Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 553 The flames of war are burning!

British players use English, and Ottoman Republic players use Ottoman Turkish.

If the two sides can't understand each other and just play games, then it's not a big problem.

After all, there are no more than 30 million Mirage hosts in the entire Europe.

——Last week, Yunmeng delivered 20 million units to European partners, and a small number of users paid high shipping costs and purchased directly from Yunmeng.

If you can buy a mirage at this time, it is not an exaggeration for everyone to say "good friends".

The bad thing is: Yunmeng's technology is too strong, and the native languages ​​of both sides can be translated in real time, so that everyone can understand.

So the conflict happened.

No one could tell which side was the first to burst out with foul language. Anyway, before the middle game was reached, the two sides started shooting at each other and spamming each other with trash talk.

Then, a player on the British side took the lead in firing the map gun on religion.

As for the Ottoman Republic, although it is now a secular country, its predecessor, the Ottoman Empire, was a serious and purely religious country.

The restructured Ottoman Republic is indeed a secular state in name.

However, in a country where 99% of its citizens believe in the same religion and the other 1% believe in other religions, no matter how secular it is, it is impossible for it to be indifferent to the insult of its beliefs.

Not only that, British players actually dared to say: the black tea from the Ottoman Republic is not authentic at all, without the slightest style, it is a waste of tea!

He even suggested that they come to England to learn: "How do the upper class drink black tea?"

There is no doubt that the players of the Ottoman Republic were completely blown away!

In the following battles, they were not even satisfied with long-distance confrontation. They charged upwards one by one, stabbing those who could be stabbed to death with knives, and never using bullets!

Of course, it is best to be bombarded to death with tanks!

If both parties have sufficient command and execution capabilities, then this state of "losing their minds" is likely to become a disadvantage.

But now that both parties are unattached people, it's a completely different look——

The players of the Ottoman Republic, one by one, wished to tear the British players on the opposite side alive. They were truly fearless and brave.

The British players, who were already somewhat disadvantaged, were hit head-on on the spot, suppressed by the fierce offensive firepower, unable to hold their heads up, and began to retreat steadily.

But even so, they are not forgiving.

When Ottoman Assault players rushed in with explosives and anti-tank grenades to attack the stronghold, they still did not forget to taunt loudly: "You must be very religious if you play human bombs so smoothly?!"

After hearing this, not only the players of the Ottoman Republic on the battlefield were going to be blown up, but also the audience of the Ottoman Republic who watched the live broadcast couldn't stand it anymore and started yelling.

They not only scolded in their own live broadcast room, but also rushed to the live broadcast room of the British anchor to scold the British guy.

The British anchor is actually a bit confused.

Dan is a public figure after all, and certainly wouldn't do something like this -- at least not in public.

He just played with a few fans, and formed a six-member team together, and chose the [National War] mode together to experience a 200-person battlefield.

But now, he wished he could kill himself with a big ear scraper!

Can't you play a good game? Why do you have to be nervous to play [National War]?

Now it's all right, it's hard to get off the tiger!

He is an ordinary anchor, but he can't command nearly a hundred players, and he can't control other people who like to spray people on the battlefield.

He has worked hard to appeal: "Everyone pay attention to game etiquette, and don't attack other people's beliefs and ethnic customs!"

But obviously, this appeal has no effect at all.

The battlefield is full of gunfire and explosions. Where can I hear his appeal?

Now Dan is even thinking about one thing: "Should I just turn it off?"

"Otherwise, if they continue to scold like this, will my live broadcast room be blocked?"

As for the incomprehensible language that suddenly flooded into the live broadcast room, there is no need to think that netizens from the Ottoman Republic came to criticize people!

——The Ottoman Republic and the United Kingdom belong to the European Union. Although the Middle East has special geographical conditions and is not a close alliance with European countries, the network, commerce, transportation, etc. are all interoperable.

Not to be outdone, British netizens ran to the opposite side and scolded back with equal effort.

——The players of the Ottoman Republic, who were scolded for being impatient, also stabbed the British players' sore spots with knives.

In particular, the British players were under pressure in the battle situation, which made many viewers feel aggrieved to death.

Are players from the Ottoman Republic much stronger than players from the UK?

Not quite.

It may even be the opposite: as an established developed country, the UK's game industry is actually more developed than the Ottoman Republic.

Simply comparing the overall quality of the players, the UK is actually stronger than the Ottoman Republic, which is why the British players are extremely dissatisfied with this game.

Then why are British players being beaten?

The key to the matter is actually very simple: the network cable.

Yes, as naked as that.

It doesn't matter what market, economy, belief, technology, etc.

It is the speed of the Internet.

At present, in the European market, there are many companies seeking cooperation with Yunmeng, and countries with certain strength are basically included.

But different countries have different progress.

The current situation is: the sale of hosts has been rolled out in many countries, but the construction of servers is not going well.

Small countries are either in an inappropriate location, or the relevant facilities are not up to standard and cannot be built.

As a result, most European countries still use the server located in Moscow.

Currently the fastest progress is the server located in France, all processes have been completed, and the server location has also been selected.

——As always, the Greater Paris metropolitan area with the largest population, which can almost radiate one-sixth of the country's population, was chosen.

Yunmeng's staff has already flown over to check it out, and they are all in trial operation now, starting to help the server in Moscow to share the pressure.

But other countries, especially Britain and Germany, which have the strongest comprehensive strength, are not so smooth.

On the grounds of "maintaining user privacy and information security", they require that servers must be in the hands of domestic companies.

The UK has gone even further, requiring a safety review of virtual reality technology.

But Yunmeng was unwilling to give in.

And so things stuck.

Under such circumstances, British players can still buy Mirage hosts, and it is quite strange that the British government has not completely banned sales.

However, in the Ottoman Republic, they have servers!

Thanks to the superior geographical location at the junction of Europe and Asia, related industries have developed rapidly after the armistice, the infrastructure is up to standard, and the geographical location is very important. Naturally, it is a good location for building servers.

More importantly, it was not an ordinary company that came to seek cooperation, but the Foreign Trade Office of the Ankara Business Bureau, the capital of the Ottoman Republic.

For Yunmeng's conditions, they almost responded to their requests, and they also gave them a lot of preferential treatment in terms of taxation.

Lin You was a little strange when he first heard about it, but Zhong Chang calmly analyzed the reason for him: This should be affected by geopolitics, Europe is not completely united, and the Ottoman Republic has been seeking a relationship between Europe and Great Xia. balance.

In short, the green light was turned on all the way, almost at the speed of flying, and Yunmeng's server center in Ankara was completed quickly!

Players on one side have a server in their own capital, but players on the other side have to cross the sea and a long distance to connect to the server. No matter how powerful the virtual reality technology is, it is impossible to bridge this gap.

In this way, relying on the advantage of the network cable, the players of the Ottoman Republic finally won the game and felt proud.

The British player slapped the table angrily.

But it's not over yet!

After that, as long as they chose the [National War] mode, they almost never won.

Not to mention the countries in Asia, even Europe has never won!

The most exasperating thing is - they didn't even win France!

Being ridiculed by French players is even more difficult for British players to accept than losing to players from the Ottoman Republic, so that their mentality completely exploded.

After a long time, they finally realized a problem: the UK is alone overseas, and if the server problem is not resolved, it is impossible to win a national war with other countries.

They were full of anger, and finally found an exit——

He scolded the waste game company in his country: "Why don't you quickly reach a cooperation with Yunmeng and build an awesome server center?"

"Otherwise, the British Empire will lose face in front of the whole of Europe, can you bear this responsibility?!"


The performance of British players is only a small part of the influence of "Battlefield".

Looking at Europe and the Middle East, there are not too many countries with feuds!

Russia vs Germany, Poland vs Russia, France vs Germany, Poland vs Ukraine, Portugal vs Spain...

From a chance encounter in the national war mode, to a quick fight, and finally developed into a high-intensity scolding war on the Internet.

All of a sudden, the entire Internet in Europe ignited a raging war.

Office workers who don't know anything about "Battlefield" turn on the social network on the commute, and when they see the trending hotspots, they almost think that another world war has broken out.

The second update is not finished yet... wait a minute.

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