Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 617 Chang'an Heavy Fog

The plane glides slowly into the night sky.

In the first class cabin, there are only 6 people in 10 seats, except for Lin You and Zhu Cixia, the rest are all security personnel.

As for the 4 empty ones, it was not because the security team asked the airline not to sell them—there was no such rule, but when Lin You bought the tickets, he directly booked all 10 first-class seats.

Now only 6 people are seated, and the rest of the seats are naturally vacant.

Behind Yue Pengju, the girl from the security team asked Lin You: "Have you ever considered buying a private jet?"

"We will handle all the formalities for you, and we can also arrange for you as a pilot."

In short: You just need to pay the money, then pick a plane you like, and we will do the rest.

There is no way, every time Lin You travels, the security team has to spend a lot of time to do security checks in advance.

Even if Lin You directly booked the first-class cabin, which saved a lot of trouble for the "passengers in the same cabin" to check, the "passengers on the same plane" still need to know in advance.

In contrast, if he directly bought a private jet, things would be much simpler.

It is nothing more than doing a safety check on the plane and applying for the route in time before takeoff.

Anyway, it is not new for rich people to buy private jets in the world. With Lin You's net worth, he will not have any financial pressure.

It's better to say: Compared with his current wealth, his current material desire is unbelievably low——

Lin You didn't even have a car of his own!

Although there is Yue Pengju's special car to pick him up, he really doesn't need to buy a car...

But if you don't need it, you really "don't buy it". This is not something everyone can do.

Especially when he has more money than he can spend.

It's a pity that Lin You shook his head and refused without thinking: "No, I'm a housekeeper. I'm either at work or at home every day. I don't need a private jet."

But as soon as the words came out, he turned his head, and his tone suddenly became a little eager: "Is the helicopter okay?"

"If I can fly to work by helicopter, I will be able to sleep an extra 20 minutes in the morning!"

"???" The security girl was stunned, "You want to buy a helicopter just to get an extra 20 minutes of sleep in the morning?"

"Yeah, can't you?"

"..." The security girl choked on this local tyrant's behavior, and continued unwillingly: "The range of the helicopter is too short, and it's not comfortable. Why don't you consider taking a private jet?"

Lin You still shook his head: "No need, I can't fly a few times a year, it's a waste of money to keep it."

Jian Xingde suddenly couldn't hold back and interjected: "You spent more than 6 million to build such a big airship, and you only flew it once and left it on the side of the track. Now that place has become a check-in spot for Internet celebrities. , why didn't I see that you thought it was a waste?"

"I did it for business! Besides, it's still useful."

"What's the use?" Jian Xingde asked with disbelief.

"Hmm..." Lin You was lost in thought, but he didn't have any ideas for a while, "I'll tell you later, go to bed early."

Yue Pengju rolled his eyes when he heard it.

Finally, until the plane landed at Chang'an Airport, Lin You was not tempted by "consumerism" and firmly rejected the proposal to buy a plane.

On the contrary, it was the airship that was accidentally mentioned, which gave him an extra thought:

Why not add a link in the sky to the New Year's Eve event?

——It is indeed very difficult to let the airship fly over Xia Jing again, but if it is just to fly casually in the outer suburbs, it is too simple!


The next day, there was heavy fog in Chang'an.

Probably because he was too unfamiliar with the bed, Lin You didn't sleep well that night, and he wasn't in the mood to stay in bed, so he woke up very early.

He originally thought that after the collection of cold weapon data was over, he would never be able to do the hard work of boxing again.

But he had nothing to do when he got up in the morning, so he punched twice habitually.

After washing and tidying up, I knocked on the little princess' door and went downstairs to have breakfast together.

Then, while there were not many people on the street, they went out shopping together.

At this time, Chang'an was filled with thick fog.

Beyond six meters, it is difficult to see people clearly, and the buildings on both sides of the street also appear and disappear in the thick winter fog.

There are so many historic sites in Chang'an City that it is unimaginable.

This is because during the most difficult years in Daxia, even though the country was full of wars, Chang'an was never taken down by the enemy.

Even except for the air force attack, it was basically not burned by the war, and it has always been an important rear base.

This is not only because Chang'an is located inland and has sufficient strategic depth, but also because Tongguan's natural danger is stuck there.

More importantly: Chang'an was the ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties, not only important in terms of geographical location, but also extremely important in the hearts of the Daxia people. During the war, it was always strictly guarded.

This allowed the historic sites of Chang'an City to be preserved to the greatest extent.

Even after the advent of modernization, there are not many high-rise buildings in the entire Chang'an City, but the style of traditional buildings has been preserved as much as possible, and the aesthetics have achieved extremely high achievements.

Every year, countless tourists come to this city from far away, just to witness its beauty with their own eyes.

Of course, this has brought a lot of inconvenience to the modern development and economic and social construction of this kind of city, but the citizens living in Chang'an City have accepted it frankly.

Their sacrifices have resulted in a miraculous city where modernity and tradition blend together and coexist harmoniously.

Rather than the memory of Lin You's previous life, many buildings that were originally breathtakingly beautiful now have only one stone pier left.

Especially in today's thick fog, many modern details are covered by the thick fog.

All that can be seen are the scattered pedestrians in the dense fog, and the quiet and ancient buildings on both sides continue to extend along the street, seemingly without end.

Being in the middle, it is not like walking in the 21st century, but traveling to a certain day more than ten centuries ago, and what you see is the scenery at that time.

Lin You turned his head to look at the side, he was wrapped layer by layer like a little chubby bear, holding up the camera to take pictures of the little princess, suddenly wanted to laugh.

Just don't cross over again.

Really go back to more than a dozen centuries ago, I can't see the princess, let alone drag her out for a walk early in the morning like now.

Before I knew it, I came all the way to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda Square.

Even though the fog is thick, there are Chang'an citizens who get up early to exercise here.

Without disturbing others, the two walked towards the Big Wild Goose Pagoda where only half of the pagoda was exposed in the dense fog.

An elder brother wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with only a very short layer of black hair roots on his head, probably thought it was strange for the two young people to appear at this time, so he took the initiative to greet them: "How are you, it's so early What are you doing out there?"

"Oh, hello, let's come to see the Big Wild Goose Pagoda." Lin You responded kindly.

"Big Wild Goose Pagoda?" The eldest brother frowned and looked back, "What's so good about this stupid Big Wild Goose Pagoda?"

"From the perspective of outsiders, this is the place where Tang Seng translates scriptures. There is nothing unusual."

Lin You looked at the elder brother in amazement, and the little princess raised her eyes from behind the camera lens to look at the elder brother.

Obviously, I didn't expect the Big Wild Goose Pagoda to get such an evaluation.

Seeing the reaction of the two, the elder brother froze for a moment.

After carefully looking at the headband with the camera on Lin You's head, and then at the professional camera in the little princess's hand, he seemed to realize that something was wrong, and asked, "You guys are recording these and posting them online, right? ?”

Just as the little princess was about to say no, she saw Lin You nodded first and said, "Yes, maybe she will be on TV."

"Oh, wait a minute, wait a moment."

After the elder brother finished speaking, he spit out a mouthful of foam in the palm of his hand, rubbed his hands together, and then stroked his head with almost no hair, making a movement of arranging his hair.

He adjusted the neckline of the "Turn-neck long-sleeved shirt without a collar" again, and finally, with a smile on his face, he stopped speaking the local dialect, but switched to quite standard Mandarin and said:

"The Big Wild Goose Pagoda was built in 600 A.D. Master Xuanzang returned from learning Buddhist scriptures from India. In order to praise his great achievements, the Emperor Tang visited Daci'en Temple..."

The little princess looked at the elder brother in surprise, and became like a tour guide. She introduced the Big Wild Goose Pagoda solemnly, and counted a large list of famous ancient buildings in Chang'an like the names of dishes.

Finally, I do not forget to conclude: "Chang'an is the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties with a long history and culture. We welcome many domestic and foreign tourists to visit our Chang'an. Thank you."

After finishing the lines, the expression remained unchanged, and the smile was maintained for a few seconds before the eldest brother asked again: "Is the recording finished?"

"The recording is finished, the recording is finished." Lin You nodded again and again, "Brother is worthy of being a local, knowledgeable and admirable."

The eldest brother smiled, put away his curiosity, turned around and went back to the original place to exercise.

But when Lin You heard him turn around, he still said softly with disdain: "You bastard, Big Wild Goose Pagoda."

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