Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 666 Legislative code right here

But admiration is admiration, but Shi Lei is not too optimistic.

An obvious fact is: Lin You is definitely not a fool.

On the contrary, although people often scold him for being a bad person, no one will question his brain.

The most is that some people often complain: Lin You has a genius brain, but he seems too lazy to use it...

And Shi Lei just crashed the game once before, Lin You must have carefully checked the game after this incident.

Even if all the loopholes can't be completely blocked, it's unlikely that someone will find the loophole again in less than a day, right?

But he won't pour cold water on this kind of time.

While taking the audience to see the "accelerator ruins" in their own world, they are waiting for the cannon test over there.

As for what the audience said, asking him to "perform again", Shi Lei resolutely refused.

Even if Lin You's speed limit is set, he's not sure if his state can withstand another attempt.


Fifteen minutes later, more than two million players gathered in the [Cannon God Sect] live broadcast room, looking forward to the next scene.

In the live broadcast screen, densely packed bright red wires cover the entire field of vision, forming a dense grid. From a distance, it looks like a piece of silk woven with red threads.

But after the highlighting of the wires is hidden, as far as the eye can see, there is another endless black hole.

Anything, once formed in a large enough scale and neatly arranged together, will naturally produce a heart-stopping shock.

The preference for grand scenes is rooted in the blood of every Daxia person.

If this "big scene" can produce the effect of "firepower coverage" at the same time, then this shock and ecstasy will be doubled!

And even in the virtual world, it is admirable to be able to achieve this scale in less than 24 hours.

Under the superposition of these three factors, gifts and barrages spewed out quickly before the test started, making it dizzying.

What's interesting is that the team also provided three perspectives - through three people conducting live broadcasts to check each other's wards.

And one of the perspectives is directly opposite the artillery array!

When the tens of thousands of artillery shells are fired, you will experience the feeling of being hit head-on by 10,000 shells.

It's a real first-person perspective picture!

"The countdown begins!" These players did not delay the time, and immediately started the countdown after the preparations were completed.





Although I shouted passionately, the movements of my hands are actually very small, just pressing the button in front of me...

But although the action was small, what happened afterwards was incomparably spectacular——

The deafening blast of 10,000 cannons rang out simultaneously, and then again 1/4 second later, then the next 1/4 second, and the next...

The cycle repeats without end!

No sound can be heard in this live broadcast room, only the continuous rumbling sound, even the eardrums of the audience in the live broadcast room are itchy, and they can't help but lower the volume to the minimum.

But at this time, the real first-person perspective, the cannonball crossed a long parabola, and fell right at the camera!

Because the frequency of firing the cannons was too high, one could even see with the naked eye an iron wall made up of cannonballs falling from the sky and hitting the ground hard.

Shoot at this player.

What happens next is invisible to the audience.

Because the shells landed, the violent explosion directly covered this area, and the astonishing smoke and flames could only be seen from another very far perspective.

The scene was extremely spectacular, and the audience was thrilled to see it.

The small team in the live broadcast was also very pleasantly surprised!

On the surface, the device has entered a stable operation, 40,000 rounds per second are fired, the world is still running, and there is no intention of collapsing.

But they already felt a little uncoordinated in their gestures.

"Delayed?!" Next to the switch, the player whose ID is [Artillery No. 1] said excitedly.

He still couldn't believe it.

Because 40,000 shells per second and Shi Lei's speed of 320,000 meters per second are not in the same order of magnitude in terms of value.

But it's so simple that it freezes the game?

Then double it by 10 times, the hope of success is great!

As soon as the news came out, not only the team members were very excited, but even the audience became excited, and one by one signed up to help.

[Cannon God Sect]'s big infrastructure plan starts again!

Shi Lei, who watched the whole process, was a little hesitant.

——He didn't want to brag about himself, but he had previously collapsed all the players' worlds at the same time, and when Artillery No. 1 said that the world was delayed, he was sure that he didn't feel any changes.

In other words, the only thing that changes is probably their own world.

This doesn't seem like a good sign...


Shi Lei didn't live broadcast for too long, and it went offline before the next stage of the "Artillery God's Sect" was completed.

During the live broadcast, in addition to chatting and checking the room, watching other players' efforts to crash the server, I only challenged the Queen of Light for a few rounds, and the result was miserably abused.

After going offline, he went to check the ranking of [Red Stone Shibutu].

He is purely a fun-loving person, so he naturally voted for Super Tomato's Shitu early on.

Up to now, this work has climbed to the third place outrageously.

The popularity is evident.


Another half an hour passed, and the top 10 remained unchanged, which became its final ranking.

The members of the Super Tomato team were all excited, and the fans cheered, congratulating them on getting rich.

——But in fact, the prize money is not much, and the number of their teams is really too much, there are nearly 400 people before the deadline for registration.

The bulk of the event bonuses are all on the champion.

The third prize is only 300,000 yuan, which seems to be a lot, but it is less than 1,000 yuan for each person.

Far from being as outrageous as the championship, 3 million cash was directly credited.

And the championship team is very small, only 8 people in total!

An average of 375,000 per person! Even if you have to pay taxes, it is still a large windfall.

As for how they won the championship with 8 people, this is another thing that is so outrageous that it breaks through the sky.

But before we talk about the champion, we must first mention the runner-up's work—【Code】.

When I first saw my ranking, Super Tomato was still a little uneasy, because the content of "redstone technology" in this work is very low, and getting the third place has a lot of luck and hard work factors.

But after reading the runner-up's work, he soon felt a lot more relieved.

The brief introduction of the runner-up's work is a paragraph whose meaning is unclear at first glance——

"In ancient Babylon, the great Hammurabi wanted to legislate. He found a stone tablet and carved the legal text on it. But the ministers considered that the stele would be easily eroded by the sun and rain, so they said: don't make a code here. But Hammurabi didn't want to change his decision, so he said: Let the code be here. 』

At first, Super Tomatoes thought it was a work about the Code of Hammurabi.

But after clicking on the video, he was immediately stunned——

The work of this team actually used redstone technology to build a keyboard and monitor in "Minecraft"!

Every key on the keyboard is as big as a person.

When typing, the whole person must run around on the keyboard, pressing each key to trigger, which looks very cumbersome.

And the display is even bigger and exaggerated, as high as a dozen floors.

But no one can ignore the technical content of this thing.

This is made with the most basic "redstone"!

But this is not over. After the author briefly introduced the redstone technology used in it, he began to run around on the keyboard and input content.

And every key he entered was smoothly displayed on the screen——

"wo dou dong, wo dou ming, wo shi xuan xiang E, wo shi plan B, shi fen cha de tou fa, xi yi ji liu chu de pao mo... wo shi, wo shi, wo shi xiao meng de gou! 』

I don't know if the time is too short, or they encountered certain technical bottlenecks. They failed to display Chinese characters, and finally chose pinyin input.

Super Tomato was stunned for a while before it translated the pinyin into Chinese——

"I understand, I understand, I am option E, I am plan B, it is the split hair, the foam from the washing machine, the crushed biscuits in the supermarket, the butter that is tired of eating, the lonely city, and the earth. The grass is the spare button of the suit, the puppy is wet by the rain, it is the rotten orange, it is the expired milk, it is the kite with a broken string, it is the sunflower that is discarded at will, it is the silent child, I am, I am Yes, I am Xiaomeng's dog! 』


After the translation was completed, Super Tomato was silent for a long time.

In the end, I only commented on two words: "Defying the sky!"

By the way, he also understood the meaning of the introduction. It has nothing to do with Mao in the "Code of Hammurabi". The only thing that really matters is the last sentence:

"Go crazy right here. 』

Ps. Let me tell you in advance that I would like to ask everyone for three days off during the Chinese New Year. From New Year's Eve to the second day of the new year, I will spend time with my family and sort out the various story lines.

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