Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 845 That Infinite Wisdom and Treasures...

"Run!! Run fast!!!"

At the gate of Bronze City, Xia Yi looked at Splash, who was rushing towards her and yelling for her life. Although her face turned pale, she still insisted on running without turning around.

But Lin Shun and Shui Hua had long since given up on the labor-saving but not flexible enough surfboards, and used their own legs to run wildly between the bronze buildings, only regretting that they hadn't grown another pair of legs!

beat? fuck it!

After witnessing the appearance of the mechanism giant snake up close, the two of them couldn't think of any confrontation at all.

How do two ants fight a giant elephant?

Rely on a toothpick-like weapon?

Not to mention that the current environment is also extremely harsh, with rolling waves and flying debris, if you run slowly, you may be swept away by the water.


Escape is the only option!

The subsequent development was that the two of them ran away desperately in front, and shot a few arrows and threw a few hidden weapons from time to time to walk away.

The mechanism giant snake has its own BGM, carrying magnificent music, loud noises of metal impacts and monstrous waves, chasing after it on a rampage.

Every attack of the giant snake-whether it bites or flicks its tail, is devastating.

Even the bronze buildings were bitten off by it with one bite and flattened with one tail, truly invincible to those who stand in their way! Those in the middle must die!

From time to time, the giant snake would use its body to roll up large pieces of building debris, and smash them down on the two of them. For the two people who were fleeing, it was like a rain of iron falling from the sky. .

If you were an ordinary player here, you would definitely not be able to run very far, and you would be smashed into small cakes.

But the outrageous thing is: these two people really fled from the city all the way to the edge, even to the Bronze Gate!

The difference is——

Lin Shun once again demonstrated his amazing strength. Not only did he choose a safe and stable landing point for every jump, but he also successfully predicted every attack of the giant snake!

No matter how fierce the attack of the mechanism giant snake is, he can always anticipate the enemy's opportunity and dodge ahead of time.

As for the "bronze hail" that hit his head and face, he can also avoid the fatal threat, and then use the hand shield to block the medium-sized ones, and finally there are small pieces of rubble that cannot be avoided. pull up.

It looks like he's dancing on a tightrope, ready to tip over at any moment, but he always keeps that balance.

Not only that, he even has the energy to notice the situation of Splash, and from time to time he will loudly remind Splash to pay attention to the landing point and attack.

Seeing the water friends screaming and exciting, they feel that they are indeed star professional players, and they really have some skills!

Splash is another situation: he stumbled all the way and needed Lin Shun's help, so he looked like an ordinary player.

Not to mention anticipating attacks, just parkour on the roof requires her full concentration.

From time to time, you will choose the wrong landing point, step on the wrong foot and fall from the wall, or be swept away by the water flow stirred up by the giant snake, or after frantically avoiding the tail flick of the giant snake, you will find that the foothold you selected before has been destroyed. destroyed……

In short, all kinds of accidents emerged one after another, and I screamed in fright, as if I might die suddenly at any time.

But the careful water friends gradually discovered something was wrong——

Lin Shun looked stable, but he had been drinking to recover his blood.

Splash looked like he might die suddenly at any time, but he never took out the wine gourd at all!

It is true that she is in danger, but it is true that she has never been ruthless!

Even when everyone looks back and thinks about her in the camera, don't be cruel, she doesn't seem to have been injured at all?

The audience watched with mixed emotions as the two men, chased by the giant BOSS, ran all the way from the city center to the edge of the city alive...

Until Xia Yi also appeared on the screen.

Not only Xia Yi, the first wave of people who fell from above were almost all killed when they landed, and those who survived were also affected and died after the giant snake appeared, but the resurrection point of the high tower in the city center has been completely destroyed. After being submerged, they were resurrected directly in front of the bronze gate.

"Run!! Run fast!!!"

The revived teammate looked at the gigantic snake that was frantically demolishing the house behind their buttocks, and turned around and ran away very obediently.

Xia Yi insisted on waiting until the two ran over before retreating behind the door.

"Quick! Close the door!"

Three people desperately grabbed the bronze door knocker, and narrowly closed the bronze door with only one person's wide opening.

The moment the bronze door was closed, the giant snake's head hit hard.


The deafening impact echoed endlessly in the passage.





The mechanism giant snake didn't give up at all, and hit the bronze gate one after another. Not only the gate was shaking violently, but even the passageway was shaking together. The soil on the roof of the cave slid down, making the three deeply disturbed.


After another impact, the thick bronze gate suddenly deformed and protruded a large piece! The cracks in the door cracked, and the entire door began to break away from the wall of the Bronze City from top to bottom.

Obviously, this door will not last!

The three of them looked at each other and ran away!

Behind them, the mechanism giant snake stopped hitting, bit the bronze gate, and then stretched its body section by section, accumulating strength, and finally——

Pulled down the bronze door in one gulp!


The bronze door slammed into the trap city and made a loud noise, and the water rushed into the open gate and poured into the underground passage continuously. The giant snake rushed to bite again, trying to widen the hole, and continued to hunt and kill.

In the passage, the players were quickly overtaken by the incessant water flow, and could only run wildly all the way.

Xia Yi, Shui Hua, and Lin Shun, who were at the end, witnessed with their own eyes that the bronze door was torn open, and the giant snake swallowed earth and stones to kill them, and they couldn't wait to rush back to the ground.

The water flow followed closely behind them, rising every minute!

For all players in the channel, this is a race to the death!



On the surface, players who didn't go down from the [Organ City Through Train] came to Fang Qianzhi's backyard one after another, intending to go down the "right road" to see the grand scene of the flooded organ city.

Fang Qianzhi was stunned to see a large group of people rushing into the shop and pouring into the backyard.

Just as I was about to ask what these people were doing, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and subconsciously looked towards the secret passage.

The next moment, a fountain higher than the house suddenly spewed out from the entrance of the dark passage!

And this fountain not only sprayed water, but also sprayed out a group of people!

This group of people yelled and were rushed into the sky by the fountain, and yelled and fell into the yard.

Fortunately, the fountain lasted for a short time, and soon lost power and lowered its height a little bit, and calmed down slowly.

But Shui Hua, Lin Shun, and Xia Yi were soaked, and when they got up from the ground, water was still gurgling from the entrance of the secret passage!

——Obviously, not only the organ city was flooded, but Fang Qianzhi's underground workshop was also flooded...

Fang Qianzhi recovered from the shock, rushed in front of the three of them and said angrily:

"What the hell did you do?!"

"Eh..." Shuihua explained honestly, "We flooded the organ city."

"?!" Fang Qianzhi was furious, "Do you know what you're talking about? You ruined the hope of mechanism!!!"

Shuihua waved his hands again and again: "No, no, don't worry, you should be able to return to the original state tomorrow..."

But as soon as Shuihua finished speaking, suddenly beams of light descended from the sky, and a joyous and familiar symphony sounded at the same time.

A succession of achievement trophies appeared in front of everyone.

It's still a diamond achievement—

[The end of the organ city]!

Splash held up the trophy, habitually looking at the words on the base of the trophy:

[The infinite wisdom and treasures...]

"Ah?" She suddenly felt a little bad, "The content after the ellipsis...couldn't it be [all destroyed in the catastrophe of the flood]?"

"Isn't that..."

She looked at Fang Qianzhi shyly: "I'm sorry, it may not resume later..."

If there is no achievement, it is likely that the organ city will be reset and restored the next day.

But once there is an achievement, it means that Yunmeng has anticipated this possibility with a high probability, and it is hard to say whether the damage caused will be restored...

"You! You..." Fang Qianzhi looked at the three of them, so angry that his fingers were shaking, his lips were shaking, and his whole body was shaking!

But before he could vent his anger, the mutation happened again——

A huge sharp cone rotating at high speed suddenly broke through the ground!

Immediately afterwards, section after section of huge bodies came out of the hole, completely crushing Fang Qianzhi's house, and at the same time causing huge damage in the residential area of ​​Fangshi.

When it completely drilled out of the ground, with half of its body coiled and half of its body vertically erected, roaring loudly at the crowd, it was already more than 50 meters high!

The power is amazing!

The players who were originally staying in the backyard were all thrown out of the ground by the giant snake, and they were dizzy from the fall.

Fang Qianzhi was a master after all, standing firmly on the roof a little far away, looking at the astonishing giant mechanical snake, with his mouth wide open, completely speechless.

Obviously, this outrageous creation far surpassed his mechanism armor, which shocked him deeply.

Shui Hua, Lin Shun, and Xia Yi also climbed onto the roof.

Xia Yi and Lin Shun looked at the giant snake, thinking about how to end the matter.

But Shuihua blinked and thought of something, walked up to Fang Qianzhi, pointed at the mechanism giant snake and asked:

"That big guy... is it [Relict]?"


Fang Qianzhi looked at the water splash, then at the mechanism giant snake, and then at his house that had been razed to the ground, trembling a little while speaking.

"It counts... right?"

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