Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 561 Eye-opening

Lu Wei got into the co-pilot with a complicated expression, and put on his seat belt without saying a word.

"What's wrong? Didn't go well?" Assistant Ruan Binyi asked strangely.

"No, the talks about the Dubai server center went well."

"Then why are you so serious?" Ruan Binyi was puzzled.

"Lin You has... how should I put it, a new idea." Lu Wei said intermittently.

Originally, he was about to leave after talking about things in Dubai, but Lin You seemed to suddenly think of something, and pulled him to sit down again, and made a cup of good tea in earnest—this tea was ordered by the little princess from his father. here.

The moment Lu Wei took the cup of tea, he immediately had a premonition that something was wrong.

But before he could find a reason to escape, Lin You spoke first: "I also have a question here, and I want to consult you."

Lu Wei had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Tell me."

"Look, those who sell sex toys can interact with each other in different places, even multiplayer online PK, virtual reality games should be relaxed a little bit, shouldn't it be a problem?"


Lu Wei didn't understand.

"What remote interaction? What does multiplayer online PK mean for sex toys?"

"It's so strange!" Lin You didn't want to laugh at Lu Wei's lack of knowledge, but he had to use this tone to make Lu Wei feel that this is a "very common and common thing", so that he is more likely to agree down.

Lin You took out his mobile phone and opened the pictures of the products that had been saved long ago. He was too embarrassed to ask Xiao Meng to search for this part of the content, but he found it all by himself.


Lu Wei looked at the sex toys on the picture, [Light Wearing], [Remote Training], [Intelligent Control], [Unlimited Distance], and immediately leaned back, his whole face wrinkled—Lin You was still the first I have never seen so many wrinkles on his face.

Lu Wei felt very embarrassed.

Lin You was actually a little embarrassed to talk about this with an elder, but this matter involved at least tens of millions, possibly even hundreds of millions of players' well-being, and he had to talk about it. Hand over the second picture.

"Online...multiplayer competition...masturbation cup???" Lu Wei struggled to finish watching this outrageous product, and suddenly felt that the world is really big, and there are so many outrageous things...

From now on, he never dared to boast that he was well-informed, he was clearly a frog in a well!

Lu Wei took a deep breath, tried to control his emotions, and understood Lin You's meaning: "So you want to let go of the virtual world's physical restrictions on players, so that the 'mysterious storefront' in Night City can really provide adult services ?”

"Is it possible?" Lin You didn't say no, but first asked if it was possible, what if?

"Of course not!!" Lu Wei's answer did not surprise Lin You, "You are taking too big a step."

"Okay." Lin You put on a disappointed expression, and then said: "Then you can see if this works, we abide by the laws of different countries, and in countries where the custom industry is legal, this part of the function will be lifted, and in countries where it is not legal Continue to ban?"

Lu Wei's first reaction was not whether it's okay, but: "You said...'lifting the ban'? In other words, this function itself exists, but you haven't opened it?"

"Er..." Lin You hesitated for a moment, but chose to tell the truth: "Half of it..."

"???" There were more question marks on Lu Wei's head, "What does [half] mean?"

"Half of the meaning is that the functions of men are there, but the functions of women are not..."

Lu Wei looked at Lin You with incomprehensible eyes.

Lin You refused to explain further.

Lu Wei shook his head and didn't ask any more questions, "It still doesn't work. Yunmeng is Daxia's company, so it must abide by Daxia's laws. In Daxia, all prostitution and whoring are illegal, even in the virtual world."

"No more money..."

"That's not OK."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, it's not fully open, it's only open to adult couples, is it okay?" Lin You finally made a real request.

Lu Wei thought about it, this is very reasonable, and there will be no social resistance, so he nodded and agreed: "This is no problem, the marriage information is now online nationwide, it is easy to verify, I can help you communicate."

Lin You then continued: "It's fine for couples, but there's no reason for couples to do it?"

Lu Wei fell into deep thought.

He already understood that Lin You had used his negotiating skills with him. This was the real appeal, and the previous ones were just foreshadowing.

But unlike a husband and wife, there are some uncertainties in the relationship between a couple, and it is not so easy to make a decision.

Lin You struck while the iron was hot, and began to talk about the measures he had prepared: age restrictions, couple contracts, cooling-off period for changing contracts...

After talking about this, I began to talk about the benefits of doing so: preventing mistresses, promoting harmony and stability in intimate relationships, and increasing marriage rates...

A set of reasons kept going out.

Of course, Lu Wei is not someone who will be fooled by others who say a few words casually, but after listening to Lin You's series of measures, he can hear that Lin You is prepared, and consciously uses rules to deal with problems that may arise. Prevention is not about messing around.

This made people feel much more at ease, so after "hesitating for a long time", they still agreed.

Ruan Pinyi saw that Lu Wei was just struggling, but he didn't mean to say anything, so he started the car and left the community slowly.

"Where are we going?" she asked quietly.

"Civil Affairs Bureau."

"Ah?" Ruan Minyi was surprised by this answer, even flustered.

"What's wrong?" Lu Wei was puzzled.

"No, nothing." Ruan Pinyi held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, trying to calm down his emotions as quietly as possible, turned the steering wheel, and turned to the Civil Affairs Bureau.


Lin You was in the living room, opened the global server map, and began to study how to adjust the Middle East plan.

Someone gave away the server for nothing, of course there is no reason not to accept it.

It's just that after the server center is built in Dubai, it will cooperate with the server center of the Ottoman Republic to divert it. For the time being, it seems that the pressure on the servers in the Middle East can be greatly relieved.

Persia, the most populous country in the Middle East, only needs to pass through a very narrow section of submarine optical cable to access the server in Dubai.

As for the surrounding countries, to be honest, the demand for servers is still in a vague state that is difficult to judge.

The Middle East is located at an important point and has abundant oil resources. During the long war in the past, the land was almost destroyed, and it was finally relieved after the armistice.

Although after the peace, the superiority of geographical conditions has been reflected again, the economic and trade development has flourished, and major industries have also developed rapidly. After ten years, they have basically recovered their vitality. Just looking at the comprehensive economic strength, it has fully possessed the market potential that Yunmeng needs. .

But there is a problem: the development of the country does not represent the development of the people.

Their divide between rich and poor is very serious, especially in Persia.

The serious wealth gap is obviously not conducive to the development of consumption, which naturally limits the number of Yunmeng's potential users.

——By the way, this is also the reason why the priority of the Indian server center is not too high. On the surface, there are more than one billion citizens, but the actual number of potential consumers is only tens of millions.

Of course, Yunmeng would not despise the market of tens of millions of people, but the representative of the cooperative company he found couldn't stand it. He had a kind of self-confidence, and always felt that his big market of more than one billion people should receive certain preferential treatment.

"Our market is bigger than yours, and it is truly the number one in the world. If you want to enter our market to make money, you have to express it?"

Lin You's reply was: "With such a big market, you can keep it for yourself to make money."

After that, I left it alone and planned to talk about it later.

Anyway, the tax environment in India, who knows what will happen if you really go in.

Closer to home, the current social situation in Middle Eastern countries is generally speaking in a state of unbalanced and barbaric development. It is difficult to judge the actual situation only by looking at the data.

Now that I have picked up a Dubai server center for nothing, which effectively alleviates the computing power needs of users in the Middle East for a period of time in the future, Yunmeng will have some leeway, and can look at the specific data before deciding on future plans.

With the energy and manpower freed up, maybe you can consider... Egypt?

As the most marginal country in the Middle East, Egypt's game industry is also booming!

More importantly, once you enter Egypt, you also enter Africa.

Considering that Africa is almost the continent with the most backward economic development in the world, Yunmeng didn't expect to do any big projects in Africa.

In Lin You's plan, completing the work in Egypt is equivalent to completing more than half of the work in Africa, and there will be no need to pay attention to the situation in Africa for a long time afterwards.

It cannot be said that it is done once and for all, and it is not too much.

They can wait for other continents to be developed, and then look back at the situation in Africa.

"Then, Egypt!" Lin You changed the priority and decided to let the marketing department pay attention to the focus during the negotiation.

Afterwards, he closed these pages, finally freeing up his hands to do some "noble" things——

Contribute to the development of overseas "democratic cause"!

After pondering for a while, I always feel that mentioning Iran may be risky, so let’s change the name to Persia.

Fortunately, it was only mentioned twice, so it is not too late to change it.

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