"Friends, what is the country of engineers!"

Looking at the miraculous demonstration procession, Super Tomato's voice was full of amazement.

Not only was he amazed, but the audience in the live broadcast room were also amazed——

Regular parades basically hold flagpoles, banners, posters and the like to express their demands.

But on the German side, in the front row of the protest team, there were two elder brothers carrying big bags and holding a huge LED display board with their heads held high.

The content on the display board is simple and clear——

『1. Big summer: 15364

2. Russia: 14218

3. Germany: 14003

4. France: 13998

5. Izumo: 13682』

Outsiders may not understand what this means, but players like them know it all too well!

This is the current ranking list of countries in the national war mode of "Battlefield".

The two old brothers used some technical means to display the data synchronously on the big screen, so that everyone can clearly see how precarious Germany's current ranking is——

Just 5 points ahead!

It may be surpassed by France at any time!

Considering this scoreboard, the Yunmeng APP can be viewed at any time, and it is updated every minute just like in the game, and there is no need to log in to the virtual world. They can display the data in real time, and the technical difficulty may not be too high.

But to be able to think of this idea in two days, and efficiently execute the idea to make it into a real thing, hold it up and parade in the street, I have to say, there are definitely a few brushes!

"There have always been memes about Germany's "engineers running the country" on the Internet, and there are all kinds of magical jokes. It seems that they are not all fabricated out of thin air-the Germans really have genes for this!"

Super tomato marvel.

At this moment, in the live broadcast of the news, the crowd of protesters suddenly broke out with loud noises.

Super Tomato can't understand German, and Yunmeng's translation plug-in is not a panacea, and this kind of chaotic sound cannot be translated.

But you don't need to know German, and everyone can distinguish the meaning of this uproar, which is——


Even the reason for the anger, Super Tomatoes and the audience are very clear -

The score on the LED display board has changed:


3. France: 14009

4. Germany: 14006


Germany's pitiful 5-point lead turned into a 3-point deficit.

With such a small difference in points, it stands to reason that they could overtake at any time, so they shouldn't be so excited.

But players in Germany who pay attention to the rankings are naturally very clear: the frequency of France surpassing Germany is getting higher and higher, and it is getting harder and harder to get back.

Coupled with the fact that a large number of their core players are now protesting and not fighting in the game, it will obviously affect the overall strength.

While the impact may be small - after all the population of VR gamers in Germany is expanding very rapidly - impact is impact!

The more time the protest marches take, the harder it will be for them to make up the gap and overtake France.


Since they have paid such a high price to protest and march, it is even more important to get a good result!

As a result, the protests of the crowd became louder and more angry!

The flag in Carl's hand is also more powerfully waved!


Only this time, it may be a bit difficult for them to recover the gap.

Because just today, Yunmeng's server center in France is fully operational!

It was only a "trial operation" before, and about half of the computing power was opened to a limited extent, so that the French who are too far away from Paris, the network conditions are not much better than German players.

But now, after fully opening up the computing power, coupled with the coordinated distributed computing power of players, starting today, the network conditions of all players in France will be improved!

And with more and more users, it will become more stable and faster.


At the same time, the eighth arrondissement of Paris.

In the hotel room, there was silence, and Turner was lying motionless on the thick carpet wearing a headband.

But in Turner's live broadcast room, the atmosphere was very hot!

"Brothers! Third place!" Turner was very excited, "Steady this score and go to T1 next week!"

"Now, let us feel the gold content of [World's Strongest]!"

"Come on a big summer team!"

Turner excitedly led the fan team to start the match - he is indeed a great anchor. After coming to France, he quickly attracted a large number of French fans, and now there is no pressure to form a team.

He is so excited at this moment because of Yunmeng's special matching mechanism: matching with the theater is not a dead rule.

This is a dynamic balancing process: when France enters the top three in the rankings, it will naturally be ranked among the countries in the T1 theater.

However, they can only be ranked as opponents in the T1 theater, but they cannot enjoy the reward increase of player experience and bonds in the T1 theater.

——The rewards are tied to the battle zone and will not change until Sunday.

But Turner's goal is not to reward, but to feel "a strong opponent", preferably "the strongest in the world".

Because of his high-intensity game, when France overtook Germany, he was always in the game and failed to catch up.

Now sacrifice precious game time, staring at the leaderboard, waiting for this opportunity!

And this expectation was quickly answered——

[Map: Bloody Amiens]

[Opponent: Daxia]

"Come on!" Turner entered the game with enthusiasm.

Not only Turner was excited, but so were many French players who were stuck in matching, entering the game confidently.

The map of Amiens is a pure urban battlefield with dense buildings and intricate roads.

Not to mention that the buildings are three or four storeys high, and all buildings can be entered and walked through at will, which leads to battles not only happening on the ground, but the entire battlefield is three-dimensional and meshed.

Compared with the open environment of the Sinai Desert and the Bleeding Banquet Hall, this is almost pure street fighting, and the requirements for tactical literacy are undoubtedly higher!

At the beginning, this picture was very unpopular with players, because not only did they have to guard against attacks from various corners, but many players often lost their way in the midst of fierce gun battles and gunpowder.

Even now, many players who don't use their brains in fighting will still get lost when they come here.

But Turner is fearless, he is very familiar with this place, let alone, more importantly——

"We are 30 players in black! Although France is ranked third, we are a top-level team. We are ranked first in the average level. How can we lose?"

"Come on!"

Street fighting requires step-by-step coordination. The first two points are easily occupied, and all the way to the center of the map, that is, the two bridges at point D and point C. The two sides officially meet and start a fierce exchange of fire!

As soon as they met each other, both sides suffered heavy casualties at the same time.

But Turner was overjoyed and said: "Very good, don't lose the wind! Next, hold on to the front line, and our team will go around the back! Go, steal your ass!"

Teammates gathered quickly and rushed through the narrow alleyway, intending to go around and attack the flanks of the Daxia players who were guarding the bridge around point C.

Turner took the lead and rushed to the forefront of the team!

The alleyway is not long, only a few tens of meters, and it rushed to the end in the blink of an eye. Turner raised his submachine gun and got ready-as long as he rushed through this corner, he would enter the field of vision of Daxia players.

But the moment he rushed to the corner, a big summer player suddenly appeared in his sight!

It turned out that there was also a team of Daxia players who adopted the tactics of going around the back, and by coincidence, the two groups of people collided head-on at this corner, not too early or too late!

Turner was taken aback, but he raised his gun and shot!

But he was shocked to see that the first reaction of the man on the opposite side was not to shoot, but to sideways avoid the muzzle of the gun, and at the same time drew out the "saber" on his waist and slashed him to death!

The moment his consciousness left his body, Turner was still staring blankly at the "saber" in the player's hand——

No! Only then did he realize that it was not a saber, it was an extremely gorgeous Chinese sword!

The body of the sword is covered with regular black diamond-shaped dark lattice patterns, the blade is shining with gold, the grid is inlaid with blue glass and turquoise, and the tail of the hilt is decorated with gold hollow decorations.

If a Daxia player sees it, he will definitely be able to call out the name of this sword - [Goujian Sword of the King of Yue]!

Except for the change of the hilt, which is more gorgeous and easy to handle, and the blade is a little narrower, the rest is almost a replica of this famous sword!

Turner didn't know this sword, but he knew it very well-this **** is definitely not a weapon in the basic configuration of "Battlefield"!

It's not even the cold weapon skin that came out of the box!

The features are so obvious and the shape is so gorgeous, if there is such a skin, it must have been posted on the Internet long ago.

So, where did this thing come from?

Turner quickly revived and rushed to support.

It's just that he just ran to the entrance of the lane, and saw that his team was completely wiped out, and the team on the opposite side saw him appearing, and shot at him without saying a word!

Turner rushed to escape behind the building.

But even with his quick reflexes, he was shot in the calf.

It doesn't hurt to take this little blood, and it will come back in a few seconds.

But another thing made Turner dumbfounded again - he saw a bullet embedded in his calf!

"What the hell? Doesn't the bullet disappear when it hits someone?"

In the virtual world, this is common sense!

But now, common sense is broken!

"Could it be that someone has researched and cheated it?" Turner stretched out his hand in disbelief, pinched the bullet on his calf, pulled it out forcefully, and held it in front of his eyes for careful observation.

After this observation, he discovered: This is not an ordinary bullet, but a silver bullet with a hollow design and a great sense of design!

There's even lettering on the bullet—

[Grandma Thuré! ]

Yunmeng's powerful translation system perfectly translated the meaning of this line of words for Turner——

[Fuck your mother! ]

"Damn it!" Turner threw the bullet to the ground angrily.

But soon, he picked up the bullet again, held it carefully in his hand, and took many photos carefully, until he was rushed up and killed by his opponent, he didn't bother to fight back—he really wanted to know, what is this thing? How come!

Could it be that Yunmeng has opened a special krypton gold channel in Daxia, and only Daxia players can buy these special items?

please do not!

Isn't that going to move to Daxia to live?

The assistant has just found a good house and will sign the contract tomorrow.

He even paid the deposit!

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