Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 848 My master is very powerful!

Xia Yi, Shui Hua, and Lin Shun also felt a little confused.

The moment the airship crossed the city wall—even if it was only in the horizontal coordinates, the actual vertical distance between the airship and the ground was still several hundred meters away, the three of them suddenly felt dazed, and then saw the back of their heads.

They watched in bewilderment as their bodies suddenly leaned forward and fell off the deck, only to be pulled back by three arms that penetrated their chests.

Xia Yi blinked, looked around, and found that suddenly no one could see her——

Everyone was busy around the three people who fell into a coma, and turned a blind eye to the person standing beside her, and some even passed through her body.

"Am I... my soul is out of my body?"

Xia Yi guessed, but immediately, another question emerged: "Where is Water Flower? Where is Lin Shun?"

This was also what Shui Hua and Lin Shun thought at the same time.

——They also became a state of being alone.

Even the team channel is locked.

"Is this... a mission?"

"The last link is a personal plot?"

Lin Shun quickly accepted the reality and made the most reasonable guess.

He walked through the crowd and saw that Shuihua was lying on a sister's lap, being well taken care of by several female players, so he turned around and left the crowd without hesitation, stepped out of the airship without hesitation, and began to fall freely!

After he realized that his "soul was out of his body", he immediately thought of the correct way to go to the mission location——

The body is gone, can you still be thrown to death?

He had never heard of souls being thrown to death.

Not only that, but in the process of falling, he still had enough time to take out his life card and follow the guidance of the blood point to adjust his body shape, striving to land closer to the target.


Compared with Lin Shun's ability to accept and execute without delay, Xia Yi is not so decisive.

Lin Shun was about to hit the ground, and she was still interacting with the water friends on the deck.

Now the water friends in the live broadcast room are shouting:

"Assistant, get out of the way, we want to watch the splash."

"Assistant, what are you doing? Wake up the anchor!"


Seeing these barrages made Xia Yi's head pop out of veins, and on the spot, she gave a one-minute black room warning to the most lovable housekeeper.

Then I accepted the reality, looked at the airship that was moving very slowly, and began to think about how to get down.

After Shuihua realized that he was alone, with no one following him, and not being watched by the live camera, he rolled his eyes and walked into the crowd.

She didn't look at herself, but stared at Lin Shun intently for a while, then suddenly looked around guiltily, and after making sure that no one had noticed, she quickly turned and left.


Probably because it was not falling physically, Lin Shun felt that the falling speed seemed to be much slower, much slower than expected before he fell into the dense fog.

——When he looked at it from the sky at first, he thought it was clouds and fog that blocked his view, making it difficult to see the details of the city's streets. But as the altitude gets lower and lower, the fog in the city not only does not weaken, but tends to become thicker and thicker.

When Lin Shun finally put his feet on the ground, he was completely immersed in the thick winter fog. The farthest field of vision was less than five meters, and even his voice seemed to be swallowed by the thick fog. It was as quiet as a dead city.

For Super Tomatoes, they might still think about what is going on, but Lin Shun doesn't think about it at all, and uses the life card as a compass to rush straight to the mission point.

His biggest problem is that he can't see too far in the mist, and he is not familiar with the map of Luoyang. Fans are strange!

In this regard, Lin Shun's solution is to walk in a straight line!

Walk if there is a path, jump over the wall if there is no path, no matter what your original path is, I just walk in a straight line anyway.

With this trick, Lin Shun heard a different voice just three minutes later——

The trampling of horseshoes, the neighing of war horses, the clashing of metal armor, and... a strange "jet" sound.

Without thinking too much, he clenched the sword in his hand and rushed straight to the direction of the sound.

A wall appeared in front of him, Lin Shun skillfully stepped on the wall and jumped up, climbed over the top of the wall, and saw the source of the sound.

But what appeared in front of him was a completely unexpected picture——

A burly knight wrapped tightly in heavy armor, riding a strong horse also covered in heavy armor, raised a red-hot saber with one arm, and was about to slash it down!

In front of him, the young girl whose shoulders were already stained red with blood, pale and helpless, was the girl in his dream!

It is also the younger sister who is repeatedly mentioned by all NPCs in all the main quests in the past few days, who is never forgotten and loved by everyone-Xinxin.

This scene is exactly the scene in the dream at the beginning of the game, and it even happens to be that moment!

The next moment, the red-hot and shiny saber slashed down!

This terrifying creature was about to kill his sister in front of Lin Shun.


There was a crisp sound, and the swords clashed.

Although Lin Shun was surprised by this visually full picture, he still reacted instantly, jumped down the wall, and received the knife in a very embarrassed posture.

The price is to receive the knife in the air, without a support point, and be sent flying by the knife.

The Zhanma knife, which looked like it was about to melt into molten iron at any time, not only retained its amazing hardness and toughness against common sense, but also sputtered hot red molten iron at the moment of the sword's clash, scalding a crescent moon on Lin Shun's left face. shaped scars.

Lin Shun rolled on the ground twice, got up without any pause, and rushed up again in two steps in three steps, holding his sword in front of the girl.

This fantasy version of Iron Buddha turned his head slightly, and shifted his gaze to Lin Shun.

Just when Lin Shun thought it was time to speak harshly, the eyes of the iron helmet suddenly burst into red flames!

Accompanied by the sound of strong breathing, a large amount of dense fog rushed out from the gaps in the armor and merged into the surrounding dense fog!

Big red and black characters appeared on the shoulder of this terrifying creature——

"Nightmare Knight"!

This scene made Lin Shun's eyes widen suddenly!

The dense fog that pervades the city emanates from this monster?

Then think of those eyes burning with flames and the saber that splashed molten iron... Could it be that what covers the whole city is not winter fog at all, but some kind of thick smoke? !

The next moment, without allowing him to think too much, the saber slashed at him again!

Lin Shun could dodge, but he didn't.

He raised his sword to block, wanting to test the strength of the monster before deciding whether to fight or flee.



It was another sword clash, and molten iron splashed everywhere.

Lin Shun's body was shifted horizontally by the knife, and his feet dragged a half-meter-long mark on the ground.

Obviously, this knife was blocked very reluctantly, and he was clearly at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

But - can fight!

Lin Shun was full of confidence, and threw out a short dagger. The Nightmare Knight withdrew his knife to block it, but was enraged by this provocative action, and roared loudly at Lin Shun, even spouting sparks from his mouth!

Behind Lin Shun, the injured girl picked up the life card he dropped from the ground, looked at Lin Shun's side face, quickly counted her fingers, and then called out carefully: "Brother?"

Lin Shun nodded swiftly, but he didn't stage any touching scenes of brothers and sisters meeting each other and holding hands and looking at tears. Instead, he said directly: "Yes, it's me. I have something to say until I kill this guy!"

"No, bro, it's useless..." The little girl tried to dissuade him.

But she was seriously injured, and her voice was weak, completely covered by Lin Shun's whistle.


The loud whistle sounded far away even in the mist.

"You get on the horse first, stay away." After Lin Shun finished speaking, he met the Nightmare Knight's blade.

——In this way, if I lose, you can hold on for a while, and come back after I am resurrected.

But the girl shook her head and said, "No, this is the other side of the city. We are all out of our minds. The master said that people with qualifications to enter here are rare in a hundred years, and horses are even more impossible."

But as soon as she finished speaking, a loud hissing sound suddenly sounded in the mist, followed by the crisp sound of horseshoes.

Then, a beautiful silver-maned horse ran out of the thick fog and appeared in front of the girl.

The girl looked at this "soul horse", her pretty face was full of confusion, and she stuttered a little: "This...what's going on here? Master can't lie to me?"

Lin Shun kicked the Nightmare Knight's shoulder armor, trying to kick him off the horse, but unfortunately it didn't work.

While landing, he pointed to the horse under the Nightmare Knight in front of him: "Isn't there already one?"

"That... that doesn't count! That is a creature of this world!" The little girl was very sad.

"That's possible, this horse also has the talent of being one in a million!" Lin Shun replied casually.

——In fact, he is very clear that this is [the game mechanism]. No matter where you are, as long as you can blow the horse whistle, the horse will definitely respond to the call and appear in front of you.

Even if you are standing on the top of a building tens of meters high, as long as you blow your horse whistle, you will see your horse standing on the roof as soon as you turn around.

It's that outrageous.

The little girl looked skeptical about life, but she didn't waste time. She touched the horse's back, and the silver-maned horse sat down obediently for her to ride, and even rubbed her head lightly.

It seems to be recognized, this is the owner who raised it when I was a child.

Xin Xin got on the horse and said to Lin Shun again: "Don't hit brother! Cut off the horse's legs! Let's run together! There are many such monsters here! There are endless fights!"

"Huh?" Lin Shun had just tried hot iron on his head, and a piece of hair was burned, "I said it earlier..."

While looking for an opportunity to cut off the horse's leg, he asked, "How can I be safe? Leave this foggy world?"

The little girl shook her head, "No, I tried, I don't know why, but I can't get out!"

"Then just running isn't the way to go?" Lin Shun put forward a murderous idea, "Is it okay to kill all these monsters? I think the fog is sprayed out by them. After killing them all, the fog will dissipate, right?"

"Ah?" Xinxin obviously didn't expect that her old brother whom she hadn't seen for many years is such a violent and ruthless person!

She stammered and said, "There are these monsters everywhere. There are too many to kill... right? Let's not take any risks. I don't want my brother to get hurt in order to save me. Let's run?"

"As long as we persevere, the master will definitely come to save us!"

Xinxin obviously doesn't want to fight, and she has full trust in her master.

——The previous martial arts-related task teacher also said: I am too kind-hearted, and I am very careful when competing with others. I am always worried about hurting others, so that I have a lot of potential, but I can only use less than 70% of it.

Lin Shun blinked: "Your master? Who is it? If the whole city is full of these monsters, can he kill them all?"

"It's definitely possible!" Xinxin was full of confidence, "My master is special, special, very powerful!!"

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