Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 784 The Turtle in the Urn

After 20 minutes, the prison robbery operation officially began!

Not that tens of thousands of people are ready.

In fact, up to now, more than 1,000 swords have been scraped together, as well as kitchen knives, sickles and pitchforks several times as many.

——To be honest, without the support of the skill system, a player with a serious sword may not be able to beat a player with a pitchfork...

The reason for acting in such a hurry is not that the remaining people will not be able to get weapons, but because they are worried that if they continue to wait, all the people in the prison will be released...

Under the acceleration of Lin You's release of water, 90% of the first batch of players who were imprisoned have already been released.

Now the players are all ordinary people, even if they want to commit a heinous crime, it is not easy.

Basically, officers and soldiers were taken down as soon as they appeared on the field, and it was impossible to continue committing crimes and resisting, and superimposing crimes to an astonishingly high level, so Lin You was soft-hearted, and he was basically able to get out of prison before his mentality exploded.

But even if the "sentence" is shortened, this experience must have taught them enough lessons to reduce the crime rate in Chang'an in the future.

Until the player has enough power and is confident that he can escape or hide under the pursuit of officers and soldiers, his style of action should be more restrained.


In Yanshoufang and Shengyefang, a large number of players gathered quickly, and the scene became bustling and lively.

Most of the residents in these two square cities are either rich or expensive, and even if they were lively in the past, they would not be too noisy.

But today, the first gang meeting of the largest gang in Chang'an, the Beggar Gang, completely changed the atmosphere of these two workshops.

Fortunately, everyone has a sense of secrecy, and the weapons are all put in the armament box and not taken out.

Otherwise, so many people armed with weapons gathered at the gates of the princes and nobles, not far from the imperial city, the forbidden army would have rushed over.

The players gathered here did not have ideas for princes or nobles, nor did they have ideas for princesses and ladies—at least not this time.

The real reason is:

The left Jinwuwei is located in Chongrenfang, the right Jinwuwei is located in Buzhengfang, and these two places are located on the west side of Shengyefang and the north side of Yanshoufang respectively.

The purpose of everyone gathering here is to get as close as possible to the Jinwu prison without arousing the vigilance of the Jinwu guards, so as to have an unexpected effect.

But even so, everyone dared not stay for long.

Set up for 10 minutes, and no matter how many people arrive after that, take action immediately.

Dong Guagua has always remembered one thing: since "Quick Chase", Yunmeng has a special NPC chain mechanism.

If this system is also used in "Chang'an", even if they do not appear in the sight of Jin Wuwei soldiers, once they draw out their weapons, they are likely to be passed on by passer-by NPCs.

So - quick fix!

As time passed, Tang Mingyue stood outside the gate of Shengye Temple, carefully scanning the crowd.

He didn't come to participate in the robbery, he came to find the thief.

Although he made persistent efforts and continued to resell it later, his net worth has now doubled several times compared to when it was stolen, but he just couldn't swallow it!

But there are really too many players here, and the scene is crowded with people walking around, making him dazzled and unable to find them.

——Of course he couldn't find it. Cat cakes are not here at all. He lost eight consecutive lives in the blacksmith shop, but he still persisted in making progress, insisting on apprenticeship.

It made Tu Zesheng want to report to the government.

On top of Tang Mingyue's head, Wu Di silently appeared on the outer wall of Shengye Temple and found a place to make do with it, but Tang Mingyue didn't notice him at all.

Since Wu Di left Chang'an, he not only urged Yunmeng on the Internet every day, but also thought about it day and night.

I always want to come back to see what has changed in Chang'an.

After learning that wishing can enter "Chang'an" in advance, he chose the invitation letter without saying a word. After Lin You started the closed test, he also logged in immediately.

Like other players, he has no special treatment: wearing modern clothes, the money he saved last time disappeared, and the two daggers on his waist naturally disappeared.

The buddies and girls in Mengchun Building also forgot about him, and went to the medicine shop in West City to find the master Han Jing, but found that the medicine warehouse and the huge medicine chest were still there, but Han Jing disappeared without a trace.

A strong sense of loss surged into Wu Di's heart, so that many things he wanted to do before he came in were suddenly a little bit uninterested.

His only consolation was that the many trainings he had done during the mission last time were still effective.

The strengthening of physical fitness is gone, the noise reduction effect of footsteps is gone, and the reminder of the strong presence of special landing points during fast maneuvers is also gone.

But in terms of basic skills such as dexterity, dodging, fighting, and parkour, the effect is not weakened too much. Although it is not "extraordinary", it is still very easy to use.

That's why he was able to easily climb up the three-meter-high wall and sit down without making any sound, so that Tang Mingyue below didn't realize that there was a big living person on his head.

But Wu Di didn't come here to participate in the [Prison Robbery Operation].

He was purely here to watch the fun.

As a person who used to do all kinds of evil in Chang'an City, and played hide-and-seek with the City Guards, Jinwu Guards, bad guys, and even other forbidden troops, he was really impressed by the strength of the city's defense mechanism.

Judging from his previous valuable experience: the regular army can only be outsmarted by detours, not head-on.

But he always ran away when he saw it before, and he had never really seen a large-scale confrontation, so even if he was not very optimistic, he still rushed over to witness it with his own eyes.

Naturally, the players below couldn't hear Wu Di's voice, and even Wu Di came to persuade them, and it was impossible to persuade them.


"Time's up! Don't wait, the action begins! The target—"

"Chongrenfang/Buzhengfang, Jinwu Prison! No matter what happens in the middle, don't stop and rush into the prison!"

Winter Guagua is organized remotely outside, and there are naturally a group of friends in the game to direct on the spot.

Thus, the prison robbery operation officially began!

"Come on!"

The players, who were already hungry and thirsty, drew their weapons one after another and rushed out. Only one street away was the Jinwu Guard Office, and behind the Office was the Jinwu Prison.

The route could not be simpler or clearer.

But even with such a bright straight line, someone still deviates!

When a group of people saw the gate of the Jinwuwei government office, they rushed in without even thinking about it, and couldn't stop it.

And if someone leads the way, someone dares to follow, and immediately a group of people follow in...

The two Jinwu guards standing guard at the gate were very responsible. The moment they saw someone rushing over, they had already drawn their swords in their hands.

But the number of enemies rushing out far exceeded their expectations!

Before they could decide whether to run or not, they were rushed in front of them—the distance was too close, and they only had time to cut down two players before they were stabbed seven or eight times head-on and died suddenly on the spot.

Players passing by behind grabbed their knives and helmets, and continued to rush into the government office with the large army. Immediately there were sounds of NPCs yelling, swords colliding, and objects breaking...

Chaos spread quickly.

Fortunately, the large army was not in chaos, so they quickly rushed through the government office and arrived at the gate of the prison.

The guards here are obviously much stricter. There are not only four guards standing guard at the gate, but also a team of 12 patrolling the entire prison.

But facing thousands of players who hold swords and have no fear of life and death, these people also can't please them!

After inflicting four times their own casualties, the jailers died in the line of duty.

After solving these obstacles, the resistance in the back is greatly weakened-the player's speed is too fast, the NPC has no time to form an organization, and many people are surrounded by several times or ten times the number of players before they even have time to put on their armor.

Facing opponents more than ten times stronger, no matter how strong force is, there is no way to use it.

The most ferocious captains were running and fighting, and fell down with hatred after knocking down more than a dozen players.

The more violent prison order didn't die - the player couldn't catch up with him.

But he was also powerless to prevent the players from robbing the prison, so he had no choice but to retreat and chose to go to the government office in front for support.

After Yelang and Ayi heard the sound of fighting outside the prison, less than 5 minutes passed before the army of players successfully entered and appeared in front of them.

The "locksmith" with a sledgehammer came out more and more, and hit the door lock with a heavy hammer——

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the iron door of the prison opened in response.

Yelang and Ayi walked out of the prison door for the second time—Ayi also attacked the jailer once in the middle, but failed.

"Mission completed! Handover of command!"

Winter Guagua resolutely handed over the command, and then seamlessly switched to the melon-eating crowd.

A Yi walked out of the prison, looked at the players and NPCs full of prisons, put his hands together, and shouted loudly:

"Now, on behalf of all the brothers and sisters who participated in the [Prison Robbery Operation], I declare: To celebrate the arrival of the players in Chang'an, today - amnesty to the world!"

The NPC prisoner looked confused.

But the player prisoner boiled instantly!

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Awesome! Next time you rob a prison, count me in!"

"Thank you for your help, good brothers. This is the second time I've come in. I don't have time to speed up. I'm having a hard time."


The players who robbed the prison acted quickly, smashing the door locks with hammers and axes. If the weapons were not suitable, they found the jailer's key and tried the door locks one by one.

Ah Yi asked someone to help him break open the door lock of the prison opposite him, and said to the disheveled middle-aged prisoner inside, "Let's go, you are free!"

But the NPC didn't answer.

The only time before that when Yelang attacked the jailer, he looked up and did not respond no matter what happened.

Now that the player rushed in to rob the prison and made such a big commotion, he still didn't say a word.

A Yi tried to persuade him a few more words, but he was still immersed in his own world, completely ignoring A Yi's invitation to "run to freedom together".

This made Ah Yi a little curious: What is the situation with this person?

But now time is running out, so I can only leave a sentence of "brain!" to call the brothers to retreat quickly.

The moment he rushed out of the prison and was bathed in the bright sunshine, Ah Yi couldn't help shouting——


Not long after he entered the game, he was imprisoned and stayed there until now, he was almost suffocated!

Yelang couldn't help shouting, "I declare that [Operation Prison Robbery] was a great success!"

The players around us enthusiastically join in:




"Where to go next?"

"Imperial Palace!" A player excitedly pointed to the northeast.

That is the Shunyi Gate, the middle gate of the imperial city.

"Damn!" Ayi and Yelang felt wronged, and quickly waved their hands to calm everyone down.

But before he could say anything, he saw the gate of Shunyi Gate opened wide, and groups of well-armored and majestic Zuo Xiaowei soldiers, led by General Zuo Xiaowei, poured out of the imperial city!

At the same time, to the south of the road, in the direction they rushed, a large number of soldiers in gold and armor lined up to block the intersection.

That is the familiar Jinwu Guard.

But players haven't seen so many Jinwu Guards at one time!

To the west is Jinwu prison, to the east is the imperial city wall, to the north is Zuoxiaowei, and to the south is Jinwuwei.

In the blink of an eye, he has become a turtle in a urn!

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