The news that Lin You swaggered around in a space suit eventually became a hot topic on the Internet.

This made He Peng's heart tighten.

But after paying attention to the relevant situation, he breathed a sigh of relief——

One is because the photos at this time were all taken by Lin You and Yue Pengju, and he didn't leave any photos when he drove over.

The second reason is: the focus of players' attention is still on the big news in the game.

Even the photo of Lin You's space suit only rushed to the second most searched position.

The top three most searched online in Daxia today are—— # Track editing mode # # Lin You's fancy clothes # # Free Day starts! # What's interesting is that the topic of # Freedom Day Start # is far more popular outside Daxia than Daxia.

The reason is that Yunmeng's current size is no longer comparable to that of the first [Freedom Day].

As the original map of [Metropolis], one of the most important parts of the virtual world, the sales volume of "League of Assassins" has already exceeded 150 million, but Yunmeng has not announced it to the public.

Now this [Freedom Day], the number of contestants has more than doubled!

Looking at the world's major Internet, it is basically the topic with the most heated discussions-except for America, which is still banned.

As for the country of another ban-Persia, there is no need for any discussion.

It's not that their countries are not important, but that their Internet development is highly dependent on the outside world, and they don't have a mature local Internet community at all.

That is to say, Daxia has already experienced a hot search being slaughtered by [Freedom Day]. Even if there are several times more players now, it is difficult to compete for the first place with fresher content.

That is to say - [track editing mode]!

To some extent, this mode is a bit like the [Mod Sharing Platform] developed based on "Minecraft". It is a copy of the racing track in Night City as the base of the new mode.

However, players can also sit directly in the living room at home, screen the track through the panel, observe the record, edit the track, and even log in to the track to compete.

[King of the track] Han Qing, since Yunmeng announced the project, he has been paying close attention to it.

Today, the live broadcast was started a long time ago, and the experience was the first time the new mode was opened.

He sat in the auditorium of the racetrack, and a window automatically appeared in front of him. The window was divided into four modules:

【Career】, 【Competition】, 【Creation】 and 【Endurance Race】.

He checked them one by one.

[Career] It's very simple, it's the statistics of his games in this mode, of course it's a series of 0s now.

Han Qing exited this module, clicked [Contest], and two new options popped up——


He chooses to be alone.

The interface changes again——

【Official Track】/【Player Track】

Han Qing clicked on each to check, the official track can be opened normally, but the number of player tracks is still [0].

The next module: 【Create】.

As the name suggests, it is used to edit tracks.

Han Qing took a general look and found that the richness of the material far exceeded expectations——

Not only can the track be edited in Night City, Metropolis, virtual Xiajing, wilderness, even Chang'an City, and partially built virtual Berlin are all optional.

Followed by a countdown to unlock [God Capital Luoyang] in one week.

As for the cars, all the vehicles that have appeared in the game can be used at will. As for the outrageously modified cars customized by the players, although there are no ready-made ones, there are also tools, and the players can modify them by themselves.

Looking at the dazzling material library, Han Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I feel like I can make a rocket out of it!"

But he didn't really do it, but clicked on the last module [endurance race].

But this module did not expand, but a system prompt popped up——

[The number of current player tracks is insufficient, this mode is not yet open, the current progress is: (188/5000)]

"?" Han Qing was stunned for a moment, "The number of tracks was still 0 just now, but now it is 188?"

With just one sentence, the progress jumped to: 419/5000.

"What the hell?" Han Qing was stunned. He looked down at the time, a little skeptical, "Isn't this mode only available for 5 minutes? These people completed the track in 5 minutes?"

He was a little unbelievable, and decisively jumped back to the [Competition] mode, choosing [Single Player], [Player Track], and [Easy] to match.

——The difficulty of the track is divided into [easy], [normal], [difficult] and [extremely difficult]. Now the player's track is divided into [easy].

Han Qing's guess: It may be necessary to re-evaluate the difficulty of the map based on the player's completion data.

The matching was completed in an instant, and it was obvious that the number of players online was quite astonishing.

But after entering the track, Han Qing looked out of the car window, and immediately realized in a little bewilderment: Isn't this the racing track just now?

Three seconds countdown, the game begins.

Although Han Qing was a little confused, he instinctively kicked the accelerator and rushed out, rushing to the first place very easily.

Then it is to gallop all the way on the flat track without any pressure, and cross the finish line one minute later, easily winning the championship.

But he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"That's it?"

"That's it??"

"That's it???"

"Are you fucking kidding me??!"

Statistical data emerged in front of him——


【Unnamed track】

Author's finishing time: 1 minute 28 seconds

Fastest finish record: 1 minute 06 seconds





"You don't even bother to come up with a name??" Han Qing was startled again, "Tap Tan Tcha! Get out of my record list!"

Clicking on it was not enough, Han Qing also clicked on the message and left a comment: "Use dim sum, brother!"

After exiting this boring recharging map, Han Qing said a little unwillingly: "Although I know that most of the tracks built so quickly are full of this kind of rubbish, I'm still not quite reconciled."

"One more time, just one more time!"

As he spoke, he clicked on the random map again.

The matching was also completed in an instant. When I opened my eyes this time, what I saw was not a racing track.

But Han Qing was even more deceived.

Through the window of the car, he looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside, and listened to the whistling wind, for a moment he didn't know where he was.

Before he got out of the car to check, the countdown had already started, so he could only warm up the car and get ready.





Han Qing stepped on the accelerator and rushed out against the rear of the car in front.

The car in front was hit by his rear-end collision, and the entire rear of the car turned up high!

Han Qing hurriedly turned the steering wheel, afraid of being hit by the rear of the opponent's car. Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind——

"What technology is this?"

He has seen the front of the car tilted, but what is the operation of directly tilting the rear of the car?

Before he could think more, the answer suddenly appeared in front of him - the car in front fell down from the section of the road.

The road ahead is actually broken!

"Fuck!" Han Qing also rushed out of the road at the same time, fell headfirst, and started the high-altitude fall!

——The track on this map is actually built high above the sky! And only less than 10 meters from the road!

The unsuspecting drivers rushed off the track one after another and fell from the air like dumplings.



"Where is the end?"

"What am I missing?"

Han Qing had ten thousand questions to ask.

But until the car fell to the ground and exploded, he didn't think of a reason.

After his death, he reappeared at the starting point in the sky with his man and car, and the other drivers were revived one by one.

But everyone did not start the car again hastily, but got out of the car and began to observe the surroundings and exchange ideas.

Han Qing regained his composure, recovered from the terrifying experience of falling at a high speed, and planned to get out of the car to communicate.

But just as his hand touched the car door, another violent explosion happened!

What was ignored by everyone before, the row of guardrail-like columns behind the car suddenly exploded.

Intense flames and shock waves arrive at the same time!

The player who got out of the car was instantly sent flying by the shock wave and died on the spot.

The people in the car were also uncomfortable. All the windows of Han Qing exploded at the same time, and the shards of glass splashed everywhere, hitting his face, which made him fall into a state of dizziness, and the car was also crushed under the huge impact. Blow up and crash off the edge of the track!

"Damn it! What kind of crazy is this!" Han Qing couldn't help cursing angrily.

But at this moment, he seemed to see a flag waving past the car window.

At first he thought it was an illusion, but soon, another flag flew by, and then a third.

He finally came to his senses—the boring competition picture before, there seemed to be such flags on both sides of the track!

So, is this the right path? ? ?


The car fell to the ground again, and a violent explosion occurred, but the moment before the explosion, the celebratory music of reaching the finish line rang in Han Qing's ears.

Time stops.

In the flames of the explosion, Han Qing was burning with flames, and looked at the settlement interface that popped up in front of him——


【Falling Down】

Author's finishing time: 36 seconds

Fastest race record: 36 seconds





Han Qing looked at the two buttons of "like" and "click", and was silent for a long time.

It was really hard for him to describe his complicated mood at the moment.

After a while, Han Qing shouted:

"Isn't there a normal track?!!!"

Then he pressed [Like] viciously, and the speed of light exited the map.

——He was very upset at being tormented, but he recognized the author's creativity.

"Forget it, I can't afford to mess with it, I'd better try the official track."

"The official track, it can't be so...outrageous, right?"

Han Qing switched to the [Official Track] option, and was surprised to find that among the track maps of each difficulty level, there was a map marked with [Lin You].

"Is this the track made by Lin You?"

"Then it's necessary to see Boss Lin's handwriting!"

"Everyone, don't rush to mess around, learn the official track design ideas first, so that you can have a reference for your own design."

After saying these few words, he started matching without hesitation.

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