Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 931 Another quest line!

In a game of mecha vs. monsters, being a construction worker...

No matter how you think about it, this thing is completely outrageous and ridiculous.


"The theme of the game is mechs and monsters, so isn't the wall I built destined to be knocked down by monsters?"

"Then what am I planning?"

Super Tomatoes are very speechless.

But if you are speechless, you still have to give it a try. What if he guesses wrong?

He clicked [Finish Welding] to restart the task.

A new mission description will appear soon——

[Looking for the foreman]: Your team leader is in urgent need of help, please go to him as soon as possible.

Super Tomato looked at the dots on the map, and suddenly found that the "Foreman" was at the place where the mech and the monster fell down!

"I knew that Yunmeng wouldn't let it go! I'll still find a way to lure the player back to the main line of mech pilots!"

Super Tomato was happy again, and rushed to find the foreman.


A battle between monsters and mechs almost destroyed half of the city.

Even if the battle is over now, everything has not calmed down. As far as the eye can see, there are countless people affected by the disaster. Almost all the uninjured people are participating in the disaster relief. The wounded are everywhere, and some people are kneeling on the edge of the ruins and crying Crying, I don't know if I lost my family or my house.

— or both.

From time to time, some dangerous buildings suddenly collapsed, causing huge troubles for rescue.

Super Tomato walked all the way, it was like walking in hell on earth, the end of the excitement quickly faded, and turned into a deep understanding of the horror of monsters.

"Sure enough, I still have to block the monsters on the coastline and be rushed into the city. The price caused is too heavy!"

With this in mind, Super Tomatoes found Foreman among the crowd.

The location is directly below the corpse of the monster and the almost wrecked mecha.

The severely damaged mecha can still bring a huge visual impact when viewed from below:

The torn cable sparked, the engine exposed to the air spewed smoke, the breastplate was torn a huge opening, exposing the steel and iron bones inside, the broken thigh was lying 30 meters away from the body, and the fracture was also Dense wires and mechanical mechanisms.

Looking closer, Super Tomato was amazed—Yunmeng actually made the internal structure of the mecha!

Even if it was a mecha that was scrapped after only one appearance.

"Yes, my money was not wasted!"

This is the first response from Super Tomatoes.

——It is true that Lin You did not make mechas out of money. The structures of the mechas in the game are probably based on the real mechas in reality, after a certain amount of imagination and exaggeration.

That's great!

Compared with mechs, dead monsters give people a very bad sense.

As soon as Super Tomato got close, he smelled an extremely pungent smell, his lungs felt very uncomfortable, and he started coughing crazily.

A viscous blue liquid is flowing out of the wound where the monster was shot. Intuitively speaking, this should be the blood of the monster, but when Super Tomato gets closer, it doesn't look like it no matter what——

This thing can even corrode concrete floors!

It's hard to imagine this kind of astonishing corrosiveness being the blood in a living being.

While observing the blood, Super Tomato was suddenly hit on the head by a mask.

"wanna die!"

The foreman cursed and handed him the chemical protective suit, "After the monster dies, the body will quickly decompose itself, and the blood will evaporate into the air. If you inhale this thing into your body, just wait for pulmonary edema!"

Super Tomato really felt uncomfortable, so he quickly put on the mask and asked, "Then what are we going to do? Help repair the mecha?"

"You're a brick-and-mortar repairer!" the foreman taught mercilessly.

——I can't weld either! But it's not welded yet.

Super Tomato complained silently, and then asked, "Then why are we here?"

"The corpse of the monster is here, what do you think we can do?"

"Huh? A corpse of a monster?" This was not what Super Tomato thought.

He looked up and found that when he was wearing a chemical protective suit, there were actually a group of people wearing chemical protective suits surrounding the monster's corpse, holding chainsaws, cutters, hammers, picks... all kinds of things. A common thing on the construction site, he greeted the corpse of the monster.

"Um...cut the monster into pieces, and help the victim vent their anger?" he guessed.

"?" The foreman obviously didn't expect such a bizarre answer, "Is there something wrong with your brain? What does it have to do with us if someone else dies?"

"Then what do you mean?" Super Tomato couldn't think of any other reason.

"Purchase, stupid boy!" The foreman hated iron for steel, "The monster's carapace, claws, teeth, and even lymph nodes, everything can be sold!"

"As long as the corpse is processed quickly before it decomposes, everything on it can be sold! And it can be sold at a high price! One tooth is enough for you to move bricks on the construction site for 10 years!"

The foreman said while handing him a chainsaw, "Since this is your first time, let's do something simple! Go saw the bones in the monster's corpse. There is no technical content. You can saw as much as you can!" "

Super Tomato took the saw in bewilderment, "But aren't we workers? And... isn't this a military trophy?"

"We are helping them clean up the battlefield!" The foreman said confidently, "As for the workers... these days, how can they survive without doing some side jobs? Cut the nonsense, hurry up! I will give you 250 dollars per pound of bones, do I have to take you to Hong Kong to make a fortune!"

"Why go to Hong Kong?"

"Because [Hunter Project] is over, all the last mechs have gone to Hong Kong, only there will be monster corpses, and there will be big money!"

The foreman explained one last time, and then pushed the Super Tomato impatiently.

Only then did Super Tomato hold the saw, and drilled in along the hole someone else had made on the monster's corpse—after the monster died, the originally indestructible armor quickly softened, making it easy to cut open.

The moment he got into the monster's corpse, Super Tomato was immediately disgusted!

The pungent smell rushed straight to the forehead along the nostrils, and even the chemical protective clothing could not stop it, and the body was walking through a piece of flesh and blood of bright blue light, dirty, sticky, disgusting to the point of exploding!

Super Tomato almost spat in the suit.

Then he finally thought of one thing——

"Bullshit dynamic difficulty, I don't want to play anymore!"

He struggled to lower the difficulty of the game from [Dynamic Difficulty], which is equivalent to [18+] for adults, to [12+].

Although the visual changes seem to be small, the disgusting taste and touch are greatly weakened, and the [pain feeling] is also forcibly turned off.

Immediately, Super Tomato felt better and began to concentrate on finding the bone saw.

——Although this job is a bit bad, it has a high income anyway, and I can take a ride to the next map.

He is very curious now, if he does not follow the kingly plot of "Mecha vs. Monster", where will this plot line of "reselling monster materials on the black market" take him.

Super Tomatoes are interested.

Yunmeng apparently gave him a surprise again, and he even had some doubts: even if he didn't join this quest line of [reselling monster materials], there were still other routes to choose from.

After all, there are still so many casual players who like to join in the fun, watch big scenes, and explore around, but just don't like fighting.

Yunmeng will also earn their money, right?

Since they want to make money, there should be a "travel and sightseeing" task line!

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