Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 586 Quickly use magic!

Carl walks the talk.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, after the parade, Carl returned home shivering from the cold.

In the second half of the protest, thanks to several game companies contacting mobile food trucks to deliver steaming food and hot coffee, otherwise it would have been even more difficult to persist.

As for why there are several companies, this is because of the special game industry situation in Germany:

Germany's game industry is developing very rapidly, regardless of the size of the players or the industry's revenue, it is very impressive.

But a serious problem is: only 2 of the 10 game companies with the highest revenue are from Germany, and the remaining 8 are branches of other European countries in Germany.

It means that the industry is developing very vigorously, but the money has been earned by foreign companies.

It can be limited to the EU's trade agreements, and the German government can't set up obstacles for companies in other European countries for no reason. At most, it can subsidize local companies a little more.

At present, Yunmeng's console sales in Germany are through the channels of several major cooperative game companies in Europe, and there is no fixed German partner.

Therefore, Karl and the others protested and demonstrated, calling for the relaxation of restrictions and the establishment of a server center, which is beneficial to these game companies.

They dare not openly confront the government, but it is okay to provide some logistical support.

After Carl returned home, he took a hot bath to warm up his body. After that, he turned on his computer and started to create topics on the Internet, calling on all players to stand up bravely and express his appeal with a strike!

"In the past hundred years, the key force to promote the progress of human society is only science and technology! 』

"For four hundred years, the greatest obstacle to the unity of the people of the world is narrow nationalism!" 』

"If the wind of internationalism blows fiercely and the people of the world achieve great unity, how can the world be plunged into hundreds of years of war, and tens of millions of lives will be burned?" 』

Carl was enthusiastic.

"And now, because of trumped-up charges, is it really wise to restrict the most outstanding, most advanced, and most epoch-making technology of this century—virtual reality technology—from entering our country? ! 』

"Or, is it just inertial xenophobia under the narrow nationalist trend of thought? 』

"I strongly appeal to all citizens of the new era with the spirit of internationalism to make a common voice: don't confront! Don't be exclusive! Embrace technology! Embrace the world! 』

"This is by no means a trivial matter for a group of gamers, but a major event for the entire nation! 』

"It's about all of us, and our children and grandchildren, whether we will live in an open, inclusive, and free country in the future, or a country that is exclusive, closed, and full of shackles everywhere!" 』

At this moment, Karl's writing became smoother and smoother, and he was convinced of it!

The blood rushed to my heart, and I just felt that I was a fearless soldier who worried about the country and the people, cared about the future of the country, and was full of patriotic enthusiasm!

The keyboard and mouse in your hand are your own sword and shield!

"Here, I appeal to all citizens who care about the future of the country: Take action and join the general strike in 2 days' time (December 6th, this Friday)!" 』

"Let our voice resound through Berlin, Germany, the European Union, and even—"

"Ring through the world! ! 』

Carl hit the Enter key hard!

Then he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, there was a long aftertaste of a sword slowly returning to its sheath after being cut out.

He even felt that he had found his mission in life——

[Dedicate your limited life to the infinite internationalist movement! Strive all your life to promote the great unity of the people of the world! ]


Such a passionate declaration undoubtedly caused a huge sensation in the player circle.

Although there is not a word in the full text that explicitly mentions Yunmeng, nor does it mention the virtual reality game construction server center, but the appeal is very clear: request the government to release restrictions on Yunmeng's construction server center.

Because this is "embracing technology and embracing the world" and "openness, tolerance and freedom".

More importantly, this gives all players the confidence to stand on the moral high ground and spit at the government confidently!

All players act.

Not only virtual reality gamers, but players from other traditional platforms are also getting involved.

Except for a small number of them who sincerely intend to strike and protest, most of them do not intend to participate, but this does not prevent them from posting support on the Internet.

Anyway, it costs nothing to talk online, and no one knows who is who.

The solidarity of these players, coupled with the support of some fun-loving people who are afraid of chaos in the world, made this "General Strike Declaration" get more than one million hits very quickly, and the popularity soared!

But soon, this behavior also angered some people——

Those who are not interested in virtual reality games, or those who are interested but value social order more.

They began to speak out on the Internet, opposing the "general strike", accusing Karl and others of disrupting social order for their own selfishness, affecting the daily life stability of millions of citizens.

"Is it vicious, naive, or malicious to carry out a "general strike" for an overseas company and harm the citizens of the country?!"

"It is suggested that the government strictly check the bank accounts of the leaders and check whether there are any shady private transactions!"

"Already called the police, explain to the police!"

"This kind of strike is a violation of the labor law, and you should go to jail!"


Of course, the players would not admit defeat so easily, and immediately spoke up to refute.

As a result, those who supported the strike, those who opposed the strike, and countless entertainers frantically watched the excitement on both sides.

The scolding war spread little by little, and soon got out of hand.

Only gradually, Karl and his comrades inevitably fell into a disadvantage.

After all, compared to the number of people, they are the party with fewer people after all: Compared with the illusory spirit of internationalism, ordinary people still care more about not being disturbed in their daily lives.


But the Internet is an open world. German players and opponents had such a fierce quarrel, which naturally caused huge waves in the Internet world.

The anchor Turner, who was in France, soon noticed the big movement in the neighboring country.

As a once glorious American, Turner certainly can't just sit back and watch these fighters fall to the disadvantage!

Even if Germany establishes a server center, it will be more difficult for France to rush to the T1 theater in the future, but Turner considers himself a noble player, and he is more willing to defeat the opponent openly!

So, without even thinking about it, he began to mobilize the audience in the live broadcast room, "go out" to the German Internet, and support the "general strike movement" of German players.

This was not enough, Turner also went back to America's hometown to post on the Internet to get support.

Even Daxia, which spans seven time zones, has noticed the disturbance.

The first post to appear on the Vortex Game Forum——

[Brothers, go, go, go! The old Germans need our help! ]

For the anchors who haven't broadcast yet, the live broadcast room is quickly occupied by this topic.

Regardless of the late night, big summer players entered the virtual world one after another, and through the transnational network channel provided by Yunmeng, they entered the German Internet to watch the excitement.

Relying on Yunmeng's global translation, except for a few out-of-the-way dialect swear words, Yunmeng has translated the rest of the content quite well, and the players in Daxia have no pressure to eat melons in the front row.

When Super Tomato saw Carl's "General Strike Declaration", he couldn't help complaining immediately: "My God, what is this "Admonishing Germany to Close the Country"!"

A Yi, who was already offline, excitedly restarted the broadcast.

The title of the live broadcast room is directly——

[Promote the spirit of internationalism and support our overseas comrades! Players all over the world unite! ]

But after watching the debate on the German Internet for a while, Ah Yi couldn't help but shook his head in disappointment: "The old German buddies are not good at it...can't even use magic?!"

Some of the viewers who had just poured into the live broadcast room saw Ayi registering an account on a German online platform before they could figure out what was going on.

Once registered, start posting immediately:

[ # Great Strike, we call on all women, workers, immigrants, environmentalists, animal protection, vegans, and LGBTQIAPKDXR+ people to join our essential strike! An open, inclusive and free country is related to the life and well-being of all people! ]

Ayi wrote the whole paragraph almost without thinking.

The only place where he stopped was the string of letters, which he copied and pasted from the search engine he had opened.

After posting this post, A Yi did not forget to say in the live broadcast room: "Everyone, go and register an account, please like and forward it, and contribute some popularity."

"Also, pay attention to the gender option when registering. Don't choose the traditional gender of male and female. Just pick one from the string I wrote above, or just leave it blank."

"When you sign up to comment, remember to say that you are 'oppressed', 'exploited', 'sexual minority', and then support this general strike for your own identity and collective."

A Yi's last advice was: "Pretend to be decent!"

This set of operations made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh in an instant——

"Why are you so proficient!"

"What is that LGBTQI thing! Can you read it fluently with your mouth?!"

"Why are there no blacks? Do you discriminate against blacks?"

"God discriminates against black people! This is not America, how many black people are there in Germany?"


Although they were crazily complaining, everyone was also a fun person who feared that the world would not be chaotic, and ran over excitedly to fight the fire.

So, the wind direction... began to change!

The number of players in Germany is indeed smaller than the number of netizens, but if it is a global Yunmeng player, the number is more than the entire population of Germany!

Even though countries only support some people, more than half of them are happy people, which immediately reversed the disadvantage in public opinion, and by the way, the enthusiasm for the "general strike" has exploded.

All of a sudden, there really was something of an internationalist movement!



At 8:00 p.m. that day, the German Federal Cyber ​​Security Agency issued a statement, announcing that it would reconsider the construction of the Yunmeng Server Center, which is of great concern to the public, and would release the latest review results within three working days.

[Great Strike Movement] has not yet officially started, but staged results have been achieved!

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