Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 928 No way! Really not!

In the darkness, a narration sounded——

[When I was young, I often looked up at the stars at night, wondering if there would be aliens there. ]

[But I didn't expect that I looked in the wrong direction...]

Blue lightning lights up in the dark.

[Aliens did not appear from the stars, but entered our world from the depths of the Pacific Ocean. ]

[In the gap between the two continental plates, there is a passage connecting different dimensions, that is - the crossing. ]

The blue lightning is denser, the fish are far away, and the crimson cracks are elongated and cracked in the sea water and lightning.

[The first monster landed in San Francisco. ]

The picture leaves the bottom of the sea.

A gigantic monster more than 90 meters high appears in the picture, it strides heavily, advancing unstoppably on the river, destroying all obstacles by him.

The iconic Red Gate Bridge also collapsed due to trampling, and vehicles and pedestrians fell.

The fighter jets risked approaching and crazily poured firepower at the giant beast, but the effect was minimal, and in a blink of an eye, it was drawn into a ball of explosive flames by the tail of the giant beast.

[Planes, tanks, artillery, it took six full days to bring them down. ]

[By then it had destroyed three cities and killed tens of thousands of lives. ]


A Yi and the audience watched this cutscene together, and slowly calmed down the previous intense emotions.

"After all, he failed to save the person." He was a little depressed.

Especially in the end when the elder brother turned the head of the mech and exchanged his own life for his. At that time, the consciousness of the two was still connected, and he could clearly feel the elder brother's movements and determination.

So it's even more pity.

But he still accepted the result and didn't plan to load the file again and start over.

——This is a very rational choice, because the development team has imagined almost all the situations this time, and formulated countermeasures to prevent players from saving the NPC brother. After all, the death of the brother will affect the entire main storyline.

Ayi and the audience watched quietly together:

One after another, huge monsters entered the earth from the [crossing point] on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, and emerged from the sea to attack the city.

Their blood and bodies are highly poisonous, and they will pollute large tracts of land at an alarming rate, making them unfit for human existence. Traditional thermal weapons not only have limited power, but also seriously amplify this terrible pollution. To win, the price is too heavy to accept.

In the end, all countries put aside their previous suspicions, united and pooled resources to build human beings' own "monsters" - "Hunter Mechs" to fight against monsters.

This is the [Hunter Project].

Then came the development of the [Hunter Project], from a single driver to a double driver.

Victory after battle, the mech pilot becomes a hero and a star.

Everything seems to be getting better.

But this passionate and good time didn't last long-the monsters that came through were getting stronger and stronger, and they kept adapting and evolving.

The battle is getting harder and harder, and the rate of loss of mechs even exceeds the rate of construction, so that it is unsustainable.

Therefore, in the eyes of the governments of various countries, [Hunter Project] is no longer a good strategy, and cannot continue to effectively defend against monster attacks.

[The Hunter Project] was terminated.

Building walls on the coastline has become a new choice.



At the end of the broadcast, a new system prompt appeared——

[Losing your brother in battle, the grief, the pain, the regret haunts you so that you can never fight again. ]

[So, you left the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force and started a wandering life without a fixed place. ]

"Ah?" A Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately retorted, "Don't! I can still fight!"

"Give me another chance!"

He was indeed a little sad when his brother died, but it was painful to die, and he could no longer fight...

That's not the case!

Not at all!

Unfortunately, his opinion does not count.

As soon as the screen changed, he appeared on the scaffolding at a certain construction site.

The system prompts his current location——

【Alaska Wall of Life】

The moment A Yi saw the surrounding environment clearly, he immediately clung to the steel frame in front of him, and his legs were a little weak.

He actually stood at a height of 100 meters in the air!

On one side of the body is the sea in the thick fog, and on the other side is a magnificent giant wall that has never been seen in human history, extending to the end of the line of sight, blocked by the thick fog and the steel frame next to the giant wall Hold the line of sight.

On the steel frames near and far, there are bright sparks flickering from time to time, which are other workers who are working.

Looking down, there are also only vertical and horizontal steel frames under your feet.

This steel frame looks very strong, but the foothold is too narrow! If you step on the air, you may fall vertically from a height of 100 meters and fall into a piece of meatloaf!

A Yi hastily checked the seat belt on his chest that had been used for a long time and was hard to trust—it was this seat belt that tied him to the steel frame and was his only safety measure.

As for the others, apart from the welding machine in front of him, there is only a hammer in the tool bag!

"Are you really asking me to do electric welding?" A Yi was incredulous.

"I don't have a welder's certificate. If you ask me to do welding, aren't you afraid that the steel frame will collapse tomorrow?"

A Yi complained about himself and was merciless.

But after complaining, I still picked up the electric welding machine honestly, after thinking about how to use this thing, I found the switch under the prompt of the system, and then continued to weld down the previous welding marks.

Although the appearance of the welding is uneven, not only does it look like a novice, but the welding effect is also very doubtful, but fortunately the system does not dislike it and judges that he has successfully welded.

After welding here, it seems that he is not scared enough, the next welding point is still higher!

There is no elevator in this ghost place, so you have to rely on a safety rope to climb up the rusty metal ladder until you reach the highest place.

"Is it sick..." A Yi raised his neck and looked at the welding points that were two floors up and shimmering.

"Are you in such a hurry to send me to see my brother?"

With tools on his back and pulling his own safety rope, Ayi started to move cautiously.

He didn't dare to stand up and walk at all. He still sat on the steel frame, moved to the side of the ladder with his hands and buttocks, and climbed up little by little.

Fortunately, the destination is not far away, and the two floors are less than 10 meters away.

He quickly got his hands on the last bar and was just one step away from success.

But suddenly, the rusty horizontal bar under his feet broke without warning!

A Yi stepped on the ground and leaned forward.


The crisp sound of his head hitting the steel frame made him dizzy for a moment, and he fell from the ladder weakly.

Fortunately, he has always attached great importance to the safety rope, and did not let go of the safety rope in order to climb up quickly. This seemingly unreliable rope is now firmly holding his body, hanging him in mid-air fall down.

A Yi was dangling in the sky with his head down, his face was pale, and he couldn't even scream.

Only the panicked shouts of the workers next to his ears can comfort his wounded heart a little.

"Stop screaming! Hurry up and save me!"

Others were dangling in the air, and there was no way to save themselves unless they stopped.

Fortunately, the workers were still reliable, one by one put down what they were doing and started to move towards his position.

But when working at heights, no one dared to walk too fast, and his position was too high, and no one came to him until the shaking stopped.

After stilling, Ah Yi could already try to save himself.

But he did nothing.

Because a strange thing suddenly caught his attention:

On the sea facing him, the shape of the dense fog is changing rapidly, as if some huge monster is about to emerge from the dense fog.

"No, yes, right..." A Yi almost groaned and said these three words.

In the next second, a huge head popped out of the thick fog. The moment this head appeared, it issued a declaration of destruction to the entire wall of life, as well as all the human beings who were working on the wall and living behind the wall. ——


The deafening roar shook away the thick fog on the sea, completely revealing its body——

This is a turquoise monster with thick wings, but it doesn't seem to be able to fly. It has sharp teeth, thick limbs, and a big mouth that can be opened to a terrifying 160 degrees. Just by roaring, it can set off a strong wind!

The majestic wall of life that was originally used to block him was as high as when it landed on all fours!

The world seemed to be quiet for a moment.

The next moment, the workers who had moved over cautiously and wanted to rescue A Yi turned around and ran away without hesitation!

——Instead of moving cautiously like before, I untied the safety rope without even thinking about it, and walked like flying on the steel frame with a width of only 20 centimeters!

Run fast one by one!

"Fuck! Wait! Take me and run with you!"


Ah Yi shouted loudly.

But no one responded to him...

Only the equipment and equipment thrown away by the workers continued to collide with the steel frame during the fall, and there was a sound of "dang" and "dang".

In addition, there are the panicked screams of the ants-like crowd on the ground, and the approaching monsters, and the increasingly heavy footsteps.

The slight tremor on the ground was transmitted to the steel frame 100 meters high, and it turned into a violent shaking!

A Yi, who was dumped in the air, shook violently again!


A Yi was shaking and crying alone in the sky, desperately longing for someone to save him.


The safety rope snapped.

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