Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 864 Funny Battle

"Everyone get up, everyone get up! You stepped on my foot!"

A unicorn in the crowd hadn't finished yelling when it was stepped on its toes by a player next to it.

I don't know how the system judged, this kick actually exceeded the upper limit of damage he could bear, and suddenly fell limply to the ground with an "ah", and passed out.

And he wasn't the only unlucky one.

The result of too many players participating in the battle is that everyone's birth point is very close, only an arm's distance away-not an arm's distance from humans, but the arms of small animals.

As a result, at the beginning of the game, everyone didn't have to move their legs, and they could hit their opponents in the face with a wave of their arms!

Of course, everyone would not miss such a convenient condition, and decisively punched and kicked nearby opponents.

In the case of no room to move, the comparison is an attack frequency!

Some people wanted to pick up weapons, but as soon as they bent down, they were beaten by opponents from all directions and fell down on the spot.

The fall is not over yet, but someone will lift it up as a weapon and throw it into the distance!

A duck in the crowd felt tripped and saw a bomb when he lowered his head. He quickly bent down to pick it up. At the same time, the fuse of the bomb immediately ignited without fire.

The duck yelled "Ni hao!" and threw the bomb out.

But just as the bomb was dropped, a rhino in front of him jumped up and slapped the bomb off, giving the duck a solid block.

"Blumok!" The bomb hit the duck's chest again. The duck was shocked and threw the bomb to the rhino in a hurry.

"!" The rhinoceros was also stunned, and just about to throw it back, the bomb exploded in his arms with a "boom".

Within a radius of four meters, a bunch of small animals were instantly bombarded and limp to the ground as if they had no bones.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, all kinds of weapons are showing their power——

The freeze gun shot several cats, cats and dogs into ice cubes, and the stun gun knocked down the foxes, cats, unicorns and crabs that were huddled together in the melee at the same time, winning four kills!

The shovel killed all directions, the toilet seat was buckled in the face of a husky, and the husky's mouth was stuck in the hole, "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" was. Can't break free at all...

The sound at the scene was also chaotic——



"para tu!"

"tatata bala tu!"

"Oh poop!"

"Sa la ka!"

"Purruprupruprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\u003e most, but also to the barbieca!"


All kinds of exciting and funny banana language can be heard endlessly!

Someone is eliminated almost every second.

However, due to the limited terrain, the first ones to be eliminated are of course the unlucky ones on the outside. Compared to the fierce battles in the inner circle, the outer circle is full of screams of "ahhhh" when the unlucky ones fall off the plane.

——Even the scream of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" turned into the demonic voice of the minions, which made the scene extremely funny. Players laughed wildly while fighting while listening to this strange and funny sound.

Then the wild laughter is also the devilish laughter of the little yellow man, and it ends up laughing harder.

Xia Yi even laughed so weakly that she didn't need anyone else to beat her, she fell to all fours, lying on the plane and laughing wildly, punching the shell of the plane while laughing.

The little nephew was very happy to be given the crocodile skin at first, and wanted to save her, but seeing that she was so "useless", he was angry and let her go. He cooperated with Yi's cousin and rushed towards the inner circle.

Xia Yi, who was released from life, was laughing so weakly that a coconut was suddenly thrown from nowhere, and it hit her head with a "bang", instantly causing excessive damage and collapsing to the ground.

This time, I really lost all strength. Just when the plane encountered the air current, the fuselage began to tilt.

So, without waiting for others to throw it, she rolled all the way down the slanted wing...

Everyone flew out, but she was still holding her stomach in the air and laughing wildly.

After becoming a soul, Xia Yi immediately heard A Yi's complaints: "Is it that funny?"

"Don't you think it's super funny? Hahaha!" Xia Yi was inexplicably poked, and couldn't stop laughing.

"No, I can't laugh at all..." A Yi, who was eliminated inexplicably at the beginning, was depressed, how could he laugh.

The two adults just watched their cousin and nephew mingling with a group of other small animals.

"Thanks to the teammate identification marks in this game, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to recognize which two of them are..."

The small battlefield is still not obvious, but the big battlefield is too scary. All kinds of small animals run around and roll into a ball, which dazzles the people watching.

The little nephew and cousin performed very well, but unfortunately they still couldn't make it to the end.

One was headshot by a watermelon, one slipped and fell to the ground because of the icy wings, and slid all the way down the ice...

The [Ultimate Smash Bros.] mode does not have the mode of playing three rounds in a row to compare the total score in a small battlefield.

However, the unlucky ones who were born on the edge of the battlefield don't have to worry, Lin You designed a hidden mechanism to ensure that the average distance between players and the central area of ​​the field is equal in multiple rounds.

In other words, this one was born on the edge of the map, and the next one may be in the center.

But it will not be so simple and rude. The specific number of this average is averaged based on the comprehensive distance of the five games, which can only ensure the overall balance.

On the basis of ensuring balance, it also provides random fun.

After the game, Xia Yi didn't rush to start the next move, but couldn't help asking her nephew and A Yi's cousin: "Don't you feel that your hands and feet are not in control?"

——Although she was laughing all the time, she was also watching the whole game, and she could clearly feel that the two sixth-grade pupils "tame" their hands and feet very well.

"A little bit, but it doesn't affect much." The nephew answered her.

"?" A question mark slowly appeared on Xia Yi's head, which obviously had a great influence!

At this time, A Yi beside him suddenly had an idea: "Tell me, is it because children's legs are not so long, and their proportions are closer to these small animals than ours, so they adapt faster? "

This is the only reason Ah Yi can think of.

"Ah?" Xia Yi was stunned for a moment, then looked down at her cat's short legs, and instantly felt that it was reasonable!

This made her regain her confidence: After playing a few more rounds, she will fully adapt to this ratio, and she will definitely not be in such a trap again!

"Come again!!"

Xia Yi is full of fighting spirit.

The countermeasure team in Virginia also started the game again.



With the passage of time, the problem of "little limbs" has been alleviated, and the levels of Xia Yi and A Yi have also risen rapidly.

The combat effectiveness of adults began to gradually catch up with or even overtake elementary school students, and gave them some "education of love".

——After adults adapt to the environment, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks are much more sinister than pure-minded elementary school students.

More delicate situation judgment, more decisive goal selection, more tacit teamwork, even fake alliances, real backstabs, and various gameplays are staged in turn.

Some people have discovered a special Gou Daoliu - not simply avoiding battles, but climbing to places that others can't reach!

In the ring battle, you can climb to the super high stone pillar beside the ring, and the submarine can climb up the thin and narrow signal pole, and then hang yourself on the pole.

——But the latter kind of animals can only use crocodiles, rhinos, dinosaurs, etc., with their big mouths protruding outwards, and rely on their big jaws to hang themselves on poles like drying clothes.


After passing the threshold of "adapting to exercise with the physique of small animals", the word-of-mouth of "Animal Party" ushered in a big explosion!

However, the area that first showed its dominance was not in Daxia, but overseas.

Now open the overseas live broadcast platform, the game area is almost completely occupied by these small animals!

This game does not have any cultural barriers, and it has easily become popular overseas.

——Even in the most conservative countries, no one would say such outrageous words as "small animals are indecent without clothes".

And in the afternoon, after the players in Daxia finished their task of visiting relatives and started logging in to the game in large numbers, the influence of "Animal Party" in Daxia also began to soar rapidly!

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