Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 788 Punching? Boss Lin

Of course Lin You understood what He Peng meant.

The time is already very tight, the training will be very hard, don't make trouble, just fly down honestly, hello, hello, hello everyone.

But no.

Lin You has already realized how troublesome it is for him to go to space.

But because of the trouble, it is even more important to cherish this rare opportunity to obtain as much sensory data as possible.

And the "spacewalk" is very critical. Lin You must prepare early when it comes to the grand space voyage plan in the virtual world.

If it weren't for the fact that Daxia's space station was still being expanded step by step, it would be too busy, and he would have to go up and take a look around no matter what.

But after the space station is fully built and the number of people it can accommodate goes up, he must still find a way to go up.

With his current contribution to Great Xia, as long as the money is enough, it shouldn't be a problem.

[Digital Mobile Team] It has been 20 days since I joined the company, and my enthusiasm for work is very high.

In addition to the previous New Year's Eve event, singing three songs in a row in the Night City [Circular Auditorium], which made a big splash, the rest of the energy was devoted to the design of the space elevator.

During this period, their team has expanded from the initial group of 5 people to 12 people, adding some talents with professional backgrounds in design, visual effects, motion effects, science popularization, science fiction, etc.

And among these talents, 4 more were drawn into the team by them in the process of communicating with others and seeking guidance.

The design of the space elevator, after five updates and changes, finally reached the effect that satisfied Lin You.

A week ago, Lin You once again dialed in 8 people for them, assembled a team of 20 people, and officially started the construction of the space elevator.

But until now, people in this team don't know where the space elevator they built will be used.

What's more unclear, Lin You was already planning to take them apart on the day the sky elevator was completed while stuffing people into their team.

——Just like what he did to the casual game development team back then.

The sci-fi game development team will also go through such a process of training, training, and maturity until they become independent.

In this process, capable people will naturally stand out and become the backbone and leader of the new team.

With Yunmeng's outrageous project development speed, this process will be quite fast.

Therefore, as the boss, Lin You must not hold back in providing support. Sensory data related to space must be prepared as soon as possible.

This time he went to the space center, not only did he have to complete a full set of training, he also had to touch all the space equipment!

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, let's talk about it after touching it!

He even intends to experience the training equipment that he doesn't need, just to enrich the sensory data as much as possible.

It is even more impossible to let go of such a rare "spacewalk" opportunity.

It's just that for He Peng, his head hurts: "It seems that there is no spacewalk for this space mission..."

"Really?" Lin You didn't hesitate at all, and immediately answered, "Then if I sponsor another rocket, can I add this mission? If it's not enough..."

"Stop, stop!" He Peng repeatedly stopped him from continuing, "Don't add any more!"

"It's just that things are more troublesome. Don't make it seem like I'm blackmailing you... Our unit doesn't study rockets. I'll communicate with you now."

While saying this, He Peng regretted it for countless times: I really shouldn't have asked Lin You that question too much back then!

Naturally, Lin You didn't know He Peng's regret, and thanked decisively: "Thank you! It's been so hard! I will treat you to dinner later, and you can choose the place."

"No, we don't like eating, drinking and socializing anyway."

He Peng already knew Lin You's character very well, so he stopped talking about it.

"Then let me help you find a wife?" Lin You still wanted to thank He Peng.

"??" He Peng was shocked, "Yunmeng still has this technology?"

"Haha, Yunmeng doesn't have one, but I do."

——In fact, Xiaomeng has

Xiaomeng, who eats melons intensively every day and has a huge amount of server resources, really holds in his hands countless resources of men and women of the right age and a matching algorithm for couples.

Although this algorithm is a by-product of eating melons, it is used to identify men and women who have crashed online, and who is more scumbag and outrageous.

But using this algorithm in reverse, combined with Xiaomeng’s [Appearance Scoring Algorithm] and Yunmeng’s [Three Views Screening Algorithm] when recruiting people, it is not a problem at all to play a guest role as an online matchmaker.

Lin You explained to He Peng.

But unfortunately, after learning that this is based on public Internet big data, algorithmic matching for real people, rather than "creating a perfect virtual wife for you", He Peng immediately refused:

"Thank you, but there's no need. Remember to arrive at the space center on time at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Yue Pengju knows the way."

After finishing speaking, he quickly hung up the phone, interrupting Lin You's behavior of urging marriage in disguise.

After Lin You hung up the phone, he continued to advance the development process of "Chang'an".

The good news is: most of the difficulties encountered by the development team have been resolved.

Lin You's high-intensity follow-up for half a month not only greatly advanced the development progress, but the employees also fully understood Lin You's needs, and they needed to trouble him less and less frequently.

Even a large number of project teams have completed the work, and after Lin You's acceptance, they began to support other teams with more complicated tasks.

The progress is advancing rapidly every day, and there is no suspense to release the first chapter before the Chinese New Year.


After a busy afternoon, after completing the acceptance of the horse racing system, Lin You succeeded in leaving get off work on time at five o'clock.

It's not that he's lazy, he still has to read the technical information of the consciousness chip at night, if he doesn't take a break in the middle, he won't be able to learn it at all.

Recently, he has been so diligent that he feels abnormal.

Xiaomeng felt sorry for him working so hard, and instead of pestering him to play with him after the study time was over every day, she thoughtfully gave him a massage to relax his tense nerves.

But now it's commute time after get off work, so you can play together confidently!

Xiao Meng shared today's interesting gossip and news with Lin You in the back seat, with the joy of eating melon written all over her face.

After the overseas server centers were put into operation one by one, the scope of Xiaomeng's eating melons was no longer limited to Daxia.

Instead, based on the big summer, eat melons all over the world!

Lin You has no doubt that if Xiaomeng is allowed to start an online newspaper, even without any external help, she can create an entertainment tabloid that is popular all over the world within a month.

However, Lin You didn't do that. Instead, he opened a securities account for Xiaomeng under his own name, and then put in 5 million as start-up capital, allowing her to develop freely.

——He is not short of money, and Xiaomeng is naturally not short of money. He opened a securities account purely out of curiosity, wanting to see what Xiaomeng can do.

At this moment, Xiaomeng was telling Lin You an outrageous gossip: a woman in France was pregnant, but she was not sure who the child was, so she called her six lovers and wanted them to live together and raise the child together. child.

But the six lovers disagreed.

In the end, they decided to roll the dice to decide who would be the father of the child...

"And then?" Lin You was curious, "Who got it?"

Xiaomeng was about to reveal the answer, but suddenly turned her head and looked out of the window, then suddenly changed the subject and said, "Master~ something interesting happened!"

"?" Lin You's eyes were full of question marks, "What fun thing? No, what was the result of the dice before?"

"Don't worry about rolling the dice for now, master, go and read the propaganda on the deserted island, you are also involved."

"Desert island? "Iron Fist"?" Lin You froze for a moment, "What does it matter to me?"

"Iron Fist Exhibition!" Xiaomeng looked forward to it.

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