This is not some drunk cat or dog talking nonsense, this is the President of America!

The leader of one of the three super political groups in the world today can exert huge influence with every gesture.

Even if he drinks a can of Coke, he can be on the hot search list!

Not to mention the explosive topic of mechs!

Thanks to Yunmeng's ever-spreading influence all over the world, even if they are not users of Yunmeng, they are more or less aware of major events in the virtual world.

Although Yunmeng's global users will exceed 500 million until now, this 500 million is not randomly drawn from the world, but highly concentrated in relatively wealthy countries with relatively mature Internet development. and region.

To put it more bluntly: the quality of Yunmeng users is very high, and the volume of public opinion is also extremely amazing.

Whenever something important happens in the virtual world, they can easily turn the relevant information into a hot topic on the Internet in their own country.

[Mecha] This thing that used to be so small that almost no one knew about it, has appeared continuously in the virtual world, and after being popularized and popularized by Lin You, it is no longer an unfamiliar concept.

Especially in the past two days on the [All-Star Track], the video of "Mecha vs. Dinosaurs" became popular again, everyone is very familiar with it!

The only problem is: this familiarity is all based on the premise of "virtual world".

But now, what does this Mr. President say?

"America's own mecha"?

Social networks around the world burst instantly:

"What do you mean, they also want to make mechas?"

"Wait, why did you say 'also'?"

"Look at what he said, because others are already making mechas, and they don't want to be left behind, so they want to make mechas too?"

"Who made it first? Wait, it couldn't be Lin You??"

"But isn't Lin You just playing in the virtual world? Can't this be taken seriously?"

"Brother, your news is already behind! There are rumors that Lin You even drew the real mecha blueprint!"



The most confused are netizens from two countries: one is from America's own country, and the other is from Daxia.

The reason for the former is: in the past few months, when the Internet around the world was discussing Yunmeng and learning about the hot spots in the virtual world, America was "indifferent".

The virtual world in America is a relatively independent "local area network".

In most overseas countries, as Yunmeng enters the market, the virtual world network will be interconnected with the country's mature Internet connection, not only Mirage users can easily go back and forth between the "virtual world" and the "real network".

Through their discussions and transfers, other netizens without mirages can easily learn about the virtual world.

The information between reality and virtuality is interoperable, and there is no big obstacle.

But America is an exception.

Their vigilance against Yunmeng is not only on the "embargo", but also on "public opinion".

When Lin You was about to go into space, many netizens ridiculed: "America didn't let Yunmeng in because she was worried that Lin You would manipulate public opinion, brainwash the people, and control the general election."

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, the two parties of America are indeed very wary of Yunmeng's influence on public opinion.

Specifically, everything that happens in their own country's network or in the virtual world will be downgraded, restricted, or even blocked.

Many times when netizens want to communicate openly, they can only use symbols, lingo, substitute words, etc. This obviously seriously affects the efficiency of communication, and only by actively looking for information can they obtain information.

But people who don't know, of course, don't have the idea of ​​"looking for it", and are naturally isolated from this information.

So even though the number of America's local mirages has already exceeded tens of millions, there is still a fine "network" between the virtual world and the real network, blocking the transmission of information.

The result is: the president who has obtained the most comprehensive information subconsciously believes that the whole country should know about the "mecha".

But in fact, more than half of the citizens are completely confused. They only searched for what a "mecha" is after seeing the news from the president, and learned a lot of things that they didn't know before...

Da Xia's side is even more fun.

Seeing this news, everyone has question marks all over their faces——

"What are you talking about? Mecha!?"

"Are you crazy? Lin You hasn't built it yet, so you guys are going to build it first?"

"Wait a minute! They don't want to build mechas for no reason! Remember the blueprint that Lin You accidentally leaked before? Did they think that Lin You was building it, so they wanted to build it themselves?"

"Then they are so anxious to make it, did they get some key information to confirm that Lin You is really making it?"

"It's very possible!"

"Fuck, if this is the case, with Lin You's efficiency, we will be able to see mechs in reality this year, right?"

"The pattern is small! What this year, I will see it next week!"


Netizens in Daxia were so excited that they wanted to pop champagne on the spot after a short period of confusion.

While netizens around the world were talking about it, the media from various countries immediately forwarded, followed up and reported on it.

Some discuss reasons and summarize information.

Some analyzed the cost of the mecha, what technology is needed, and what application scenarios this thing has.

Some recruited military critics to seriously analyze that this "large humanoid combat mech" is not practical enough.

The whole world is in a mess.

Not only the media and netizens were surprised, but even official organizations in many countries were also a little surprised.

Because the current mainstream discourse in the world is "peace", no country will say with great fanfare that it will "invest a lot of money in researching a powerful war machine."

This is not only "politically incorrect", it will indeed bring diplomatic problems and governance risks, and its influence will far exceed Mr. President's expectations.

This is a real "AIA Surprise"!

Ever since, in less than five minutes, Mr. President took the initiative to delete this post.

But it's too late.

With his influence, mainstream media around the world will continue to discuss this topic for at least the next week, and even his behavior of deleting after the event will be analyzed again and again.

This matter won't be over for a while!

In the end, after the whole incident, the most confused person was one person——

He Peng.

After watching the video released by Lin You, he made a note in the memo, and planned to take a look at the control system of his mechanical arm when he took Lin You to see the progress of the mecha next time.

If it is similar to the one used in the research institute, then naturally there is no need to say more. If it is more advanced, then find a few experts to communicate and ask for advice.

After that, he called the director of the machinery factory to follow up on the progress of the mech's construction.

According to the factory manager, the three arms and two legs that can be disassembled and assembled are the first to be produced. Currently, the two legs and one arm have been assembled. The components of the torso are still in intensive production, and the construction period will definitely not be delayed. .

The assembly process is also carried out under the cover of a completely enclosed rainproof cloth, and the confidentiality measures are always kept in mind, so there will be no mistakes.

He Peng nodded in satisfaction, expressing his recognition and gratitude to the factory manager for his work.

But just after hanging up the phone, he saw three missed calls from his superiors, and before he could call back, the phone vibrated again.

——The leader made a fourth call.

He quickly picked it up: "Hello?"

"Is the mecha that Lin You is building a real mecha?" The leader went straight to the point, ignoring the small talk.


"I mean, is there any practical value?"

He Peng still didn't know what happened, so he replied cautiously: "It can't be said that there is nothing at all..."

"What do you mean?" The leader's voice suddenly became serious.

Because of this, He Peng's wording was more cautious: " case both sides run out of shells, it can still play a little value..."

"..." On the other end of the phone, the leader fell silent.

He Peng added: "Also, a 24-meter-high large mecha standing on the battlefield looks quite bluffing. If it is not blown up, it should also have a considerable boost to the morale of the soldiers... "

"Okay." The leader interrupted his nonsense, and then asked with a deep sense of confusion, "Then why did the president of America say with great fanfare that they also want to build mechas?"


Now it was He Peng's turn to be dazed, "They also want to make mechas?"

"Yes, the president announced it personally, just now, do you have any idea?"


He Peng fell into deep thought.

Lin You and President America, one is one of the smartest people in the world, and the other is one of the leaders of the three major political groups in the world, but now they want to build mechas at the same time...

Why does this sound so wrong?

I was going to rest early yesterday, but unfortunately, it rained suddenly at night, and the canopy outside my bedroom window was made of metal, and the dense rainwater hit the metal canopy with a loud sound, ping-pong-pong all night, almost didn't sleep much...

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