Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 868 Man-machine integration!

The staff in the room and the netizens who watched the live broadcast all failed to catch up with Lin You's imagination.

As for Lin You's problem, there is actually a reason for it.

Just after leaving the media meeting and coming to the maintenance room, the staff brought a small glass of juice to the three astronauts before they had time to change into their space suits.

According to them, this is "Zhuang Xingjiu".

However, I will soon be flying a spacecraft into space, so I definitely can't "drink and drive", so it's auspicious to substitute wine with fruit juice.

And this immediately aroused Lin You's memory of a rumor in the world——

According to legend, when Russian astronauts and Soyuz spacecraft designers have dinner, they will drop a small drop of engine fuel, that is, rocket kerosene, into the wine, implying [the integration of man and machine].

But the taste of this thing is too strong, even a tiny drop will spoil the whole glass of wine, making it quite unpalatable.

But even so, this stuff has become a tradition for many years, and a large number of Russian cosmonauts have drunk it.

Lin You didn't quite know if the rumor was true, but after thinking of the story and looking at the juice in front of him, he immediately became suspicious.

Facing the Commander's question, he was really not very good at answering, so he could only say: "Put some fuel in the wine, does it imply the unity of man and machine?"

"We don't engage in these superstitions." The commander shook his head and drank the small glass of juice in his hand.

After finishing drinking, he looked at the empty cup in his hand, and then at Lin You, but suddenly an idea occurred to him inexplicably: It seems... can we try?

This is Lin You!

——Lin You is not only deified by young people overseas, but also in Daxia.

There are more people who believe in the magical power of Lin You's scientific research than those who believe that Shuihua is the goddess of luck. Especially in the field of scientific research, there are many workers who need to deal with luck and probability. Many of them began to ask Lin You before the experiment. prayed!

Although it's a joke...

Another astronaut looked at the juice in his hand, then at the commander, and tentatively said, "How about... let's try?"

"No! What are you thinking?!" The team doctor who had been following the team immediately interrupted loudly.

"The rocket is about to launch, and you still want to drink kerosene at this time? Do you know how important your health is?!"

After finishing speaking, he glared at Lin You viciously: You only come once, but don't cause any long-term troubles for the medical supervision and insurance department!

Guiltyly, Lin You turned away from looking at him, took a sip of the juice, and began to change the spacesuit with the help of the staff.

Although the teammate was interrupted by the team doctor, Lin You's thoughts had spread through the live broadcast room, and someone posted a barrage in the live broadcast room on the spot:

"Human-machine integration? Awesome! Go drink motorcycle gasoline!"

"It's broken! In the future, the will-o'-the-wisp boys will have a party, don't they want to toast and drink gasoline?"

"The sports car arrives tomorrow, when the time comes we will broadcast [Human-Machine Integration]!"

"No wonder I can't win the unlimited drag racing competition. It turns out that it's because I didn't drink the same type of gasoline as my car! I realized!"


In the maintenance room, the director, who had almost stepped on the sewing machine before, watched the barrage in the live broadcast room with trepidation.

He couldn't help but ask the youngest deputy cameraman in the team: "These barrages are all a joke, right? No one really wants to drink gasoline, right?"

The sub-camera blinked, and said with some hesitation: "Should...not be?"

His uncertain look made the director's eyelids twitch.

When the station arranged for him to be in charge of Lin You's live broadcast, he refused.

But who made him the only person in Taiwan who had worked with Lin You? In the end, the arm couldn't twist the thigh, so I had to come.

As a result, it was just the beginning, and he felt that something was going to happen!

If someone really had an accident by drinking gasoline, it would be considered a live broadcast accident, right?

The director frowned.

The only good news is: this is mainly Lin You's fault, he should not be scolded... right?

It's not that Lin You's secret was photographed.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lin You in the crowd again.

At this time, the three astronauts had already changed into their space suits with the help of the staff, and were about to leave the maintenance room. A room full of staff gathered around them and left together. The director hurriedly greeted the camera to follow.

This time he not only had to pay attention to the pictures in the camera, but also held a mobile phone, and at the same time followed the dynamics of netizens in the live broadcast room, and was quite busy for a while.

But when he walked out of the maintenance room, he keenly saw several special bullet screens in the live broadcast room:

"Is the one next to Lin You his new female bodyguard? I don't think I've seen it before?"

"It doesn't look like the temperament, it feels more like an assistant, did the launch center arrange for him?"

"Why is she wearing a mask in the audience?"

"By the way, do you think her profile looks familiar?"

"Do you guys look familiar? I've known it for a long time! But I just can't remember where I saw it."

"??" The director quickly raised his head and looked at the two people beside Lin You.

One is Yue Pengju, who is familiar not only to him, but also to netizens. After all, Yue Pengju follows Lin You every day and is almost inseparable.

But another woman wearing a mask is difficult to determine.

The last time he saw Lin You, there was no such person around Lin You.

And this girl does look inexplicably familiar, even though she is wearing thick clothes, wearing a mask and glasses, and her hair covers half of her face, she still feels familiar.

The director couldn't help but took two quick steps, getting a little closer.

Then, relying on a clearer perspective and the rich experience of media people, he successfully recognized who this person was.

Then he just froze in place——

"Who can tell me! The little princess of Daxia, the jewel in the palm of hundreds of millions of netizens, why did she appear here?!"

The director felt as if ten thousand mud horses were galloping past, and his heart collapsed.

But he has been trained for a long time, and he has already acted while breaking down.

He quickly ran to the side of the secondary camera and told him to change the shooting angle and try his best to avoid "the woman next to Lin You" from appearing in the camera.

Then he reminded the main camera: "Only shoot the back view".

After that, I stared wide-eyed, staring at the screen and the environment all the time, and cut the screen immediately once the camera was about to be photographed!

He doesn't want to know what's going on between Lin You and the princess! I don't even want netizens and audiences across the country to guess!

This is the show he is in charge of!

While he was busy, he complained endlessly in his heart: "Uncle Lin, why are you trying to get along with me?"

"Next time there is a mission related to Lin You, I won't come if you kill him!"

After that, Zhu Cixia almost disappeared from the camera, and when the camera caught him occasionally, he only showed his back.

On the way to the launch site by car, the director simply gave only the exterior scenes of the car.

This naturally caused strong dissatisfaction among the audience.

It wasn't until the convoy arrived at the launch site that the camera looked up at the spectacular launch tower of Tianzhou 43 at a super close distance, and the audience stopped complaining in amazement.

After the astronauts got off the car, they said their final goodbyes to the leaders and staff of the launch site under the spectacular launch tower, and then took the elevator to the ninth floor of the launch tower.

The director was relieved: Yue Pengju and Princess Zhu Cixia stopped under the launch tower and did not follow the elevator.

Instead, they could take another elevator to follow and film.

On the ninth floor, Lin You and two other astronauts were filmed walking through the entrance passage, and outside the standby area, the astronauts were filmed taking off their black boots that were "polluted" by the earth.

After that, the camera stopped moving at the three dazed astronauts.

The director really wanted to go into the standby area and ask them: what were you thinking at this moment before leaving the earth?

But he also knew that he must not disturb them now, so he had no choice but to give up.

——Besides, he can't enter the standby area...

After waiting for a while, Lin You and the other two astronauts waved goodbye to the camera and the staff in turn, and entered the return capsule.

So far, their mission has been completely completed.

For the shots in the cabin, you can only enter the main live broadcast room to watch the official live broadcast.

The director checked to make sure that no one was discussing "the woman next to Lin You", and finally heaved a long sigh of relief. He stayed away from the launch tower with his team members, and waited for the moment of rocket launch with the others.

In the Yunmeng office group, everyone watched their boss sitting on the right side of the return cabin, skillfully checking the status of the equipment, with both admiration and astonishment.

"So...the boss is about to go to heaven?"

"I'm afraid so!"

"But... we will start work tomorrow, right? When the boss is in space, how will we arrange work???"

Who would have thought that there would be a lot of work waiting after the start of work, but the boss just ran into space without saying a word the day before the start of work? ?

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