplays can be continued.

3. [Hunting Contest] event preview.

Just like the name, Yunmeng is preparing for a hunting competition.

This game not only has rich rewards and exclusive achievements, the player with the best score can also get the title of [Honorary Player] for the next month.

4. Brand new map [Medway].

This Siberia style map under development will meet with players in December.


After roughly reading the announcement, Yelang closed the panel without hesitation—he didn't intend to go back immediately to take some pictorial pictures or smell some shit.

"The hunting contest is definitely going to be played, but it hasn't started anyway, let's talk about it later."

Right now, he has more important things to do: follow A Yi and go to hell.

——That is, the lower bound in the "My World" game.

Because Yelang's previous social death was too serious, he had another wave of social deaths on the airship on Saturday. The stamina was so great that he didn't go online on Sunday.

Not only was he not online, but even his mobile phone was turned off directly, cutting off all information that might kill him.

By Monday, he finally adjusted his mentality and went online again.

But he didn't start the live broadcast right away. Instead, he knocked off the beds of the villagers around him and put them in bags as soon as he went online, and then turned on the live broadcast.

After that, I didn't care about chatting, and went to find A Yi non-stop.

He wanted to fulfill the promise he had made to himself on the airship—to stuff this bed into the heart of the earth!

Although "My World" can't reach the center of the earth, it can go to the "lower world".

Looking at the environment in the lower realm, it looks like the mantle layer, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the promise!

However, his own game time is too short to go to the lower realm.

Although not long after Super Tomato released the video on Saturday, someone released the "Mysterious Portal" video, which allowed all players to discover the existence of the Nether and started a comprehensive exploration of the Nether.

But Yelang was absent the whole time, not even a bucket of magma, so naturally he couldn't build the obsidian portal.

So I asked Ah Yi, hoping to go to the lower realm through Ah Yi's portal, and throw away this broken bed that brought him too many painful memories!

After listening to Yelang's words, Ah Yi rolled his eyes and said again: "Do you really want to throw this bed to the lower realm? Do you hate this bed so much?"

"Yes! Sure! One hundred percent!" Yelang said viciously.

"That's fine! Brother's request, I definitely can't refuse, come on!"

A Yi resolutely brought Yelang to the obsidian-made [Nether Realm Portal], bent down in a serious manner, and made a welcoming gesture——

"Come on! Inside please—"

After Yelang entered, A Yi followed quickly, arriving at the gloomy and scorching lower realm.

Seeing that Yelang was about to throw away the bed, he quickly reached out to stop him: "Why don't you say goodbye to him?"

"Fuck you!" Yelang was furious.

"Okay." A Yi said while keeping away from Yelang, "Then let him say goodbye to you."

"?" Yelang didn't understand what he meant, "Can this broken bed still talk?"

Although he was puzzled, he was too lazy to procrastinate any longer, and after taking a few steps away from the portal, he casually dropped the bed.



An unprecedented big explosion, much stronger than the TNT cube, erupted right at Yelang's feet!

Huge impact and deafening bang sound hit him at the same time!

Yelang's eyes went dark, and he died suddenly. Before he died, apart from the sound of the explosion, there was only a frenzied laughter in his ears——

"Hahahahaha! Awesome!!"

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