Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 841 Boy, clockwork technology!

The huge scale of this organ city has put a lot of pressure on Cangniao.

So just in case, he directly put [Wan Sheng Pei] on his heart to ensure that he could feel even the slightest vibration at all times.

Then he took out the [Roujiamo] reproduced by Shaanxi players in the game, and ate his stomach in a leisurely manner to bless himself with a [satisfaction] state and increase the speed of physical recovery.

Then there is [Qinglu Dan], within an hour after taking it, it can slightly improve the player's athletic ability, combined with lightness skills, it can effectively improve the efficiency of exploration.

Finally, there is the [Whetstone], it doesn’t need to be sharpened for a long time, as long as it is sharpened twice, it can give the weapon a [Sharpness] bonus for half an hour.

After completing these preparations, Cangniao strode into the bronze city.

But what reassures him is that the imaginary scene of "trap traps everywhere" did not appear, and Yan Shengpei has always been peaceful, neither shining nor vibrating.

Cangniao's anxious heart calmed down a little.

Then there is——


In the silent organ city, there was a crisp metal collision sound suddenly.

The next moment, Cangniao felt a heavy hit on the head! The whole person was beaten and flew upside down, hitting the ground heavily, dizzy, and tinnitus like thunder.

And Yan Shengpei, who had foreseen the danger, didn't react at all, only trembled at the moment before he was hit.

Then Cangniao got hit, and it became quiet again, telling Cangniao with actions:

[Relax, the surroundings are safe and there is no danger. ]


Cang Niao wiped his bloody forehead with his hand, and looked at the human-shaped puppet eighty meters away, "Are you retarded? If you exceed 20 meters, it's not up to you, so you'll just be blind, right?"

Just as it was hurting, the organ puppet eighty meters away raised its hand again, aiming the long metal tube in its hand at Cangniao.

"Fuck!" Cang Niao instantly raised his sword to block!


This time there were two crisp sounds, but the timing of the sound was so close that it sounded like one sound.

Cang Niao is worthy of being a god of passers-by, his movements are very neat, and he accurately blocks the attack-a bronze projectile hits the blade of the sword!


The bronze projectile shattered against the sword body, and the huge kinetic energy pressed the sword body back to Cangniao's face, and the fragments of the projectile hit his face and neck one after another, creating the effect of a shotgun forcefully!

"Your mother..."

Cangniao spat out a mouthful of blood, and only had time to say the last two words, before he was reborn.

Fortunately, the developers retained their basic conscience—the resurrection point of the Trick City, just in front of the bronze gate.

Lin You actually made a suggestion, hoping that the player would be resurrected in Fang Qianzhi's underground hall, so that every time the player was resurrected, Fang Qianzhi could say something strange to the player, and the effect of the show must be great.

But unfortunately, this idea was desperately persuaded by the staff.

After the resurrection, the shock on Cangniao's face has not diminished in the slightest:

"Then it's definitely a gun, right?!"

"Why are there guns?!"

"The production team cheated!!!"

"And that strange sound of gunfire! Isn't that the sound of gunpowder explosion?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were also surprised.

When Cangniao released the mechanism bird before, the overhead shot had already surprised them. Now a mechanism puppet with a gun suddenly appeared, and the audience couldn't hold it anymore. Various question marks and exclamation points instantly filled the entire live broadcast. picture.

Cangniaodan took out a piece of Roujiamo and a piece of Qingludan again in pain, and ate them to make up for his condition, and returned to the original place to find out.

After arriving at the place this time, he sprinted decisively and quickly, while concentrating on the location where the organist appeared before.

Sure enough, after he started sprinting, a square cover suddenly lifted from the flat ground, and the machine man stood up straight, raised his gun and shot!


When Cangniao saw the trapman appearing, he was highly concentrated. Naturally, he would not be caught casually like last time, and even boldly played a fancy trick-while diving down to avoid it, he followed his feeling and slashed out with a sword!


The bronze projectile splits in two!

"Haha, cool!" Cangniao was very happy.

This is normal sensory speed! This sword can cut bullets, it all depends on intuition!

The next thing was much simpler: when the organ man lowered his head to load the weapon, Cang Niao had already replaced the sword with a javelin, stretched his body and shot it with all his strength!

The organ man didn't seem sensitive, and was shot in the chest.

Although the javelin did not penetrate his body, it smashed him to the ground.

When the organ man got up again, Cang Niao had already rushed in front of him, and a full-strength slash hit the organ man's thinnest neck.


The organ man's iron-clad wooden head instantly flew up!

"Handsome!" Cang Niao stood up and resigned, evaluating himself.

Too bad he was only handsome for a second.

The next moment, he was kicked in the chest by the organ man who had lost his head, and he was kicked out fiercely. With a "bang", he hit the bronze wall heavily.

"Pfft!" Cang Niao spat out another mouthful of old blood, "You fucking..."

Before he had time to scold, the headless machine man threw away his gun and pounced on him in a beastly form on all fours!

"Do you really think I'm a rookie?" Cang Niao was furious, holding a sword to meet him.


Four minutes later, Cang Niao disassembled the organ puppet into parts.

After that, he was not in a hurry to express his thoughts, but immediately picked up the weapon that the warden had thrown away before.

He took the weapon in his hand and looked at it carefully, and sure enough, it was a gun no matter how you looked at it——

It has a barrel, a grip, a crosshair, and can fire, then it is a gun!

Although he searched and searched, he did not find gunpowder.

Cangniao studied for a long time, then groped to load and reload and fired, and then said in disbelief: "This thing can be loaded...with a spring?"

"A clockwork gun??"

"Can you still play like this!?"

Shuiyou in the live broadcast room made a sharp comment:

"False cheater: self-developed, making gunpowder guns."

"True cheater: blatantly cheating, loading a clockwork gun on monsters!"

——Because Xia Yi and Splash openly used flintlock guns, information about gunpowder guns is rapidly spreading in the player circle.

Cangniao resolutely carried the clockwork gun on his back, studied the mechanism puppets for a while, and finally came to a conclusion:

"I don't understand it at all."

Then hit the road again.

After defeating this organ puppet, it seemed that he had crossed an invisible line, and the intensity of the battle suddenly increased——

The frequency of appearances of various traps and beasts has increased significantly, and various traps have also begun to emerge one after another. Yan Shengpei finally has room to play and starts to vibrate non-stop.

Several times when Cang Niao approached several piles of puppets that were damaged and discarded, Yan Shengpei was still trembling, warning him of danger.

And in the end, those puppets that were damaged and paralyzed by the side of the road like a pile of rubbish did indeed launch a very threatening attack.

This greatly changed Cangniao, who was dissatisfied with Shengpei before.

But even with the reminder of the trap, Cangniao's technology is also very strong, and the progress of exploration is still very slow.

The reason is also very simple: just because the jade pendant vibrates doesn't mean you can see the trap.

Many times, the traps are hidden in the ground and walls, and they won’t appear until you trigger them. Cangniao has to carefully test and find them, which greatly slows down his speed.

In addition, the strength of the monsters is also amazing.

Unlike the enemies on the surface, these mechanism puppets are not only full of strange things, they have human and animal shapes, and there are various variants of both human and animal shapes.

Human figures are fat and thin, with different weapons, and some even form groups, using different weapons to cooperate with each other and cover each other, which greatly increases the difficulty of combat.

Animal forms include lions, tigers, spiders, and wild wolves. They have rough skin and thick flesh, and their fighting methods are completely different from those of human forms.

The most troublesome thing is: none of these gadgets has a fatal weakness!

It's useless for you to cut off your head, it's a waste of time to fight.

And that's still not all.

After Cangniao tenaciously explored and fought for a full hour and a half, he was still far away from the huge bronze buildings in the city center.

When he turned a corner and was about to rest for a while, he suddenly felt something was wrong——

"Why does this place look familiar?"

The puppet parts scattered on the ground in front of him looked like the first organ man he dismantled after entering the organ city.

——At that time, I was a little angry, and I didn't know how to fight more effortlessly. Later, when I met the mechanism puppets, he never dismantled them so much.

Kuratori turned his head to look around, and said in disbelief:

"I licked the floor and walked for an hour and a half...then what the hell came back??"

"Fuck you..."

He was about to vent his anger by swearing, but he was suddenly interrupted by a magnificent piece of music.

Then... the ground under his feet suddenly shook!

Cangniao raised his head blankly, looked around, and immediately realized that it wasn't just the place under his feet that was trembling, but the whole city was vibrating incessantly amidst the sound of magnificent music and rumbling loud noises, and then——

Started moving!

This is a structural change in the entire Bronze City!

The buildings moved, the roads changed, the ground broke and joined together, and the bronze mirror changed its position accordingly, but the refracted bright light did not go out, but kept changing the angle and path, making the whole city flicker in the changing white light dark……

Standing in it, the barn bird, as small as an ant, opened its mouth wide, silently watching this scene, and was beyond shocked.

Thank you [book friend tail number 55871] for rewarding 100 points.

Thank you [Yue Ling] for tipping 100 points.

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