Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 644 A bunch of troublemakers, I can't control them!

"I heard that there is a method called [thumb ranging], which can measure whether you can escape from a nuclear bomb, and I don't know if it is reliable."

Superfluous and his teammates had no idea of ​​hiding and fighting guerrilla warfare. They ran arrogantly to the roof of the tallest building in the town, looking in the direction of the air-raid shelter, and preparing for the nuclear explosion.

Now that he is surrounded by the army, he is still exposed to the outside, and the risk is quite high.

But is life important, or nuclear explosion?

Do you even need to think about it?

Watching a nuclear explosion of course!

Anyone who hesitates for a second is sorry for his identity as a player.

The nuclear bomb controller the size of a suitcase is open on the protective wall of the roof, and the big summer players are always staring at the countdown on it.

After waiting for the last 10 seconds, everyone counted down excitedly:





This is a nuclear explosion, the top weapon of mankind. It is impossible to see it in reality, and no one wants to see it, but in the virtual world, who doesn't want to see it? !

In the last few seconds, even the system announcement sounded ahead of time——

[The nuclear weapons are ready, the target is recalibrated, the silo is opened, and the final countdown——]




[The nuclear bomb has been ignited and will arrive on the battlefield in 3 seconds. 】

[The nuclear bomb controller has been redeployed. 】

The controller in front of the extravagant superfluous horn was instantly powered off and damaged, turning into a piece of scrap iron.

But they had no time to pay attention at all, everyone looked up at the sky with their necks up——

There, an extremely fast missile pierced the sky, and it flew from the sky to the near in a blink of an eye. Yunmeng added a rather exaggerated visual effect to the missile. The spectacular tail flame fell from the sky like a bolide, reflecting the scene In everyone's sight.

The French players staying outside the air-raid shelter looked at the falling direction of the nuclear bomb and felt something was wrong!

The next moment, a dazzling system warning popped up in front of his eyes——

【A nuclear attack on the way has been detected, please avoid it immediately! Please avoid immediately! 】

At this moment, all the French players outside and inside the air-raid shelter, one-third of the Ottoman Republic players in the adjacent area [Underground Fortification], the Izumo players who fell into the water on the other side of the river and were about to fall into the water, and the Italian players who were chasing too far ahead, Also got this warning!


Everyone raised their heads with wide eyes.

On the shore, the Izumo player [Omori] gave a thumbs up subconsciously, wanting to lift it up to measure the distance, but looking at the plume that had already begun to land vertically and pulled straight, he felt that it was unnecessary...

This is also the only thing he has time to think about, 3 seconds is not enough to do anything!

next moment--

He saw the light.

Infinite light, infinite heat exploded before his eyes.

At the moment of the explosion, he did not hear the expected explosion.

Not only was there no explosion, the world seemed to have fallen into silence, there was no sound at all, only the light of the explosion, the land that subsided in an instant, and the river that evaporated.

He didn't even realize when he died and was transformed into a conscious state.

It is really completely insensitive, and it has changed from a living state to a conscious state in an extremely smooth manner. When you look down, you can't even see the corpse, you can only see a faint black shadow on the ground.

——He was too close to the center of the explosion, and was vaporized at the moment of the nuclear explosion.

[T2 Theater - Izumo, has withdrawn from the battlefield. ]

Italian players who were a little farther away were fortunate enough to see a richer explosion picture——

First came the violent, expansive light, and then the shock wave visible to the naked eye set off earth waves, but what came before the shock wave was a huge roar that exceeded the comfort zone of human hearing by 3 times or even 4 times.

Fortunately, the torture lasted only for a moment—the next moment they lost their hearing.

A powerful shock wave followed, blowing away everything on the surface, including people, cars, cannons, earth and rocks...

Italian players suffered heavy losses, and the death toll continued to soar!

Those who survived by luck experienced the terrible heat wave that followed!

They only experienced the rapidly rising temperature for 2 seconds before being cut off from temperature perception by the system.

But they could see that their blood volume was dropping rapidly, the gun in their hands was glowing red, and the overturned car beside them was melting!

The wheels turned into a puddle of viscous liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In their property bar, [Deafness], [Burn], [Bleeding], [Radiation], [Broken Fracture], [Serious Injury]... a long list of negative states popped up quickly.

And then there's...death.

Only the players who are farther away, superimposing and surrounding them, can be lucky enough to watch the whole explosion:

Intense flames rising from the ground to the sky, rising mushroom clouds, spreading shock waves, collapsing buildings, little people being blown away like ants...

The strong shock wave even affected them, the ground trembled violently, the glass of the whole town shattered to the ground, and the strong wind blew their hair flying, forcing them to squint their eyes.

Even so, superimposed characters did not forget what I always wanted to do:

Close your left eye, point your thumb at the mushroom cloud, and use your right eye to see if it can be completely covered.

The result: no.

"F*ck?! Isn't it?"

He quickly opened the status bar and took a look, and found a new negative status: [Radiation].

[Radiation]: Your body is suffering from nuclear radiation and is slowly losing vitality. If you do not leave the radiation environment, the loss rate will continue to accelerate as time goes by. If you continue to withstand radiation for 10 minutes, this state will become a permanent state.

Superfluous staring at the blood volume for a while, he found that it only dropped 1% in 1 minute, so he was instantly relieved.

"Let's go slowly, I don't know if I can survive the next 10 minutes."

The tremors of the earth and the loud noise of nuclear bomb explosions spread throughout the battlefield.

Even in a seaport that is far away, the players on the freighter can feel that the sea has become very unsettled, and the shaking of the freighter has become significantly larger.

"Handsome!" Even though the players in Daxia couldn't stand firmly, they still praised each other.

"I really want to go to the nuclear explosion center to see what the scenery is like."

"It's true that you say that, I also kind of want to be must be very cool!"


But the people who were bombed didn't feel very happy.

Inside the air-raid shelter, there was chaos.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are corpses all over the field - at the moment when the nuclear bomb exploded, a huge deep pit sank into the ground. Even a nuclear-proof air-raid shelter could not completely block the terrible explosion. The thick steel blast-proof door Already in a semi-melted state, the entire air-raid shelter has collapsed in half.

Almost all the French players in the air-raid shelter died suddenly, and only the deeper players survived.

This round of blows directly damaged more than half!

But the matter is not over yet, their position, [Radiation] state is much more fierce than superfluous! The blood bar is dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Turner, who had put on the protective suit early, was in better condition, and the radiation damage would not threaten him for a while.

——When the countdown was 3 seconds, the French player outside sent a message before he died.

French players are praying: "God bless me."

Only Turner stood up swiftly and put on the half-worn protective clothing and locked it tightly.

At this moment, Turner looked at his teammates who knew foreign languages, and couldn't help but sneered: "Speaking of a word?"

This old man who understands the old sayings of Daxia is still in shock, and keeps saying "God..."

Turner looked at the air-raid shelter that was still collapsing, with falling rocks falling constantly, and his comrades in arms looking for protective clothing everywhere, and couldn't swallow this breath in his heart.

He naively opened the friend interface, found the contact from yesterday when he formed an alliance and questioned——

"This is what you call an alliance?! This is how you treat your allies!?"

Ah Yi immediately replied:

"Ah, there may be a small misunderstanding here. I can only represent myself, not all players in Daxia. Where do I get that qualification?"

"As for me personally, I really sincerely form an alliance with you. You didn't see that I opposed it with my life before!"

"But they don't listen to me, I really can't do it..."

"Ah, a bunch of troublemakers! I can't control it!"

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