Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 917 GGS Chinese learning plug-in, Chinatowns are everywhere!

"Are you okay? Your dark circles are getting worse."

Turner's Chinese teacher looked at Turner, who was obviously haggard, and asked with concern.

Opposite him, Turner looked like he wasn't awake but was energetic. He patted his cheek vigorously to refresh himself.

"It's okay, I'm fine, let's start today's class."

"Why don't you take a rest, if you continue like this, your body may not be able to bear it."

"No, no, time is running out, and the time left for me is running out." Turner said firmly.

The teacher looked at his expression, but gave up persuading him and continued today's lesson.

After all, Turner gave the money.

Not only did he give money, but he also agreed with her on incentive measures - if he can catch up with the release date of "Pacific Rim", he can get a one-time bonus of 80,000 yuan.

Even if you miss the release date, you can get bonuses of different levels if you successfully pass the test within a week or a month.

They are not only the relationship between teachers and students, but also the relationship between consumers and service providers, so everything is still dominated by Turner.

Turner felt that he could stand it, so he continued to teach!



In fact, Turner didn't want this either.

Before he came to Daxia, his original purpose was very clear: to join the world's number one theater in "Battlefield" and win a championship.

And after he came to Xia Jing, this goal has been successfully achieved.

When he joined the Great Xia theater for the first time and participated in the peak battle, it may be because he was selected into the big list for the first time, so he was not invited to join the early training. Chase the sheep".

Chasing someone's ass and shooting at them all the way is not difficult at all, but it is a mess of joy.

After that, he successfully gained trust, entered the MOD map dedicated to training, and participated in regular training.

After joining the regular practice, Turner immediately discovered a terrible thing:

[Sheep Herding Tactics] is not a secret trick, there are at least three other tactics that have been practiced by regular members of the [Peak Battle Command Team] who are pressing and participating in the battle steadily!

It is only because the [Sheep Herding Tactic] has not been cracked and targeted by other theaters, so no new tactics have been drawn out.

Turner is almost certain: the command team must have more than three sets of alternative tactics!

He couldn't help but look forward to the sheep-herding tactics being quickly worked out in other theaters, so that he could try out the newly practiced tactics.

The only regret is that none of these tactical training content is allowed to be broadcast live.

The [command team] has no right to prohibit others from live broadcasting, but once someone breaks the rules, then don't even think about joining the training.

Besides, in the peak battle team of Daxia, there are not a few big anchors with astonishing fans, but everyone abides by the rules. Of course, Turner will not be special.

In addition to the strong [Peak Battle], the intensity of daily matches and national battles also satisfied him, and the popularity of live broadcasts has also been steadily rising.

Before the release of "Pacific Rim", Turner always felt that the game "Battlefield" was enough for him to play forever.

However, Pacific Rim came along.

Seeing that astonishing steel creation, the ultimate fusion of industry and force, his defenses were instantly broken!

At that moment, there was only one thought in his mind - the machine armor!

Must open!

Do it anyway!

Since then, Turner has embarked on a super diligent Chinese learning journey.

The good news is: because he has decided to settle in Daxia for a long time in the future, he found a Chinese teacher to learn Chinese as soon as he settled down. Before the release of "Pacific Rim", he had already laid some foundations.

But the bad news: Those foundations weren't enough for him to pass the test.

In the days that followed, Turner simply danced to the sound of chickens, worked tirelessly, forgot to eat and sleep, and studied day and night.

Diligent is not like himself.

But he still feels the time is tight!


Two hours later, today's class ends.

Turner sneaked in, put on the [Bafang] headband, and fed his two wronged spirit beasts.

Unlike other spirit beasts, it seems that because they ran from Paris to Xiajing on foot, the little tiger [Bai Ze] and the little white snake [Qiu Yu] seemed to have a lot of opinion on him, and one of them would get into trouble if they didn't serve him well.

He would have been released long ago for another spirit beast.

But for these two alone, Turner really felt a little guilty, and couldn't help himself, so he could only have a good life.

Fortunately, these two little guys are also exceptionally smart, and they are indeed very likable after serving them.

Turner delivered food to the two little guys and patted each other on the head.

After finishing all this, he realized that there was a small system notification icon blinking at the edge of his field of vision.

He clicked to open the notification——

[The GGS Chinese learning aid plug-in is launched today, providing an immersive Chinese environment, welcome to try it out! ]

"Chinese learning plug-in?" Turner was a little dazed, "What does GGS mean?"

With this confusion, he loaded the plugin.

After loading, he scanned his surroundings, but found nothing changed.


He searched carefully for the second time, and finally found the change—on the milk carton on the dining table, the original English words became Chinese characters.

With this discovery, he began to carefully look for all kinds of things in English in the house.

After spending 10 minutes, he basically figured out the effect of this plugin:

The plug-in will convert text in other languages ​​into Chinese characters - it can be adjusted in the settings, whether it only displays Chinese characters or becomes a bilingual display.

In addition, this plug-in can also achieve the effect of simultaneous interpretation, and simultaneously match all other languages ​​that are heard in the ear with Chinese.

Turner blinked.

This thing can't be said to be useless - in fact it works very well, the only problem is -

It doesn't work for him.

He lives in Xiajing, surrounded by Chinese characters and Chinese-speaking people, will he lack a Chinese environment?

The function of this gadget is to facilitate overseas players to obtain a language environment and improve learning efficiency.

Turner shook his head in disappointment, and forwarded the news to overseas social networks and his own fan base.

But he doesn't actually need to forward it.

As soon as this small plug-in came out, it began to spread rapidly among overseas players at an astonishing speed—because it was exactly what they needed urgently, so they installed it without hesitation.

Unlike Turner, for them, the effect of this plug-in is simply magical. As soon as they are turned on, they will be surrounded by Chinese characters and Chinese immediately. This is an immediate change!

With this plug-in, why do you need to go to Chinatown?

Chinatown is everywhere!

Their only question is: what does GGS mean?

They tried various combinations, but were unable to solve the mystery.

In the end, the big summer players who hadn't received any notification easily guessed the answer:

GGS, the acronym for [Good Good Study], the literal translation means——

[study well].

Although it seems a bit outrageous, but considering that this is probably a plug-in made by Lin You, it is not outrageous...

With the help of this sharp tool, learning efficiency will undoubtedly rise to a higher level.

This is also the last layer of help that Lin You can provide to overseas players.

So far, the [Courses], [Teacher], [Proficiency Test] and [Language Environment] needed to learn a foreign language have all been assembled, and the rest can only be done by themselves.

As for Lin You, in the "Pacific Rim" project team, he assisted in internal testing.

They plan to spend a week wrapping up the game and testing it internally, followed by a three-day small-scale player test.

After these two processes are completed, it will be the final release date!

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