Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 857 New Gameplay: Animal Party!

Journey Prosthetics Company "sells skin" and it's not a day or two anymore.

The peripherals of robotic arms that ordinary people can use, especially the peripherals of "cyber metal style" robotic arms, have always been popular, and they are one of the most common "Nikkei posts" in the forum.

If Lin You really came out with a [Crimson Storm Robotic Arm], he would almost certainly win praise from mountains and tsunamis.

There is no need to worry about sales - there is no need to wait for the game to be released, this thing alone can sell well all over the world!

After the release of "Pacific Rim", it is even more predictable that sales will skyrocket again.

Of course, there are problems.

The most immediate problem is: this stuff can't be cheap.

Lin You roughly estimated that if he wanted to achieve the level of "controllability" he wanted, the cost of this thing would definitely exceed the cost of a Mirage host.

But this is not a problem, there are many fanatics who are willing to spend money, as long as they are made, Lin You believes that some "leeks" will take the initiative to send them up for him to cut.

Besides, what Lin You wanted was actually just this gimmick, and it didn't matter how much he sold.

Another problem: the power of this thing must be further limited.

After all, they are three iron arms. If you don't restrict them, their power will be very terrifying, even more dangerous than carrying three knives with you.

After all, even if the average thug carries three knives, he can use at most two at the same time—anyway, Lin You has never seen a robber with three knives in real life.

The previous "cyber metal wind" prosthetic limb is a layer of "skin" to put it bluntly, and the metal material accounts for no more than one-third, which is still controllable, and the limit is only a general level.

[Crimson Storm Robotic Arm] If it is done, the restrictions must be further strengthened.

However, this is not technically difficult. Let the development team spend a little more time to adjust and find that balance point.

The more Lin You thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong, and he decisively asked Xiaomeng to record this idea.

Of course, it is impossible to get up and work immediately just by recording it.

He has made up his mind: he will never work again!

The employees are all on vacation, and the boss is working overtime like crazy, is it plausible?

"From now until the start of work on the 8th, except for the scheduled aerospace training, the rest of the time will be spent fishing and resting!"

Just as Lin You finished speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

He looked at Xiaomeng strangely.

But Xiaomeng didn't tell him who was outside the door, but took out a large glass of beer from the air with both hands.

"?" Lin You was stunned for a moment, "What are you doing? Children can't..."

Before he finished speaking, he came to his senses, grabbed the beer and put it on the table, said "children can't drink" and opened the door.

As expected: the one standing outside the door is indeed Princess Zhu Cixia.


After the princess entered Lin You's house, Jian Xingde who followed behind knocked on Yue Pengju's door.

Yue Pengju was stunned when he saw Jian Xingde standing outside the door, tilted his head to look at Lin You's door, and then took a step back to welcome Jian Xingde into the room.

On the sofa, Jian Xingde did not speak, but sighed expressionlessly.

"?" Yue Pengju was a little strange, but then he understood, tilted his head and looked at Lin You's house next door and asked, "Are you worried about what will happen to their lonely men and widows?"

"Oh." Jian Xingde shook his head, "No, you don't have to worry about this in the future."

"???" Yue Pengju became even more strange.

"Why are you so...reticent today?"

This is not Jian Xingde's style. When the princess is not in front of him, he always stumbles and speaks eloquently, so he doesn't talk much today?

"What do you mean don't worry anymore?"

Jian Xingde said uninterestedly: "He is a natural match for a man and a woman. Is it my turn to worry about it like a bodyguard?"

It's not that he disagrees—on the contrary, he agrees with it, but it's just inevitable that he has a bit of an old father mentality.

Yue Pengju finally came to his senses, and his eyes widened in an instant: "The two of them, are you in love?"

"Wait, why are you in such a hurry to tell me?"

"Of course I want you to update Lin You's security measures to include the princess as well."

As an insider, Jian Xingde is very clear: Lin You's security level has already surpassed that of the princess.

——This is not only because of his contribution and value, but also because he is indeed more likely to be remembered than the princess.

After all, it is useless to tie the princess, but if Lin You is tied, there are many things that can be done!

But the princess fell in love with Lin You—and might even get married in the future, so she was bound to Lin Youqiang. It was hard to guarantee that no one would regard it as Lin You's weak point and want to make a fuss about it.

As the princess' bodyguard, Jian Xingde is very sensitive to this.

When Zhu Cixia told him the news this morning, Jian Xingde's first reaction was that there was one more potential danger the princess would face.

The second reaction is: "The little cabbage at home was kicked by someone."

In fact, even if he didn't remind, Lin You's security team would soon notice this problem and make targeted arrangements.

But Jian Xingde couldn't wait for them to find out, he wanted it now, the sooner the better!

Yue Pengju also realized this, and immediately reported it without saying a word.


Next door to them, Lin You asked in surprise, "Why did you come here at this time?"

It's late at night. In the past, when the princess came to Lin You's house as a guest, it's time to leave.

Zhu Cixia was a little embarrassed, but said bravely: "I want to see you."

"I've been running around outside today. I just finished all the itinerary. It's not far from your place, so I just stopped by."

Xiaomeng blinked, turned her head and snickered silently—the itinerary of the princess family today is public on the Internet, this kind of excuse can't fool Xiaomeng at all!

"Besides, I haven't hugged you yet..." The princess's voice became lower and lower.

Lin You was very happy, but also a little puzzled: "Didn't you hug me in the virtual world?"

More than hugging...

"That's different!" Zhu Cixia shook his head.

What is the difference, she didn't continue to talk about it, because she was afraid that Xiaomeng would be unhappy if she heard it.

But Lin You could understand what she meant——

She wanted a real hug, her real love, in the indestructible reality.

Lin You didn't say anything more, and gave her a strong hug without hesitation.

Being held in Lin You's arms, experiencing the warm feeling that seems to be connected with each other, this gave the little princess a great sense of security, and once again proved her point of view: no matter how real the virtual world is, it is impossible to completely replace reality .

After the hug was over, the two let go of each other contentedly, and when they turned around, they found that Xiaomeng was slumped on the sofa with her eyes closed.

Beside her, the mug of beer has bottomed out.

"What's wrong with Xiaomeng?" It was the first time the princess saw Xiaomeng's attitude.

Xiaomeng still closed her eyes tightly and remained motionless, but her mouth began to "talk to herself": "Xiaomeng is drunk, she doesn't know anything, and she won't wake up until can have a baby."


Lin You tapped the little guy's head with his finger, trying to improve her memory.

But Xiaomeng still didn't intend to wake up, but curled up into a ball and hid her head facing the back of the sofa.

Seeing that Xiaomeng was determined to pretend to be asleep, Lin You didn't force it, so he sat down beside her and chatted with Zhu Cixia.

The content of the chat, of course, cannot escape today's hot topic——


Even Zhu Cixia, who "visits" the most in Yunmeng's development teams as an intern, has never seen this thing.

She just knows that Yunmeng has a [Science Fiction Project Team], but it seems that it is still in the process of expansion and adjustment, and the development content does not include large mechs.

"What's the matter with that mecha blueprint? Did you reveal it on purpose?"

"Of course it was intentional. How could I have made such a low-level mistake?" Lin You didn't hide it from her. "That's a promotional plan for a new game."

"How did you come up with this kind of publicity?"

It was the first time for the little princess to see this kind of miraculous means of creating momentum, and she just felt it was an eye-opener and admired it.

Lin You said modestly: "It's all a coincidence, isn't this just in time?"

After chatting for a while, the two decided to play games together—they had a lot of experience in developing games together, but not much in playing games together.

"What do you want to play?" Lin You asked.

"Candy track!" The princess replied happily.

This is her favorite game, more than all the big ones.

The [Candy Track] gameplay of "Paradise" has been updated, with more decoration props, more new tracks, and game themes by season...

Zhu Cixia, on the other hand, did not miss a single update, and has always maintained the achievement of "100% complete collection".

It's a testament to her love for the game beyond a doubt.

But when playing games with Lin You and Xiaomeng—when it comes to playing games, Xiaomeng "woke up" immediately, and she also talked about some worries:

"At present, the operation and maintenance team seems to be a little creative. The last few updates are all recombinations of some decorations and old level elements, and there is no innovation in the gameplay."

This made her, a loyal player, somewhat disappointed.

"That's it..." After hearing Zhu Cixia's words, Lin You hesitated, but finally said: "Then let me give you a present! I originally planned to give you this as a birthday present..."

"Gift? What kind of gift?" The little princess was a little curious.

"A brand new way to play [Candy Track] - "Animal Party"!"

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