Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 564 You can start looking for another home

Sunday evening, 17:00.

"Battlefield" national warfare mode matching function is officially frozen.

Another 40 minutes passed, all the ongoing games were over, and the final change of the leaderboard was over.

This also means that the grading results have been settled.

[T1 theater], only the top 3 in the national war rankings - [Big Xia], [Russia], [Germany].

This result surprised quite a few people!

The players are not surprised that Da Xia is number one.

After all, this is Yunmeng's hometown. It has the longest development time and the largest number of players. It has also experienced many virtual reality games.

Combining many advantages, coupled with the impression that Great Xia left on the countries of the world in the recent Hundred Years War, it is not too surprising to win the first place.

The real surprise was the German players.

Facing the unfavorable network environment, they just won France, Izumo, Baekje and other countries with their own services and better network conditions.

You must know that this is not the result of one or two teams and a small number of elite players-in that case, it may also be affected by factors such as talent, ability, luck, and so on.

This is a large-scale [National War]!

The results of all players across the country in this mode will be fed back to the points and winning percentage.

This result, even to a certain extent, can be seen from the side to see the comprehensive combat effectiveness of this country! At least it is the comprehensive combat effectiveness of players in this country!

[T2 War Zone] is the 4th to 9th on the national war rankings, a total of six countries——

【Izumo】, 【France】, 【Ottoman Republic】, 【Baekje】, 【Australia】, 【Annan】.

Izumo and Baekje continued to fight.

France is so proud that it can even mock Britain in turn.

As soon as many French people saw the results, they started posting to mock the British.

[T3 War Zone], there is no limit, and all countries that rank 9th or later on the ranking list are included in this war zone.

But despite this, an extremely fierce debate broke out in Yunmeng's "Battlefield" discussion area.

The entire Southeast Asian countries, except for Annan who successfully squeezed into T2, the rest are all at the bottom, and they are not convinced at the moment.

Especially Java, which has no stable server yet because of Sukarno's coquettish operation.

Originally, the strength is not enough, and you need to connect to the server across the sea. The loss is terrible, worse than the UK!


Daniel has already broken the defense again.

This time it was not because France entered T2, or even because Annan entered T2, but because in the discussion forum, I saw a post from an Indian——

[We are only 10 points away from the UK! Brothers work hard, we will surpass them in the next issue! ]

Daniel couldn't hold back, and clicked in.

Then I saw that many Indian players in the post were seriously discussing how they felt playing against the UK, and they also reached a consensus: "The British are very poor at marksmanship, and they are very good at playing games."

"It's too easy to overtake the UK! Our eyes should not be on the simple goal of the UK, but on overtaking the Great Xia. We should be number one in the world!"

"Yes, it's just that Yunmeng didn't come to India now, we have too few players, otherwise it must be T1!"



Daniel felt his pride was badly hurt.

"No! We're going to march, we're going to protest!"

"The sooner the better!"


At the same time, the German players let out a long sigh of relief.

In the last half an hour, the score between them and Izumo has been very tight.

In the end, it only relied on a 5-point lead to narrowly rank among the top three.

But it didn't take long for them to relax, and they became nervous again-now there are much fewer German players than Izumo players. This is a disadvantage, but it is also an advantage.

Because of the small number of people, those who can enter the virtual world at this time are often serious players with good skills.

In contrast, Izumo has already developed virtual reality games for a period of time, and the number of players has already exceeded 10 million. On the whole, the proportion of heavy players has been greatly reduced.

In this way, Germany has an advantage in terms of average strength, and this advantage even makes up for the disadvantage in Internet speed.

The problem is that with the development of Yunmeng's overseas strategy, the number of players in Germany will expand rapidly, and the average combat power will definitely decline.

After passing a certain critical point, the disadvantage of Internet speed will be highlighted.

At that time, they are likely to be kicked out of the ranks of T1 by Izumo!

Therefore, server issues must be resolved as soon as possible!

In the past two days of protests and demonstrations in the UK, there have been a lot of gossip about the reason why Yunmeng did not enter Germany, and German players generally began to believe that the government has restrictions on Yunmeng, but it is not as strict as the UK.

And this limitation directly led to the server project being stranded.


It's time to get out of the house, wave the flag, and stand up for your honor and rights!


At the same time, the big summer players rejoiced.

It has even begun to look forward to the [peak battle] in mid-December.

[Peak Battle] is not easy to fight, and the advantage in numbers will be wiped out directly.

Regardless of whether it is a [T1 War Zone] country or a [T3 War Zone] country, only 1,000 people can enter the field and fight on the same map.

According to this rule, Europe actually has a great advantage.

After all, there are so many scattered countries in Europe, and each country counts as a unit, which means 1,000 participants from each country.

If Europe can unite, then with their scale, it is likely to have the effect of sweeping the battlefield!

"The good news is: they're not coming together."

After the rating was over, Super Tomato did not continue to fight after celebrating like other anchors, but directly began to look forward to the [peak battle] two weeks later.

"Not to mention anything else, the map that is really waiting for the peak battle, Britain and France will definitely fight! Germany and Poland will also have a high probability of doing one, and the relationship between Spain and Portugal is not very good. There is also blood feud in history. Now look at it They seem to have a good relationship, but it’s probably just superficial.”

"So compared to European countries uniting to sweep the battlefield, I am more inclined to believe that many European countries will get into chaos first and beat people's brains out of dog's brains."

"Even if they really unite, as long as we choose a good position to defend the wave, they will mess up-there is no injury-free mechanism between different countries, and just a few black guns can mess up their alliance."

"I just don't know how the 1,000 people in each country will be selected. If they are scattered, they don't even need to guard, and they won't be able to unite at all."

With a map of the world, Super Tomato speaks clearly——

"Of course, even so, we can't relax. We are now number one in the leaderboard, but the strongest force is likely to be besieged when the war starts."

"If 1,000 people face a siege with ten times as many people, no matter how good the skills are, they won't be able to withstand it. So... next week, should we give way first and control the points? Or join forces?"



A war zone division affects the hearts of players from dozens of countries around the world.

This lively and chaotic atmosphere continues to spread in the Internet world around the world (except North America).

Continue until the next day comes.


Monday, December 2.

The usual meeting time.

Two meetings were held almost at the same time, one in Yunmeng, the main content was——

Schedule work for the next week to month.

The other one was in NetDragon, the main content was——

Looking back on the glorious years of NetDragon in the past decade or so.

Then, inform the employees: You can start looking for another home.

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