Compared with the virtual world, the biggest inconvenience of reality is that you must abide by solid physical rules.

Therefore, in the virtual world, the mecha can not only be manipulated like an arm and finger, but also can perfectly feel everything the mecha feels.

But in reality, this is totally impossible.

Because that requires an astonishing number of sensors to be assembled on the mecha, and a set of virtual senses dedicated to the mecha needs to be edited in advance, and it can be basically realized after rounds of tests.

And even if it does, it's almost meaningless.

So Lin You was not very satisfied with this remote control system.

——Of course, even if you enter the cockpit, you can't "communicate" with the mech, but the "integration of man and machine", the satisfaction brought by the fact of personally driving the mech can completely make up for this shortcoming .

Unfortunately, we can only make do with it now.

Lin You turned his elbow carefully, slowly moved his right hand to his chest, and then slowly clenched it into a fist.

Crimson Storm also raised its arms and clenched its fists following his movements.

The difference is: Lin You's movements are light and soundless, but the simple movement of Crimson Storm made a huge sound that everyone at the scene could clearly hear.

—— Lin You did not design any noise-reducing design for this big guy's body.

Every bit of weight added must be used in the most critical places.

In the entire mecha, only the cockpit of the head has sound insulation function, after all, he still wants to drive by himself.

As for the outside?

The louder the sound, the louder it is, the roar is the expression of power!

"Very good, the nerve connection is stable, and the transmission structure of the right arm is solid."

Then there are two left arms that are thinner than the right arm, and the arms and the brain are used to control the two mechanical arms respectively. The buyer of the [Red Storm Mechanical Arm] can do it, and Lin You is of course not a problem.


After Lin You raised his arm, he snapped his fingers with his left hand.

The two left arms should be where the "hands" should be, but now they are replaced with circular flywheel saw blades. With Lin You snapping his fingers, the independent motor roared, and the two chainsaws rotated rapidly, making a piercing sound Voice.

"Blade alloy flywheel, works well."

After stopping the flywheel, Lin You stood on the spot and squatted down slowly until he reached a basic standard [squat] action.

In the sound of metal collisions, Crimson Storm's mechanical joints cooperated with each other, knees bent, body squatted down slowly, and successfully completed the movement.

"Knee and ankle pressure index did not reach the critical value."

"Very good." Lin You nodded, finally raised his foot, and took a step forward carefully.

The crimson storm also moved accordingly.

Still no problems, walking very steadily.

"Self-balancing and dynamic balancing are working well."


Lin You patiently tested the crimson storm in all directions.

It is different from the virtual world where the mecha is opened and closed when it is turned on, running and jumping wildly, or even falling over the shoulder.

When starting the mecha in reality, Lin You was careful in every movement, for fear that it would be damaged accidentally.

For example, if someone uses too much force, suddenly throws his arm out, or suddenly breaks his knee and falls down... Although there is a power system and an output safety lock, this situation should not happen, but what if?

That would be an instant embarrassment to the whole world!

This kind of slow, boring hardware test, replaced by other things, the audience has long been bored.

But it's a mech!

Everyone can't get enough of it just sitting here, let alone it's moving now!

Under Lin You's control, as soon as the mecha raised its arms, the audience went "oh" excitedly.

Flywheel saw turning?




turn around.


Every movement can arouse big cheers.

Apart from cheers and rainbow farts, there was almost nothing left in the studio.

And before the test was over, more and more spectators began to gather outside the isolation line.

——In the suburbs of Xiajing, it's hard to find a place that is completely deserted, especially because there are few buildings nearby, and the crimson storm is high enough, which is really eye-catching.

Lin You completed all the test movements in sequence: turning waist, raising hands, bowing, clasping fists, spreading arms, moving forward, retreating, turning, nodding, picking up heavy objects...

Even tried lying down and getting up again.

It all went through without a hitch.

So he looked at He Peng again:

"Now you can always go up and drive, right?"

He Peng sensed his determination and was sure that the mecha was fine, so he reluctantly agreed.

But still did not forget to tell: "Don't mess around! Gentle test!"

"No problem! Be gentle!"

Lin You let Scarlet Storm get down on the spot, then quickly removed the equipment on his body, and called for help to push the ladder.

The corridor bridge dedicated to log in to the cockpit has not yet been made, so Lin You chose this somewhat outrageous log-in method.

But anyway, he didn't do outrageous things once or twice, and the audience didn't take it seriously after making complaints, but looked forward to the mecha moving again.

It didn't take much time for Lin You to complete the link again in the cockpit.

In the live broadcast room, only Lin You entered the cockpit alone, and someone asked naively:

"Shouldn't there be two drivers? Why did Lin You go in alone?"

"Why is there only one driver seat? Where's the co-pilot?"


Lin You didn't have time to watch the barrage at all, he quickly changed the equipment, and became one with Crimson Storm!

When he stood up on the ground, the first thing he did made He Peng's face suddenly change——

The thick cables connected to the head and back of the mecha were suddenly ejected at the same time!

"What are you doing?!" He Peng asked immediately.

"It's not convenient to carry this, I'm afraid of being tripped."

Lin You answered immediately, and then without waiting for He Peng to ask again, he put on a fist fight.

"Let everyone know what mech martial arts is!"

Lin You has been practicing boxing for a long time. Even when he is controlling the mech, his movements are not out of shape at all, and even more powerful!

With shoulders down and elbows down, he twisted his waist and exerted strength, and swung out a heavy punch!

Restricted by the safety lock, the mecha's movements will not increase explosively, nor is it as smooth as Lin You's, but no one doubts the power of the mecha's punch.

——This is an iron fist with a diameter of more than two meters!

Step, elbow, side kick...even run!

One step is nearly 10 meters, the frequency is not fast, but the speed is quite impressive.

The movements are connected one by one. Although there is no fast and slow rhythm change and instant explosive power of real boxing, every movement is full of power.

The sci-fi temperament of the mecha itself collides with ancient things like martial arts, which is full of novelty, and people can't take their eyes off it.

After finishing a set of punches, Lin You just wanted to say something, but he saw a forest tens of meters away. On a whim, he walked over to hold the trunk in a few steps, and then - pull up!

The 10-meter-high poplar tree was easily pulled out by the crimson storm!

Lin You originally thought that if he couldn't pull it out, he would use the saw in his left hand to saw it off.

But I didn't expect it to be so easy!

Seeing him pulling up a tree with one hand and playing with it in his hand, another "ohohoh" barrage flooded out of the live broadcast room.


But after performing this, Lin You honestly returned to the original place.

"I'm a little tired, take a break, see you in 2 hours!"

After leaving this sentence for the audience, the live broadcast was temporarily interrupted, and the previous content began to be played in a loop.

In fact, it wasn't that Lin You was tired, but [Crimson Storm] was tired.

This big guy is a hybrid of gasoline and electricity, and its energy consumption is quite amazing, and because of its strong weight and the material is not strong enough, if it is vigorously exercised, the damage to the body will be much faster than ordinary large equipment, especially the lower limb joints that bear the most pressure parts.

Therefore, charging, refueling, and maintenance are indispensable!

The live broadcast was temporarily interrupted, but the shock brought by the scarlet storm did not stop. Even because of this interruption, the media and netizens all over the world got a gap to relive what they saw in the live broadcast.

The result is naturally: the more you think about it, the more exaggerated it becomes, and the more you look at it, the more shocking it becomes.

Unlike others who were simply shocked, many people on America's side were in very complicated moods.

Especially after being kicked out, [former director of Lin You Countermeasure Department] Daniel, who really ran to deliver food, was particularly emotional:

"Who will tell me again, this is not a fucking weapon??!"

"This can run on all terrains with a rocket launcher on its back!!"

"He actually dismissed me!"

"Stupid! Short-sighted!! Mother fucker!!!"

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