Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 951 A steady stream of new things!

The petitions from overseas spread to China, and the players of Daxia did not forget to take time to pay attention to it despite their busy schedules.

And among these attentions, there is a very special person.

[Yunmeng All-Star Track], sixth place in [any% list] and eighth place in [100% list]: Yunluo.

She once won the first place in the [any% list] alternately with Han Qing, the king of the track, but only recently has she gradually lost her competitiveness for the first place.

But it's not that her ability has reached its limit, but that she has hit the ceiling simply because of her talent.

——Different from Han Qing's guess of "a certain quasi-professional driver who doesn't want to reveal her identity", she is just a sophomore in high school this year.

Without any professional training.

She was able to compete with Han Qing for number one in the world, not because of her driving skills, but because of some rare disease.

It may not be accurate to say this, because her symptoms are too rare, and there is no accurate pathological name at present-she just responds very "quickly", so fast that it is abnormal!

When I was young, my parents thought she had ADHD, and when I grew up, they thought it was anxiety disorder, and later suspected it was motor neuropathy...

After going to the hospital many times, seeing many doctors, and listening to many complicated medical terminology, the parents can only come to one conclusion: all those symptoms are because their children's neurological response speed is naturally faster than normal. People are faster.

But this kind of "fastness" also caused her to change her emotions and attention, which made it difficult for her to stay focused for a long time-everything that was slow, boring, and repetitive would make her restless.

Parents have been encouraging her: overcome these problems, you can become a sports genius!

But Yun Luo discovered a few months ago: Maybe, compared to sports genius, I am more suitable to be a game master?

She successfully broke into the top 100 in the [Test the Sword World] contest, and also successfully grabbed a sword in the [Sword from Heaven] event—by the way, in the signing event of the [Virtual World Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty] , drank a glass of cat poop wine that made her sick for a long time...

The racing method brings out her advantages to the fullest, and even at the beginning stage, she can compete with the top professional drivers!

It wasn't until her talent was brought to the limit and she began to pay attention to every detail on the track that her inexperienced flaws were exposed and she began to slowly fall behind.

——After all, top drivers are all talented people, but she doesn't even have a driver's license, and all her driving skills come from games.

So Yun Luo was not dissatisfied, and went to play the new game happily.

But in "Pacific Rim", she encountered a completely unexpected problem: the core selling point of "Pacific Rim" - driving mechs to fight monsters, she experienced very unsmoothly.

Because she was used to being "fast" in the virtual world, but the mecha couldn't be "fast" at all because of its huge size.

Her jumpy thinking and fast-changing attention make her have a lot of problems with neural connections!

Even if you are connected to an NPC in a stand-alone state, the synchronization rate keeps fluctuating up and down, let alone online.

The first time she opened the Echo Dungeon, matched with other players, and when driving the mech together, the synchronization rate was terribly low!

Finding the operating system of the mecha on the river of consciousness and memory was easy for Yunluo, but it was as difficult as heaven to synchronize the operating habits and movement coordination with another teammate.

The teammates couldn't adapt to her rhythm at all.

Because the synchronization rate was too low, the mech swayed in place for a long time without being able to move. The teammates looked at her several times, and finally couldn't help asking her: "Are you overseas Chinese?"

"?" Yun Luo was stunned on the spot, "Why do you ask that?"

"The synchronization rate is so low, your Chinese must be poor, right? But you look like a standard Daxia person, so..."

"???" Yun Luo raised a question mark in his head, "You are insulting me!"

"Ah?" The teammate was confused, "Where did I insult you?"

"Although I'm from southern Hokkien and my Mandarin is really not very good, I won't be expelled from Daxia, right?!" Yun Luo was furious.

"Ah... sorry!" The teammate decisively apologized.


This echo dungeon ended in their fiasco.

After this unpleasant online connection ended, Yun Luo just wanted to go online to ask if there were any players who had encountered the same problem, when he saw the voice of overseas petitions.

Seeing that she wanted to petition herself.

But her family knows her own affairs, and she is very clear: this is not a problem with the game itself, but because of her special situation, she encountered this problem. I am afraid it will be difficult to find enough people to petition together.

This made her very frustrated.

But she was very unwilling to give up a large part of the core gameplay of the game, so she pouted and began to collect information, hoping to see if she could solve this problem.

This was a helpless move in a depressed mood, but she actually discovered a piece of valuable information——

["Pacific Rim" not only has giant hunter mechas and small mecha-like exoskeletons, but also medium-sized mechas! ]

In this post, the poster [Qingyan Canmeng] found a sealed underground warehouse while exploring the hunter base, and found four mechas ranging from 10 meters to 20 meters there.

After checking excitedly, he found that the mechs were not damaged, but had run out of energy.

If it can replenish energy, it should be able to drive!

So he asked many NPCs about the four mechs.

After a few errands and conversations, he learned that these mechas were "prototype models" of the Hunter mechs.

It is a transitional form between [design drawings] and [built products] of the expensive hunter mecha, a technical verification link.

Of course, this was only the early days. Later, as the construction technology of mechas became more mature, even if every hunter mecha was no longer the same, this kind of verification was no longer necessary.

So the medium-sized mecha disappeared naturally.

Of course, Qingyan Canmeng would not stop here, she went to the general at the base again, trying to activate these mechs.

The general was full of big plans to "blow up the wormhole and save the world", so he rejected him sternly.

——Qingyan Canmeng speculates that this may be because the medium-sized mecha is a game after "Save the World", and it will only be unlocked after clearing the main storyline.

But the player never liked to play according to the planned idea, so he went to the technical officer who was in charge of the construction of these medium-sized mechas, and successfully triggered a series of missions.

He guessed: The end of the series of missions is the time to activate these medium-sized mechs!

No final conclusion was given, just because the series of tasks were too long, he hadn't finished them yet.

"Awesome!!!" Yun Luo immediately liked the post, and returned to the game to find the warehouse described in the post.

——If you can't drive a large mecha, then you can't make do with a medium mecha!

It's just that she doesn't understand: Why did Yunmeng put these medium-sized mechs in the game?

And: How many things did Yunmeng put in this game? !

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