Mr. President's anger was so intense that not only did Daniel lean back instantly and take the microphone far away, but even people outside the office could clearly hear the roar.

"Mr. President, please listen to my explanation..." Daniel tried to argue.

But Mr. President didn't give him a chance at all, and hung up the phone angrily the next second after finishing the "dismissal declaration".

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Daniel was dumbfounded.


Outside the office, everyone looked back at the director's office and looked at each other with lingering fear in their eyes.

'Fortunately...you don't need to face the president's wrath by yourself. '

They rejoiced in their hearts.

But they were lucky it was too early.


The phone rang again, breaking the silence.

This time it was not in the supervisor's office, but in front of an ordinary female clerk in the public office.

The young blond clerk, startled unconsciously, leaned away from the phone—she had a strong premonition.

In the intelligence unit, the dedicated landline line is here, and it is not used for daily use at all.

This is a backup measure in case of extreme situations such as electromagnetic attack or wireless signal shielding, and it will not ring under normal circumstances.

Even for internal communication, we still use mobile phones or emails.

But now...

She looked at the colleagues around her for help, but it was obvious that the colleagues could do nothing, and finally she answered the phone helplessly.

And as soon as the call was connected, she felt the treatment of the previous supervisor at a close distance——

"How dare you not answer my phone?! It's a waste of gas!!"



The female clerk listened to the busy tone on the phone, as if mourning her concubine.

"Don't worry, the president may just be angry, and it will be fine when the anger subsides..." The male colleague beside him comforted him.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the ringing of the phone on his desk——



"..." He fell silent for a moment.

But he had to answer the dedicated line, so he heard the same sentence for the third time——




The phone in front of another person rang.

It seems that there is a storm called "firing" in the office, and no one is immune to it.







Like being called and shot, Mr. President accurately dialed one phone after another in the office, and personally sent a notice to everyone:

"You're fired!!!"

In the entire office, everyone was like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced, waiting for the "phone bomb" in front of him to explode.

They were supposed to be nobodies.

Under normal circumstances, from the time the president came to power to when the president stepped down, there would be no communication with them.

But now, the president got their detailed list and phone number, and he called them one by one tirelessly, angrily announcing that they were fired.

There is only one reason that can explain this irrational behavior——

Mr. President, really angry!

As to why he is so angry, is it because the appropriation was wasted, or because his public claim that "Amerika's own mecha" turned out to be a stupid hoax, and he became the fool who will be covered by the media all over the world laugh at……

It's hard to say.

But whatever the reason, they're going to be out of luck.

Don't think that the president will revoke the order after he calms down.

Originally [Lin You Countermeasures Team] had only six people, but because of the "mecha" incident, it was expanded into a countermeasure department with thirty-eight people today.

Now that the mechs are fake, the existence of this department is meaningless.

Dissolution is probably inevitable.

And they were only affected, and it would be over if they were sprayed by the phone, and they would go back to their original jobs at worst.

But the main responsible persons, starting from Daniel all the way up, are waiting to be held accountable!


And indeed it is.

After receiving an urgent call from the president's office, the director of the intelligence agency was driving on the road, ready to meet the president's saliva with his face.

His only hope is to keep his job.

But his luck was really bad.

When he arrived at the President's Office, a large number of domestic and overseas media with great influence, even the official media of various countries, had completed urgent writing and began to broadcast relevant news.

The first thing he saw was Mr. President in a suit and red tie, holding the remote control, changing channels with a blank expression.

As he switched channels, the content on the TV not far away was constantly changing——

[Yunmeng fished unintentionally, President America took the initiative to bite the hook! ]

[Is it naive or stupid to squander the country's financial resources for the construction of non-existent phantom creations? ]

[...Even laymen know that mechas have no actual military value, so why would the president be fooled so ridiculously? ]

[...America, do you know where our tax dollars are being spent? Hamburger, Coke, Mecha! ]

[...Since the president likes mechs so much, why doesn't he lift the ban on Yunmeng? He wouldn't be secretly playing virtual games by himself, would he? Considering his character, it seems impossible...]


One news program after another, or questioning, or satirizing, or mocking...

Anyway, not a good word.

A drop of cold sweat slowly trickled down from his forehead, and Mr. Director had a very bad premonition...

The door behind him was suddenly pushed open, and a representative of the War Department and the treasurer walked in.

An emergency meeting has begun.

The purpose of the president and the treasurer is simple: stop the plan and recover as much damage as possible.

But the representative of the War Department did not think so, and he actually put forward another point of view:

"The game is just a smoke bomb, it is Lin You and Da Xia's way to cover up their real purpose and mislead us to give up research and development!"

"Big Xia's mecha is still being manufactured! Even the mecha we discovered may be a smoke bomb! The real mecha manufacturing factory is very likely to be hidden in other places - most likely in a secret military base inside!"

"So, the plan must not be stopped! Not only can it not be stopped, but also continue to allocate funds to accelerate research and development!"

"???" The intelligence chief looked at the military representative's eloquence, and felt that there were question marks all over his head.

‘Is there such a thing? I do not know how? Are you doing intelligence or am I doing intelligence? '

"Where's the evidence?" The president wasn't really stupid.

When the president asked about the evidence, the military representative looked down at his hands: "It's still being collected."

"So you saw it in a dream?" the president said bluntly.

"Don't talk about things without evidence." The financial officer didn't even talk nonsense, "The project account needs to be frozen immediately to avoid causing more losses."

"But you can't rule out this possibility!" The military representative said solemnly, "And the secrecy of the Daxia National Security Department is too suspicious."

"Also, there is no money in the account," he added finally.

"No more?!" The financial officer lost his voice on the spot, "That's 2 billion dollars!"

"Yes, four mechas, four research teams, all of them are the best experts and the best materials, this is normal." The military representative didn't change his face.

"Are you fucking kidding me? (Are you fucking kidding me?) That's one year's funding!" The financial officer couldn't help but swear.

Even though the military representative was sprayed, he was still very calm: "Obviously, this is not enough. So we are planning to apply for the second funding early next month."

"You still want money?!"

Hearing this, the financial officer felt that the blood vessels on both sides of the temple were throbbing, and he was almost suffering from high blood pressure!

Thanks to 【LLP】1700 reward points.

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