Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 875 Now it's time for French fries!

Yu Gu couldn't help but grab Fan Rui who was applauding beside him, and asked the question in his heart: "When does Yunmeng plan to enter the film industry?"

"Huh?" Fan Rui was stunned.

They are all off work, and they have finished their busy work, so they come over to watch a movie - Yunmeng's internal "movie viewing meeting", and the planners and supervisors of various project teams can watch it.

Under the condition that Yunmeng has absolute confidence in "secrecy", this kind of smooth information exchange is more conducive to internal personnel flow and brainstorming.

So not only Fan Rui was watching, but Qin Songyun and Xiao Chun were also watching, as were the chief and deputy planners of each project team who could spare time.

Hearing Yu Gu's question, Fan Rui thought for a while and replied, "I don't know what the boss thinks, but from my point of view, Yunmeng has no plans to enter the film industry at all."

Yu Gu was puzzled: "With Yunmeng's technology, is it possible to mass-produce movies? The boss can make such a mature movie by himself! The CG special effects technology that takes a long time and costs a lot on the market is completely replaced by virtual technology. Crushed, this is a proper dimensionality reduction blow."

"You don't even need actors! The cost is only a mirage, find a screenwriter, find a few technicians and soundtrack, and you're done!"

"It may even be better than the movies that are currently on the market with a lot of investment!"

"Isn't this picking up money? Even if you don't end up in the game, you can make a lot of money from technology licensing!"

Fan Rui shook his head and said, "There are too many ways for Yunmeng to make a lot of money."

"You know the virtual Xiajing, how many shops can sell real goods directly in the virtual world?"

Fan Rui's interruption stunned Yu Gu for a moment. After thinking about the scale of the virtual Xia Jing, he guessed a relatively conservative number: "Ten thousand?"

"Wrong." Fan Rui shook his head, "1180."

Yu Gu was very surprised: "So few?!"

"Yes, because the audit rules required by the boss are very strict, and there is a corresponding elimination mechanism, so in the past few months, it has only expanded from dozens to more than a thousand. Yunmeng's income from it may not be as much as Mod Share one percent of the platform."

"So...why?" Yu Gu's confusion was further deepened by this situation.

"Because money was not the main goal for Yunmeng—or for the boss in the first place."

Fan Rui solved his doubts for him, this is the conclusion he reached through observation and thinking——

"The boss cares more about bringing players a unique experience. Most of the time, the pursuit of this experience is happiness-of course there are other things occasionally."

"But it's not important. What's important is: these unique experiences are the value that the boss wants to give to the virtual world."

"The virtual world is not a money printing machine for making money, but a peach blossom garden that brings happiness to users and value to creators!"

Fan Rui made a generous speech, which made Yu Gu's eyes shine. He only felt that Yunmeng was worthy of being a holy place for game developers. This concept really touched his heart!

But Yu Guzheng's heart was surging, but Qin Songyun couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help interjecting:

"It's all your guess, isn't it?"

"Ah?" Fan Rui turned to look at Qin Songyun.

Qin Songyun gave Yu Gu another answer: "How much is a movie ticket? How much is a game?"

"It's 10 times worse here."

"One can only be seen, and the other can be experienced in person, which one is better to sell?"

"Of course, you can also earn both money, but with the boss's personality, unless he is really interested, he won't even bother to bend down if you ask him to pick up money."

"I don't think what you said is right..." Fan Rui insisted on his own thoughts.

Yu Gu looked at the argument between the two of them, he was a little confused, he didn't know who to trust for a while...

Both Fan Rui and Qin Songyun have been with Lin You for so long, and each can cite a lot of examples, so naturally no one can convince the other.

Qin Songyun looked at the time, and soon it was time for Xiao Chun to take a walk, so he stopped the discussion and suggested to Yu Gu:

"I bet, the boss is just too lazy to take care of so many things. If you don't believe me, you can write a [Film Industry Sack Money Proposal] to the boss. The boss will probably just leave the job to you. If you don't believe me, you can try it." .”

After speaking, Qin Songyun disappeared in place and took his wife for a walk.

Fan Rui also said: "I can also bet! You try it, the boss will definitely not agree!"

"Let's talk about it, let's talk about it..." Yu Gu laughed and dealt with it.

He finally joined the main strategy team, and tomorrow he will start making "Pacific Rim" into a virtual reality game. There are so many things to do, how can he have the time to do this?

Besides, he doesn't know much about the film industry, so he's mentally ill to make a bet for the two of you, to see if he will be assigned by the boss to develop new projects...

'But...' Yu Gu was still thinking when he left the company after get off work, 'It is really necessary to quickly liquidate the stocks related to the film industry, this can't wait! '


Yunmeng's office slowly fell silent.

Stimulated by a series of announcements, the virtual world became more lively.

In player forums and game groups, everyone was chatting passionately.

But if you want to say the hottest, it has to be "Battlefield"!

Many players who have been in "Chang'an" during the holidays have returned to "Battlefield".

The old players who have been fighting endlessly in "Battlefield" have made up their minds to fight until the last second of [Pre-Test], which is midnight tonight.

The secondary purpose is to commemorate the end of the [early test], and the main purpose is——

A warm welcome to the new fries!

——A newcomer joins the game with a very low military rank. There is only a bar on his shoulder, which looks exactly like French fries. In addition, newcomers have no battlefield experience and are often picked up by old players. The foreigner "French Fries" It became popular without realizing it.

Ayi and Yelang, two guys who don't talk about martial arts, of course would not miss this opportunity, hurriedly formed a team and ran back to "Battlefield", and chose [Multiplayer Game] to start the match without saying a word.

Matching map - [Blooding Banquet Hall]!

The first time he entered the battlefield, A Yi grabbed a plane at the speed of light, and Yelang immediately began to observe his teammates around him, and then he said in the team channel in surprise: "It feels like there are cute new ones everywhere! I just see it now." Yes, there are a dozen people with only one bar on their shoulders!"

This also means that there should be so many newbies on the opposite side!

——This is a field of 30 people against 30 people, this ratio is already exaggerated!

"Very good, haha, give them some greetings first!"

If you are playing normally, the fighter should fly to the castle in the middle of the map to suppress the enemy as soon as possible, and assist your teammates to win this most critical point.

But A Yi deftly steered the plane around the middle of the map, intending to avoid the air entanglement of the enemy plane and go straight to his hometown on the opposite side!

But what surprised him was that the fighter on the opposite side also chose to bypass the center of the map!

"If you say you go around, just go around, what do you mean by choosing one side with me?" A Yi couldn't help complaining.

"Do you want to fight?" asked the teammate in the plane.

"Forget it, we must display the noble air knight spirit, and never shoot the first shot!"


The teammates fully expressed their surprise and contempt with just one word.

The players on the ground on the two sides who were rushing to the front line watched in confusion as their fighter planes and enemy fighter planes met in the air, but they couldn't shoot a single shot. They passed by each other friendly, and then——

Come straight to yourself!

When the roar above the head became louder and the fighter jets began to fire wildly at the unshielded and exposed players on the road, the players on the ground ran away with their heads in their hands, cursing at the same time——

"Draft master!"

I don't know if I'm scolding my opponent or my teammates...

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