Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 946 You can change mechas!


Before Super Tomato could even utter the last words, it was hit by a homeless man who fell from the sky.

Two thousand tons of iron lumps fell from the stratosphere, and the terrifying kinetic energy was almost equivalent to a small space-based weapon!

The fourth-level monster possessed by a super tomato was undoubtedly smashed instantly!

The monster's minced meat and blood sprayed out like a goddess scattering flowers, and a blood rain fell within a radius of one kilometer.

However, this restricted picture is not something that Super Tomatoes can see.

When the monsters died, he was kicked out of Yi's world—the two monsters were all killed, and the battle was over.

As for his gains from this invasion...

[Evolution Points: 1, Biological Substrate: 10]

After returning to his own world, Super Tomato looked at this number and was speechless for a long time.

Amidst the wild laughter of the fans, Super Tomato concluded: "Very good, we have successfully tested the guaranteed reward of [Invasion Gameplay], this can be put into the strategy video to talk about it, plus one material, no loss. "

On the other side, Ah Yi and Makoto did not die.

They struggled hard to get off the operating equipment, got out of [Dangerous Wanderer]'s nearly flattened skull with a big hole open, passed over the broken mech arm that was broken to protect the skull, and then got out from the mech that was also turned into wreckage. He got out from the gap between his legs, and finally got down on the ground again, turning his head to look at the huddled body of the mecha.

At the last moment, they curled up the body of [Dangerous Wanderer] and hid his head in the very middle.

As a price for their survival, the [Dangerous Wanderers] were all but reduced to wreckage.

However, they won the battle after all!

The overwhelming cheers and wild rewards in the live broadcast room are their highest recognition for this battle.

"With such a wonderful battle as the curtain call, it is already a very good ending." Mako came over and patted Yi on the back lightly.

He saw A Yi staring blankly at the [Dangerous Wanderer] who had fallen into a bad shape, and thought that A Yi was sad for the death of the old man, so he came over to comfort him very considerately.

"Ah?" A Yi was stunned for a moment before realizing, "Oh, yes, yes."

Obviously, Ah Yi is not so sentimental, what he thinks now is: what to do next?

Is Yunmeng imitating Night City's car repair mechanism, pulling the mech back into the warehouse, and once the door is closed, it will be repaired perfectly after reading a note?

Or just replace it?

In the last few seconds when he fell from the sky, he was in a state of high mental tension. The instructions from the command center and the warning sounds from the mecha operating system continued continuously, so that he didn't notice the two skipped lines in his field of vision at all. Special system prompts:

[Encountered a friend invasion, please be vigilant! ]

[The invasion is over, you have won! ]

As a result, Ayi was unaware of Super Tomato's invasion from the beginning to the end...

As for the question he is most concerned about now: what to do with the mecha next, they will know soon——

Base staff took them back to the Shattered Dome like heroes.

At this time, the base was already very busy.

Because the monster unexpectedly evolved an offensive organ capable of releasing electromagnetic pulses, which paralyzed the power equipment and numerical control systems of the base and most of the city. The base is busy restarting, overhauling, and adding protection to avoid being attacked again.

But even so, when Ayi and Mako returned to the base, they were greeted with cheers from mountains and tsunami.

Everyone stopped their work and gathered to applaud and cheer for their unprecedentedly exciting battle.

Even the usually serious general praised them loudly, uncharacteristically: "I have never seen such a wonderful battle! Never before! Unbelievable!"

The onlookers applauded enthusiastically again, with cheers one after another, which greatly satisfied A Yi's vanity.

But when the celebration was over and the general entered the small meeting room, the atmosphere quickly froze.

The general's first words were:

"[Cherno Alpha] was destroyed, the pilots, the Kadnovskys, were both killed."

Here's more bad news:

"[Crimson Storm] was severely damaged. Although the mecha can be repaired, the driver was killed and two injured, and he was unable to continue driving."

"[Eureka Raiders], Hansen suffered an arm injury and will not be able to pilot the mech for at least two months."

"[Dangerous homeless] are no longer repairable and will be sent to the [Forgotten Cemetery] after all salvageable parts have been removed."

"You two, get ready. After [Crimson Storm] is repaired and refitted, it will be handed over to you to drive. Mako has presided over the repair and refit of [Dangerous Wanderer] before, and now he is a good enough driver. Therefore, during the refitting process, you You can also join."

A Yi's eyes lit up.

It's a pity that a comrade-in-arms died.

But we have only known each other for a few hours, and we don't have much friendship, so it is impossible to feel sad.

Compared with this, the fact that the fourth-generation mecha will be replaced soon is obviously more exciting!

In particular, this is the [Crimson Storm] that has been announced long ago, and has even been created in reality!

In terms of popularity, it is even higher than [Dangerous Wanderer].

——This is the fourth generation mech, it sounds better than the third generation!

Not to mention, they also have the right to modify.

Previously [Dangerous Wanderer] could not be modified because there was no stock in the base.

But now, with the sudden death of the two mechas, a lot of good things have come out at once—even the first-generation Cherno Alpha has undergone several modifications, and its strength far exceeds those of the first-generation mechs in [Forgotten Graveyard] A, there are many good things.

This wave is greatly enhanced!

Ah Yi thought about strange things such as "anti-injury armor", "plasma knife", "belly button gun" on the spot, and couldn't help thinking: "If we fight again, can we drive the fifth-generation mecha?" gone?"

However, before he could think too far, the general said with a serious face: "There is a more serious problem: we must figure out why two monsters appeared at the same time this time!"

"This is an unprecedented state of affairs."

"I have to deal with the follow-up matters of the destruction of the Hong Kong urban area. You can go to see Professor Newton and Professor Herman for me, and ask them if they have any clues."

"By the way, tell them if they don't have a clue, then they can say goodbye to their research funding!"

After the general said all these things, he turned and left in a hurry to go about his own affairs.

Ayi, led by Makoto, went to find two weird professors to learn about their research results - the mecha was still being transported and recycled, and it would take a while to modify it.

Mako was frowning all the way - she obviously felt that the two professors were not very reliable.

On the contrary, Ah Yi was full of confidence.

He was sure: Even if the two professors didn't know what was going on, there must be relevant clues.

——Otherwise, is the plot going to get stuck?

The subsequent development was indeed as Ah Yi expected:

Professor Herman pulled out two huge blackboards full of formulas, introduced a bunch of specious knowledge about wormhole travel, mass, energy, etc. to them, and also substituted the time data of previous monster invasions for calculations, and the results were also Fits his formula perfectly.

And most importantly: according to his calculations, there will be another [double event] soon!

As for Professor Newton...

This buddy is even more outrageous!

When Ah Yi and the three of them walked into the laboratory, the old man was twitching on the ground, rolling his eyes.

It looks like it's going to die...

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