Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 935 Fight monsters online!

Originally, I wanted to simply retell the blocked content of the previous chapter, but when I woke up, the previous chapter was also blocked.

forget about it.

I don't want to change it, because I can't think of how to change it to keep the fun.

Just pretend I haven't written it.

But I still have to explain.

But as long as it's not for the sake of vulgarity, I really don't think it's a problem to tell a joke about Xiasanlu occasionally. "Story Club" is bigger than mine.

However, the current review mechanism does not allow it, so forget it.

Let's get to the point.


After A Yi entered the room, he was about to give the water friends a "room tour" and show them around his new house, but someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Ah?" A Yi turned to look at the door, "You really don't want to come to me for a drink, do you?"

When I opened the door, I found that it was Hercules Hansen, the father of the [Eureka Raiders] father and son driver.

A Yi subconsciously clenched his fists.

He had just had a fight with someone else's son, and now his father came looking for him, no matter how you think about it, it was not a good person.

But he didn't want this mature uncle to be completely different from his own son, and lightly exposed the conflict between the two, but instead recalled with A Yi their experience of fighting side by side——

"Remember? In Manila, we used to fight side by side."


Of course Ah Yi didn’t remember, but soon, a familiar small window appeared in front of his eyes——

[Echoes activated: Battle of Manila]

"Oh, I remembered, it was a wonderful battle." A Yi responded casually.

Because of the game experience of "Chang'an", he is no stranger to [Echo].

It is a specific "memory" scene elicited by certain "characters" or "objects". Players can enter the corresponding scene to experience that memory in person.

To put it bluntly, it is [copy].

Therefore, he casually chatted with Uncle Hansen, and planned to send him away, so as not to delay his writing.

Hansen is obviously not a person who is good at words. After talking about the misunderstanding between his son and his old comrade-in-arms, he took the initiative to leave.

But before leaving, he said seriously to A Yi: "We are comrades-in-arms, and I trust you 100%. If we die in battle, [Eureka Raiders] will be yours."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Ayi stunned in place.

Apparently, he also knew about Ah Yi's covetousness towards the fifth-generation mecha, but not only did he not get angry, he also solemnly approved him.

This heavy trust made A Yi feel guilty immediately.

After feeling guilty for 3 seconds, A Yi quickly closed the door and lay down on the bed, opened the panel, and entered [Echo Dungeon].

[Want to get into Echoes: The Battle for Manila? ]

[yes! ]

[Please choose: single-player mode, single-mech online mode, full-mech online mode]

"Can you still connect?" A Yi was a little surprised, "Then connect! Wait for me to shake someone!"

A Yi invited Yelang to join the team without hesitation, and then started the [Full Mecha Online Mode] matchmaking.

As always, without any waiting, A Yi left the room when the light and shadow changed, and appeared in the cockpit of the mecha.

But he immediately realized that this was not the cockpit of [Dangerous Wanderer], and the difference was not small.

He immediately looked at the holographic display in front of him, and found the name of the mecha he was driving, and it was—

[Eureka Raiders]!

The mechs of the father and son.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to check the weapons and performance of the mecha, nor was he in the mood to observe the situation outside. Instead, he immediately turned his head and said to his teammate who had shaken him, "Call Dad!"

At the same time, Yelang, who was invited by Ah Yi to join the team, also shouted at him: "Call me dad!"

"I'm the captain, you should respect the captain, call daddy and listen."

"The captain should take care of the team members, you should call me!"


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and even the two people in the cockpit of the mecha felt the vibration of the ground.

The two who couldn't take advantage of each other stopped their generational struggle, turned on the synaesthesia system, and synchronized nerve signals.

However, they did not enter the "river of consciousness and memory" in the single-player game, but a few blurred lights and shadows flashed in front of them, and the system prompted "Successful Synchronization".

Ayi and Yelang felt a little regretful, but they also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there have been speculations before, there should be no such exaggerated things as reading the player's memory - reading the NPC's memory and reading the player's memory are not at the same level.

But now that it's confirmed, she subconsciously breathes a sigh of relief.

After all, no one wants to share their memories with others, no matter how close the relationship is.

But even though they didn't see each other's memory, Ayi and Yelang still entered into a wonderful "synesthesia".

They all felt their scalps were slightly hot, the hairs on their bodies stood up, and their limbs not only obeyed their own commands, but also seemed to be controlled by others when they were emptying their minds.

"This feeling... so magical." Yelang raised his arm, and seeing A Yi also raised his arm at the same time, he couldn't help but admire.

"Invincible, double combat power!" Ayi was full of confidence, and switched to the perspective of the mecha, "If you want three mechas to cooperate, one can overthrow!"

"A fifth-generation machine beats a fourth-generation monster. Isn't that beating your son?!"

After finishing speaking, A Yi still didn't forget to turn his head to look at Yelang: "I'm not talking about you."

"??" Yelang was stunned for a moment, "Are you going to die if you don't take advantage of me?"

"Hahaha, don't care about these details, let's go!"

The two controlled the mechs, took heavy steps, and faced the monster that was landing.

At the same time, [Horizon Warriors] and [Dangerous Wanderers] driven by other players also greeted them from both sides.

The physique of the monster that landed did not take the strong route—although it is amazing enough, what is more eye-catching is the pair of huge, sharp exoskeletons extending from the body like a sickle, like a Cruel and deadly praying mantis.

Just like its name-

【Blood Mantis】!

The moment it boarded the port, it started charging!

"Come on!" In the team channel, the unfamiliar teammates also became excited.

The three mechas accelerated at the same time, rushed towards the monster, and——


The dangerous homeless man next to him tried to move his right leg while moving his left leg, but accidentally lost his balance and fell down vigorously, and the small building next to him was smashed to pieces.

"Ah?" Ah Yi was shocked, "What are you doing?"

In the cockpit of the dangerous homeless person who crashed down, the two people looked at each other in dismay.

Before they had time to speak, the voice of another group of people came from the team channel: "Steady, steady! It's about to fall! It's about to fall!"

A Yi turned his head and looked over, and found that the [Horizon Warrior] on the right was even more outrageous-it ran with the same hands and feet!

And it was very unstable, he ran crookedly, couldn't walk in a straight line at all, and the buildings on both sides of the road were trampled badly, and he felt like he would fall down in a second.

"What are you all doing?" A Yi was completely dumbfounded.

Because these four comrades were unreliable, the mecha controlled by Yi and Yelang became the only one running ahead in a blink of an eye, which immediately attracted the hatred of the monsters.

Blood Mantis jumped up, brandished the exoskeleton "Scythe Hand", and slashed down fiercely.

"Look at me empty-handed!" Ah Yi shouted.

"Ah?" Yelang, who was about to raise his left arm to block, was taken aback immediately, but his character was not strong, so he immediately changed to cooperate with A Yi.

But this momentary pause inevitably made the mecha move a beat slower.

Finally, the two iron hands of the mecha clapped together with a "Peng", making a huge metal collision sound.

At the same time, there was a huge "boom"!

That was the sound of Blood Mantis' knife arm passing through the mecha's hands, slamming heavily on the mecha's head, and splitting the skull with a knife, smashing the two pilots in the cockpit into meatloaf.

Three system prompts appeared in front of everyone——

[Ayi is dead]

[Yelang is dead]

[Pilots are all killed, Eureka Raiders exit the battlefield]


The four drivers who were still alive were shocked.

Sorry, the enthusiasm has been somewhat affected. I forgot to read and check after I finished writing today. There were many typos. I was reminded in the group that it has been changed. You can refresh it. Sorry for affecting everyone's perception.

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