Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 925 [The game is over! 】

"League of Assassins", the beginning of the dead father.

"Quick Chase", the wife and the dog died at the beginning.

"Chang'an" starts with dead parents, plus a big-breasted girl who admires her.

Now it's the turn of "Pacific Rim", and Yi is fully prepared.

"Come on, no matter who dies, I can feel calm! Blink more and I will lose!"

Not only Ah Yi, players all over the world have made some psychological preparations, and even the forum has opened a gamble, betting on who will die first at the beginning of the game.

A Yi put half of the forum points on [Family].

With this sense of expectation, he entered the game world.

Before he had time to open his eyes, there was a rapid pat on the bed, "Wake up! Wake up! There is movement at the crossing! Get up, it's our turn!"

A Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and found that he was lying shirtless on the upper bunk, and the person who pushed him was his roommate, who was already getting dressed quickly at this moment.

The room was a bit cramped, and the red light flashing on the desktop monitor made the environment even more tense and cramped.

Along with the huge red exclamation mark on the monitor, an electronic sound also sounded simultaneously——

[Dangerous homeless, report to cabin 08, monster incident! ]

[Monster Code: Scythe Head, Level: Level 3]

Ayi was a little confused: "Wait, monster? What the hell?!"

Yunmeng's previous trailer did not reveal any information about the monster.

Not only that, but also cut a lot of scenes of aircraft and cannons dispatched, and even more treacherously displayed the mechs and hunter bases of different countries separately, intentionally implying players to think in the direction of "world war" and "mecha war".

A Yi has always guessed this way.

As a result, now that I entered the game, I wanted to fight monsters as soon as I opened my eyes?

Do you want to be so exciting?

I'm not ready yet!

The elder brother who woke him up thought he was drowsy, and while quickly changing his clothes, he said enthusiastically, "Yes! The third-level monster, code-named Scythehead, is the biggest so far!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Our record is about to be updated!"

Although Ah Yi was a bit square, he still followed the instructions and quickly washed his face and changed his clothes.

When I was washing my face, a few photos by the mirror came into view. They were photos of the two of them together, from the photos of the whole family to the photos of the two brothers growing up at different stages.

Looking at his own face in the mirror and the face of his elder brother next to him, Ah Yi immediately understood their relationship—we are brothers!

This strong man is his elder brother.

Brother who grew up together.

After discovering this, Ah Yi's eyes when he looked at his elder brother beside him immediately became a little bit wrong.

The elder brother had already changed his clothes, noticed A Yi's eyes, and asked puzzledly: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"

After being baptized by a large number of NPCs with sub-level artificial intelligence in "Chang'an", Ah Yi has become accustomed to the high intelligence of NPCs, so he is not surprised by his brother's reaction.

"It's nothing, I just have a little premonition." He said while changing clothes quickly.

Because of the edge of the viewing angle, the task countdown has already appeared.

"Don't worry!" Elder brother Yancy has already changed his clothes and is arranging his hairstyle.

——For the convenience of guiding the players, Yunmeng switched the roles of the two brothers at the beginning, so the character of the elder brother has also changed.

"We will definitely win! It's not the first time!" The elder brother was full of confidence.

"Yes, yes." A Yi nodded, "I also think I can win, but I feel that you are a little black..."

After changing his clothes, he put on his leather jacket and went out with his brother to the mission point.

Ah Yi already knows the following plot:

Just like in the first trailer, they're going to change their suits, go into the landing pod, neurally connect with each other, and then — pilot the mechs!

But experiencing this process in person, the feeling is naturally completely different from the trailer——

Richer details, more comprehensive perspective, more delicate feeling!

Rust on the railings and floors, scratches on combat uniforms, stickers on helmets, dull floors... Obviously, this hunter base has existed for a long time, and there are traces of time everywhere.

This greatly deepened Yi's sense of substitution.

When the spinal cord clip was inserted into the armor, one could clearly feel the metal connectors popping out of the spinal cord clip, linking with the unknown equipment in the back armor.

The helmet full of relay gel is buckled on the head, and there is a slight suffocation feeling. After the relay gel is lowered and injected into the circuit armor suit, the suffocation disappears, but the back of the head is a little hot. It seems that something is brewing and accumulating. ...

Until entering the cockpit, logging into the operating system of [Dangerous Wanderer], and starting to synchronize the nerves with the elder brother, the heat flow seemed to find a vent, and entered the spinal cord clamp along the armor circuit, and then entered the mech through the spinal cord clamp The operating system, blended with another stream of heat.

——This process made Ah Yi feel extremely unbelievable.

Because he really had the feeling of "consciousness running and conducting on the circuit", that feeling is so indescribable, but so convincing.

But before he could experience it more carefully, this "running" consciousness suddenly entered a...

How to describe it?

"Rivers of Consciousness"?

A Yi felt that he was drifting in a river of memories, and as he went down the river, memory fragments flashed before his eyes, some were just silhouettes of old photos, and some were memory scenes that could be entered at any time.

At first, it was the content of the two brothers growing up together, but when they reached the youth stage, there were many more pictures of their own memories.

It was the first time he experienced this feeling, and he randomly chose a scene that had just emerged and had not had time to "flow away" to enter.

——This is the memory of elder brother Yang Xi dating his first girlfriend and hugging on the roof to watch the stars.

But as soon as he did this, the elder brother's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Hey!! What are you doing!"

"Um... look at your romance." A Yichou said shamelessly.

These words obviously made my brother a little confused, "What are you thinking! Don't be distracted! Don't chase memories! Concentrate! We must reach a link!"

"Why don't you just watch the kiss? Why are you so nervous." A Yi thought that the elder brother was shy.

But Yang Xi was obviously very shocked: "What are you crazy about!"

Not only the elder brother's voice, but also an electronic notification sound came from Ayi's ear: "Attention! The nerve connection is highly unstable, and the driver is lost."

Then came the voice of the command center: "Wanderer! Wanderer! What happened?"

The old brother tried to save: "It's okay! I'll handle it, I can solve it!"

A Yi is still stubborn: "What lost? I'm very sober!"

Having said that, looking at the countdown of the system that began to flash red light in front of him, Ah Yi wisely suppressed his curiosity and planned to continue the task.


"How to get out?"

"Spirit, focus! Ignore everything in front of you! Feel the link! Feel the homeless!" The old man's voice became more and more anxious.

"Okay, I'll try." Ayi replied.

And it's surprisingly simple.

He easily jumped out of this memory and returned to that river of memory.

But before he could proceed to the next step, he was suddenly attracted by another picture, which was——

The picture of the monster!

Before Ah Yi could react, he subconsciously entered this memory.

Face an unimaginably ferocious beast with a small body of a mortal.

This is a more ferocious and terrifying creature than the monster he saw on Dinosaur Island!

Every step the monster takes will cause huge damage to the city. The building collapses with a roar, the ground shakes, the crowd screams and flees in all directions, and huge concrete blocks fall from the sky, smashing cars into discus...

This doomsday-like scene made Ayi stunned in shock.

The voice that had been ringing in my ears suddenly became distant and inaudible.

As the earth shook and the mountains shook, the monster came step by step, raised its huge feet, and stepped on A Yi!


A Yi subconsciously raised his arms to cover his face.

As he made this action, A Yi suddenly had a strong intuition: there is a powerful force in his hands! This is the power that can directly push away or even knock down monsters!

With death in sight, he had no time to think, and instinctively pushed his hands out!


His hands really burst out with fiery lightning!

Endless light and heat spurted out from his hands!


A Yi suddenly came to his senses, he did emit terrifying light and heat, but not through his own hands, but——[Dangerous Wanderer]'s hands!

The monster is just an illusion in memory, it doesn't exist at all.

'Since the monster doesn't exist, who am I hitting? '

This thought flashed through A Yi's mind.

In the next instant, these two terrifying plasma cannons directly hit the command center of the base.

This weapon, which is also powerful for giant monsters, is completely destructive for humans!

The terrible plasma instantly melted all the equipment and more than 80% of the staff in the command center.

The high-level command was completely wiped out, the equipment in the command center was completely destroyed, the high temperature activated the fire protection measures, the piercing whistle rang throughout the base, and a large amount of carbon dioxide bubbles sprayed out amidst the flashing red lights. The panicked staff were at a loss and ran away from the place A crazy mech.

The entire hunter base was instantly paralyzed.

In the cockpit of the mech, the elder brother Yang Xi looked at A Yi dully, "What have you done?"

A Yi blinked, "I... I don't know either."

Fifteen minutes later, the level 3 monster Scythehead rushed into the unsuspecting hunter base.

The Hunter base in Alaska was wiped out.

In front of A Yi, with the ruins of the entire base as the background, lines of words appeared in front of him——

[The complete destruction of the Alaska base made the human government completely lose confidence in the "Hunter Project", and turned to the inland defense plan, accelerating the construction of huge high walls along the coast. ]

[These high walls are known as "Wall of Life", "Wall of Hope", "Wall of Anti-Monsters", but they have not had the desired effect. ]

[As more and more monsters appeared in the sea and became stronger and stronger, the last Hunter Mech fell down, and all the high walls collapsed. ]

[Monsters rush into the inland, cities are destroyed, pieces of land are polluted, the climate is changing rapidly, and the living environment of human beings is rapidly deteriorating. ]


[Humanity is extinct. ]——

The screen went black a little bit.

【game over】

[You have achieved the ending——]

【Humanity is wiped out】


A Yi looked at the game production list slowly scrolling up in front of him, with a look of bewilderment.

After a long time, he finally found his vocal cords——


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