Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 902 How much discount do you say later?

Chapter 902 Wait a much discount do you say?

Lin You still doesn't know the actual situation. If he is clear, the shit pot will only be buckled harder.

Because at this time, there were not only three spy satellites in low-earth orbit, but also many hidden and cold sights staring at Xiajing No. 3 Machinery Manufacturing Plant.

Under the 72-hour visa-free transit policy, there are countless tourists entering Xiajing from overseas every day.

Generally speaking, under such a huge passenger flow, it is difficult to accurately screen out those with bad intentions-especially before they take sensitive actions.

But with an object of focus, it's a different story.

In the past few days, the number of drones outside the machinery factory was extremely large, and He Peng and the others noticed it immediately.

However, they did not rush to delineate a no-fly zone. Instead, when transporting a huge mech shoulder at night, the tarpaulin "accidentally" slipped off and the real thing was photographed. Man-machine no-fly zone.

At this time, those "drone enthusiasts" who suddenly appeared have been registered.

Not only names and identity information, but even facial features are entered into the face database.

Under normal circumstances, as long as they are exposed to sensitive places next time, they will be recognized immediately.

The reason why the attributive "under normal circumstances" was added was because of Lin You.

Daxia has always attached great importance to the security of special people and key locations. The intelligent security system has been installed very early, and the frequency of upgrades is quite high. It has always been at the forefront of technology.

The latest update was just half a month ago - this upgrade, to a certain extent, also benefited from the popularity of [Focusing Headband].

Of course, Lin You's security team upgraded the system immediately.

As for the effect, they felt good about themselves at the beginning—although they didn't catch any bad guys, they would record and remind Lin You every time he entered and left the community, which saved them some manpower.

Until one time, they watched Lin You and Zhu Cixia walk into the community, exposed to the public cameras of the community, and went upstairs to Lin You's house together.

But this intelligent security system did not give any reminders.

Technicians from the security team had to gather around and check system logs to figure out what went wrong.

But it’s nothing if you don’t check, this check will make them all fooled——

In the monitoring screen, every person who appears in the screen will be selected by a box, and then the system will perform facial recognition and communicate with the database to mark the target name to ensure that no suspicious person appears.

Everything in the front screen was normal, but when Lin You and Zhu Cixia entered the screen, things went wrong.

A square frame flickered on Zhu Cixia's body like a convulsion, and the frame changed back and forth, just like the camera could not focus on Zhu Cixia.

From the time she appeared on the screen to the time she walked out of the screen, the intelligent recognition system made 462 attempts, but all of them ended in failure.

Obviously she appeared in the screen and was clearly visible to the naked eye, but she did not leave any traces in the system.

In other words, in the eyes of the intelligent security system, she never appeared.

For the technicians of the security team, this is already outrageous!

But Lin You's situation is even more outrageous——

From the moment Lin You appeared on the screen, the intelligent recognition system framed him firmly, and completed the recognition in an instant, recording him.

Everything seems to be working fine.

But the only problem is: the name recorded by the system is not [Lin You], but [Giraffe].

Everyone looked at the box enclosing Lin You and the three words [Giraffe] clearly appearing on the box, and fell silent collectively.

After being stunned for a few seconds, they immediately opened another window and went back to manually inspect the previous records.

Then they found [Tiger], [Panda], [Great Goose], [Dinosaur], [Little Dream], [Red-crowned Crane] and [Armed Helicopter] in the historical records...

The short-haired girl Lin You saw in the van because of the theft of the experience store, has now become the team leader.

She looked at the name of [John Wick] in the historical records, lost her mind for a while, and then reported:

[The intelligent security system is ineffective against Lin You, he may have disappeared from our sight without anyone knowing. ]

Three minutes later, the superior replied to her with three words:

[knew. ]

Then there is no more.

Therefore, everyone learned that the intelligent security system is not completely reliable, even if it is already the world's first echelon technology, it cannot be completely trusted.

As for Lin You might sneak out to play...

He can run if he wants to.

It is understandable for young people to fall in love and want to be alone.

——It’s okay if you don’t understand, can you still lock people up?

He can't even look down on his own people who have the home court advantage, and it is unlikely that they will be bumped into by outsiders.

Of course, having said that, it is impossible not to worry at all.

But the coping strategy they came up with was not to restrict Lin You's freedom to keep him from running away, but to reconsider the "gun license" that Lin You had repeatedly mentioned.

It is indeed a big problem to allow Lin You to carry a gun, but compared with the danger of him sneaking out and accidentally bumping into spies and bandits outside, it seems that it is more acceptable to allow him to carry a gun...



However, Lin You's freshness and enthusiasm for firearms has actually passed.

After spending a lot of time carefully completing the acceptance of the second chapter of "Chang'an", he also made a publicity plan for the second chapter.

Considering the huge difference in the volume of the new content compared to the first chapter, and the astonishing global sales volume of "Chang'an" which is approaching 80 million copies, Lin You decided to formulate a simple and crude publicity plan to help "Chang'an" reach the global market as soon as possible. 100 million sales.

Qin Songyun and Fan Rui had almost no objection to Lin You's arrangement, even though the plan this time sounded a bit messy, they resolutely carried it out.

So, when Lin You took Zhu Cixia and Xiaomeng to work on "Gravity", the official account of "Chang'an" also released the latest announcement——

"The second chapter of "Chang'an" - [Chang'an Twelve Hours], will be released tomorrow!

Brand new plot, more ways to play, waiting for you!

All players who have purchased the first chapter of "Chang'an" can enjoy exclusive discounts, 0% off into the warehouse!

The time limit is one month, please get it in time. "

A long picture is also posted under the announcement, which roughly introduces the content that will be updated in the second chapter. The new task line and a large number of sub-professional gameplays are listed.

But at the moment, the focus of netizens is not on the content at all:

"Wait a minute!! How much discount do you say?"

"God damn 0% discount, isn't that free?"

"Growing up so big, it's the first time I see 0% off, it's far from the big picture!"

"This is to give back to old players, right? Very good, I like it very much!"

"Wait, I buy the first chapter now, can I get the second chapter for free?"

"I guess it can. Maybe this is Yunmeng's purpose. The first chapter is 500 yuan, and the second chapter is free. The average chapter is 250 yuan, which is equivalent to a disguised price reduction."

"Then when the third chapter is released, isn't it going to be 166 yuan a chapter? Then the fourth chapter is 125 yuan... the 50th chapter is 10 yuan a chapter! It's a big profit, brothers!"

"Fast forward to chapter 500, an average of 1 yuan per chapter!"


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