Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 834 Gossip session before going to bed

"Well, I'm awake."

Lin You stretched vigorously, "Thanks to you today, it was a great help!"

Zhu Cixia shook his head puzzled: "I really want to help, but I haven't done anything yet..."

She didn't even change her clothes!

Lin You looked at the little princess, and after thinking for a while, he didn't refuse, but nodded.

"If you have time, Xiaomeng and I will teach you how to use the equipment later, but for now, let's eat first."

"Okay!" Xiaomeng responded immediately.

It wasn't that she was greedy, but that she saw that Lin You was in a much better mood, so she naturally became happier accordingly.

By the way, she became fond of Zhu Cixia, and took the initiative to drag the little princess to run outside the laboratory.


That night, Lin You and Xiao Meng taught Princess Zhu Cixia how to operate some of the equipment in the laboratory.

——Only those relatively simple equipment, and did not involve any equipment related to artificial protein synthesis.

So all she could know was that it was a graphene chip, and she didn't think of such outrageous things as "biological chips".

At the same time, Lin You also told her: "For the time being, don't tell the outside world what happened in the laboratory."

The little princess nodded repeatedly, and was full of energy.

This is a graphene chip! Almost globally recognized chip of the next era!

She knows how important this thing is!

In her eyes, Lin You was shining——

Single-handedly... No, there is also Xiaomeng, um...not right, Xiaomeng is an artificial intelligence, it seems that it can be classified as Lin Youqi's "horse"?

The little princess shook her head, throwing these outrageous thoughts out of her mind, no matter what, it was too powerful!

Just being able to participate in this matter made her very excited.

If Lin You hadn't driven her home at night, she would have wanted to sleep in the laboratory, taking turns to rest with Lin You, and let the equipment run all night.

However, Lin You felt that if he dared to do this, the little princess' parents would rush to the laboratory to fight him desperately before dawn, so he resolutely refused.

In exchange, he didn't stay up all night, and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

Before going to bed, I was still in the mood to ask Xiaomeng if anything important happened in the past few days.

The answer is of course yes!

Xiao Meng hugged the pillow, sat on the quilt with great interest, and began to share gossip with Lin You.

——There was no gossip sharing session before going to bed for two consecutive nights, and Xiaomeng couldn't help it!

"Last night, the first session of [VR Boxing Champion·Global Contest] ended!"

"Oh." Lin You patted the quilt without interest.

"Master, who do you think the champion is?"

"Who?" Lin You was a little strange to this question, "I know him?"

"You know." Xiaomeng nodded happily.

But Lin You thought for a while and couldn't come up with an idea, so he stretched out his hand and patted the pillow in Xiaomeng's arms, "I can't guess it, surrender."

"Hey, he's a member of [Fight Club]."

"Oh." Lin You still showed a lack of interest, "Isn't there 70,000 to 80,000 people in the Fight Club now? Isn't it normal for a VR boxing champion to come out?"

"Not only!" Xiaomeng shook her head and said, "The champion, runner-up, and third runner-up are all members of Fight Club!"

This time Lin You was indeed a little surprised, and the result was too good.

"Also, there are now more than 150,000 Fight Club members!"

"Because they won the top three places, many people joined in admiration?" Lin You guessed.

"That's not right." Xiao Meng shook her head again, then waved her small hand, showing Lin You a picture.

That was the awarding session after the [VR Boxing Champion·Global Contest] game.

As a veteran game industry leader, Desert Island is naturally familiar with such things as organizing competitions.

Even though time was tight and the competition schedule was very tight, they managed it with ease and without any confusion. Not only did they run it smoothly, they even successfully held the final offline competition during the Spring Festival travel season.

The video provided by Xiaomeng is the final part of awarding the championship, runner-up and third place.

And then weird things started to happen...

The second runner-up was the first to speak on stage:

"Hello everyone, I am Lu Pingzhong from Fight Club, and I am honored to be the third runner-up in this competition. I would like to thank my parents for spending a lot of money to buy VR equipment for me, which brought me a lot of happiness Time, and then I would like to thank the good brothers in Fight Club. Thanks to them, I can continue to carry out high-intensity confrontation training and improve my strength. They have contributed a lot to getting this term. Finally, I would like to thank the competition. square……"

This kid is still very face-saving, at least he thanked the deserted island, and did not directly mention the virtual world and Yunmeng.

Next up is the runner-up:

"Hello everyone, I am also a member of Fight Club, my name is Huo Wenle, I am very happy to be the runner-up in this competition. First of all, I would like to thank balabala, and then I would like to thank balabala...Fight Club balabala...Fight Club recruits new balababala... ...Welcome to sign up!"

And finally the champion:

"Hi everyone, my name is Zheng Guangyi, and I am also a member of Fight Club, but the difference between me and the previous two is that I am stronger than them!"

Having said that, he looked back at his two opponents provocatively, and the two opponents also raised their middle fingers at him.

But the champion didn't care, and continued to talk: "This is not the first time they have lost to me, in Night City, in Fight Club, the two of them balabala...I balabala...Fight Club balabala...Yunmeng night city balabala..."

The face of the host girl standing next to him turned green, and she tried to interrupt him several times but failed, and finally he said: "Night City Fighting Club continues to recruit new players, welcome masters to come and learn from each other to improve! "

Seeing this scene, Lin You couldn't help covering his face, he was really embarrassed for the deserted island...

He couldn't even figure out why the tournament manager didn't just shut down the champion...

This is too embarrassing!

Aren't you afraid that Desert Island will become angry and won't give you bonuses?

But something interesting happened: just because of the outrageous abnormal operation of the champion, runner-up and third runner-up, the "Iron Fist" competition awards gained great popularity.

——Although it was ridiculed, ridiculed, and sympathized by netizens, the enthusiasm is the enthusiasm.

No one knows how Bian Xiao, the owner of the deserted island, originally felt, but after seeing the hot search【 # Distressed at the deserted island】, he obviously adjusted his mentality quickly.

Because he used his own account to comment on a very popular memes:

"Welcome to all Fight Club members, come and collect money from Iron Fist."

This active behavior of playing tricks has won unanimous praise from the players.

"Wonderful!" Lin You couldn't help admiring his good attitude after watching it, and even considered whether to sponsor the second competition.

——He is a professional when it comes to fun.

"Is there anything else?" Lin You asked, rubbing Xiao Meng's face with both hands.

"Hmmmm..." Xiao Meng was rubbed by Lin You, and couldn't speak clearly, so she pulled Lin You's hand away with both hands, and then said in a straight voice: "Yes! "Chang'an"!"

"How about "Chang'an"?"

"The underground altar was discovered this morning, and someone in the forum has guessed that these rituals and magic circles are used to curse and kill Li Linfu!"

"The speed is quite fast." Lin You nodded, "Then what is the player's plan? Save Li Linfu? Or let Li Linfu die?"

"This...Xiaomeng doesn't know either. There are very few discussions on this topic. Everyone is talking about other things."

"Other things?" Lin You thought for a while, then changed the question, "Then what is the hottest topic right now?"

It took Xiaomeng two seconds to count, and then gave an answer that surprised Lin You: "Echo instance racing."

Thank you [Chitose is here] for the reward of 100 points.

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