Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 575: Flood flooded the Dragon King Temple?

Lin You's marksmanship is very good, only a few people know.

And Lin You has been practicing martial arts and learning to fight with cold weapons, and a little more people know about it.

But both of the above are limited to his security team and Yunmeng, and basically no one outside knows about them.

Seeing Lin You rushing up with a knife without using a gun at this moment, Ren Jian was really sweating for him.

But what happened next was completely beyond his imagination——

Although within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate, but if the field of vision is less than 3 meters, being shot in the body will not affect the mobility, and no matter where you hit, as long as you hit it, it will be instant kill...

The result is really two words!

When the enemy saw Lin You jumping out of the thick fog, the cold blade had already approached them!

When the trigger was pulled, he was stabbed in the face!

The two bullets were neither painful nor itchy, and the next moment a medical kit was thrown from behind, hitting Lin You's back accurately.

Grab the dead enemy's shoulders and push with all his strength!

Immediately there were intensive gunshots! The bullets rushed towards the bodies of the dead players.

And Lin You followed the sound of gunshots, took three steps in parallel, made two steps, and slashed horizontally, sending away another opponent who fired indiscriminately.

Another Italian player realized that he had been fooled, and immediately turned his gun and shot at Lin You.

But Lin You didn't stop moving at all, he rolled forward under the enemy's crotch without any regard for dignity, and then only jumped at the last enemy by the window!

Behind him, between the enemy's legs, blood suddenly spurted out!

Apparently, when Lin You rolled under his crotch, he also slashed hard!

When the Italian buddy ascended to heaven, he looked down at his bloody crotch, and couldn't help but swear: "Cazzo di merda! (shit!)"

And behind him, there was a crackling sound, and his consciousness looked back——

Lin You slammed into the arms of his teammates, and the two of them hit the already broken window with a huge impact, smashing the window directly, and fell down from the second floor together.

Zhu Cixia, who was following behind, hurriedly followed behind with a medical kit in one hand and a first aid needle in the other. Seeing Lin You falling from the building, he hurried to the window to look down.

But he found that Lin You was half-kneeling on the Italian player, the saber in his hand penetrated the enemy's chest, and nailed the last opponent to the ground!

In just a few seconds, the battle has come to an end!

There was a momentary pause in the huge live broadcast room, and then——

"F*ck! What happened just now?!" the Daxia player exclaimed.

"This is too handsome!" Ren Jian exclaimed.

"Chinese Kongfu!" Overseas players exclaimed.

All kinds of languages ​​rushed out to cheer for Lin You's wonderful battle.

But soon, players have new questions:

"Wait wait! I admit it's cool, but what's going on? Isn't Battlefield a war game?"

"You read it wrong! This is not "Battlefield", this is "Mount and Blade"!"

"Where did Lin You learn this? Is he so free??"

"He didn't secretly open [Assassin's Bloodline] to cheat, did he?"

"How is it possible, who would cheat in front of tens of millions of people?"

"It's hard to say! Ever since I saw that Transformer in the Death Race, I can hardly believe his character..."


Lin You didn't care about celebrating, and hurried back to join Zhu Cixia.

The point was stolen, but they were also completely exposed to the enemy's sight.

The opponent is about to return to help, and the next step is to stick to the time!

"How is the situation on your side?" Lin You asked in the team channel.

"very smooth!"

"Haven't met a master?" Lin You continued to ask.

"I didn't feel it, maybe I was sent by the self-destruction tactic... Damn!"

"What's wrong?"

"I was beaten to death." A Yi was depressed.

"What?" Super Tomato's voice suddenly came, "I was also hacked to death?!"

"It should be that elite team charging over again!" Lin Shun's voice sounded, accompanied by his rhythmic gunshots.

At the edge of the field of vision, Lin Shun's kill records are popping up one after another.

But at the same time, the [orz] ID also appeared again, like a match with Lin Shun, constantly refreshing the kill record.

The masters of Daxia and Italy were fully fired. Players on both sides began to sacrifice a lot and were sent away to be resurrected.

The battle for point C is once again intensified!

The Italian players obviously couldn't just watch their hometown being stolen and remain indifferent. Some people turned around and came to point A one after another, trying to regain the stronghold.

But the distance from point B to point A is really a bit far.

Lin You even took out his sniper rifle when he had time, and called them one by one, and the scattered players who came back for help couldn't get in at all.

Until there was a bad-tempered old man on the opposite side, who drove a tank straight over regardless of point C, where the battle was fierce.

But knowing that the tacitly coordinated master team would not come back, Lin You let go of his hands and feet completely, and stood at the stairs without the slightest fear, holding a smoke bomb and waiting for the enemy to charge up.

Zhu Cixia hid at the corner, carrying a medical kit and ready for treatment at any time.

Soon, the opponent's tanks and infantry arrived at point A at the same time.

A total of 11 people rushed over and surrounded the two-story building where Lin You and Zhu Cixia were.

But limited by the space, only four people rushed up in the first batch.

Lin You looked at the densely charged four-person formation below, without even throwing a smoke bomb, the moment the enemy just rushed up the stairs, he jumped directly from the second floor and smashed into the middle of the opponent's formation!

And then it's - wrapping your head around your head and cutting it in all directions!

In the blink of an eye, the four enemies around him fell down at the same time spurting blood!

At this moment, he fully proved: In this game, cold weapons that can instantly kill the enemy are more efficient than firearms in killing the enemy!

Before more enemy bullets came, Lin You had already rushed back to the second floor.

The Italian player rushed up the stairs again.

But at the moment of rushing through the corner, the player who rushed to the front suddenly felt something kicked in his calf, and he subconsciously looked down at the blind spot at the corner of the stairs.

And the trip mine that was triggered immediately responded enthusiastically to him——


The three unlucky ones died suddenly at the same time.

The rest of the people did not dare to rush, took out the grenade and threw it to the second floor.

Then he was drawn back by Lin You, who had been prepared for a long time!


Lin You followed closely behind, overtook the dead hapless guy, then replenished the leftover blood of the bombed-out player, and rushed towards the last two enemies who couldn't help being cowardly and wanted to retreat.

After 5 seconds, the last two enemies were cut by him.

Lin You waved his hand to shake off the non-existent blood on the knife - in the single-player campaign, blood will remain after stabbing someone with a knife, but not in the multiplayer game.

"Invincibility is also a kind of loneliness."

Lin You sighed.

But before he finished chattering, Zhu Cixia on the second floor suddenly shouted: "Lin You! Many people are coming!"

"How much is a lot?"

"At least 20!"

"Don't panic! Isn't it just 20 people? There is nothing to be afraid of!" Lin You replied calmly.

"Ah?" Zhu Cixia expressed surprise.

She felt that 11 people had to be dealt with by scheming and setting traps. It was impossible to keep 20 people, right?

The audience in the live broadcast room were also very surprised, and Ren Jian even sighed immediately: "Is this about to show a peerless sword master?"

But the next moment, they heard Lin You sigh and say: "I can't help it, I wanted to get along with everyone as an ordinary person..."

In the meantime, he switched to the team channel and shouted: "Point A!"

"I, Lin You, come to support!"

As soon as the voice fell, within two seconds, teammates redeployed at point A.

The moment he landed and saw Lin You, the buddy immediately shouted on the team channel: "It's really Lin You! I thought it was a spoof name!"

——Lin You will not "avoid celebrity taboos", let alone forbid players to be named "Lin You".

So in the game, when everyone sees a person named Lin You, they will not directly think of him.

After that, the redeployed players crowded towards point A like dumplings.

Seeing more and more players coming over, and there is still no intention of stopping after more than 10, Lin You quickly stopped: "Stop, stop, stop! Enough is enough!"

"Point C is important, don't rush all over!"

Even with his earnest persuasion, when he finally stopped, 21 people were squeezed into Point A.

Point A suddenly became lively:

"Boss Lin, Boss Lin! You are my idol!"

"Yes, yes, if this is Night City, no matter what I say, I will give you two shots!"

"When will you get some powerful weapons?"

"When will the 99 change be updated?"

"When will the seventh-generation fighter be updated?"

"When will space-based weapons be updated?"


A group of people surrounded Lin You, chatting about their thoughts.

"Stop!!!" Lin You interrupted them loudly: "It's a war! Be serious!"

"If you can't keep this point, let alone the new weapons, the submachine guns will be deleted for you!"



The players laughed and scattered, ready to face their opponents.

While waiting for the opponent to arrive, Lin You was worried that with so many people missing, there would be insufficient troops on the frontal battlefield, so he subconsciously paid attention to the kill records on the battlefield at the edge of his field of vision.

When he cast his attention, the kill record was automatically shifted to the center of his field of vision for easy viewing.

Then Lin You noticed a problem: those Italian players who lived longer and were able to get kills frequently had strange IDs——









Looking at these IDs, Lin You rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and looked over again, wanting to make sure if he was looking at the wrong side.

but no.

These are indeed players from the Italian side, and they appear frequently, and they are most likely members of that "elite team".

Just looking at the ID really doesn't explain anything, but the more Lin You looked at it, the more he felt that this ID didn't seem like the name Italian players would take, but more like...

The naming style of big summer players!

This...couldn't it be that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple?

I have to make a detailed outline. Recently, Calvin has been too serious.

The uncertainty of the future makes it more and more difficult to write the content in front of me. I am afraid that if I accidentally go in a strange direction, the outline will also be affected.

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