Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 801 Choose Your Clan!

Early the next morning.

Familiar people, familiar places, familiar offices.

Desert Island Games started morning meetings again.

Bian Xiao sat in the main seat with a serious face, because his ominous premonition came true as expected:

Yesterday, the number of daily active players in Tekken fell by more than 30%.

Even after dinner, when it is inconvenient to play "Pokemon" outdoors, the number of active players in "Tekken" dropped by 24% compared to the previous day!

It's the first week of Tekken's release!

It is conceivable how much impact "Pokemon" has brought to "Tekken".

And the impact is more than that——

"The running-themed "Relic Escape" project, the weight is appropriately reduced, and more resources are transferred to "Grand Slam" and "Bowling Paradise."

The executives present nodded in approval.

No one expected that the "Pokemon" after the test without deleting files would be so rich compared to the previous early access version!

It even directly set off the trend of night running - the related topic became a hot topic on the Internet last night, and it is still being discussed enthusiastically by netizens, which has a very large impact.

Therefore, the form of "running" with too high overlap is still staggered.

Misplaced competition!

Anyway, it's not the first time, I get used to it when I make mistakes.


Another hot topic on the Internet at this time is the complaints of overseas players.

It's not that European and American players are complaining that the Bafang head ring is not yet on the market, and they can't play the game-these contents are outdated for Daxia netizens.

The latest complaint is:

"Why doesn't the small park in front of my house refresh spirit beasts?"

"If you want to catch a pet, you have to run to the city park in the city center, which is too far away! And there are too many people! It's too difficult for a dozen people to grab a pet!"

"What about shopping malls? Aren't pets refreshed in pedestrian streets, shopping malls, and residential areas in Daxia? Why don't we refresh them here?"


Except for Daxia, Izumo, Baekje, and small pocket countries such as Mankasas and Temasek, almost all the remaining countries have similar complaints, but there are more or less differences.

But Yunmeng was very efficient, and immediately gave an explanation after work:

[For user feedback from some countries on the Internet - there are too few places where spirit beasts refresh, which cannot fully meet the needs of players. We are very sorry. ]

[However, Yunmeng does not mean to treat them differently. The current situation occurs only because Yunmeng can obtain relatively rich and detailed map data of Daxia and some surrounding countries, which is convenient for setting the refreshment location of spirit beasts. ]

[However, for overseas map data, Yunmeng data is incomplete. In order to ensure that users can play in a safe environment, the refresh location of spirit beasts tends to be conservative, and will continue to be optimized in the future. Please forgive me. ]——

The big summer players who were in the same time zone as Yunmeng were the first to rush to the comment section to join in the fun:

"Let me translate for everyone: Sorry, I don't know you well."

"I'll help with the translation too: it's all for your own good!"

"If you want me to say that Yunmeng is too careful, as long as such a small spirit beast does not spawn in the middle of the road, there should be no safety hazard."

"Not only did it not, yesterday I took Qiuxi to go shopping, and it even noticed the change of traffic lights before I did, and reminded me with its tail."


After a while, overseas players also arrived in the comment area:

"Map? That's it? You said it earlier! I'll upload it for you!"

"That's right, you launch a recording program, I'll go out now, and scan all the maps near my house for you!"

"Don't worry about the safety of the environment! Refresh randomly, we are all adults, and we will chase pets to other people's homes?"

"What could be more dangerous than a gunshot?"


Overseas players responded enthusiastically.

But Yunmeng's actions are not so radical - asking players to directly scan the map around their home, this thing is too sensitive!

Not to mention how the governments of other countries think, even those ordinary residents who don't play games, would not want their surroundings to be photographed casually and uploaded to the Internet.

And those topographical data are worthless - high-precision satellite scanning, such data can be obtained.

Therefore, it is not worth doing such a thing at the risk of being opposed and protested.

Lin You's plan is: use the maps released by overseas countries to let players mark the "safe area" on the public map, and after three days of publicity without objection, set it as the refreshment point for spirit beasts.

It will take some time, but anyway, the game hasn't been tested publicly yet, so let's delay it for a few days.

——Of course, the lack of a public beta for the game does not prevent the early start of the activities that should have been carried out in the public beta.

Only one day later than [Legacy of the Ancestors: Scroll of Mountains and Seas], [Battle for Monster Tavern] also started.


Turner was still jet-lagged, didn't sleep well at night, and woke up a little late this morning.

After opening his eyes, the first thing he did was to put on the Octagonal Headband and turn on the game mode, then he clenched his fists and stretched out two middle fingers towards the air in front of him.

The map of "Pokemon" immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

But Turner only glanced at the map before falling back on the bed, feebly.

"Oh! How did you get to Germany..."

"According to this speed, are you going to run for a month..."

Turner complained weakly about the lost spirit beast, then turned over and got up to wash.

Because the majority of his fans are in Europe and the United States, and they can only stare blankly at "Pokemon", his live broadcast method of catching small pets directly downstairs in Yunmeng Company is undoubtedly full of gimmicks and freshness, and the live broadcast effect Too good to be true.

That being the case, of course we must strike while the iron is hot!

As for the victory of "Battlefield"...

Let's talk tonight, let's talk tonight.


Half an hour later, Turner entered the ecological cultural and creative park again, followed by a French college student studying in Daxia, holding a stabilizer in his hand and using his mobile phone to help him live broadcast.

Pointing to the golden toad on his shoulder, Turner introduced to the fans as he walked:

"Look, this is no ordinary golden toad!"

"This is a five-star golden toad! I don't know the exact situation, but last night, it was still a spirit beast of the world's first echelon."

"It's a pity that my hand speed is a bit slow. Other five-star spirit beasts have been snatched by others. I only snatched this golden toad."

"Don't look mediocre, it's very strong!"


"Wait... what's going on over there?"

Turner didn't go far when he suddenly noticed that there were many players gathered on a lawn not far away.

——The lawn in the park is not a common ornamental lawn in general parks, but a lawn with more leaves, strong growth, and trampling resistance, which is more costly to maintain and requires more manpower. People can go outing and have a picnic, so stepping on it is not prohibited.

Of course, in this season, the original grass has long been withered and yellow, but the staff has covered it with a layer of winter wheatgrass lawn, which is a routine operation.

Curiously, Turner quickly ran over, moved closer to the crowd, and looked over.

It turned out that on the grass in the middle of the crowd, a slender sapling was breaking through the ground, growing a little bit taller, and did not stop growing until it was more than three meters high.

But immediately began to grow horizontally again, becoming thicker and thicker, and even made nearby players retreat to make room for this thicker and thicker trunk.

When the growth stopped again, the small sapling, which was only half a meter high, had turned into a thick stump more than three meters high, with more than a dozen people hugging it.

Everyone is wondering what this is, the front of the "stump" suddenly grows the shape of doors and windows, and then——

With a "creak", the door opened.

Everyone immediately realized: there are probably good things in it!

Just as he was about to rush in, a system prompt popped up in front of him——

[The monster tavern has appeared, occupy this tavern for your clan! ]

Players are asked to choose among the following three tribes, which cannot be changed within the month after the choice:

【Xuanyuan】, 【Shen Nong】, 【Jiuli】



"Xuan Yuan...Shen Nong...Jiu Li?"

"What are these?"

Relying on the translator that came with the system, Turner pronounced these three nouns that were a bit confusing to him, but he didn't understand what these words meant at all.

He also didn't understand why the group of players around him suddenly had their eyes lit up and became excited instantly!

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