Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 550 The Big Killer That Disrupts the Balance!

Question: How does it feel to be attacked by 23 machine guns and 16 mortars at the same time?

Yelang's answer was: "Damn crazy!!!"

You leave the enemy No. 40 on the opposite side alone, come and bomb me alone?

The first machine gun bullets to arrive were actually not accurate—at this distance, it was impossible to shoot very accurately with the trajectory of the machine gun.

The problem is, there are so many!

Hundreds of bullets are poured over, and some of them must be hit!

In addition, more than a dozen mortar shells exploded above the head almost in no particular order...

At that moment, Yelang saw the Stairway to Heaven!

After returning to [E] point to be resurrected again, Yelang felt that he had to change his mind.

"Snipers are all one-on-one. They are really not suitable for this kind of corps combat. Or... I will try to go to the opposite hometown and steal their butts?"

The audience said: "No! Just go to the big battlefield! We just like to watch you get blown up!"

"Really?" Yelang nodded, "Do you also think going around the back is a good tactic? Sure enough, the hero sees the same thing, let's go!"

Ignoring the barrage of "bah" and "brazen" in the live broadcast room, Yelang embarked on the journey.


Xia Yi, who was in the crowd, felt faintly uncomfortable.

Score scoring went smoothly, but because she is a nanny, she still has the energy to pay attention to the overall situation.

She couldn't provide accurate data, but she always felt that she seemed to be at a disadvantage.

In particular, when she raised the large syringe that can artificially inseminate sows again, and plunged into her teammate's ass viciously, but the teammate didn't jump up while clutching his butt, she realized very strongly——

One's own side has fallen into a disadvantage.

To make matters worse, the next moment, a bullet shot from a distance hit her forehead.

Xia Yi collapsed to death on the spot.

Consciousness flew up again, killing her opponent was also highlighted in red, and information such as arms, names, weapons, etc. also appeared in front of her eyes.

Xia Yi who was about to redeploy when she ran over was suddenly taken aback: This name?

The next moment, she suddenly felt that she was being pulled down forcefully, her consciousness dropped rapidly, and she "fell back" into her body again.

Just before being resurrected, she saw a girl thrusting a huge needle into her left buttocks.

So after being resurrected, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her half-pull buttocks, and rubbed them vigorously.

Just as she was about to take out her syringe again, she found that her equipment had changed—she had switched units with the girl opposite.

Only then did Xia Yi realize: the girl just picked up her syringe to save her, and at the same time exchanged configurations with her.



Before he could finish his sentence, the girl across the street was bleeding from her head and fell to the ground dead.


Before Xia Yi had time to react, another bullet accurately hit her forehead, killing her again.

Consciousness lifted, and the murderer's information was displayed again.

Xia Yi changed back to the medical soldiers without saying a word, redeployed back to [E] point, did not leave the stronghold immediately, but switched the panel, temporarily blocked the live broadcast screen, opened the address book, found Shuihua and began to write text messages——

"Take care of your future boyfriend!!"

After thinking about it, it seemed inappropriate, so I changed a few words——

"Take care of your neighbors! It's too much!!"

"Don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, even for your sake, he can't kill me twice in 3 seconds?? I don't want face?!"

After sending the text message, Xia Yi angrily closed the panel and resumed the live broadcast screen.


In Yunmeng's virtual office, some employees had already noticed the battle, and they were discussing with each other in surprise at the moment: "Is it such a coincidence? So many anchors lined up for the same game?"

Lin You has efficiently completed the adjustment of the teaching levels, and now he raised his head to look at the live broadcast room.

Then he decisively looked at Xiaomeng who was sitting beside him, and asked with his eyes: Did Xiaomeng do it?

Xiaomeng smiled at Lin You.

Obviously, this is exactly what she wrote.

Lin You didn't say much, rubbed her pink head, and started to work on the next modification.


In the Sinai Desert, the camps of Xia Yi, A Yi and Ye Lang have fallen into a clear disadvantage.

The opponent has more medical soldiers than them, mortars bombard each other, and the battle damage on the opposite side is smaller than them.

In terms of field of vision, the difference between the two sides is not too much, but the opponent has sharpshooters, and Lin Shun is not the only one. They frantically call names on the battlefield, and the killing efficiency is amazing.

Xia Yi even received a text message from Shuihua——

[I asked Lin Shun, he said he didn't notice it was you, it was too far away to see clearly...]

[But I warned him! He won't target you next time. ]

——It’s not a competition, it’s just playing games, Splash has no psychological burden at all.

[In addition, he was matched with his teammates. In this game, their main team and auxiliary team together, 10 people came in. ]

[Come on! ]

Looking at Shuihua's series of text messages, especially the relaxed "Come on" at the end, Xia Yi felt speechless.

"Is this thing something that can be done with refueling?"

"My god! If I am guilty, please let the law punish me! Instead of letting me collide with the [Burning Boat Club] main team + vice team in the first game!"

"I just said why the other side is moving so fast, is [Fen Zhou] directing it?!"

"This can be played?!"


On the other side, Ah Yi was also wailing: "I can't take it anymore! Please! Let me have some nanny!"

Faced with his wailing, the audience in the live broadcast room were all repeating what he said before the fight——

"Who is a serious person playing with a nanny?"

"Can breathe and return blood, what nurse do you want? Is it a waste of firepower?"


A Yi was so stunned that he was speechless, so he could only act out and apologize on the spot.

In this way, the Ottoman Empire camp they were in was undoubtedly at a huge disadvantage when they were suppressed across the board in terms of "number of medical soldiers", "scout marksmanship", "support force command" and so on.

Fortunately, not all the opponents are masters. After removing [Fen Zhou], there are still 50 people who are pure casual people!

——Otherwise, there would not be more than forty support soldiers bombing each other with them.

Obviously, these undisciplined people are willing to obey the command of [Burning Boat Club] masters to a certain extent, but they also have their own ideas and ways of playing.

This led to Xia Yi and A Yi's side, although the players were at a disadvantage, they were not completely useless, and they could also get a lot of kills and bonus points.

At the same time, they are also frustrated, constantly learning and adjusting, and changing their style of play little by little:

The number of medical soldiers gradually increased, and the despised assault soldiers finally got a chance to play—albeit in the form of a death charge.

Standing still, the behavior of head-on attacks became less and less, and smoke bombs began to fill the battlefield.

In the middle, they took the risk of dividing up their troops and took down the distant [G] point.

The speed at which the points of the two sides are pulled apart has begun to slow down...


On Yelang's side, the tactic of taking a detour to steal the house, after being named and killed by the sharpshooter three times in a row, he angrily chose a route farther outside.

——Even passing by the [G] point that was occupied by the opponent at the time and was empty, I just passed by as if I didn’t see it.

This helped him successfully bypass the enemy's sniper attack, without any obstruction, and smoothly touched near [C].

It's just that when he was about to climb up to a high point to shoot a black gun, he suddenly stepped on a soft thing.

Looking down, he happened to meet the opponent who was lying on the ground and turning over to look over.

The two of them blinked, both in a moment of bewilderment.

The next moment, the opponent quickly raised his gun, but was kicked away by Yelang, followed by a stab in the waist.

Fearing that the opponent would not die, Yelang drew out the knife and stabbed the opponent's other waist with another knife.

Now you can guarantee that you will die thoroughly!

Afterwards, he carefully observed his surroundings, only to realize that his vision and hearing were severely disturbed by the continuous sound of mortar bombing, as well as drifting smoke bombs and dust, so that he didn't realize that he ran Into the scout's lair!

There were four butts facing him right in front of him, and there was even a person lying on the edge of the crater he ran over just now!

Even now, he stabbed a person to death at such a close distance, that person still kept his eyes on the gun, aiming at the distant battlefield.

Yelang complained to the audience speechlessly: "First of all, I have to admit: my static vision may not be very good..."

"But brother, you are so blind, isn't it too much?"

He didn't immediately rush up to startle the snake, but got down on the spot and started calling the team members: "Brothers! Look at my position! Come and steal my ass!"

As soon as the words fell, a teammate redeployed beside him, and then the second, third, and fourth, and in a blink of an eye, five people gathered together!

Such a big movement finally attracted the opponent's attention, but facing three assault soldiers, one medical soldier, and one scout attacking at the same time, there was no way to recover!

Five people shot at the same time, killing four opponents in a blink of an eye, and then sent a signal to the building, lighting up two targets.

Get rid of it and occupy it in one go.

The opposite party finally realized that the stronghold was stolen, and quickly retreated, trying to regain this point.

Standing on the top of the two-story building, Yelang watched the enemies rushing from a distance, and warned his teammates: "Get ready! There is a big wave of people coming!"

Although most of them won't be able to beat the opponent, but if you can delay for a second, it is a second. It is best to drag more teammates to support!

It was just that Yelang had just finished speaking when he suddenly heard a huge siren that resounded throughout the desert.

He suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, and found that a huge armored train was actually driving out on the railroad track that he thought was just an environmental decoration!

This gigantic steel behemoth drove out of its hometown with the sound of its whistle resounding throughout the desert and billowing thick smoke.

Wrapped in thick steel armor, mortars, anti-tank guns, heavy machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, and high-explosive machine guns stick out of the car body one by one, and they are undoubtedly armed to the teeth!

Just by looking at it from a distance, you can be sure that this thing is a big killer!

And Yelang opened the deployment page, and was surprised to find that this big weapon that disrupted the balance was actually...

own home? !

"Does this mean that we played so badly that the system can't stand it anymore?"

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