Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 637 The list of peak battles!

Can't tolerate Super Tomatoes without doubt!

Shi's pictures before were much more outrageous than this, and Yunmeng didn't see Yunmeng jumping out and saying that the violation should be rectified.

It wasn't until they had nothing to do and ran over to Yunmeng to report themselves that Yunmeng showed a sense of presence, erased some of the outrageous scenes, and asked them to restrain themselves.

But after that time, the group of friends did not draw less outrageous things, and never saw Yunmeng really jumping out to ask them to rectify.

So Yunmeng didn't actually review it, right? ?

Or, is it because Yunmeng has already left work, so they all passed by default, and the real review will not start until tomorrow morning, or even Monday?

Thinking of this, Super Tomato instantly became uneasy: "Shouldn't we wait until the registration is over and there are too many people voting, and we don't meet the entry standards, so we will be directly disqualified?"

"That's too cheating!"

But the works have been submitted, and it is useless to worry.

You can't ask Lin You again, can you?

From Super Tomato's point of view, a character like Lin You must have endless things to do every day, and he still doesn't know what he is busy with.

If it is not necessary, it is better to disturb less.

Just worrying about gains and losses, the dense barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly appeared crazily, and the speed was so fast that it was dizzying!

Super Tomato immediately realized that something important had happened, but he couldn't see the barrage at all, so he could only try to control the chat box, and it took a lot of effort to find out a few key words——

[Large List], [Peak Battle], [You're Up], [Battlefield].

Super Tomato stroked his train of thought: "You mean, I'm on the big list for the peak battle of "Battlefield"?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he laughed: "If you want to lie to me, you have to find a reliable reason. This kind of thing that you know is impossible at first sight, I can't believe it..."

"The week before, I either fought in "Terraria" or built a house in "Minecraft" as a supervisor. "Battlefield" played less than 20 games in total, and the winning rate was less than half. They are not logged in, and they are not in the range of random selection, so if they can be selected, Yunmeng is blind."

But the barrage is still surging rapidly, and it seems quite persistent.

"Stop it, stop playing, no one will be fooled."

Super Tomatoes try to calm down the barrage.

But the barrage couldn't calm down at all.

Seeing the reaction of the audience, Super Tomato finally wavered: Could it be true?

He silently searched for the keywords of [Peak Battle List], and successfully found the official account of "Battlefield". The first page of the list was the list of players from Great Xia, a total of one thousand... and ten.

"1010? Why are there 10 more people?"

Looking carefully, he quickly discovered that his ID really appeared on it!

But what is outrageous is that he is neither in the [Top 300 win rate], nor in the [Top 300 wins], or even [Random 400], but in——

[War Reporter] Here!

"What the hell, war reporter!" Super Tomato was startled, "Can you still play like this?"

He looked through the big lists of other countries, and found that all of them had become 1010 people, and "war correspondents" had become standard.

Looking at Yunmeng's explanation, there is actually not a single reporter among the 10 quotas for "war correspondents"...

All are anchors or game commentators.

Moreover, these "war reporters" are treated the same as ordinary players, and they can also participate in the war and be killed.

So Super Tomato understood: "This is a prostitution for nothing!"

The influence of prostitute anchors and commentators further amplifies the influence of [Peak Battle].

Of course, for such a big global event, the influence of individual anchors and commentators can only be regarded as icing on the cake, and may not even be worth mentioning. For Yunmeng, it should be a matter of passing by.

An obvious proof is that Yunmeng announced the primary list without communicating with anyone in advance.

Yes, this list is only a preliminary selection.

On the second night, if anyone has something to spare, can't participate in the competition, or just doesn't want to participate without any reason, they can give up this qualification in advance.

[War correspondents] can, of course.

Although Super Tomato couldn't figure it out, who would be willing to give up this opportunity.

Especially the anchors, they have always been chasing the popularity, and few of them are willing to give up.

Anyway, he will definitely not give up!

But looking at the barrage that became uniform in the live broadcast room - "Unless Yunmeng is Blind", he suddenly had a headache...


One thing Super Tomatoes guessed wrong.

There are indeed anchors who intend to give up this opportunity.

And not one or two—

Of America's 10 [war correspondents] selected for the big list, 7 of them decided to give up on the spot, and the remaining 3 were also extremely entangled, hovering on the verge of giving up.

This is all because of the situation in the America War Zone, which is really special.

Not all countries overseas have participated in the peak battle.

In many small countries with a small population, the whole country can't get together a thousand-man team, and basically choose to merge into the surrounding theaters with good relations to participate in the war.

There are also some countries with a large population, but Yunmeng has just developed, and has not even successfully entered the local market. The number of hosts is very small, and they have chosen to join other theaters to participate in the war.

At first, both Lin You and Yunmeng's employees thought that America would also be the latter.

But the players of America are not!

It may be that a strong sense of national pride is supporting them, making them firmly choose to fight for America.

——Although in the current America, holding a mirage host itself is a matter of legal risk...

Lin You, who saw the voting results, agreed after hesitation.

This is a very risky thing, because the event itself must be broadcast live.

If America's players are identified, there is a risk of breaking the law.

That's why America's game anchors and game commentators gave up their attendance one after another - because they are more famous and easier to be recognized, so it is easier for the FBI to check the water meter.

Even so, America's players are unwilling to mix and play with other countries, and would rather take the risk of being investigated for breaking the law and fight together on behalf of America.

What a feeling!

Lin You was very moved.

Considering the current ban on America, the main thing is to strictly control the customs in order to block the entry of external channels. As for the mainframes that have entered the country, they did not spend much effort to pursue them.

Lin You finally agreed to the adventure.

Of course, after agreeing, Lin You immediately told the person in charge of the [Foundation for Freedom and Democracy Activities] in New York to make preparations in advance to provide legal aid and be ready to recruit people at any time.


By the way, Turner will definitely not go back to fight with a group of teammates with huge delay and doubtful level.

No, no, he's going to fight for France!

The super-large battlefield map of [Peak Battle] has been announced, and a very detailed panoramic map can be seen in the virtual world.

Site selection has also begun.

As a member of the French theater, Turner will be the first batch to participate in the selection of positions as a proud T1 theater-the method is also a general vote.

Start choosing a position tonight, this is a special treatment only available in the T1 theater!

If you go back to America, you have to go back to the T3 war zone. You have to wait for the T2 war zone to choose a position tomorrow morning, and it will be your turn in the afternoon.

If we really had to wait until then, the rest would be garbage positions!

So Turner was unwilling to go back no matter what.

Now he is still busy studying this huge battlefield map!

The terrain of this map is extremely complex, high-altitude mountains, dense cities, basins, seaports, deserts, jungles, underground fortifications...

There are all kinds of colors and everything you need.

The advantage or disadvantage of terrain is not strongly related to the degree of material abundance, and sometimes it is even completely opposite-the better the terrain, the easier it is to defend and the harder it is to attack, but the scarcity of combat materials.

There are only four exceptions: good terrain and rich resources.

If nothing else happens, three of these positions will 100% belong to the three countries in the T1 theater—that is, Bactria, Russia, and France.

The remaining one is also likely to belong to the top name of the T2 theater-Germany.

But this is not necessarily the case. After all, it is easy to be besieged at the top of the ranking. If you choose such a good position, the risk will only increase further.

How to choose depends on the voting results of all players.

There must be some players who are dissatisfied with this kind of position arrangement. Originally, the T1 theater was the strongest, but now it is given an advantageous terrain and abundant resources. Isn't that bullying?

But this kind of arrangement is originally a reward for the excellent battle zone, and it is impossible for Yunmeng to change it.

Otherwise, why do players have to fight hard every day?

Have been staying in the weakest T3 theater, are you not happy to score each other every day?

As for the T1 theater, there are only 3 countries, why are there 4 regions with good terrain and rich resources?

To see the blood flow in rivers, of course!

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