Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 896 They are dumb, what does it matter to me? (two in one)

Hongchen waited until 7:55, just 5 minutes before the event would start, before landing in the public world.

He also chose to land in an NPC house with great experience, trying to avoid being recognized as soon as he landed.

Anyway, the location where [Sword of Heavenly General] lands is random, and there is not much difference where it lands.

After a while, the sword box will drop from the sky, and when the players fight for the sword, the city will be completely chaotic. It will be difficult for others to find him, let alone surround him.

This is also the main reason why he has always been careful to avoid hacking others to death as much as possible-to avoid being issued a warrant by the government.

The wanted warrant thing, the coordinates will be reported every 3 minutes, it is too difficult to deal with.

In the [Freedom] map, battles between players often occur, and it is common for hundreds of thousands of people to die every day.

Regardless of Chang'an County or Wannian County, no matter when you look at it, there are densely packed wanted notice boards.

——This still excludes the deaths caused by the battle surrounding the [Sword from Heaven]. The deaths caused by these official activities will not have any impact on the players.

Even if the vendetta between players does not involve NPCs, the city patrol soldiers will not easily intervene. This wanted function of reporting coordinates at regular intervals has killed a large number of players.

Of course, there are not a few people who, in turn, use the coordinate disclosure mechanism to call on friends to set up traps, and kill the pursuers.

Many people carry a wanted warrant on their own body, and hold a handful of other people's wanted warrants in their hands. They live a thrilling life of hunting and anti-hunting every day, and they may be hunters and prey at any time. Jump repeatedly.

They intrigue and enjoy it.

There are even many "bounty anchors" who specialize in live broadcasting this gameplay, and the program effect is extremely strong.

But this has nothing to do with the world of mortals.

He is not the kind of person who feels uncomfortable every day without fighting. He came to this point because he couldn't think about it for a while. He wanted everyone to see the medicine powder he developed, so he jumped from the [Freedom] map to [Peace]. map.


One misstep will cause eternal hatred!

So after finishing this vote, he will wash his hands in the golden basin.


Five minutes later, the last meteor fell from the sky and began.

Hongchen also quietly climbed up to the roof, checked the direction, picked the nearest direction and stepped on the roof and rushed all the way.

Although he already had one, but Yunmeng didn't limit each person to only have one anyway, who wouldn't want to have another one?

After all, [Sword from Heaven] can be forged into any weapon at will.

It can even be recast from a one-handed sword to a two-handed giant sword against common sense and physics!

Even recast into a bow!

Don't ask where the extra mass comes from, and don't ask why the meteorite turns into a bowstring, anyway, the blacksmith can change it for you!

Compared with the sharpness, toughness, durable repair, and damage enhancement effects added to this sword, Hongchen thinks this is the most useful feature.

Especially for someone like him who fights "miscellaneous" in reality.

The only regret is: this kind of "deformation" must be carried out by a specialized blacksmith, and cannot be deformed anytime and anywhere.

If he can switch forms as he likes, it will be a real artifact for him!

Unfortunately, Yunmeng is still too conservative.

Everyone is very experienced. After avoiding the first wave of explosions from the sword box, they rushed up to start the fight.


Eight minutes later, Hong Chen revealed his identity.

Ten minutes later, more than 20 people turned their targets from [Sword from Heaven] to him, and Hongchen began to shift his strategy.

Fifteen minutes later, the number of players chasing him exceeded 50, and Hong Chen started to run away.

Twenty minutes later, the chasing army exceeded 300, and Hongchen was cornered.

He had no choice but to use the killing weapon again, grabbing a large handful of powder and throwing it at the chasing crowd!

But the person chasing and killing him was also experienced, and immediately held his breath, and a few brothers even took out homemade masks and put them on.

Of course, there are also a few old brothers who started to take off their clothes at the speed of light before the powder was sprayed out and before they touched themselves, and they ran while taking off, without affecting the speed!

The onlookers saw this scene, and immediately felt their eyes widened, applauding and applauding.

——This kind of chase scene has been happening every day recently, and there are only a lot more players watching the excitement than participating in it!

Hongchen continued to run and sprinkle.

The breath holding time cannot be extended infinitely, especially in this state of running and moving at high speed, he has deliberately practiced the [Turtle Breath Technique] to an advanced level, and it is definitely more holding back than the chaser!

With this kind of confidence, he ran wild all the way.

The onlookers backed away.

But the pursuers persisted.

But after a while, something that puzzled Hong Chen happened——

Why are these people still not responding at all?

He couldn't hold it anymore!

After another 30 seconds, he finally reached the limit and had to stop spraying the medicine and take a quick breath.

But the people chasing him did not show any abnormalities, and successfully surrounded him.

Hongchen finally realized that something was wrong, and looked down at the half bag of medicine powder he had left. To his surprise, the system text appeared——

[Purple nettle powder]: After mixing various medicines, it produces a self-made medicinal powder with wonderful effects. Those who suffer from itching and unbearable heat should soak it in water and drink it.

(Effect: Hit rate decreased, strength slightly decreased, armor value decreased.)


Hong Chen was stunned for a moment.

For so many days before, this medicine powder has always been the same thing as a black household, without any system introduction at all. Who would have thought that at this critical moment, it would suddenly be recognized by the system!

According to the system description, the effect of this medicinal powder is quite strong.

But looking at the group of people surrounding him, all of them were aggressively trying to hack him to death, it didn't look like they were suffering.

"Could it be that I have to wash the medicine powder into water and then feed these people one by one to be effective?"


"There's no one who asks the opponent to drink medicine before fighting!"

Hongchen's mentality collapsed a bit.

"Kill him!" After the encirclement was completely formed, the players rushed forward.

"No! Hold him down! Don't kill him!"

"Stuff the remaining half pack of medicine into his stomach!"

"This medicine is useless, brother, why are you still taking off your clothes?"

"I like it, it's none of your business!"


A group of people rushed up, Hongchen's two fists were no match for four hands, and it was useless to swing weapons desperately. Soon he was hit hard on the abdomen by a thousand-year-old lightning-struck wooden finger tiger. Seizing the opportunity, he fell to the ground.

Not only that, but this group of people pounced on him one after another like an arhat, building up a mountain of people on him.

"Quick! Feed him medicine!"

Several elder brothers snatched the medicine powder swiftly and stuffed a lot into his mouth. In order to ensure that he took the medicine into his stomach, they also took out their own wine gourd and poured it into his mouth to help him smooth the medicine powder down. .

A sip of medicine, a sip of wine, very happy!

Hong Chen whimpered and struggled desperately, but how could he, a man with full agility plus points, fight against three strong men with full strength plus points?

He could only hold his head between a pair of thick thighs, swallowing tons of medicine.

He panicked to death!

‘Does this fucking count as soaking in water? ! ! '

After a few seconds, he got the answer——


An unbearable itching suddenly erupted from all over his body!

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" Even though he was covered in a big man and his head was clamped, Hongchen still began to struggle desperately.

Seeing him start to struggle, the old buddies immediately pressed down harder, for fear that he would run away.

The elder brother who was clamping his head used all his strength, Hong Chen felt as if his head was going to burst!

For the first time, he wondered whether it was a wrong choice to add points to Quan Min!

They didn't stop until the remaining half of the bag of [Purple nettle powder], which was enough for hundreds of people, was all poured into Hong Chen's stomach with wine.

But for fear that Hong Chen would go offline and run away, he still pressed his arm and kept pouring him wine.

Hongchen's eyes were red, his veins were bulging, and he felt that every inch of skin on his body was in contact with the fabric so unbearable! Not to mention being crushed by a bunch of old brothers, I can't wait to die!

And this bad state, of course, cannot last for a long time.

The moment before he reached the limit, without warning, Hong Chen disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The pile of people who were so high suddenly sank, and the old buddies couldn't control their balance and rolled to the ground.

The old man with super thick legs, also because Hongchen's head suddenly disappeared, his knees hit each other hard with a "boom", and immediately fell to the ground with a scream of "ah", holding his knees and screaming in pain.

Hong Chen suddenly found that the weight on his body disappeared in an instant, and his body was no longer the bluestone bricks of Chang'an City, but grass and dirt.

The noisy human voice disappeared, only the sound of leaves shaking and birds chirping in the air.

But he didn't care about these, he jumped up and took off his pants, then tore his clothes and threw them away, his hands were still scratching his body vigorously, scratching out red marks, looking in a mess.

In fact, the moment I came to [Spring Field], all the negative effects had been wiped away.

It’s just that the itching from inside to outside and all over the body is too exaggerated. Even though the virtual signal has disappeared, Hongchen’s own brain still has the illusion of “very itchy”, which is a residual feeling similar to “phantom pain”. , is a phenomenon caused by the brain being deceived.

It's just that his behavior has created new problems——

"Someone is playing hooligans~~"

Hong Chen suddenly heard a little girl's voice from behind, subconsciously covered his chest, and turned around in a panic.

But the moment he turned around, the world changed color, and he suddenly found himself back in the virtual house.

After a glimpse, it seemed that there was only a touch of pink.

He only wore underwear, standing in the middle of the living room, unconsciously scratching his body lightly, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.


Fifteen minutes later, the post offering a reward to Hong Chen was announced to end.

The rest of the money in the bonus pool was evenly distributed to the participants on the scene—every chase was broadcast live...


In Great Summer, although [Chasing the Red Dust] and [Sword from the Sky] ended at the same time, there are still [Freedom Day] and [Global Professional League] two big events to watch, the players are not short of excitement .

There is also no shortage of fun overseas, but recently a new topic, the discussion heat is gradually getting higher——

[Rehabilitation division plan].

In Daxia, the number of active participants in this plan was astonishingly large, and it went very smoothly.

Not so overseas.

After all, this has nothing to do with the game. What was said most in Daxia at that time was also "give a chance to speak to compatriots who cannot speak".

With such a simple slogan, it was easy to recruit 130 million volunteers for the [Rehabilitation Program] in Daxia—if it wasn’t for this, it would be enough, and even more could be recruited.

But the same slogan has not worked well overseas.

——Although many people signed up, compared with the overall base of players, it can be said that there are very few applicants.

In the relevant discussion posts of overseas players, the most frequent sentence is not "give compatriots a chance to speak", but: "other people are dumb, so what does it matter to me?"

There is really no way to answer this question.

After realizing the huge differences in people's ways of thinking and perspectives on problems, Journey Prosthetics changed its publicity focus in time, from "helping those who cannot speak" to "rewards for participating in the plan".

The reward content is of course the same as that of Daxia.

This must be fair, and you cannot give more rewards to overseas users just because Yunmeng and Journey Prosthetics are richer. This is a stupid thing that destroys the foundation, and of course it cannot be done.

But here comes the problem:

Daxia users regard this plan as a charitable act to help fellow citizens, and rewards are more of a icing on the cake, so they don't feel less.

But for many overseas users, if you want to collect so much private data of me and change the firmware of my console, is this just a little money?

Only users who are short of money like the Brazilian girl Giselle participated in this plan without saying a word.

——This is also a relatively common phenomenon after changing the focus of the propaganda: the more backward the economic development and the lower per capita income of the country or region, the more people will participate in this plan.

Because the same amount of Yunmeng points has different purchasing power in different countries.

This is very valuable to ordinary people in poor countries and poor people in rich countries.

But for most users in Europe, Australia, North America and other regions, these subsidies are not enough to fill their anxiety about privacy being collected and researched.

There was nothing to do with the prosthetic limbs, and Kong Xinsheng also reported the situation to Lin You.

Lin You estimated that if the "Pacific Rim" project was made public at this time, telling them that participating in the project was also for their own game experience, it might be able to give a strong boost to the "Rehabilitation Program" overseas.

However, he had already promised He Peng that he would not make this plan public for the time being.

He Peng has been doing a lot of things recently, adding cover and security. He also asked the safety officer of the machinery factory to increase the awareness of confidentiality education for the workers. He even coordinated with the national security to add a few baits in advance to see if he could do it. catch fish.

What's even more outrageous is that he successfully communicated with the Aerospace Academy to change the orbits of three synchronous satellites, assuming he was looking for the American spy satellite.

This added a ton of workload to the [Lin You Countermeasures Team] far away in America.

It also made the countermeasure team and Mr. President more and more convinced of their own judgment, and even the Ministry of the Army, which had always been skeptical about the project based on distrust in combat effectiveness, became shaken and began to accelerate the plan.

Anyway, it doesn't take up the conventional military spending quota, and you can apply for more military spending, so why not do it?

Based on this situation, Lin You had nothing to do.

It is impossible to easily reverse the concepts that have been formed in the West for decades and hundreds of years, and this is not what he should do.

He simply told Kong Xinsheng: Let it go.

The big deal is that "Pacific Rim" will be released overseas later.

Of course, he didn't really mess it up, but made a small adjustment: he changed the main body in charge of the [Rehabilitation Teacher Project] from Journey Prosthetics to Yunmeng.

In Daxia, the distinction between the two is very small, and even after "Pokemon", they are almost regarded as one.

But overseas, the two are not closely related due to differences in popularity and business.

It is this adjustment that has significantly increased the discussion of the [Rehabilitation Program] overseas.


The heat belongs to the heat, and the discussion belongs to the discussion, but there is no action.

This has made overseas speech-impaired people and their families very anxious, appealing on the Internet every day, asking everyone to join this plan.

This success has moved some people.

However, there is still a huge gap in the quantity required by the [rehabilitation division plan].

If this trend continues, overseas players may have to wait until the second half of the year before they can hope to play the full version of "Pacific Rim"...

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