Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 861 The Attacking Elementary School Student

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, parents all over Daxia discovered a strange thing:

The children in the family didn't need to call, they got up by themselves!

This is so abnormal!

On weekdays, whenever there is a holiday, which time is it not that you can’t wake up before 8 o’clock, and you have to drag yourself out of bed after 8 o’clock?

This is especially true during Chinese New Year, when waking up every morning is like fighting a war.

But today is different, today is extremely abnormal:

The child not only got up early, but also took the initiative to do housework, mopping the floor and cleaning the table, very diligent.

Couples of parents looked at their diligent children with suspicion.

It wasn't until they put on a flattering face, squeezed their shoulders for themselves, and begged to start playing games early in the morning, that their parents understood.

Then it was ruthlessly rejected!

Just kidding, on the third day of the Lunar New Year, instead of visiting relatives, just stay at home and play games, how decent!

Unless it is customary not to visit relatives on the third day of the Lunar New Year, even the most enlightened parents will allow an hour or two to play, and then rush to visit relatives at noon.

Ever since, the big guys can only take out their mobile phones and watch the live broadcast to satisfy their hunger.

This has also led to the anchors who can overcome the problem and start the live broadcast in a short time, and the popularity of the live broadcast room has increased significantly.

Of course, some of them thought of "there are many idle people in the New Year", while others thought it was another reason——

In Xia Yi's live broadcast room, she was introducing a little boy to fans: "Let me introduce to you, this is my nephew, who is in sixth grade this year."

"As you all know, I ran all day yesterday and didn't buy a Mirage in my hometown. The one I'm using now was bought by my nephew for me."

"To show my thanks, I'm taking him off today!"


In A Yi's live broadcast room, he looked a lot more serious than before.

The reason, of course, was because there was a little girl standing beside her.

"This is my cousin. She helped me get the host I'm using for live broadcast now. In exchange, she will be the host for a day."

"Yes, today she is the anchor, and I am her assistant."

The water friends were puzzled: "The little sister looks like thirteen or fourteen years old, right? Where did she get the host? It's so powerful?"

"Eh..." Ayi hesitated a little.

But the cousin said coolly: "Of course he is blackmailing my brother! He is only 9 years old this year, it is good for him to play less games."

The water friends burst into laughter instantly.


In Yelang's live broadcast room, siblings also joined the battle.

However, there are no host-related issues between them——

"This is my sister, dear sister. I have nothing to do at home during the Chinese New Year, so we will play a new game together for a while."

Friends of the water said hello in the live broadcast room in unison:

"Hello, Sister Ye!"

"Hello, Sister Ye!"


The tidy "Hello Sister Ye" bullet screen went on for a while, before someone suddenly interrupted and said, "No wonder the anchor was so good-looking in women's clothing, it's genetic!"

These words immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the water friends:

"Strongly urge the anchor to go to "Terraria" to change his personality! We want to see sisters!"

"Okay! My sister Sai Gao!"

"Sister! Sister! Sister!"


Sister Yelang nodded calmly and said with a smile, "Yes, I have no objection."

"Sister!" Yelang interrupted loudly, "Please don't say a few words!"

"Hahaha." The sister and the water friends laughed heartily at the same time.



On this day, family members, relatives, and friends appeared in the live broadcast rooms of many anchors.

Some of them are because of the conditions agreed by the host, some are given by their parents to take care of the children, and some are simply because they return to their hometown during the Chinese New Year, which coincides with the meeting.

The appearance of these people brought the New Year's atmosphere into the live broadcast room, and it became lively early.

In this lively atmosphere, "Animal Party" was launched on time.


Super Tomato sat on the couch in his virtual house and saw Animal Party straight from the login options.

This surprised him a bit: "Log in directly? Don't you need to log in to Paradise first?"

"This is obviously higher than [Candy Track], it's completely new game treatment!"

As he spoke, he quickly clicked to log in.

The moment he logged in, his body turned into streaks of light and dissipated.

When they regrouped, they had already appeared in a bright orange room, with several cute animal portraits hanging on the wall, a small sofa in front of them, and a huge display screen behind them.

Super Tomato turned around, looked at his own reflection on the screen, and said in amazement, "I really turned into a dog?"

In the eyes of the water friends, a chubby humanoid corgi dog stood in front of the mirror, rubbing its paw on its own dog's head in surprise.

Of course, "surprise" is made up from his movements and voice.

If you look at it with the naked eye, it's not the kind of exaggerated expression changes that can affect the muscles of the whole face. It's really not easy to see from the dog's face.

"Although after watching the trailer, I have some mental preparations, but this is... too real!"

Super Tomato rubbed his face with two dog paws, and then rubbed his belly covered with short white hair, feeling very delicate.

There is no doubt that there is a feeling of being stroked by a dog in the hand, but there is also the feeling of being rubbed by a kitten or dog on my stomach.

He rubbed his dog's ears, and began to look at the surrounding environment: "Dogs are dogs, let's take a look at the teaching level first."

Following the guidance of the arrow on the ground, he walked to the next room.

But as soon as he took a step, Super Tomato felt something was wrong, and he staggered and almost fell down.

The water friends didn't know why, so he looked down at his short legs, and said a little speechlessly: "This leg is too short, it's not stable to walk, and..."

While talking, he tried to run.

"...It seems that running is more stable than walking!"

The sensor door opened automatically, and Super Tomato ran into the second room with short legs, and then faced a row of isolation railings with thick red ropes blocking the way.

He hurriedly braked, but his short legs couldn't stop at all. The inertia brought by his fat body made him... no, the whole dog fell to the ground, and slid forward for a short distance with its belly sticking to the smooth floor. , The fence that was hit hit his dog's head with a "duang".

Super Tomato fell into dizziness instantly, and the whole dog suddenly "cut off the power" and collapsed on the ground without moving.

"Hahaha..." The barrage burst into laughter.

After being completely paralyzed and dizzy for several seconds, Super Tomato shook its dog's hair and regained control of its body.

The first thing I did when I got up was to complain: "Damn, my body doesn't work!"

"Who would have thought that to play a game, you have to re-acquaint yourself with your limbs..."

While complaining, he carefully overturned the second row of isolation railings, and walked into the third room vigilantly.

In front of it is a huge sculpture of a corgi dog. Behind the sculpture, the floor of the room is cut off, and the middle sinks a lot.

On the huge screen on the wall, the corgi jumped over the pit in the middle, apparently as a demonstration for him.

But Super Tomato first tried to see if he could climb up to the opposite side, but found that the arms that had become the forelegs of the dog couldn't use his strength at all, so he couldn't climb up, so he ran back to the left resignedly, trotted up and jumped, trying Jump over the gap in the middle to get to the right of the room.

But he overestimated the jumping ability of his short legs, and his running speed was not enough, so that the jumping distance was a little short. The dog's head hit the opposite floor with a "boom", and then——

Feeling dizzy and paralyzed again...

The next time he jumped again, he learned his lesson, sprinted at full speed with all his strength, and finally jumped over.

Next is the fourth room, in the middle of the room is a glass display case with huge lollipops, and then there is a light green cube in the upper left corner, and a button in the lower right corner.

According to the tutorial on the screen, Super Tomato holds the cube with two dog paws, moves it to the button and puts it down.

The door opened.

But he didn't rush over, instead he slapped and smashed the showcase, finally broke the glass and took out the lollipop.

——This thing has appeared in the trailer, a proper two-handed heavy weapon, and a stick can smash the opponent's dog's head.

Super Tomato instinctively felt: This thing should not be placed here for no reason, it might be used later, so he decided to take this [lollipop weapon] to the next room.

But the fifth room is just a teaching of throwing cubes, so it is easy to pass.

Super Tomato took a lot of effort, dragged the lollipop into the sixth room, and was speechless for a moment.

Because in the sixth room, another showcase and lollipops appeared...

"Isn't this playing with people..." Super Tomato complained.

Then, he looked at the more important sandbags in the room.

This room is teaching combat: "light punches", "head hammers", "thumps", "flying kicks", "use of weapons"...

One by one fighting skills were demonstrated on the display, and Super Tomato was asked to practice them one by one on the sandbag to ensure that he had fully mastered them.

During the whole process, except for being knocked unconscious once by a sandbag in reverse, no accident happened.

The seventh room teaches [climbing the wall]——Super Tomato discovered that it should be possible to climb up the level of "jumping" before, but it was a little difficult, and he hadn't mastered the trick before.

The eighth room teaches [Roll] to dodge attacks.

After completing this series of tutorials, Super Tomato finally ushered in the actual battle - in the ninth room, a ring battle with a crocodile wearing sunglasses.

And this battle lasted for 10 minutes, but Super Tomato failed to complete the task.

It's not that you can't beat crocodiles - the combat mode of this game is not complicated, even if you fight randomly, you can catch dead mice blindly and stun your opponent several times.

Super Tomato's biggest opponent is the side ropes around the ring!

Every time he managed to knock the little crocodile unconscious and tried to lift it up and throw it out of the ring, he would be stopped by the side rope.

Then before he could adjust his position, the crocodile woke up again, struggling to escape his grasp.

Super Tomato tried again and again, failed again and again, and the live broadcast room has become a sea of ​​joy.

Super Tomato is a bit suspicious of life: "The teaching level is so difficult? Is it too much?"

Hearing this, the live broadcast room burst into laughter:

"Hahaha! You are too good!"

"Is it difficult? Why do I feel that it is not difficult at all?"

"When you encounter problems, reflect on yourself more, the pupils next door will pass by in seconds!"


The water friends did not fool Super Tomatoes, and indeed many elementary school students completed the ring battle with ease.

Many anchors have not yet passed it, but their nephews, nephews, nieces, cousins... have passed it first.

Not only did they pass, they kept urging their brothers, uncles, sisters-in-law, and cousins ​​in private chats: "Hurry up!"

His voice was full of disdain.

After Super Tomato was kicked out of the ring by the crocodile again, looking at the news in the barrage, the first reaction was only one word:


Thank you [Yuejiangyin] for rewarding 200 points.

Thank you [book friend tail number 9486] for rewarding 100 points.

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