Hong Chen's guess was somewhat inaccurate.

That's right, the player who got the sub-profession of [Poison Doctor] is the elder brother who blatantly punched Yelang on [Extraordinary Battlefield] before.

And his guess was wrong: [Poison Doctor] is not a hidden side job, but a serious combat job.

It's just that this combat class comes with a sub-class with the same name.

Of course, it can also be said the other way around: [Poison Doctor] is a sub-job that comes with a combat job with the same name.

all the same.

It's just that the fighting profession is not open at present, so the master didn't teach him fighting skills.

Because of this, if it were someone else, they would die suddenly on the spot in the next second——

Because although the captain was heavily poisoned and spurted blood, he did not die immediately, but after a breath of relief, he drew his sword and chopped off!

Even though Hongchen was a little dazed by the change of his sub-class, he still instinctively kicked over the table, and at the same time leaned back violently, dodging the knife that was still extremely powerful after cutting the table in half.

Then put your hands on the ground, and quickly do a back flip to widen the distance.

He is a serious trainer with a teacher in reality!

And seeing the NPC start to attack, the players who had been ambushing outside for a long time copied the guys and went up.

What's more ruthless is that the dozen or so players who were squatting and begging on the side of the road immediately got up, leaned the pile of firewood under their buttocks against the restaurant, smashed down a can of lamp oil, took out a fire pocket and started to light the fire.

Arson in Chang'an City is undoubtedly a felony!

Chang'an City is mostly made of wooden buildings. Once a fire ignites, it is easy to cause serious losses. Therefore, even in the virtual world, once caught, you will have to be locked up in a prison for a full three hours-this is still the starting time, causing losses. The bigger it is, the longer it will be held.

But anyway, the file will be deleted today, so...it doesn't matter~

Some players who had nothing to do began to try to rush into Princess Taihua's mansion, wanting to see what the princess looks like - even though it is now Tianbao's eleventh year, Princess Taihua has been married for seven years...

The tavern quickly ignited a fire, and the NPCs fled in all directions.

In the midst of the fire, the players rushed towards the captain, who was poisoned and his eyesight was greatly affected, and he looked like a madman.

The Captain, who has killed countless players and stacked so many layers of buffs, is astonishingly powerful.

Even if he was in chaos, he had no way to do it, and he swung his knife randomly, and his lethality was still astonishing. No one could stop his knife.

Hong Chen was very confident in his own skills, relying on his quick reflexes, he rushed forward and slashed at the captain's thigh.


With a crisp sound, he was sent flying with a knife, and hit heavily on the wall of the tavern. The spreading flames almost burned his face.

Hong Chen tried several times, but he couldn't stand up. The weapon in his hand was also cut with a huge gap, and the durability dropped by more than half in an instant!

Unlike other games, the durability of weapons in "Chang'an" is zero, and it does not mean that they can be restored by repairing them.

[Apprentice-level] weapons created by players themselves will shatter instantly once their durability reaches zero.

Even if it does not return to zero, while the durability is declining, the weapon will also have real problems such as damage, passivation, and bending. It must be repaired three times at most, and it must be completely rebuilt.

[Superior level] weapons made by mature blacksmiths will be better. Before the durability drops below 20%, there will be no serious deformation.

But in the process of repairing, the upper limit of durability will also be gradually reduced, and it will be completely scrapped after a long time.

The final destination is also recasting.

As for the [Master Level] and [Grandmaster Level] weapons that are further up, players can't touch them at all now, let alone the [Legendary Level] weapons prepared by Lin You for the [First Chang'an Martial Arts Tournament].

That would be a [never-wearing] weapon that would truly last a lifetime.

Hong Chen looked at the knife in his hand, and suddenly came up with an idea: If it is too difficult to kill an NPC, how about getting rid of his knife?

However, after taking a look at the players who were randomly killed by NPCs, he found that there were not many people who could block the blades of NPCs, so he decisively gave up this idea.

——He didn't know that under normal circumstances, the durability of weapons would not drop so exaggeratedly.

The decline in weapon durability involves the level of the two weapons themselves, and whether the strength of the two weapon holders constitutes a crush.

With the player's current strength and weapons, it is not so difficult to hack the captain's saber.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, hot air is surging in the air, players are still rushing to die, the poisoned NPC is getting worse and worse, it seems that they will die suddenly at any time, but——

Just don't die!

Hong Chen thought for a while, then took out a handful of paper bags from his pocket, without checking carefully, lit it on the burning wooden wall, and threw it towards the center of the mess.

The captain slashed open these medicine bags with a swish!

The poison powder inside exploded instantly, enveloping everyone inside one after another.

It didn't seem to have any effect at first, but after a few seconds, all the players with trauma suddenly felt itchy all over their bodies!

"Fuck!" A Yi immediately threw away the knife in his hand, jumped back and left the battle group, and began to scratch it hard.

The players around were no exception, they all felt the unbearable itchiness, scratching their ears and cheeks frantically.

The captain in the center, who was already poisoned by the poison and had a knife wound cut on his body by the player regardless of life and death, was also not spared. He immediately began to frantically tear the armor on his body, struggled to take off his clothes, and soon became a Shirtless man.

The long-distance professional looked at the NPC who was covered in blood, but only cared about itching and scratching with red marks all over his body, so he broke his bow and shot!

The captain didn't hide or guard, he just scratched the itch until he was shot into a hedgehog and finally fell down, relieving the pain.

But Ah Yi couldn't care less about being happy, he was still scratching crazily!

"The antidote! Quickly take out the antidote!"

"The antidote! The antidote! Quick! I'm fucking dead!"

Hongchen looked at the comrades who started to take off their clothes, and he was also confused: "No, those are all poisons. It is true that they can poison people to death, but they won't make people itchy?"

He has never learned a prescription for itching!

"Could it be because those poisons are mixed together to produce a special effect?" The teammate with the bow next to him had an idea.

The sub-profession he chose is [San Fu], which is actually a chef. He is currently researching dipping sauces, and he naturally associates it.

"That's okay??" Hong Chen was taken aback.

"Fuck, stop talking! Antidote!"

"Itchy, itchy, if it doesn't work, give me a treat!"

"It was an accident, I really didn't..." Hong Chen was about to explain when he suddenly felt itchy on the back of his neck.

As soon as I stretched out my hand to scratch, this "itch" quickly spread in all directions, from the scalp to the soles of the feet, and even the clothes on my body rubbing against my body were unbearable, and I wished I could strip off my clothes immediately.

"Fuck!" He turned pale with shock, "I really don't have an antidote!"

"It's over..." The cook's teammate also felt itchy, "Did the poison spread in the high temperature?"

Hong Chen was resolute, immediately pulled out a spare weapon from the armament box, pierced his heart with a knife, and disappeared immediately.

The cook is more conscientious, taking advantage of the symptoms to be bearable, he bravely drew his knife and rushed forward, intending to free his teammates who were bleeding from the seven orifices and lying on the ground scratching in only their underwear before committing suicide.

On the other hand, the first thing Hongchen did after his resurrection was to carefully recall what the handful of poisons he threw out and what the specific ingredients were, and patiently recorded them one by one, planning to ask the master for advice.

Even if the master can't solve it, he has to research the medicine himself.

This is much stronger than poison!

But what he thought was not to use it in battle, but to go to those brothels in Pingkangfang, put on a mask for himself, and then throw it in the air!

Next, you can enjoy the princes and nobles and the women in the brothel taking off their clothes and scratching their itch in public!

Just thinking about this scene made Hongchen feel extremely excited!

He even came up with a more frightening idea: If you make several tons of this medicine, and then find a windy day, climb up to the tallest building in Chang'an and enjoy the wind!

Wouldn't it be a super unobstructed conference next?

As for giving Yunmeng feedback about the suspected bug?

How can it be!

Hong Chen didn't think about it for a second...

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