Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 581 If only Chang'an was this simple!

Lin You didn't dwell on it for too long, and quickly decided to put this issue aside, and sent a message to Zhu Cixia, asking her if she would like to make this wedding gift for Qin Songyun and Xiaochun together.

Zhu Cixia agreed without hesitation, and had a very strong desire to participate.

But it's a pity: she has a class this morning and can't come until the afternoon.

Lin You comforted her: 'It's okay, you can go to class at ease. This job can't be done in one morning, just wait until you finish the class and come back to help when you have time. '

After throwing away the phone, Lin You and Xiao Meng started to get busy.

First use "Minecraft" to randomly generate an island as the main battlefield of the game. Lin You and Xiaomeng sit on the ground and plan to plan the production process of the game first.

Lin You had only watched the live broadcast of the game "Fortnite" and had never played it himself.

So when it comes to [Gunfight] + [Build], his first reaction is "I seem to have heard of it", not "I have played it before".

This also means that for the development of this linkage module, he has to sort out and plan by himself——

The first step, of course, is: pruning.

A gun battle battle royale game obviously cannot use all the types of cubes in "Minecraft".

Otherwise, if someone builds an obsidian fortress that can't be pierced by anti-tank guns, then it's a fart.

Not only materials, but also many mechanisms have to be deleted.

Otherwise, when the player is surrounded, they will build a hell portal on the spot and slip away, and the rest of the players will be dumbfounded.

Even if the portal is banned, what about the MP18 submachine gun enchanted with [Multiple Attack] and [Quick Reload]?

How many brain cells did Lin You have to kill just for the work of balance?

And Lin You obviously doesn't want to waste precious brain cells in this kind of place, so, in one word——


By the way, in order to prevent players from digging deep pits and turning a good battle royale into a tunnel battle, Lin You simply forbids players from destroying the terrain.

In this way, as long as the materials that are willing to be given to the players are arranged on the surface, and those that do not want to be given are not put at all, the workload is greatly reduced.

In terms of mechanism, enchanting, synthesis, etc. are all deleted, leaving only the most basic building functions.

At the same time, in order to adapt to the fast-paced gun battle, the construction system must also be simplified.

If it is still the original construction mode, one block is built one block at a time, then the opponent will be beaten to death before a wall is built.

But this part of the work can be postponed.

Do the second step first: unify the values ​​of the two games.

The most critical point here is: the "hardness" of the material, or the "blood bar".

"Minecraft" originally had the concept of "blood bars" for materials, which is specifically reflected in how many "bare hands" knocks are needed to break the materials. This is a benchmark value.

But now, the firearm damage value of "Battlefield" and the material hardness value of "Minecraft" must be brought into the same reference system.

Only in this way can we determine how much damage different weapons can cause to different materials.

Reflected in the content of the game, it is the bunker built by the player, which can block the enemy's guns before being smashed.

"Hmm..." Thinking about it, Lin You felt a little headache, and suddenly felt that there were too many materials left...

"How about we unify into three standards? All 'wood' has one hardness, all 'stone' has one hardness, and all 'metal' has one hardness. Materials that do not belong to these three categories will not be given to players."

"That's right, the workload is greatly reduced, just do it!"

Next is the third step: the random refresh of firearms and supplies.

This part can use the pseudo-random generation algorithm of the "Minecraft" map, and it can be used without modification.

Just cut out the guns in Battlefield, get rid of outrageous weapons, and fill in the algorithm.

But before that, there is one more problem to be solved: terrain design.

Considering that surface buildings are the only source of construction materials for players, and at the same time give different weights to the number of firearms and supplies generated according to the density of surface buildings, it is better to have a fixed island map instead of randomly generating an island .

This also means...

"I have to design an island from scratch??"

Thinking of this, Lin You's head hurts not only... His whole body hurts!

"No..." Lin You, who was struggling, suddenly had an idea, "We have a ready-made island!"

"Dinosaur Island!" Xiaomeng answered excitedly, raising her little hand.

"That's right! Don't you just want buildings? Let's just move Jurassic Park over here!"

"No, it's the other way around!" Lin You shook his head, "It's not moving over from Jurassic Park, but moving [the construction system] to Jurassic Park!"

Anyway, "Paradise" was also made by Xiaochun's team, so it is justified to use it.

In this way, the terrain problem is also solved!

With the terrain, the guns, and the values, the only thing left is to simplify the [construction system], and the game is complete?

"It's too easy!"

"If only [Virtual Chang'an] could be this simple..."

Lin You couldn't help sighing, archived the planned content, then got up and left here.

The specific work will be done with the little princess in the afternoon.

Now, first go to [Virtual Chang'an] to find Xu Chun.

Today's training content is a completely realistic cold weapon confrontation!

There is no gain effect, and 100% restores the sports ability and sensory experience in reality. It is a cold weapon confrontation that will really cause fatigue, muscle soreness, bleeding and pain!

——The only thing that has not pushed the degree of simulation to the limit is the feeling of pain.

In Yunmeng's current sensory database, the simulation effect of [Pain] has only been perfected to 96%.

But [pain] this intense physical feeling does not need to be pushed to 100% to feel real.

Besides, there is no need for that.

Not only [pain], most of the extreme negative feelings don't need to be pushed to 100% real.

—— Lin You has never experienced it, and never planned to experience it, let alone restore these feelings 100% to the virtual world.

There are still many unsolved mysteries about the relationship between human brain cognition and physiological influence, which is worthy of awe

Not pushing the reality of extreme negative senses to 100% is also for the sake of insurance, worrying that in case of a long time, there will be unexpected sequelae.

As for the extreme of "negative senses" - the concept of [death], Lin You never thought of passing it on to the players, and even "erased" it through technical means.

For example, when the player dies in the game, either the duration is very short, or the player has a clear consciousness throughout the whole process, and even the system will convey some slight positive emotional hints to the player.

Of course, these are just "concepts", not "feelings".

Regarding the real sensory experience of "death", Lin You didn't know how to "digitize" it, let alone any means or direction to compose it.

Because he has neither experienced the feeling of [death], nor is it possible to experience it.

It's no use interviewing people who've had near-death experiences—it's not something that can be grasped by mere description.

Therefore, although [Pain] is not 100% realistic, it is completely sufficient for training.

Subjectively, almost no difference can be discerned!

But it can't fool the subconscious mind, so as long as it is used reasonably and correctly, there is no need to worry that this pain will continue to reality and cause negative effects such as "phantom pain".

However, special emphasis should be placed on: it must be used "correctly"!

You can't connect "pain" with "pleasure", "excitement", "pleasure"...or any other messy sensory experience.

That would be a big problem!

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