Qiu Lixin and Wan Shenghua were not abused badly.

Lin You is still very humane.

As a result, they gained some game experience and left huge scars on the mecha of [Crimson Storm].

But that's all.

The slash that was enough to split the building with all its strength encountered huge obstacles in front of the heavy metal body of the mecha. It could leave huge scars, but it was far from enough to completely paralyze the opponent.

Especially Lin You consciously avoided the exposed nuclear turbine engine in the middle of [Dangerous Wanderer]'s chest.

——This thing is cool enough, but with its bright weaknesses in front of your eyes, you can bully a monster with no brains...

Lin You bet that when players can play PVP with giant mechs, the first thing to do is to protect this power core.

But that's something later, in the story mode, as long as you are handsome, that's enough!

Lin You had countless chances to stab into this core - in the eyes of him and Zhu Cixia, [Dangerous Wanderer] was full of flaws.

But none of them did this, but exchanged swords with their opponents tacitly.

It wasn't until he felt that Qiu Lixin and Wan Shenghua should have had enough, that Lin You took out his killer move——

The melting sword is raised sideways, blocking the opponent's chain sword.

The chainsaw actively slows down, giving the wrist to the opponent to grab.

But it was all feints!

The real killer move is——

"Xiaomeng, do it!"


Xiaomeng, who had been prepared for a long time, swung her arms vigorously!

Holding the urn gold hammer, he kept waving it back and forth and seemed to be attacking, but the arm that had been acting as the atmosphere group all the time suddenly smashed down hard!


There was a loud bang.

[Dangerous Wanderer]'s head was hit hard!

Qiu Lixin and Wan Shenghua inside their heads felt their brains buzzing instantly. Not only were their brains befuddled, but the entire cockpit was also violently shaken by this heavy blow, almost throwing them out of the console.

But that's just the beginning!

Xiaomeng didn't stop, and hit it with a hammer again!


Then the next hammer and the next hammer—


"Duang! Duang! Duang!"

Hammer after hammer.

Qiu Lixin and Wan Shenghua were completely stunned.

It wasn't until Xiaomeng completely smashed the [Dangerous Wanderer]'s skull, and Qiu Lixin and Wan Shenghua could directly see the sky outside from the "brain hole" of the mecha, that the battle test between the giant mechas ended.

The two of them almost crawled out of the cockpit in the end, and vomited all over the floor as soon as they came out.

After recovering, Qiu Lixin looked at Lin You's concerned expression, and couldn't help complaining, "Despicable!"

"What's the difference between directly attacking the pilot and shooting the parachute pilot?!"

"Haha, I'm a machine armorer, so I don't care about that." Lin You replied with a smile, he didn't immediately clear the negative status for the two of them.

Not to embarrass them, but to collect data.

Their data will be used to adjust the shock absorption index of the mecha cockpit.

Previously, they were purely test values, and there is a lack of data in such a fierce combat environment.

After collecting the data, Lin You smoothly cleared the negative status for them, and gave each of them a [One-day Paid Holiday Voucher] as compensation.

During the whole process, Xiao Meng hid behind Zhu Cixia, "hehehe" giggling non-stop.

After the giant mecha confrontation, it was a serious test of fighting monsters.

This link will be a lot of trouble.

Because what is to be tested is not only the battle between mechas and monsters that is fixed in the main storyline, but also the confrontation between all mechas and all monsters. It has to be simulated several times to make sure that there will be no major problems.

——Anyway, there is never too little combat testing.

Qiu Lixin and Wan Shenghua fled with their holiday coupons.

But they also thought about it. When the game is released, they must play against the good brothers in the band.

Just use the Urn Gold Hammer!

Use two!



The wrapping and testing of Pacific Rim progressed methodically day by day.

Lin You sneaked in and added a special skin achievement that can be used in the entire virtual world——

[Look! It's a rainbow! ]

Achievement FX: Turns the player's vomit into a rainbow.

This is also the contribution of Qiu Lixin and Wan Shenghua - Lin You saw that they vomited so badly, so he wanted to make this action more beautiful...


Outside of Yunmeng, the world is also changing day by day.

America's "Internet Disconnection Storm" came to an end after only a week of violent protests.

Mr. President signed the revocation of this ban.

In fact, before he officially revoked the ban, at least two-thirds of the federal states had ignored the ban. The proxy ports in these states had been lifted, and Yunmeng users were able to return to the virtual world.

But just when Lin You thought that the protests would be greatly weakened, what happened next made him admire the users of America——

The tide of protest has not abated!

They demand that the ban must be clearly outlawed, not just exist in name.

Because as long as the ban is still in place, it may be brought out again at any time in the future, and use this as an excuse to cut off their link with the virtual world.

Lin You was still in this wave, and saw the shadow of a key figure—Carl.

"The protest must be carried through to the end!" This is the slogan he has repeatedly chanted.

This strong man who once spoke out in Berlin, publicly issued a manifesto, encouraged and led the public to protest, and finally successfully connected the Yunmeng server to Germany. After the wave of protests in Germany achieved overall success, he moved to the UK.

After the initial success of the protest strike in the UK, it is now moving to America.

Not only has he achieved great military exploits, but he has indeed become a well-known leader now!

What's even more powerful is that Lin You once tried to provide him with some financial help through the channel of the foundation—after all, flying between Germany, the United Kingdom, and America is not cheap.

But this old man refused!

What kind of spirit is this?

Lin You admired this old man even more!

He almost wanted to secretly change his luck and burst rate—of course, it was just a spur of the moment, and he didn't really change it.

But Lin You gave him the title of [Honorary Player], and he deserved it!

The limited edition game Canglinyou also gave him one, and now it is flying to Germany through international logistics.

With the formal withdrawal of the ban, the protests finally died down.

Of course, only the virtual world users died down.

People who want to take advantage of the fire and engage in zero-yuan purchases do not seem to want to end it like this. Every night, there will still be a lot of chaos and robberies.

These incidents are like cancerous tumors, constantly expanding the already staggering economic losses caused by the large-scale protests in the past week.

But that's a headache for President America and the federal government...

By the way, Elman's generous investment has indeed successfully seized a huge market space.

After the ban was completely lifted, many Internet agencies began to wrestle with the government, looking for lawyers to study the law, appealing, and seeking compensation, but Elman was still attacking the city.

When these agents were free and looked back, they found that the market had no place for them.

Even because the previous fine has not been returned, I can't even pay the lawyer's fee...

There are not a few unlucky ones who go bankrupt.

But for the users of Mirage, things have no effect, and the experience is even better——

Elman's investment is not only used to seize the market, but also to optimize the proxy software, simplify the process of connecting users to the virtual world, and improve network conditions.

Elman's approach not only made a lot of money, but also opened up a stable source of income for the foundation besides "Lin You's capital injection", and also rectified the chaotic and disorderly Internet agency market, providing users with better services .

The foundation makes money, and players get a better experience.


As for those unlucky bankrupts...

It doesn't matter, Lin You is a kind person.

The foundation will provide them with the necessary legal assistance and help them sue the government for compensation.

After all, the grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner!


Tomorrow is the college entrance examination, so I will ask for a day off.

As much as I would love to say it...

But sure enough, forget it.

If there are candidates who are reading this book, then take a break early and cheer for the college entrance examination!

Thank you [LLP] for the 600 point reward.

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