Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 739 What did we all do?

In the previous Dinosaur Island, there were login points and resurrection points everywhere.

But shortly after the appearance of Rongshanlong and Xiangliu, the landing points of Dinosaur Island were destroyed in large numbers, leaving only a few eight, and all of them were located on the edge of the island.

The one closest to Lava Mountain Dragon is the pier where the hunting boat is located.

Severe terrain damage and giant monsters everywhere make off-road vehicles almost unusable.

All of this made it very troublesome to drive on Dinosaur Island, and had to run hard on two legs, which largely limited the effect of dragging corpses.

But now the corpses were run by scattered players, instead of the dense formation before, which gave Hook and Claw more room to play.

Skilled players, even on the ground, can move quickly with the help of hooks——

Grasp the rocks or trees on the flat ground with the claws, and then pull hard, the player can be quickly pulled forward, which looks like flying on flat ground.

This trick itself is not difficult, but it is a bit difficult to use it skillfully while running.

With the assistance of this trick, and the fact that all the monsters blocking the road have been wiped out, skilled players can shorten the journey time to less than 15 minutes, and even for unfamiliar players, 20 minutes is about the same.

As long as the crusade group is not wiped out within 15 minutes, the "Drag Corpse Dafa" will take effect!

Many people have already prepared in advance to fight hard all night.

Anyway, today is Friday.


In the center of the battlefield, on top of the body of the melting mountain dragon, rocks fell like rain.

The hunters no longer dared to throw their claws casually, but used their weapons to block falling rocks while climbing.

A small number of lucky people have already found the weak point and started digging in desperately.

But when everyone is going all out and fighting the boss wholeheartedly, there is a group of people who are "fishing in troubled waters"——

Super Tomato led a small team to the back of the melting mountain dragon.

But they didn't climb up, nor did they look for weak points, but they focused on going to the thickest and strongest place of the volcanic rock.

If the Lava Mountain Dragon lay on the ground in an orderly manner, then its back is a real active volcano, and the mountain is composed of volcanic rocks closely connected with its body.

Now that it stands up, it becomes a horizontal volcano on its back.

Super Tomato and five other people are looking for their goals on this horizontal volcano.

——Their team actually had 20 people at the beginning, but half of them were killed by Rongshan Longyitong.

There are also a few hunters with long-range weapons, covering them on the ground-although everyone doesn't know what kind of cover is needed to do this, but it always feels that no one is missing something...

But right now, these Watchout teammates really played a role!

"Tomato Tomato, I'm Potato, please answer."

"Received, please tell me, potatoes, please tell me, potatoes."

"In front of you... well, should it be the front? Or should it be the left?"

In the team channel, the speaker was a little confused. After hesitating for two seconds, he chose to play badly:

"Forget it, anyway, it's in the direction you're going. Go down a little bit, turn over a section, and there's a recessed place. Check to see if there's a hole."


Super Tomato took a look with its probe, carefully fixed a solid rock point with its claws, turned down the section, and immediately saw the hole in the blind spot.

Against the shaking of the sky, after exploring a short distance inside, he immediately confirmed that he had found the right place——

On the rock wall of this "cave", there are some strange ores with faint fluorescence.

He hurried back, called the five teammates who were still alive, and hurried in.

This hole was supposed to be a hole parallel to the ground, but because the Lava Mountain Dragon stood up, it is now a hole slanting upwards.

But it didn't bother them, one by one quickly went deep down the slope.

Although the cave is still shaking, at least the internal rock structure is relatively strong, and there is no risk of being headshot by falling rocks.

Soon, the narrow cave became spacious, and the originally dark environment was gradually illuminated.

——not only illuminated by the dots of fluorescence on the rock wall, but also illuminated by the red-hot magma under the volcanic rocks.

Super Tomato approached a fluorescent ore the size of a human head, stretched out his hand to touch it, stopped for a while, and the system popped up a prompt——


The ancient blood and the fire of the earth veins meet to condense minerals full of the essence of fire.

【Fire System · Tier 7 Weapon Upgrade Material】


This is the first day of the opening of Dinosaur Island, and Super Tomato received a commission from the captain of the hunting ship - to collect [Huanglong Stone] from the back of the lava mountain dragon.

At that time, both Super Tomatoes and fans felt: This task is too awesome! Give graduation weapons directly!

But now after seeing the ore, Super Tomato is very speechless:

"I'm already using Tier 6 weapons, and I can upgrade Tier 7 weapons by getting this ore, so what is the reward for this quest?"

"Isn't this an empty-handed white wolf?!"

The teammates were also quite speechless, only one who was still using a Tier 5 weapon was happy - if all went well, he could skip Tier 6.

He was even a little excited: "Explode?"

Super Tomato picked up the big sword and slammed it a few times, hit the rock wall to test its hardness, and then said decisively: "Use explosives!"

The rock wall is harder here, and the lava mountain dragon is not honest, and the shaking has never stopped for a moment. Manual mining is really unrealistic.

"Okay!" The brothers echoed, and began to quickly take out the explosives from the armament box.

Before they set off, they all emptied their armament boxes and stuffed them with explosives—they had hooks hanging from their waists just to make room.

Explosives can of course be stuffed into the armament box, but the space is limited, and they cannot be stacked infinitely, and a barrel of explosives the size of a wine barrel can be stuffed into one grid.

If you disassemble the explosive barrel and pour explosives directly into it, you can squeeze in more.

After testing, they found that the space of the armament box is not a cube or cuboid as expected, but a space that can be changed flexibly.

It is indeed one cubic meter in size, but it can flexibly change its shape, elongate or flatten itself according to the different props put in.

——Because of this, a three-meter-long spear and a two-meter-long giant sword can be stuffed in while the total volume remains the same.

However, once the explosive barrel was disassembled, it might be inconvenient to use, so they didn't dismantle it. Instead, they stuffed it into the explosive barrel, and then tried to stuff the bulk explosives into it until they could no longer stuff it in.

These explosives are not all my own, and some are supported by other group friends who received the explosives.

At this time, these gunpowder barrels and bulk explosives were taken out by them and piled up in the cave.

——This group of people is indeed a senior player. There are 6 people including Super Tomato, and 5 of them are full-level weapons boxes with 6 spaces.

Even the little brother who is still using Tier 5 weapons has 5 spaces in the Arms Box.

A total of 35 explosive barrels and a large number of bulk explosives were piled up in the cave to form a hill.

The six people were stunned, and someone asked, "Who lit the fire?"

"Let me do it." Super Tomato took the initiative to stand up.

"Don't!" The group of friends quickly refused, "If you run too slowly to die here, what are the audience watching? Let me do it."

"I come!"

"I come!"

A group of people scrambled to grab the back seat just like scrambling to pay for a treat, and finally decided the outcome by guessing.

Super Tomato, who lost in the boxing game, had to leave the cave with four other people first.

But it didn't go far.

After the explosion is over, they still have to go in to pick up ore.


After leaving the cave from the perspective of Super Tomatoes, the audience was surprised to see:

They only stayed in the cave for a few minutes, but the outside world has already changed.

Within a radius of 500 meters, it has completely turned into a lava hell!

Originally, although lava and thick smoke were everywhere here, there were still scorched giant trees, dry and cracked land, and alienated monsters roaming around...

But now, all that has come to naught.

On the ground, rivers of lava flowed wantonly, and the land had disappeared. It was either lava or just solidified lava, and it became more and more difficult to find a place to stay.

The source of the lava was actually caused by the lava mountain dragon and the players.

After the player chipped away at the rock layer, they did manage to inflict damage on the Lava Dragon: the dragon's blood gushed out of the wound and rolled down its body.


Lava is its blood!

The lava dragon is indeed bleeding continuously, but the blood of the lava has brought huge troubles to the players.

Players who were excitedly playing output were accidentally sprayed with lava, and many of them died suddenly on the spot.

Even if he dodges, it is impossible to continue outputting in the face of a lava-spraying wound, so he can only change positions and continue digging down, trying to open a few more holes for bloodletting.

Let the molten mountain dragon bleed to death, this is the only reliable strategy they can think of.

It's just that the "bleeding volume" of Lava Mountain Dragon is too large. When it flows down from the body, for the players who are still on him, "blood avalanche" is added to the "rock avalanche", making survival more difficult. People keep disappearing.

Super Tomato and the others are still safe for the time being because they are covered by a layer of volcanic rock section above their heads.

But looking at the large number of bleeding points on the melting mountain dragon, as well as the players struggling to escape on the ground and on the dragon's back, Super Tomato suddenly realized a serious problem——

With so many explosives exploding, how big a "bleeding point" will it cause?

When they placed the explosives, they could see red-hot lava beneath their feet, which was obviously a weak point.

How much lava will be ejected from the hole by then?

"Wait a minute! Don't light the fire yet!" He hastily shouted to stop.'s too late!


A dull explosion sounded in the cave behind them, and the fiery gale ejected a person from the narrow opening—that was their teammate who ignited the fire.

The person is still in mid-air, and has already disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a river of lava gushed out of the cave, and even the entrance of the cave was washed away and bigger!

What was even more frightening was that the vibration became more intense. The volcano on the dragon's back was shaking violently, and a deep crack opened on the mountain, and a fiery red light shone deep inside the crack.


The lava dragon roared and fell heavily on the ground, the active volcano was positioned right, and the next moment, large clouds of dust spewed out from the crater!

The volcano erupted.

This time - a real natural disaster!

Super Tomatoes stunned: "What did we do?"

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