Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 545 What, am I stuck?


On the "Battlefield" mall page, the purchase option finally lights up.

In the virtual real estate, a large number of players who have been looking forward to it for a long time are too lazy to look at the price, and click to buy without thinking.

And then there's -- log in!

As always, it only took a few seconds to load.

After that, he fell into darkness, and was pulled up forcefully by a hand.

Opening his eyes suddenly again, he found that he had come to a night battlefield.

But there are fires and gunpowder smoke, gunshots and explosions everywhere, not only does the vision not feel dim, but it feels a little too bright and hot!

There was also a strange sense of exhaustion coming over me.

But there is no more time to think, this is the battlefield!



The painful wailing scared Xia Yi into a fright.

She looked around nervously, and found that she was going through a brutal hand-to-hand combat, and her comrades and enemies were completely mixed together.

Both sides used bayonets, daggers, hand axes, military shovels and even maces, and tried their best to put their opponents to death!

The gunshots, explosions, roars, and screams that were close at hand rushed into her ears.

Xia Yi even saw a person, with one hand pierced by a bayonet, control the enemy's weapon, and then slapped the opponent unconscious with a shovel.

The scene was extremely tragic, which brought a lot of mental shock to her.

But there is no time for her to soothe her spirits!

Just after receiving the surrounding information, there was already an enemy on the right holding a rifle and stabbing her with a bayonet!

Xia Yi completely lost her position and backed away again and again.

But how can the speed of retreat compare with the speed of sprinting!

The next moment, she was firmly stabbed in the chest by the bayonet!

But before she could yell out, the enemy had already drawn out his bayonet and stabbed her chest three times in a row with "poof" "poof" and "poof"!

Without any suspense, Xia Yi died suddenly on the spot in less than 10 seconds after entering the game.

But the game didn't restart. She clearly felt that her consciousness left her body, floated up into the sky, moved briefly and fell into another unconscious body, and then opened her eyes again.

This time she had an extra knife in her hand, so she mustered up her courage and faced the enemy who charged again.


Ah Yi was not as particular as Xia Yi. When he saw the enemy rushing towards him, without saying a word, he turned around and pulled out a stick that was still burning at one end from the burning ruins of the house.

Relying on one inch long and one inch strong, a stick is stuffed on the enemy's head.

Then he rushed to grab the gun, and planned to shoot at the enemy's head!

The battlefield etiquette of returning bullets in hand-to-hand combat, and the fact that shooting in close combat can easily penetrate the enemy and accidentally injure comrades in arms are all bullshit, and Ah Yi doesn't care.

Isn't teammates just for selling? !

It's a pity that Kong pulled the trigger a few times, but no bullets came out of the gun.

—the magazine is already empty.

But it didn't matter, A Yi raised his rifle and planned to stab the enemy to death with a bayonet.

Just a second before the strike, he subconsciously glanced at the enemy, and found that the enemy was actually very young, maybe just an adult, his face was covered with dust and sweat, and his eyes were filled with fear.

This made him hesitate for a moment.

The result was this moment of hesitation, the young man under him had already pulled out his gun from his waist—"Bang!"

A Yi was shot in the chest and fell backwards to the ground, stirring up a large cloud of dust.

"You step on a horse... you don't talk about martial arts!" A Yi left the last sentence bitterly.

After that, he was sent to resurrect without any suspense.


Super Tomato was mentally prepared enough to get out of the sudden attack, grabbed the gun, and then hit the enemy's nose with a hard head hammer - no pain, just so willful!

Then he grabbed the rifle and stabbed the bayonet into the enemy's stomach with his backhand.

Holding the gun in his hand, he looked around. Comrades and enemies were mixed together and fighting desperately. On the chaotic battlefield, he couldn't even tell who was the enemy and who was the comrade.

Fortunately, at this time, in the middle of the field of vision, a line of words emerged:

""Battlefield" is adapted from a real war that happened 100 years ago. 』

"At that time, it was at the climax of the war, and more than 60 million soldiers around the world were involved in the flames of war.

They went to the battlefield with the belief of ending the war and winning.

But in the end, it turned into nameless firewood, burning the flames of war even more intensely.

A hundred years have passed since then, and the flames of war have never been extinguished for a moment. 』

"And it changed our world forever. 』

After these few lines receded, Super Tomato realized that just over ten seconds after he shifted his attention, the battlefield had changed from night to dawn.

There are wreckage of buildings everywhere, embers of fire that have not been completely extinguished, and bare or even completely scorched tree trunks that can finally be seen in the distance. Farther away, both the sky and the ground are gray, and it is not known whether it is fog or smoke.

An officer suddenly rushed in front of him and shouted at him: "We are surrounded, hold the line of defense!" and stuffed a machine gun that looked huge at first glance into his hand.

"Oh, ok, ok." Super Tomato woke up from the battlefield environment full of doomsday atmosphere, quickly agreed, and then quickly followed the officer.

While advancing, he didn't forget to look down at the bolt-action rifle he had snatched in his hand. After comparing it, he immediately put it behind his back in disgust.

Before walking a few steps forward, there was a violent cannon fire, and then, there was a "boom" explosion in front of it, smoke, dust, and rocks flew everywhere.

And - the officer died suddenly on the spot!

Super Tomato just looked silly.

"Why are you gone, sir? How do I know where to go without you?"

Fortunately, the shouts of comrades-in-arms came from the front——

"They are coming!!"

Super Tomato quickly ran a few steps and rushed to hide behind the only half wall left in front.

Through the broken gap in the wall, you can see the rolling chariot, which is being blasted out with a shell!

Before he had time to be happy, he saw the tank suddenly exploded violently, and the violent explosion even formed a large group of small bright yellow mushroom clouds on the roof of the station.

The distance was so close that the ground was trembling, and the violent tremor made Super Tomato feel like its internal organs were about to be knocked out!

But there was no time for him to adapt, and his comrades were already shouting: "They are coming! Free fire!"

"Come? Where? From where?"

Super Tomato held a gun and looked at the thick smoke in front of him, but he couldn't see a single figure, and felt confused.

But at the next moment, a string of rapid bullets shot from the smoke, leaving a long string of bullet holes on the wall, and a dozen pieces of fine gravel directly splashed on his face, scaring him to retreat behind the wall .

The comrades on the side were already shooting back, and the two sides started a fierce gun battle.

Super Tomato poked its head out again, only the burning chariot and billowing black smoke could be seen.

—he still didn't see a single enemy.

"What the hell? People? Who are you beating?"

Super Tomatoes kind of fell apart.

Until I saw the barrage and said frantically: "You should change the place!"

Only then did he realize that standing at this gap, he was blocked by the thick smoke from the chariot explosion...

Super Tomato left here in a hurry, leaned out from the side of the bunker, and his field of vision instantly expanded—this made him finally realize how important [vision] is on the battlefield.

He raised his light machine gun, pointed at the advancing enemy, and fired in one burst.

The sound of the light machine gun, the recoil, and the crisp sound of shell ejection are really a kind of enjoyment.

The only problem is: it can only aim at the machine, and it is not very accurate...

Even though the enemy is only less than 20 meters away, they don't run fast, and after firing a whole row of bullets, Super Tomato only achieved 3 battle results, but the number of enemies seems to be increasing, and the battle line is getting closer and closer!

To make matters worse, under the huge disadvantage of numbers, comrades in arms are dying one after another.

Super Tomato quickly reloads, quickly gets used to the weapon in hand, and the enemies are getting denser and closer, making it easier and easier to obtain results.

The machine gun in his hand kept roaring, and three people rushed out of the crater on the left, shooting them!

Two people ran out from behind the tree on the right and aimed at him, suppressing firepower!

On both sides of the wreckage of the front tank, they rushed out of the enemy at the same time, and the submachine guns fired straight at them, and Super Tomato was shot twice.

He quickly hid in the bunker, changed bombs, and waited...

Sure enough, the next moment the enemy rushed to his face, facing the muzzle of the machine gun head-on!

"Tut chug chug—"

While shooting, Super Tomato moved the muzzle of the gun and shot a deadly line of guns, not only killing the two enemies in front of him, but also killing the three enemies on the right who were about to charge up!

As for the wailing and screaming of the enemy, he couldn't care less!



Reload, middle!

The machine gun in his hand kept roaring, relying on the power of the weapon, he kept shifting between the ruined walls, and began to frantically slaughter the enemies who surrounded them.

The pity, hesitation, and panic at the beginning all disappeared, and he only wanted to kill as many enemies as possible. In just a few minutes, he had turned into a killing machine on the battlefield.


A shell landed only four meters away from the front right, the smoke covered his vision, and the bullet swept past his feet.

But Super Tomato didn't have the slightest fear, and didn't even have the idea of ​​avoiding it. With the machine gun in hand, it fired in the direction of the bullets.

Then came more shells and thicker smoke, which almost obscured his entire field of vision.

The enemy has rushed to a distance of four or five meters, and Super Tomato can even clearly see the enemy's death.

Until a flame spurted out from the smoke!

The flame flew more than four meters in the air, directly igniting him!

"Fuck, what the hell!"

This weapon is too unexpected!

Super Tomato quickly fell to the ground and rolled quickly, trying to extinguish the fire on his body.

But it's a pity that the enemy has already rushed up, standing one meter away from him, almost breathing fire at him!

When the blood volume is emptied, Super Tomato feels that he has been roasted!

Even when his consciousness rose from the ground, he deliberately lowered his head to take a look, and felt that the corpse had turned into a piece of coke.

The next moment, a huge shell fell here, and his body, the flamethrower, and the wreckage of the building were all blown to pieces!

The next moment, his consciousness passed through the dense gravel, quickly pulled back, and came to the further rear line of defense, becoming another soldier in the defensive position.

Even the weapon in his hand has been upgraded to a bigger and more powerful guy - the Vickers MK.I heavy machine gun!

Looking at the first line of defense that was almost completely lost in front, Super Tomato became excited with a heavy machine gun: "Come on! Meet my new friend!"


Lin Shun, on the other hand, was still holding on to the first line of defense!

He is worthy of being the star professional player of [Burning Boat Club]. In this level, he performed extremely well——

Not only is the adaptability super strong, and the new weapons are quickly used, but also the search for enemies, avoidance of battles, and maneuvers are done in an orderly manner, and there is even room to strive for the maximum number of battle results and kills.

This allowed him to persist in the first line of defense for a very long time!

Kill numbers far exceed those of Super Tomatoes.

The Super Tomatoes were on the second line of defense, and started shooting wildly with their heavy machine guns. Lin Shun was still fighting on the first line of defense!

He is not attached to the light machine gun in his hand.

When his comrades were almost dead and wounded, and the enemy rushed up to shorten the battle to two or three meters, which was almost equivalent to street fighting, he decisively threw away the machine gun and replaced it with rifles or even pistols picked up from the corpses of his comrades or enemies. Way to kill the enemy.

Sometimes it's too late to change bombs, so just change weapons from the enemy you just killed.

Superb fighting awareness, shooting skills and the use of the environment made him feel like Yan Shuangying in this square inch!

Just don't die!

No matter how hard you hit, you won't die!

It's just that Lin Shun didn't realize a problem——

This line of defense is set to be impossible to defend... Players will inevitably fail, retreat to the second line of defense, and learn new weapons.

In other words: death in battle is the correct way to advance.

The more beautiful he plays and the longer he persists, the longer he gets stuck...

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