Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 781: King of Beggars!

This is a misunderstanding.

Tang Mingyue dressed so much like an NPC.

He also hangs a consistent amount of money on his waist with a purse next to it. For players who are looking for a target to steal, this is simply a bright temptation-it is almost like writing "steal me" directly on the face.

Tang Mingyue looked at the only money left, wanting to cry but not crying.

——The rest of the money was not taken, not because of good intentions, but because the money is too heavy, if you take it off, you will definitely be found.

He couldn't swallow this breath and wanted to call the police, but he didn't know who to call the police, the county government? guard? Or someone else?

Where is the grievance drum?

After struggling for a few seconds, Tang Mingyue chose the modern Drum of Complaints——

He opened the panel, jumped to the Yunmeng Forum, and entered the "Chang'an" section to post:

[Stealing your own money too? Be a person! ]


Tang Mingyue was extremely wronged.

But in fact, the person who stole his purse did not have the last laugh: before he walked out of the street, he was strangled by an iron ruler.

An NPC with a scar on the corner of his eye, who didn't look like a good person at first glance, appeared, and said gloomily: "Stealing in the street, people get stolen goods, fine or go to jail, choose yourself."

"?" [Fracture of the toe and phalanx of the right foot] was blindfolded, and looked sideways at the NPC that came out, "What's none of your business?"

The man squinted his eyes, and without saying a word, he kicked on the calf with the fractured toe bone of his right foot. The fractured toe bone of his right foot lost his balance, and he slammed his face face down on the bluestone floor.

"You fucking..." The toe bone on his right foot was broken—in fact, his usual nickname is [You Cat Cake], but it's really unpleasant to say about the theft, so he changed it temporarily for fear of being discovered. To fight back.

But the next moment, the iron ruler was smashed down!

"Fuck!" The toe bone of his right foot was fractured and he quickly crossed his hands to protect his face.

The iron ruler hit his arm hard one after another, and occasionally hit his face at a tricky angle.

After beating him up and letting out a bad breath, the NPC stopped, took out Tang Mingyue's stolen purse and stuffed it into his arms, stood up straight and was about to leave.

——Purse is considered stolen goods, so it will naturally be confiscated.

Before leaving, he used an iron ruler to twitch the buttocks with the fractured toe bones of his right foot, and said, "The trick is to highlight! Uncle Yu Qishan, the bad people of the Tang Dynasty, are dealing with you little thieves with dirty hands and feet. If you come down If you get caught by me again, things will not be so simple."

After speaking, he leisurely disappeared into the crowd.

The toe bone of his right foot was broken and he sat up with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Looking at the direction in which Yu Qishan disappeared, he said viciously, "I remember your face! Let's wait and see!"

Putting the harsh words back to the harsh words, he did not forget the business, opened the panel, and reminded everyone in the group:

"Be careful, there is a kind of NPC called [bad people] hidden in the crowd, if they see the stealing, they will jump out afterwards to grab the money!"

"???" Someone responded immediately, "Against you?"

Obviously, not everyone knew that there were such special grassroots law enforcement officers in the Tang Dynasty, so they immediately regarded the bad guys as criminal gangs.

"No, that's a local ruffian recruited by the government." A knowledgeable person stood up and answered.

"Has anyone got any money? What is the success rate?" Dong Guagua is more concerned about the actual effect.

But these words only ushered in a lot of complaints:

"It was stolen, but was robbed by an NPC."

"Not only was I robbed, but I was also beaten up. Damn, is there a team for revenge?"

"I haven't practiced this before. I was discovered when I was stealing. Now I am in Tufang Prison. If you have a conscience, come and save me."

"What a coincidence? I was also in Tufang Prison. The robbery failed. It was fine, but I ran away. Out of nowhere, a swordsman appeared and slashed on my thigh. I was fucking disabled on the spot. I remember Hold that person's face!"


After asking around, only three people succeeded, and they only touched 2 taels of silver and 14 copper plates in total.

This is clearly not enough.

While he was worrying, a person with the ID [Wang Chongba] popped up and said, "I've earned 5 taels here. If everything goes well, I can buy a sword in half an hour."

These words surprised the group of friends:

"Amazing, bro!"

"How did you do it?"

"Contemporary thief?"

"Wait!" Dong Guagua discovered a blind spot, "'Earn it'? You earned it from a part-time job? What kind of work makes you so much money?"

Wang Chongba replied: "Of course it is to be a beggar! Start with a bowl, then find a good place to lie down and sleep, and wake up with whatever you want."

"???" Even Dong Gua Gua, who had a peculiar brain circuit, felt that this person was too outrageous.

Beggars in the virtual world?

This is a martial arts game, not a beggar simulator!

But she thought it was outrageous, but the group of friends thought it was a genius:

"Good idea!"

"Get something for nothing, a role model for me!"

"Not only is it easy, but it doesn't add any evil value, smart!"

"Excellent, can you tell me where you work?"

Wang Chongba replied calmly: "Sorry, business secret."

——This is not a joke. Different begging places have different benefits. This is indeed a proper "commercial secret".

Dong Guagua tried hard to accept this setting, and then thought of the key question again: "Is there a gang of beggars in Chang'an City?"

"No?" The group of friends replied, "There are indeed beggars, but they are all huddled in a dark place, and they don't look organized."

"No?" Winter Guagua announced immediately, "Then it will be available today!"

"Now announce the latest battle plan - all out, beg for food!"

"Operation code name: [King of Beggars]!"

This action sounds nonsense at first glance, but if you think about it carefully... even more nonsense.

But this group of people in the group responded enthusiastically:

"Interesting, let's have a competition! Set aside for half an hour, and the person who gets the most money will be the leader of the first beggar gang."

"The leader of the beggar gang is too common. Listen to me, call it [the beggar emperor]! The female player is called the [beggar queen]."

"Go to the door of the blacksmith and beg. Maybe the blacksmith will give me a sword if he is happy."

"Go and beg at the gate of the palace. Maybe the emperor will send me a general when he is happy."

"Go and beg at the door of the clean room. Maybe the eunuch who was castrated will be happy and give me a big baby."

"Go and beg at the gate of the brothel! Maybe Hua Kui is happy..."


What the sand sculpture group friends said is getting more and more outrageous.

After a while, a serious person thought of a question: "Why is it so troublesome? Can't we just kidnap the blacksmith?"

Immediately, some players objected: "The blacksmith has such a strong physique, and there are ready-made weapons at hand, so he can't subdue him."

"And even if we subdue him with more people, and he is unwilling to live or die, we can't force him to forge."

Serious people hate that iron can't make steel: "Use your brain! The blacksmith can't deal with it, you can kidnap his wife and children!"

"Good guy, Satan has to tattoo you." The opposing players immediately expressed their amazement.

"Wait, I wanted to try saying that a long time ago!" Winter Guagua interrupted suddenly.

Everyone calmed down and waited for her to speak.

"Ahem!" Dong Guagua sent a voice, cleared his throat formally, and said:

"Mr. Blacksmith, you don't want your wife and children to have an accident, do you?"


There was silence in the group for a few seconds, and the group members collectively shouted: "What kind of crap! Go away!"

"Hahaha." Winter Guagua laughed happily.


Five minutes later, hundreds of thousands of beggars suddenly appeared in Chang'an City, occupying every road.

There are not only group friends, but also many netizens who ran over to participate after learning about the [Beggar King Contest].

The main reason is that many people try to make money, but they hit the wall one after another. In desperation, they plan to make some money first, and get themselves a sword as capital to make a fortune.

——As long as you get a weapon that belongs to you and put it in the armament box, there are infinite possibilities!

By the way, the title of [Beggar Emperor] is also quite interesting...

At the same time, all the blacksmith shops in Chang'an City welcomed uninvited guests!

Calvin was a little serious today, sorry.

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