Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 796 Classic Server Opening Event

Xia Yi thought of Splash.

It is really that the name of Splash "Lady Luck" is too big.

Perhaps at the beginning, this was indeed a nickname given by netizens to play tricks, but with so many nicknames and continuous examples, everyone began to believe it was true.

Among the player groups, reposting pictures of splashes for good luck has become a blessing behavior similar to "reposting koi".

Therefore, when Xia Yi saw the word "probability", Xia Yi couldn't help but think of the splash.

But before trying it, you have to get the [Mountain and Sea Picture Scroll] first.

"What about the Atlas of Mountains and Seas? Didn't it mean that the event and the closed beta start at the same time?"

While talking, Xia Yi used the test card to retest the attributes of her little tiger.

Unexpectedly, the previous training has been cleared, the growth value has been returned to [1/100], the level has been returned to [Lv.1], and various attributes have also dropped significantly.

But even so, Bai Ze's attributes at this moment are still higher than Xia Yi's impression of the initial state.

As for the reason, it is also very simple——


This little guy is actually a four-star pet!

Although it is not the top six stars, it is already very high. After watching the star ascension ceremony, Xia Yi thought that all pets should start from 1 star.

If wild spirit beasts had an initial star level when they were caught, then the consumption of cultivating the highest star-level pets would obviously be greatly reduced!

Xia Yidun was pleasantly surprised.

But after being happy, I still have to find a way to study what is going on with [Legacy of the Ancestors: Mountain and Sea Scroll].

She opened the panel to find the map, and according to the system prompts, bound the command "open map" as a shortcut gesture of "big number eight". She planned to follow the prompts to recover the lost pets first, and then catch a few spirit beasts to save some money. Original team.

——At the same time, A Yi bound the shortcut gesture to open the map as "vertical middle finger", and then followed the map to find his lost spirit beast.

Looking for lost spirit beasts is the first reaction of most advanced experience players.

After all, they have been raised for so long, and they have feelings more or less.

But Turner's situation is the most special.

When other people open the map, all they see are maps of the streets around them. In the initial state, the scale is not large. One centimeter on the map is equivalent to 10 to 20 meters in reality.

But Turner's map, when opened, is directly a world map, and 1 centimeter on the map is equivalent to 1,000 kilometers in reality!

Two green bright spots, moving with difficulty in Luxembourg.


Turner looked at the two points of light in disbelief, reached out his hand tremblingly, and clicked, but the pop-up system prompt shattered his last illusion——

[Lost Spirit Beast]

"What the fuck?!"

"You really came here from France!?"

This is the cheating!

For others to find a lost spirit beast, they only need to run a few hundred meters, at most one or two kilometers.

When you arrive at yourself, you have to cross half a planet?

He can't accept it!

But life is unsatisfactory, nine times out of ten, things are already like this, so what if you don't accept it?

Either fly to Germany and wait for the spirit beasts to meet them, or wait and catch a few wild spirit beasts first.


Turner hesitated for half a minute, then silently bound the shortcut gesture as "both hands pointing up the middle finger", and then began to catch the spirit beast.

——Although he is not short of money, he is not so rich.

Not to mention the time constraints, the third peak battle is not far away, he must play enough games in the Great Xia theater in order to win the chance to participate in the peak battle.

This is the closest he's been to the peak championship! He must seize this opportunity, otherwise...

We have to wait for the next session.


Captain Strawberry's live broadcast room also opened early.

For many game anchors, it is quite challenging to go outdoors before 8 o'clock in the morning in winter.

But for Captain Strawberry, the "former outdoor anchor", it couldn't be easier - not to mention the weather in Xiajing today is very good.

She once again asked a friend to help with the live broadcast. She didn't make a lot of money live broadcasting outdoors before, and she couldn't afford to hire an assistant.

But recently, with the help of "Pokemon", the situation has greatly improved.

In particular, the picture of her comparing scissorhands with the giant monster of the North Sea breaking out of the water was spread all over the Internet, which quickly made her an Internet celebrity.

Captain Strawberry was keenly aware of the opportunity and quickly completed the identity change from "outdoor anchor" to "outdoor pet catcher", that is, "game anchor".

And she has a lot of advantages.

She knows Xia Jing's outdoor environment very well, and she is used to running outside every day.

How to dress nicely, keep warm, and not interfere with exercise, she has already had rich experience.

Finally, she does not lack the physical ability to chase small pets.

While others were still looking for their lost spirit beasts, Captain Strawberry had quickly taken back three pets, especially the white deer [Fu Zhu] that Lin Li gave her, and was the first one to be taken back.

Although the star rating is only [★★★], she still decided to give priority to training.

This little guy is not only her pet, but also loved by many fans in the live broadcast room, it is impossible to abandon it.

When riding a bicycle and starting to chase the first wild spirit beast, Captain Strawberry finally discovered something special——

The sparrow in front that ran away when it saw her seemed to have something in its mouth!

She pedaled her bicycle madly and chased it close, and finally saw clearly that it was a glowing red fruit, which looked a bit like... the [Spiritual Fruit] in the store!

"Hit it!" Captain Strawberry commanded decisively.

Fu Zhu, who was standing on her shoulder, immediately shot a water arrow over.

But the dragon sparrow flapped its wings, and nimbly accelerated to avoid the attack, dropped the fruit, turned around and spit back a small fireball to return the favor.

Fuzhu stood on the master's shoulders, and it was not easy to move, so he could only jump on Captain Strawberry's head to avoid it.

The dragonfinch turned around and flew closer, scratching off with one paw.

Fu Zhu stepped on his master's head and went up with a pair of antlers.

It looked very heroic, but it was of no use.

The level of the wild sparrow is [Lv.2], with [flying] and [fire control] abilities.

Fu Zhu is [Lv.1], possesses the abilities of [Water Control] and [Purification], and obviously does not have the upper hand in fights.

What's more troublesome is that these two little guys are fighting on Captain Strawberry's head. She can't see the battle at all, so she can only keep asking: "What's the situation now? Who has the upper hand? Shouldn't it be time to change pets?"

She panicked.

It took several seconds to react, stopped the bicycle and commanded: "Get down quickly! Don't fight on my head!"

Fu Zhu obediently jumped back to the ground, Long Que followed closely.

Only then did Captain Strawberry see clearly that Fuzhu had already fallen into a big disadvantage, and quickly directed: "Fuzhu end, Ming Snake will fight!"

Huo Zhu responded by turning into white light and returning to her body, another copper bell appeared in front of her, and a singing snake with four wings flew out of the bell, pounced on the half-blood dragon sparrow.

【Snake ★★★】

Level: LV.1

Abilities: Fly, wind control

Although the level is also the initial level 1, it can still fly, so it is not too disadvantageous.

As for the conflict between wind and fire, Captain Strawberry didn't even care about it.

Anyway, Yunmeng didn't formulate a strict attribute birth control table, let alone make pets according to the birth control table. The restraint relationship between skills is quite vague, and players are still slowly researching it.

In the end, even the Naming Snake was defeated, and Captain Strawberry used the last little fox【Chenghuang★★】to successfully defeat this level 2 Dragonfinch.

——The main reason is that she doesn't want to let the pet get seriously injured, and she rushes to replace it with one-third of its health.

The battle rewards are: one dragon sparrow, one hundred copper coins, some experience, two copper bells, three bags of rations, and one spiritual fruit.

Obviously, that [Spiritual Fruit] is an extra gain.

In retail stores, the value of a [Spiritual Fruit] is as high as 1,500 copper coins, which is obviously far beyond the normal combat income.

"So, this spiritual fruit is the 'relic of the ancestors'? The spirit beasts brought it from their hometown? The scroll of mountains and seas is also one of these 'relics'?"

"But those huge beasts, shouldn't they be their parents?"

Captain Strawberry was a little puzzled.

But she didn't get too entangled, but put away the spirit fruit decisively, and asked [Cheng Huang] to heal [Fu Zhu] and [Snake Song], while opening the map to find the next spirit beast.

"Since every spirit beast has extra treasures, every game is a net profit!"

Under normal circumstances, it would be risky to fight a high-level spirit beast like her.

Once a spirit beast is emptied of blood and completely loses its combat effectiveness, it will have to wait six hours before it can be revived.

If you don't want to wait, you have to buy healing items, but healing items are very expensive, and in the end, the income from the battle may not be enough to heal the spirit beast.

Then the loss outweighs the gain.

But now that you have extra income that can fully cover potential losses, it's another matter!


Can play!

"As long as I don't break my leg today, I will arrest the spirit beast until the last minute!"

Captain Strawberry was beaten instantly.

Not only her, players have discovered this one after another, and then realized the real content of this event:

All wild spirit beasts carry extra spoils: coins, rations, grass jelly, spirit fruit, fairy dew, flat peaches, medicines, high-grade bells... everything.

This instantly ignited everyone's enthusiasm for the game, and they began to frantically chase every spirit beast that appeared on the map.


"Ha-ha-ha-" Ayi panted heavily, and said, "I understand! This is similar to the classic activities like double experience and double drops when opening a server."

"But—but—has Yunmeng overestimated my physical ability too much?!"

"And... where is the picture scroll? Where is the most important picture scroll of mountains and seas?"

This is also everyone's question.

Discussions are raging on the Internet, and people in the forums are constantly sharing their precious spoils.

But only the most important [Mountain and Sea Scroll] has been missing.

It wasn't until an hour after the server opened that a clue finally appeared——

Someone posted a post on the Yunmeng forum, released a photo of [Zouwu], and asked netizens: "Why are there still spirit beasts that can't catch up? I ran and chased them for a full 10 minutes, and I couldn't even catch up with them." No! I finally found a public bicycle, and when I turned around, I found that it was gone!"

Soon someone replied to this post, but instead of responding to the poster's question, he said in surprise:

"Wait! Is there a painting in the mouth of this spirit beast?"

If it wasn't 3000 words, it could have been posted on time at 6 o'clock...

Thank you [Worry-free Shadow Dance] for the reward of 1500 points.

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